Scouting in New Jersey

Scouting in New Jersey

Scouting in New Jersey has a long history, from the 1910s to the present day, serving thousands of youth in programs that suit the environment in which they live. In fact, the second National BSA Headquarters was in North Brunswick.


Early history (19101950)

Camp Glen Gray, located in Bergen County, New Jersey (Northern New Jersey Council) has been continually active since 1917, and was originally 150 acres (0.61 km2) located in a valley in the Ramapo Mountains in New Jersey. Camp Glen Gray is named after Frank Fellows Gray, (18691935) a well known early professional Scouter of that area. It was selected and developed by Gray to give a permanent summer camp for Scouts, and the camp is the first purpose-built Scout camp in New Jersey. Prior Scout summer camping experiments were typically were temporary affairs at farm fields or church camps. Frank Gray was one of America's earliest Scoutmasters, having started Troop 4 in Montclair, New Jersey, known as the "Lord Baden-Powell Troop" in March 1909. He also created an honor program that was used in New Jersey and in the Brooklyn Council called "Senior Division". The camp ultimately reached a size of about 840 acres (3.4 km2) and was operated by Eagle Rock Council, then Essex Council, and finally Northern New Jersey Council. In 2003, the camp was sold to the Bergen County Parks Commission and operated through a management agreement by the non-profit group Friends of Glen Gray, and is supported by a group of volunteers known as the "Old Guard". While no longer an "official" Boy Scout Camp, it does continue to host a large number of Scouting groups and activities throughout the year, as well as hosting a summer day camp for an area special-needs school.

Notable Scout Walter Marty Schirra, Jr. (March 12, 1923May 3, 2007) earned the rank of First Class in Troop 36 in Oradell, New Jersey. He was one of the original Mercury 7 astronauts. He was also the only person to fly in all of America's first three space programs (Mercury, Gemini and Apollo).

Cub Scouting OriginsTo begin including younger boys to Scouting, James E. West approved the formation of the Boy Rangers of America, a separate organization for boys eight through twelve based on an American Indian theme. The Boy Rangers used the Scout Law and Chief Guide Emerson Brooks was a Boy Scout commissioner in Montclair, New Jersey. The BSA finally began some experimental Cubbing units in 1928 and in 1930 the BSA began registering the first Cubbing packs, and the Boy Rangers were absorbed. The Cub Scouting program used elements of Rudyard Kipling's Jungle Book series, with the Cubmaster taking the role of Akela and the assistant Cubmaster the role of Baloo. The American program also syncretized American Indian elements, with all Cub Scouts belonging to the Webelos tribe, symbolized by the Arrow of Light and led by Akela. Webelos was also an acronym meaning Wolf, Bear, Lion, Scout. The initial rank structure was Wolf, Bear and Lion, with ages of 9, 10 and 11. Dens of six to eight Cubs were entirely led by a Boy Scout holding the position of den chief.

Mortimer L. SchiffAfter a long tenure as vice-president of the BSA beginning in 1910, during which he also appeared on the cover of Time magazine on February 14, 1927, Mortimer L. Schiff was elected as president in 1931, but died after serving one month and Walter Head returned until 1946. Schiff's mother purchased and donated 400 acres (1.6 km2) of land in New Jersey and donated it to the BSA, thus creating Mortimer L. Schiff Scout Reservation as a national training center. Both Mortimer and his son, John M. Schiff, received the Silver Buffalo Award from the BSA.

William "Green Bar Bill" HillcourtWilliam Hillcourt was one of the BSA's most prolific writers. He wrote numerous articles for Boys' Life and Scouting magazines, including a column aimed at patrol leaders under the by-line of "Patrol Leader Green Bar Bill". At least 12,610,000 copies of his three editions of the Boy Scout Handbook were printed. Hillcourt died in Europe while on a Scouting tour in 1992. He is buried with his wife Grace in St. Joseph's Cemetery in Mendham, New Jersey at Row 8, Block I, to be near Mortimer L. Schiff Scout Reservation as he had lived for so many years. His legacy in Scouting and his influence continue in the programs and training of Scouting. Consequently, his writings are still used within the Scouting movement and his material continues to be reprinted in Scouting magazine.[21] The Hiawatha Seaway Council operates the William Hillcourt Scout Museum at Camp Woodland in New York to "keep the traditions of Scouting alive" through the preservation of the history that is a foundation for today's Scouting movement

Order of the ArrowThe first Order of the Arrow ceremony for the Vigil Honor was held in New Jersey by E. Urner Goodman using Scouts from the Treasure Island Scout Reservation. The 1925 and 1936 National Order of the Arrow Lodge Meetings were held at Treasure Island, New Jersey.

Recent history (19501990)

In 1954, the National Council of the Boy Scouts of America moved its National Headquarters from New York City to a new site at the southwest corner of US Routes 1 and 130 in New Brunswick, New Jersey. It also located the Johnston Museum of Scouting history and a conservation education trail there. The national headquarters then moved to Irving Texas in 1979.

Boy Scouting in New Jersey today

There are eight Boy Scouts of America local councils in New Jersey.

Burlington County Council

Burlington County Council serves all of Burlington County. Its camp is Pine Tree Education and Environmental Center. The council is divided into two districts:

  • Quakesen District
  • Mahalala District

Order of the Arrow Lodge: Hunnikick 76

Central New Jersey Council

Central New Jersey Council serves central New Jersey from the Delaware River to the Jersey Shore.

Jersey Shore Council

The Jersey Shore Council serves all of Ocean County and Atlantic County, and part of Burlington and Cape May Counties.

Minsi Trails Council

The Minsi Trails Council is a council of the Boy Scouts of America that serves Scouts of eastern Pennsylvania's Lehigh Valley and Pocono regions as well as parts of western New Jersey.

Monmouth Council

Northern New Jersey Council

The Northern New Jersey Council serves Scouting in Bergen, Essex, Hudson and Passaic counties. The council is divided into nine districts: Black Bear, Iaoapogh Mountains, Southern Valley, Tantaqua and Twin Valleys (Northern Field), and Broken Arrow, Hudson Liberty, Orange Mountains and Robert Treat (Southern Field). In 2007, this council served 37,721 youths.

Patriots' Path Council

The Path Council includes Morris, Sussex, Somerset and Union counties.

Southern New Jersey Council

Southern New Jersey Council is divided into three districts:

  • Baysea District serves Cape May County and Cumberland County (Baysea and Cumberland District merged)
  • White Horse District serves Camden County (formerly Big Timber and Cooper Districts)
  • Old Colony District serves Gloucester and Salem Counties

The council operates three camps:

  • Roosevelt Scout Reservation and Camp Diller (Boy Scout Summer Camp)
  • Pine Hill Scout Reservation
  • Camp Grice (Cub Scout Day Camp)

Order of the Arrow: Te'kening Lodge 37

Discontinued Councils

The following is a partial list of councils (and their districts) in New Jersey that have ceased to exist due to mergers with other councils.

  • Aheka Council, 19391972
    • Merged with Alhtaha Council in 1972
  • Alexander Hamilton Council, 19371968
    • Merged with Hudson Council to form Hudson-Hamilton Council in 1968.
  • Alhtaha Council, 19421972
    • Merged with Aheka Council in 1972
  • Atlantic Area Council, 19261992
    • Merged with Ocean County Council to form present day Jersey Shore Council.
  • Bayonne Council, 19181993
    • Merged with Hudson Hamilton Council in 1993.
  • Bergen Council, 19691998
    • Merged with Essex, Hudson Liberty Council, and Passaic Valley Councils to form present day Northern New Jersey Council.
  • Camden County Council, 19211998
    • Merged into Southern New Jersey Council
  • Eagle Rock Council, 19311976
    • Merged with Robert Treat Council and Orange Mountain Council to form Essex Council.[1]
  • Essex Council, 19761998
    • Merged with Bergen, Hudson Liberty, and Passaic Valley Councils to form present day Northern New Jersey Council.
  • George Washington Council, 19371999
    • Merged with Thomas A. Edison Council to form present day Central New Jersey Council.
  • Hoboken Council, 19211936
  • Hudson Council, 19361968
    • Merged with Alexander Hamilton Council to form Hudson-Hamilton Council in 1968.
  • Hudson Hamilton Council, 19681993
    • Became Hudson Liberty in 1993.
  • Hudson Liberty Council, 19931998
    • Merged with Bergen, Essex, and Passaic Valley Councils to form present day Northern New Jersey Council.
  • Jersey City Council, 19161936
    • Merged with West Hudson Council to form Hudson Council in 1936.
  • Middlesex Council, 19291969
    • Merged with Raritan Council to form Thomas A. Edison Council in 1969.
  • Morris-Sussex Area Council, 19361999
    • Merged with Watchung Area Council to form present day Patriots' Path Council.
    • West Morris District (now part of Black River District in Patriots Path)
  • New Brunswick Council, 19161929
    • Became Middlesex Council in 1929.
  • Newark Area Council, 19151933
  • North Hudson Council, 19191936
  • Ocean County Council, 19401992
    • Merged with Atlantic Area Council to form present day Jersey Shore Council.
  • Orange Mountain Council, 19491976
    • Merged with Eagle Rock Council and Robert Treat Council to form Essex Council.
  • Passaic Valley Council, 19731998
    • Merged with Bergen, Hudson Liberty, and Essex Councils to form present day Northern New Jersey Council.
  • Perth Amboy Council, 19191927
    • Became Raritan Council in 1927.
  • Piasa Bird Council, 19301991
  • Raritan Council, 19271969
    • Merged with Middlesex Council to form Thomas A. Edison Council in 1969.
  • Ridgewood-Glen Rock Council, 19221997
  • Robert Treat Council , 19331976
    • Merged with Eagle Rock Council and Orange Mountain Council to form Essex Council.
  • Tamarack Council, 19351986
  • Thomas A. Edison Council, 19691999
    • Merged with George Washington Council to form present day Central New Jersey Council.
    • Cowaw District
  • Trenton and Mercer Council, 19261937
  • Trenton, Mercer and Warren Area Council, ? – ?
  • Union Council, 19281980
    • Merged with Watchung Area Council in 1980.
  • Upper Mohawk Council, 19371981
  • Watchung Area Council, 19261999
    • Merged with Morris-Sussex Area Council to form present day Patriots' Path Council.
    • Natami District (now divided between Raritan Valley and Black River districts in Patriots Path)
    • Blue Mountain Valley (now part of Raritan Valley District)
    • Patriot District (now part of the Watchung Mountain District)
  • West Hudson Council, ? – 1936
    • Merged with Jersey City Council to form Hudson Council in 1936.

[1] Northern New Jersey Council Merger Graphic

Girl Scouting in New Jersey

Map of Girl Scout Councils in New Jersey

New Jersey is divided into four councils that were created by rearrangement of the previous eleven councils in 2007.

Girl Scouts of Central & Southern New Jersey

The Girl Scouts of Central & Southern NJ covers 9 and a bit counties (Atlantic, Burlington, Camden, Cape Kay, Cumberland, Gloucester, Mercer, Middlesex, Salem, and parts of Monmouth) and serves over 27,000 girls and 11,000 adults. The council includes 3 service centers, 6 camps and 2 mobile resource centers. It was formed by the merger of Camden, Delaware-Raritan, and South Jersey Pines Councils on October 1, 2007. Planned merger date was July 1, 2007, but due to Delaware-Raritan's changed vote, the councils merged on October 1, 2007.

Headquarters: Cherry Hill, NJ


Service Centers:

  • Cherry Hill - 40 Brace Road, Cherry Hill, NJ 08093
  • East Brunswick - 108 Church Lane, East Brunswick, NJ 08816
  • Newfield - 2944 Victoria Avenue, Newfield, NJ 08344

The 6 camps are Inawendiwin in Tabernacle, NJ, Oak Spring in Somerset, NJ, Shepphard's Mill, Camp Sacajawea (SACY) in Newfield, NJ, and Kettle Run in Medford, NJ. They offer summer resident camps, and four day camps, as well as other camping opportunities year round. The outdoor program activities focus on skill building and environmental education.

Girl Scouts Heart of New Jersey

Girl Scouts Heart of New Jersey serves 28,000 girls in Hudson, Essex, Union, Somerset, Hunterdon, Southern Warren and parts of Middlesex counties. It was formed by the merger of Great Essex and Hudson Counties, Rolling Hills, and Washington Rock councils.

Headquarters: Montclair, NJ


Service Centers:

  • East - 120 Valley Road, Montclair, NJ 07042
  • West - 1171 Route 28, North Branch, NJ 08876
  • Central - 201 Grove Street East, Westfield, NJ 07090

Online Shop (for badges, uniforms, and much more):


  • Camp Eagle Islandin the Adirondack Mountains in upstate New York. It was in use as a Girl Scout camp from 1938 until 2008 but is now closed and the council plans to sell it.
  • Camp Lou Henry Hoover - 340 acres (140 ha) in Middleville part of Stillwater Township, New Jersey in Sussex County. It was opened in 1953.
  • Camp Agnes DeWitt Day Camp152 acres (62 ha) in Hillsborough, NJ
  • The Oval in the South Mountain Reservation in Maplewood, NJ
  • Camp Juliette in Elizabeth, NJ
  • Camp Sinawik in Scotch Plains, NJ
  • Oxford Day Camp
  • Lopatcong Day Camp

Girl Scouts of the Jersey Shore

Girl Scouts of the Jersey Shore serves some 16,000 girls and has 6,000 adult volunteers in Ocean and most of Monmouth counties. Created in July 2007 by the merger of Monmouth and Ocean County Councils.

Headquarters: Farmingdale, New Jersey


Service Centers:

  • Toms River, NJ - Ocean Service Center, 1405 Old Freehold Road, Toms River, NJ 08753
  • Farmingdale, NJ - Monmouth Service Center, 242 Adelphia Road, Farmingdale, NJ 07727


  • Camp Sacajawea is 143 acres (58 ha) in Farmingdale, NJ
  • Camp Amity Acres is 57 acres (23 ha) of pine barrens in Waretown, NJ

Girl Scouts of Northern New Jersey

Girl Scouts of Northern New Jersey serves 20.5% of girls aged 5-17 in 160 municipalities including all of Bergen, Morris, Passaic, and Sussex counties and the northern half of Warren County. As of 2011 there were 33,795 girl members and 17,395 adult members.[2] It was formed on October 1, 2007 by the merger of Bergen, Leni-Lenape, and Morris Area Girl Scout Councils.

Headquarters: Riverdale, NJ


Service Centers:

  • Paramus, NJ - 300 Forest Avenue, Paramus, NJ 07652
  • Randolph, NJ - 1579 Sussex Turnpike, Randolph, NJ 07869
  • Riverdale, NJ - (closed for renovations until late 2011)

Resource Center:

  • Paterson, NJ - Center City Mall, 301 Main Street, Upper Level, Paterson, N.J. 07505


  • Camp Glen Spey - 600 acres (240 ha) in Glen Spey, NY. It includes a 70 acres (28 ha) glacial lake.
  • Lake Rickabear332 acres (134 ha) in Kinnelon, New Jersey
  • Jockey Hollow Camp212 acres (86 ha) in Mendham, New Jersey

Camp Mogisca was sold in 2010.

Discontinued Girl Scout Councils

The following New Jersey councils ceased to exist in 2007 due to mergers.

  • Bergen Girl Scout Council - Became part of the new Girl Scouts of Northern New Jersey in 2007
  • Camden Council - Became part of the new Girl Scouts of Central & Southern New Jersey in 2007
  • Delaware-Raritan Council - Became part of the new Girl Scouts of Central & Southern New Jersey in 2007
  • Great Essex and Hudson Counties Council - Became part of the new Girl Scouts Heart of New Jersey in 2007
  • Leni-Lenape Girl Scout Council - Became part of the new Girl Scouts of Northern New Jersey in 2007
  • Monmouth Girl Scout Council - Became part of the new Girl Scouts of the Jersey Shore in 2007
  • Morris Area Girl Scout Council - Became part of the new Girl Scouts of Northern New Jersey in 2007
  • Ocean County Girl Scout Council - Became part of the new Girl Scouts of the Jersey Shore in 2007
  • Rolling Hills Council - Became part of the new Girl Scouts Heart of New Jersey in 2007
  • South Jersey Pines Council - Became part of the new Girl Scouts of Central & Southern New Jersey in 2007
  • Washington Rock Council - Became part of the new Girl Scouts Heart of New Jersey in 2007

International Scouting units in New Jersey

Külföldi Magyar Cserkészszövetség Hungarian Scouting maintains two troops each in Passaic, New Jersey and New Brunswick, New Jersey.

Scouting Museums in New Jersey

The New Jersey Scout Museum in Morganville was established as an independent non-profit in 2004 and concentrates on history of Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts in New Jersey.

See also

External links

Boy Scouts:

Girl Scouts:


  1. ^ History of Camp Glen Grey
  2. ^ GSNNJ 2011 press release

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