- History of primitive and non-Western trumpets
chromatic trumpet of Western tradition is a fairly recent invention, but primitive trumpets of one form or another have been in existence for millennia; some of the predecessors of the modern instrument are now known to date back to theNeolithic era. The earliest of these primordial trumpets were adapted from animal horns and sea shells, and were common throughoutEurope ,Africa ,India and, to a lesser extent, theMiddle East . Primitive trumpets eventually found their way to most parts of the globe, though even today indigenous varieties are quite rare in theAmericas , theFar East andSouth-East Asia . Some species of primitive trumpets can still be found in remote places, where they have remained largely untouched by the passage of time.ref|hornFor the most part, these primitive instruments were “natural” trumpets: that is to say, they had none of those devices (fingerholes, keys,
slide s orvalve s) by which the pitch of an instrument might be altered. It is in fact quite exceptional to come across a chromatic trumpet – primitive or otherwise – which is not derived from the chromatic trumpet of Western tradition; the bãs ofMadhya Pradesh in India, which has fingerholes bored into the side of itstube , is one such exception.Primitive trumpets
The simplest – and presumably the earliest – type of trumpet was made from the hollowed-out horn or shell of an animal, into the end of which a hole was bored for the mouth. This “trumpet” had neither a
mouthpiece nor a bell, and was not so much a musical instrument as amegaphone into which one spoke, sang, or shouted. The intention was to distort the voice and produce a harsh, unnatural sound to ward off evil spirits or disconcert one’s enemies. Only later was the trumpet used to invoke friendly gods or to encourage one’s own warriors on the battlefield. Typically only one or two different pitches could be produced on such an instrument, though sometimes a small fingerhole was bored in the tip to provide the player with an extra pitch. Most of these early trumpets were end-blown, like the modern trumpet; side-blown varieties, however, were not unknown, and can still be found in Africa and other parts of the globe.Primitive trumpets were mainly used in religious ceremonies and magic rituals. As they were played only by men, they probably acquired strong phallic overtones; among certain aboriginal tribes, for example, it was a capital offense for a woman to look at a trumpet. The tradition of playing trumpet or bugle
fanfare s at sunrise (Reveille ), sunset (Last Post ), and at funerals (Taps ), probably evolved from these ancient rituals.ref|bugleThe use of the trumpet as an instrument of warfare and the
chase is probably as old. Its strident sound and animal origins must have suggested a wild or belligerent nature at a very early date, while the ritualistic uses to which it was put only served to strengthen its associations with death and male-oriented activities.Animal-horn trumpets
Animal-horn trumpets are still employed today, especially in Africa, though they are also found in
Israel ,Asia andOceania . With the exception of African varieties, most are end-blown instruments from which the tip has been removed to provide a mouthhole. In the majority of cases the player’s lips are applied directly to the mouthhole; sometimes, however, the instrument has a detachablemouthpiece . Cattle,sheep ,goat s andantelope s are among the animals whose horns are – or have been – most frequently used to make such trumpets. The following examples may be briefly noted:*The
Sumerian si was the ordinary word for animal horn. Literary references show that as an instrument it was played in the streets by the herald who delivered public announcements.
*The Jewishshofar is perhaps the best-known animal-horn trumpet. It is usually made from a ram’s horn, though the horn of anykosher animal other than a cow or calf may be used. The "shofar", which is still employed in Jewish religious ceremonies today, is an ancient instrument; it is mentioned frequently in theBible andrabbinic literature . It can generally produce only two pitches; theoretically, these should be a fifth apart (being the second and thirdpartial s of the instrument’s harmonic series); the irregular bore of the instrument, however, can reduce this to as little as a fourth or increase it to as much as a sixth. These acoustical details apply to most animal-horn trumpets.*The Indian shringa, or ṣṛnga, (
Sanskrit : “horn”) was originally made from the horn of the buffalo, though the term was later applied to almost any kind of horn or trumpet, irrespective of its origin. In the south of the country the general name of the instrument is "kombu", aDravidian term which also means “horn”. The "shringa" is anend-blown instrument , though one particular variety – the "singha" ofOrissa – is side-blown. The "shringa" and its close relations are known by various names in different parts of India: "singe" (the "shringa" of theBhil s), "sakna" (a buffalo horn of theSantal s), "reli'ki" (theAngami ’s buffalo horn, which has a bamboomouthpiece ), "visan" (a buffalo horn ofUttar Pradesh ), "singi" (a deer horn ofUttar Pradesh ), and "kohuk" (a horn of the Marias ofMadhya Pradesh ). India’snational epic , the "Mahābhārata", mentions the "govishanika", which is thought to have been a cow’s horn. Many species of "shringa" can still be found in India today.*The Greek keras (“horn”) and the Etrusco-Roman cornu (
Latin : “horn”) were originally simple animal-horn trumpets, though both were superseded by more advanced instruments to which they lent their names.ref|Xenophon*The Germanic
cowhorn , or "Stierhorn", which was generally made from the horn of anaurochs or buffalo.*The rwa-dun is a
Tibet an ram’s-horn trumpet similar to the Jewish "shofar". It has been used for centuries in Buddhist ceremonies for the purposes ofexorcism .*The
Latvia n āžrag was made from a goat’s horn, and was blown by young men in the summertime to announce their intention to take a wife.*The eng’ombe is a side-blown trumpet found in
Uganda ; it is usually made from acow ’s horn and is blown byBuganda n huntsmen to ensure a successful hunt.Conch-shell trumpets
Conch shells have also been used as primitive instruments sinceNeolithic times, and must be numbered among the antecedents of the natural trumpet. The four shells most commonly used for this purpose are the "triton" or trumpet shell, the "cassis" or helmet shell, the "fusus ", and the "strombus" or true conch, though the term “conch-shell trumpet” is generally applied to all instruments of this type. The spiral interior of the shell acts as tubing, and a mouthhole is created either by breaking off the point of the shell (end-blown conch) or by boring a small hole in the body (side-blown conch). The cassis is an end-blown shell; the other three types are usually side-blown.Conch-shell trumpets are found in almost every part of the globe, including inland areas like
Tibet ,Central Europe and theAndes . They are especially common throughoutOceania , where the conch-shell trumpet was once used on religious, ceremonial and military occasions. Today, however, the instrument is more often associated with mundane events like football matches; theTonga n football team is regularly encouraged by ensembles of up to nine "kele’a"! In the South Pacificisland nation ofVanuatu , local fishermen use conch-shell trumpets known as "tapáe" to call for assistance when they are drawing in their nets. InFiji , the "davui" conch-shell trumpet is still blown to invoke the gods.End-blown conch-shell trumpets are still used as sacred ritual instruments in Asia. The
India n "śańkh" or "śańkham" is blown byBrahman s inHindu temples throughoutIndia and South Asia, and is also used today as an instrument of folk music and dance; formerly it was employed as a heraldic instrument to declare war or celebrate victory.ref|gita According toHindu mythology the "śankh" will be blown bySiva at the end of the current World Age as a sort of Last Trump.The conch shell is also used as a signal in Buddhist ceremonies, and with the spread of Buddhism, it has found its way to other countries in the
Far East . InTibet it is known as the "dun-dkar", or "dung-dkar"; inChina it is the "faluo" or "hai lo", and inJapan the "horagai" or "hora".Early manufactured trumpets
The earliest artificial trumpets appeared before the end of the
Neolithic , and were adapted from the natural models provided by animal-horns and conch-shells. They were – and in some parts of the world are still – made from a variety of perishable and non-perishable materials, includingbark ,wood ,gourd s,bamboo , horn,bone ,ivory ,clay and, of course,metal . Early metallic trumpets were either hammered from sheets of a suitable metal (e.g.silver ) or cast inbronze by the lost-wax method. Among these primitive trumpets the following may be noted:*The ancient Nordic "
lur " was made ofbronze and dates back to the Late Bronze Age (1000 BC -500 BC ). This extraordinary instrument consisted of an elaborate S-shaped conical tube, usually about 2metre s in length, with a slightly flared bell. It was an end-blown natural trumpet, and sounded rather like a moderntrombone . To date, fifty-six lurs have been found: forty-five inDenmark , eleven inSweden , four inNorway , five in northernGermany , and one inLatvia . They have often been discovered in matching pairs, which suggests that they were used for ceremonial or religious purposes, rather than as instruments of war. The original name of the instrument is unknown.*The
Celt ic "carnyx " was also made of bronze, and was used as an instrument of war during theIron Age ("ca."300 BC -200 CE). It consisted of a cylindrical tube about 2 metres long; the bell was elaborately carved to resemble a wild boar’s head, with a movable tongue and jaw; themouthpiece was curved. The carnyx was held vertically with the bell above the player’s head. The instrument is most often associated with theCelt s, but is now known to have been used also by the inhabitants of ancientDacia . A similar S-shaped trumpet from theIron Age has been found atLoughnashade inIreland . Named the "trumpa créda" (archaic Irish for “bronze trumpet”), it consists of two curved tubes of bronze, each comprising a quarter circle, one of which is of conical bore and one of cylindrical bore, with a joint in the middle. The Loughnashade trumpet is generally displayed with the two halves joined together to make a semicircle, but it is now thought to have been played with the two parts bending in opposite directions to make an S-shaped trumpet not unlike the carnyx, to which it may have been related.*In
India the primitive "shringa" or "kombu" was adapted to make a great variety of metallic trumpets. The modern "kombu" is generally a C-shaped instrument made of brass or copper, with a conical bore and a detachable mouthpiece. It is still played at weddings and funerals, and during religious processions. There are two sizes of "kombu": the small "timiri kombu" and the large "bari kombu". Another type of brass "kombu" – known variously as "turi", "bānkiā", "bargu", "banke", "ransingha", "narsingha", "narsĩgā" and "nagphani" in different parts of the subcontinent – is S-shaped and looks remarkably like the "trumpa créda" of Ireland. Indigenous straight trumpets have been made in India since theNeolithic and are still found today in various guises and under various names: "turahi", "turya", "tutari", "tuttoori", "bhongal", "kahal", "kahala", and "bhenr". The "booraga" ofSanskrit literature was possibly also a straight trumpet made of brass or copper.*The wooden "lur" of medieval
Scandinavia (not to be confused with the much earlier bronze instrument to which it has lent its name) is referred to in theIceland icsagas as an instrument of war, used to marshal troops and frighten the enemy. It is also mentioned bySaxo Grammaticus in hisGesta Danorum . This particular species of "lur" was a straight, end-blown natural trumpet, with a cylindrical tube about 1 metre long. It was made of wood – typically by cutting a thick branch in half lengthwise and hollowing it out, and then rejoining the two halves, which are secured withtar andwillow osiers. A similar instrument, but secured withbirch , has been used inNordic countries since theMiddle Ages as a signalling instrument and to call cattle.*The
Lithuania n "daudytė " is a natural wooden trumpet similar to the wooden "lur" ofScandinavia ; its sections are held together withputty andlinen yarn.*The
alphorn , or "alpenhorn", is a distinctive natural wooden horn with a conical bore, upturned bell and cup-shapedmouthpiece . It has been used as a signalling instrument in the Alpine regions of Europe for about two millennia. The alphorn is generally carved from the solidsoftwood of thespruce orpine . In former times alphorn makers would use a tree that was already bent at the base, but today’s alphorns are pieced together from separate sections, which are secured withbark orgut . The cup-shaped mouthpiece is usually carved out of a block ofhardwood .*The Australian didjeridu is one of the best known species of primitive trumpet. A natural wooden trumpet, it has been in continuous use among the aboriginal peoples of
Australia for at least 1500 years, and possibly much longer. It is usually manufactured from the trunk of ahardwood tree, such as theeucalyptus , which has been suitably hollowed out bytermite s. The instrument is typically about 1 to 1.5 metres long; thebore may be conical or cylindrical. By vibrating his lips against the mouthhole the player can produce a deep drone; the note so produced may be sustained indefinitely by means of a technique calledcircular breathing . Today the didjeridu is frequently played as a solo instrument for recreational purposes, though it was traditionally used to accompany dancing and singing on ceremonial occasions.*The
Uganda narupepe is a natural wooden trumpet covered with animal hide.*The molimo is a wooden trumpet used by the
Mbuti people of the Congo to awaken the spirit of theIturi Rainforest . It is also the name of the elaborate ritual in which the instrument plays a vital role.*Bone trumpets made from human
femur s ("khang ling") andtiger femurs ("stag ling") can still be found in theHimalaya s, where they are associated with Buddhist "tantra ". InTibet the human thigh-bone trumpet is called the "rkan-dun" (or "rkang-gling") and plays an important role in the traditional shamanistic religion known as "Bön ". In theTibetan language the word "dun" means both “trumpet” and “bone”! Brass replicas of bone trumpets are also known in Tibet.*The "
borija ", a short natural trumpet found inYugoslavia , is made from the spiral shavings of thewillow or ash, bound firmly into a conical tube about 50 cm long.*The obsolete "
tāšu taure " ofLatvia was of similar design to the "borija", but it was made frombirch bark and could be up to 150 cm long.*In the
Amazon Rainforest giant trumpets up to four metres in length are made from tightly coiled bark; sticks are attached to one or both sides of the instruments to support them and prevent sagging.*
Bamboo trumpets can be found in many parts ofAfrica andSouth America , but are almost unheard of in the bamboo-rich regions ofChina andSouth-East Asia . A notable exception is provided by the bamboo “brass-band” tradition ofSulawesi , which is actually quite a recent tradition. In the nineteenth century Dutch missionaries introduced European brass bands to the island; later, in the 1920s, local craftsmen began to make bamboo replicas of these modern instruments. Today most replicas are made ofzinc , though bamboo examples can still be found in isolated pockets, such as the Sangir Archipelago, which lies to the north of Sulawesi.*
Gourd s, the hollow, dried shells of thefruit of a member of theCucurbitaceae family, can be adapted quite easily to make natural trumpets.Gourd trumpets have been used in Africa for centuries, and are also to be found in Asia and the Americas; one particular variety of gourd, thecalabash , is even known as the “trumpet gourd”. The gourd trumpet was also used by theAztec s and other indigenous peoples ofCentral America . One notable variety, the Mayan "Hom-Tah", has been compared to the Australian "didjeridu". Among the gourd trumpets that are still in use today is the "waza" of the "Berta " people, who live in theBlue Nile region of theSudan .*Most trumpets fashioned from the
ivory tusk s of anelephant are of African origin; both end-blown and side-blown varieties can still be found in some parts of the continent today. The most notable exception is the medieval olifant, a short, thick, end-blown trumpet carved fromivory , which was apparently introduced toEurope by theSaracen s at the time of theCrusades ;ref|Roland aMiddle East ern instrument, the olifant was possibly adapted by theArab s from African models, which have a long history.ref|Ezekiel*Clay trumpets can be found in South America, India, Western Europe and parts of Africa. South American varieties include imitations of conch-shell trumpets, such as the "potuto" of
Peru . TheHorniman Museum inLondon has a red-and-white-marbled clay Portuguese trumpet which was obviously copied from a brass instrument. Coiled clay trumpets probably derive from animal-horn or conch-shell models. Peru had long straight clay trumpets called "pungacuqua" or "puuaqua" which were up to 1.5 m long and were blown in pairs, as was the "botuto" from theOrinoco basin. Clay trumpets have also been found in Mayan cities inCentral America .Ancient Egypt
The natural trumpet was probably first used as a military instrument in ancient Egypt. The trumpets depicted by the artists of the Eighteenth Dynasty were short straight instruments made of wood, bronze, copper or silver. The Ancient Egyptian name for this particular instrument was "sheneb" ("šnb"). According to the Classical writers, the Egyptian trumpet sounded like the braying of an ass.ref|Plutarch
For the most part the trumpeters depicted in Egyptian art are engaged in military activities – the "sheneb" was probably used on the battlefield both to encourage (and possibly also to direct) the
Pharaoh ’s troops and to intimidate the enemy. In some murals from the Eighteenth Dynasty, the "sheneb" appears to be accompanying dancers; if this is the case, it is possibly the earliest depiction of a trumpet in a truly “musical” setting. Egyptian trumpeters are often, though not always, shown in pairs.The oldest surviving examples of metallic trumpets are the two instruments that were discovered in the tomb of
Tutankhamun in1922 .ref|dates One of these is 58.2 cm long and is made ofsilver ; it has a conical tube 1.7 to 2.6 cm in diameter, and a flaring bell 8.2 cm wide. The other instrument is 50.5 cm long and is made ofcopper withgold overlay.{ [ref|copper Neither instrument has a separatemouthpiece . Both are inscribed with the names of gods associated with Egyptian army divisions. A third trumpet, probably dating from the Ptolemaic era, is now preserved in the Louvre Museum inParis .Ancient Israel
Other trumpets are mentioned in the
Bible besides the primitive "shofar": the "yowbel" was the ram’s-horn trumpet whose sound made the walls ofJericho fall down (Joshua 6); the "taqowa‘" was a Jewish military trumpet which is mentioned inEzekiel 7:14. The best known Biblical trumpet after the "shofar", however, is the "hasoserah". In theBook of Numbers , Moses is instructed to make two silver "hasoserah"ref|hasoserah:²Make thee two trumpets of silver; of a whole piece shalt thou make them: that thou mayest use them for the calling of the assembly, and for the journeying of the camps. ³And when they shall blow with them, all the assembly shall assemble themselves to thee at the door of the tabernacle of the congregation. 4And if they blow but with one trumpet, then the princes, which are heads of the thousands of Israel, shall gather themselves unto thee. 5When ye blow an alarm, then the camps that lie on the east parts shall go forward. 6When ye blow an alarm the second time, then the camps that lie on the south side shall take their journey: they shall blow an alarm for their journeys. 7But when the congregation is to be gathered together, ye shall blow, but ye shall not sound an alarm. 8And the sons of
Aaron , the priests, shall blow with the trumpets; and they shall be to you for an ordinance for ever throughout your generations. 9And if ye go to war in your land against the enemy that oppresseth you, then ye shall blow an alarm with the trumpets; and ye shall be remembered before the Lord your God, and ye shall be saved from your enemies. 10Also in the day of your gladness, and in your solemn days, and in the beginnings of your months, ye shall blow with the trumpets over your burnt offerings, and over the sacrifices of your peace offerings; that they may be to you for a memorial before your God.... (Numbers 10:2-10, King James Version.)The "hasoserah" was played in two differewnt ways: "taqa‘" and "teruw‘ah". The former referred to a continuous sounding of the instrument by one or two
Levite s during religious ceremonies; the latter referred to the sounding of an alarm or military signal, and was always carried out by two trumpeters. In the eighteenth century the German music theoristJohann Ernst Altenburg compared these two styles of playing to the two styles of trumpet playing prevalent in the Late Baroque: the mellow style of the "principale" and the strident style of the "clarino".The military use of the natural trumpet is recorded in many passages of the
Bible (e.g. , , Amos 2:2). Other passages recount its use as a celebratory instrument (e.g. II Kings 11:14, , Psalms 98:6).Josephus , who creditsMoses with the invention of the "hasoserah", describes the instrument thus:“In length it was little less than a
cubit [45.72 cm] . It was composed of a narrow tube, somewhat thicker than a flute, but with so much breadth as was sufficient for admission of the breath of a man’s mouth: it ended in the form of a bell, like common trumpets. Its sound was called in the Hebrew tongue "Asosra".” ("Antiquities of the Jews ", 3.291)The "hasoserah" is depicted on the
Arch of Titus among the spoils taken by the Romans in the sack of Jerusalem in 70 CE (though these particular trumpets appear to be at least a metre long).Babylon and Assyria
A straight trumpet similar to the Egyptian "sheneb" was also used in ancient
Babylonia andAssyria , where it was called the "qarna". On arelief from the time ofSennacherib (reigned705 BC –681 BC ) depicting the moving of a colossal bull statue, two trumpeters are standing on the statue; one is playing while the other rests. Among the descendants of the "qarna" are the Persian "karranay" and the Safavid "karna". The latter, a straight metallic trumpet, can still be found in northernIndia .Ancient Greece
The war-trumpet used by the ancient Greeks was called the salpinx, and was probably adapted from the Egyptian "sheneb". There is a fine example on display in Boston”s Museum of Fine Arts; the tube of this particular "salpinx" is 157 cm long and consists of thirteen cylindrical parts made of ivory; the instrument’s bell and
mouthpiece are both made of bronze, as are the rings used to hold the ivory sections together; the instrument is thought to date from the second half of the fifth century BC. The Greek playwrightAeschylus described the sound of the "salpinx" as “shattering”; the word "salpinx" is thought to mean “thunderer”.At the Olympic Games, contests of trumpet playing were introduced for the first time in
396 BC These contests were judged not by the participants’ musical skill but by the volume of sound they generated! Among the more famous trumpeters who participated in the games wasAchias , who was awarded first prize on three occasions and in whose honour a column was erected. Another famous contestant wasHerodorus of Megas , a man of immense stature, whose playing was so loud that audiences were allegedly concussed by his performances. By winning the trumpet contest at Olympia, a trumpeter was authorized to perform at thehippodrome and to introduce the athletes for the remainder of the games.On a painted ceramic knee guard dating from "ca."
500 BC , a salpinx call is recorded using the Greek syllables TOTH TOTOTE. This is the earliest example of trumpet notation anywhere in the world.Etruria and Ancient Rome
The use of the natural trumpet as a fully-fledged military signalling instrument is generally credited to the ancient Romans; a total of forty-three signals are said to have been used in the Roman army. Since the early days of the Republic, two
centuria tes of troops (about 160 men) were comprised entirely of trumpeters; these musicians, called aenatores, employed a variety of instruments. It is now thought that the Romans adapted these instruments, and possibly also the signals sounded on them, from Etruscan models. The Etruscans were expert metallurgists and keen musicians, and musical instruments were just some of the many inventions they bequeathed to their Roman conquerors.ref|etruscans Among the trumpet-like instruments used by the Romans, the following four may be distinguished::The "tuba" was a straight trumpet played by a "tubicen" (pl: "tubicines"). It was about 117 cm long and had a conical bore of between 10 and 28 mm. It was usually made of bronze and was played with a detachable bone
mouthpiece . It had a slightly flared bell. The Roman "tuba" was probably a direct ancestor of both the Westerntrumpet and the Western horn. (The modern tuba, which shares its name with the Roman tuba, however, is a recent invention.):The "cornu" was a natural horn about 3 m long, with a wide, conical bore; it was made of bronze and took the form of a letter “G”. It was played with a cup-shaped
mouthpiece . The large flaring bell curved over the player’s head or shoulder. The "cornu" was played by a trumpeter known as a "cornicen" (pl: "cornicines").:The "
buccina ", or "bucina", was played by a "buccinator" (pl: "buccinatores"). This was of similar construction to the "cornu" and was also played with a cup-shaped mouthpiece, but it had a narrower, more cylindrical bore. The military "buccina" evolved from a primitive prototype, the "buccina marina", which was a natural conch-shell trumpet; in Roman poetry the "buccina marina" is often called the "concha".:The "
lituus " was a long J-shaped trumpet. Essentially, it was a straight trumpet, like the tuba, to which an animal-horn trumpet was attached to act as a bell; it is not unlike the Celtic "carnyx ". The "lituus" was a cult instrument used in Roman rituals and does not appear to have had any military uses, though the term was later used in theMiddle Ages to denote a military trumpet. Surviving "litui" are 78-140 cm long. Being the shortest of the Roman trumpets, the "lituus" was a higher pitched instrument, the sound of which Classical writers described as "acutus" (“high”). The "lituus" and the "buccina" are frequently confused.The late Roman writer
Vegetius briefly describes the use of trumpets in the Roman legions in his treatise "De Re Militari ":“The legion also has its "tubicines", "cornicines" and "buccinatores". The "tubicen" sounds the charge and the retreat. The "cornicines" are used only to regulate the motions of the colours; the "tubicines" serve when the soldiers are ordered out to any work without the colours; but in time of action, the "tubicines" and "cornicines" sound together. The "classicum", which is a particular signal of the "buccinatores" or "cornicines", is appropriated to the commander-in-chief and is used in the presence of the general, or at the execution of a soldier, as a mark of its being done by his authority. The ordinary guards and outposts are always mounted and relieved by the sound of the "tubicen", who also directs the motions of the soldiers on working parties and on field days. The "cornicines" sound whenever the colours are to be struck or planted. These rules must be punctually observed in all exercises and reviews so that the soldiers may be ready to obey them in action without hesitation according to the general’s orders either to charge or halt, to pursue the enemy or to retire. For reason will convince us that what is necessary to be performed in the heat of action should constantly be practised in the leisure of peace.”ref|cornu ( [http://www.pvv.ntnu.no/~madsb/home/war/vegetius/dere05.php#14 De Re Militari, Book II] .)
Like the Greek "salpinx" the Roman trumpets were not regarded as musical instruments. Among the tems used to describe the "tuba’s" tone, for instance, were "horribilis" (“horrible”), "terribilis" (“terrible”), "raucus" (“raucous”), "rudis" (“coarse”), "strepens" ((“noisy”) and "stridulus" (“shrieking”). When sounding their instruments, the "tubicines" sometimes girded their cheeks with the "capistrum" (“muzzle”) which "aulos" (“flute”) players used to prevent their cheeks from being puffed out unduly.
Arabs, Persians, etc.
After the fall of the the Western Empire in
476 , the trumpet disappeared from Europe for more than half a millennium. Elsewhere the art of bending long metal tubes was lost, for the trumpets of the succeeding era lacked the characteristic G-like curve of the "cornu" and "buccina". The straight-tubed Roman "tuba", however, continued to flourish in theMiddle East among the Sassanids and theirArab ic successors. TheSaracen s, whose long metal trumpets greatly impressed the Christian armies at the time of theCrusade s, were ultimately responsible for reintroducing the instrument to Europe after a lapse of six hundred years.During the last centuries of the
Roman Empire the name "buccina" was widely used throughout theNear East to denote a particular type of straight trumpet similar to, and probably derived from, the Romantuba .ref|dardanus From this, undoubtedly, derives the generic term "būq", which first occurs after800 ; this was the name used by theArab s to describe a variety of both trumpet-like and horn-like instruments. The "būq al-nafīr" (“buc [cina] of war”) was a long straight metal trumpet used in the military bands of theAbbasid period (750 –1258 ) and thereafter;ref|Baybars by the 14th century it could be as much as two metres long. From the eleventh century, this term was used to denote any long straight trumpet.Other Arabic words for trumpets of various sizes and shapes include "qarnā" and "sūr"; the latter is the name used the Qur’an for the Last Trump that will announce
Judgment Day . The "qarnā" is thought to be a descendant of the ancientMesopotamia n instrument of the same name.The
Saracen s are sometimes said to be the first people to make brass trumpets from hammered sheet, though this is not at all certain.Many of the long, straight metal trumpets that first appeared around this time were undoubtedly associated with the spread of
Islam . In Africa, for example, end-blown metal trumpets are found only in Islamic regions such asNigeria ,Chad and centralCameroon . Known as "kakaki" (among theHausa ofNigeria ) or "gashi" (inChad ), these trumpets consist of narrow cylindrical tubes, sometimes over two metres in length, with flared metal bells. The silver "nafiri" is one of only two trumpets found inMalaysia ; its name clearly derives from the Arabic "būq al-nafīr". Slightly less than one metre long, a single "nafiri" is present in each of the royal "nobat" ensembles maintained by the localsultan s. As in Africa, these royal ensembles play on ceremonial occasions and Islamic holidays.The "dung" is the long monastic trumpet of
Tibet ; it is similar to, and probably derives from, straight trumpets depicted in thirteenth-centuryArab ic andPersia n manuscripts. The "dung" is a straight, end-blown trumpet with a conical bore; it is made of copper or brass and has a separatemouthpiece . It varies in length from about 60 cm (the medium-sized "rag-dun") to as much as 5 m (the telescopic "dung-chen"). In musical ensembles, two such instruments blown in alternation provide a continuous drone, which is sustained beneath the woodwind and percussion.The "dung-chen" can also be found in the northern hills of
Laddakh inIndia and inBhutan , where it is known by the name "thunchen". This ceremonial instrument is used to accompany ritual dances. Nearly three metres long, it is made of copper and decorated with silver. The "thunchen" is generally employed in pairs; the trumpeters, known as "thunchen pa", announce the commencement of ceremonies from the "gamba", or temple, and also accompany ritual dances. The length and weight of "thunchen" make it extremely unwieldy; so the flared end is rested on the ground or a special stand, or is supported on the shoulders of another monk.Possibly related to the Tibetan "dung" is the "tirucinnam", a straight trumpet still found in
Tamil Nadu in southernIndia . Usually a pair of these long, slender instruments are blown together; until a few decades ago it was standard practice for one musician to play both of them simultaneously, which seems to have been the case also inNepal . A double trumpet of this type is depicted on a relief inChandi Jawri ,Indonesia , dated to1300 CE . The "tirucinnam" is about 75 cm long and has a wide cylindrical bore; it has a narrow conical bell but no mouthpiece (to facilitate the simultaneous blowing of two instruments).The Chinese too had a long clyindrical metal trumpet known as "hao t’ung" (or, in Japanese, "dokaku"), which may have been related to the foregoing instruments. In place of a bell, the "hao t’ung" had a long, broad cylinder made of wood, iron or brass, into which the rest of the instrument could be telescoped when not in use; the "hao t’ung" was played with the bell end resting on the ground. The ordinary Chinese trumpet was the "la pa" ("rapa" in Japanese). This came from
Mongolia , where it was called the "rapal". It had a narrow, conical bore and consisted of two or three sections which telescoped into each other. (Chinese sources record the use of trumpets on the battlefield by theHuns , orXiongnu , in the second and third centuries BC.)ee also
* TattooReferences
*cite book
last = Tarr
first = Edward
authorlink = Edward Tarr
coauthors =
title = The Trumpet
publisher = B. T. Batsford Ltd.
date = 1988
location =
pages =
url =
doi =
id = ISBN 978-0713454635
*cite book
last = Markham
first = Gervase
authorlink = Gervase Markham
coauthors =
title = Soldier's Accidence
publisher =
date = 1625
location =
pages =
url =
doi =
id =
*cite book
last = Baines
first = Anthony
authorlink = Anthony Baines
coauthors =
title = Woodwind Instruments and Their History
publisher = Music Sales Ltd.
date = 1991
location =
pages =
url =
doi =
id = ISBN 978-0486268859
*cite book
last = Baines
first = Anthony
authorlink = Anthony Baines
coauthors =
title = Brass Instruments: Their History and Development
publisher = Dover Publications
date = 1993
location =
pages =
url =
doi =
id = ISBN 978-0486275741
*cite book
last = Meucci
first = Renato
authorlink = Renato Meucci
coauthors =
title = Roman Military Instruments and the Lituus
journal = The Galpin Society Journal
volume = 42
issue =
pages = 85-97
publisher = Galpin Society
date = August 1989
url = http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0072-0127(198908)42%3C85%3ARMIATL%3E2.0.CO%3B2-M
doi = 10.2307/842625
id =
accessdate = 2007-04-07
*cite book
last = Sadie (ed.)
first = Stanley
authorlink = Stanley Sadie
coauthors =
title = The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians
publisher = Macmillan Publishers Ltd.
date = 2001
location = London
pages =
url =
doi =
id = ISBN 978-0195221862External links
* [http://www.gmu.edu/departments/fld/CLASSICS/vegetius2.html Vegetius, "De Re Militari", Book II, in Latin]
* [http://www.pvv.ntnu.no/~madsb/home/war/vegetius/dere05.php#14 Vegetius, "De Re Militari", Book II, in English]
* [http://www.4to40.com/discoverindia/index.asp?article=discoverindia_windinstruments Indian Musical Instruments: Wind Instruments]Notes
#These primitive instruments are now regarded as the common ancestors of most modern brasswind instruments, including the horn, the bugle, thetrombone and thetuba .
#Most early trumpets had irregular or conical bores, so they could just as easily be classified as primitive horns or bugles. The distinction between the trumpet and the bugle is a fairly recent one; it was only in the eighteenth century that the two families finally diverged.
#"Cyropaedia " 3:44 "et passim".
#Bhagavad Gita , Chapter 1, Verses 12-19.
#Roland ’s legendary trumpet, "Olifant", in the eleventh-centuryepic poem "The Song of Roland " (which is set in the late eighth century) is probably an anachronism.
#Ezekiel 27:15.
#Plutarch , "Moralia ", 5, “On the Worship of Isis and Osiris”, Chapter 30 (page 362f).Cf. Aelian , "De Natura Animalium", 10.28. See [ The Trumpet of Tutankhamun Program] for a modern recording of one ofTutankhamun ’s trumpets.
#This is true if the conventional Egyptian chronology, according to whichTutankhamun died in 1323 BC, is correct. If, however, Tutankhamun belonged to the first millennium, as some revisionists now believe, then it is possible that the Nordiclur is the world’s oldest metallic trumpet. See the articleEgyptian chronology for further discussion.
#According to some sources this instrument is made ofbronze .
#The Hebrew spelling, הרצצח (Unicode: he resh tsadi tsadi het), is variously transliterated as, "hasoserah, hasosra, hassrah, kasoserah, chazozra, chatzotzrah, Chatsots@rah, ħaşoşerah," etc. The correct pronunciation of this and other Biblical terms for “trumpet” are given [http://bible.crosswalk.com/Lexicons/Hebrew/heb.cgi?search=trumpet&version=kjv&type=eng&submit=Find here] .
#Several Greek and Roman sources credit the Etruscans with the invention of the Greek "salpinx" as well as the Roman "tuba". See, for example,Athenaeus , "Deipnosophistes ", IV:82;Julius Pollux , "Onomasticon", IV:85, 87;Diodorus Siculus , "Bibliotheca historia", V:40;Maurus Servius Honoratius , "Commentary onVirgil ’sAeneid , VIII:516; andClement of Alexandria , "Stromata" 1:16.
#The precise meaning of the various terms "tuba", "cornu", "buccina" and "lituus" is still a matter of dispute.Vegetius makes a clear distinction between the "cornu" and the "buccina"; moreover, he refers to the instrument played by the "cornicen" as an "aes curvum", or "brass curve", rather than a "cornu".Ovid ("Metamorphoses", 1:98) refers to "aeris cornua", “brass horns”. See Meucci (1989) for further details, including the claim that Vegetius originally described the "buccina" as being made of animal horn rather than metal.
#This instrument is mentioned, for example, in an apocryphal letter of St Jerome to Dardanus, prefect ofGaul .
#Baibars , the Sultan ofEgypt from1260 -1277 , numbered twenty trumpeters among the sixty-eight members of his military band. The size of a Saracen’s band depended on his rank.
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