- 3rd century BC
The 3rd century BC started the first day of 300 BC and ended the last day of 201 BC. It is considered part of the Classical
era ,epoch , orhistorical period .The first few decades of this century were characterized by a balance of power between the Greek
Hellenistic kingdoms in the east, and the great mercantile power ofCarthage in the west. This balance was shattered when conflict arose betweenCarthage and theRoman Republic . In the following decades, theCarthaginian Empire was first humbled and then destroyed by the Romans in the first and secondPunic wars. Following theSecond Punic War , Rome became the most important power in the westernMediterranean .In the 3rd century BC the
Xiong Nu were at the height of their power inMongolia . TheWarring States period in China drew to a close, withQin Shihuang conquering other nation-states and establishing the short-livedQin dynasty , the first empire of China, which was followed in the same century by the long-lastingHan dynasty . The Protohistoric Period began in theKorean peninsula . In India,Ashoka the Great ruled theMaurya Empire . The Pandya, Chola and Chera dynasties of the classical age rule and flourish in theancient Tamil country .Events
290s BC
*299 BC The
Samnites , seizing their chance when Rome is engaged on the Lombard plain, start thethird Samnite War with a collection of mercenaries fromGaul andSabine and Etruscan allies to help them.
*298 BC TheSamnites defeat the Romans underLucius Cornelius Scipio Barbatus in theBattle of Camerinum , first battle of theThird Samnite War .
*293 BC The Chinese State of Qin reduced the threat of the State of Wei and the State of Han with the Qin victory in theBattle of Yique .
* Roman armies penetrate into the heart of the Samnite territory and then capture the Samnite cities of Taurasia, Bovianum Vetus andAufidena .
*Agathocles , king of Syracuse, assists the Italian Greeks against theBruttians and supported the Greeks against the Romans.
* Ptolemy gives his stepdaughter Theoxena in marriage to Agathocles, the tyrant of Syracuse (in south-easternSicily ).
* Ptolemy finally brings the rebellious region of Cyrene under his control. He places the region under the rule of his stepson Magas.
*Bindusara succeeds his fatherChandragupta Maurya as emperor of the Mauryan Empire.
*Theater,Epidauros , is built with later additions.280s BC
*281 BC
Antiochus I Soter , on the assassination of his fatherSeleucus becomes emperor of theSeleucid empire .
*280 BC KingPyrrhus of Epirus invades Italy in an attempt to subjugate the Romans and bringItaly under a new empire ruled by himself.
*280 BC Construction of theColossus of Rhodes is completed270s BC
*279 BC
Singidunum andTaurunum , today'sBelgrade andZemun , founded byScordisci Celts.
*275 BC: end of history of Babylon.
*After failing to decisively defeat the Romans,Pyrrhus of Epirus withdraws from Italy.
*Gallic migration toMacedon ,Thrace andGalatia .
*273 BC–252 BCAshoka the Great ruled theMauryan Empire .260s BC
*264 BC
First Punic War breaks out between the Carthaginian Empire and theRoman Republic .
*261 BCAntiochus II Theos , 2nd son, at the death of his father becomes emperor of theSeleucid empire .
*260 BCBattle of Changping between the State of Qin and the State of Zhao in China; a decisive Qin victory.240s BC
*241 BC
First Punic War ends in Carthaginian defeat. Rome demands large reparations, and annexesSicily andCorsica .230s BC
*230 BC The Chinese Qin State conquers Han.
220s BC
*225 BC A large Gallic army is defeated by the Romans at the
Battle of Telamon .
*225 BC The Chinese Qin State conquers Wei.
*223 BC The Chinese Qin State conquers Chu.
*222 BC The Chinese Qin State conquers Yan and Zhao.
*221 BC With the conquest of the State of Qi,Qin Shihuang unifies the whole of China into one empire that also included northern Vietnam, forming theQin Dynasty .210s BC
*218 BC
Second Punic War begins.Hannibal makes his famousAlpine crossing to invadeItaly , the Roman heartland.
*216 BCHannibal famously crushed the Roman legions at theBattle of Cannae .
*214 BCQin Shi Huang of the ChineseQin Dynasty ordered construction of theGreat Wall of China .200s BC
*206 BC–202 BC Civil war of the
Chu-Han contention in China after the fall of the Qin Dynasty.
*202 BC Romans defeat Carthaginians, ending theSecond Punic War . Carthage's territories are reduced to the city itself, and crippling reparations are demanded by Rome.
*India n traders regularly visitedArabia .
*Scythia ns occupySogdiana , in modern-dayUzbekistan .
*Han Dynasty of China was founded (202 BC–220 AD).
*ThePharos of Alexandria is built.
*Appearance of theHopewell culture inOhio ,USA .
*Teotihuacán , Mexico begun.ignificant persons
Mencius , Chinesephilosopher and sage (371–289 BC)
*Euclid , geometer (c. 365–275 BC)
* Ashoka,Mauryan ruler ofIndia (273 BC–232 BC)
* Archimedes of Syracuse, mathematician, physicist, and engineer (c. 287–212 BC)
*Eratosthenes (c. 276–194 BC), Greek mathematician, geographer and astronomer
*Apollonius of Perga , mathematician (c. 262–190 BC)
*Qin Shi Huang , Chinese Emperor (259–210 BC, reigned 246–210 BC)
*Emperor Gaozu of Han , founder of theHan Dynasty in China, (256 BC–195 BC, reigned 202 BC–195 BC)
*Xiang Yu (232 BC–202 BC), Chinese rebel general against the Qin Dynasty and arch nemesis of Liu Bang in theChu-Han contention .
*Hannibal , military leader ofCarthage (247–182 BC)
* the "second" Brennus, Gaulish chieftain, invades Macedonia in 279 BC
* ThePtolemaic dynasty rulesEgypt
** Ptolemy I Soter (305 BC–282 BC) and his wives Eurydice and
** Ptolemy II Philadelphos (284 BC–246 BC) and his wives Arsinoe I and Arsinoe II Philadelphos
** Ptolemy III Euergetes I (246 BC–222 BC) and his wife Berenice II
** Ptolemy IV Philopater (222 BC–204 BC) and his wife Arsinoe III
** Ptolemy V Epiphanes (204 BC–180 BC) and his wife Cleopatra I
*Appius Claudius Caecus ,Aqua Appia ,Via Appia , invented letterG
*Arcesilaus , founder of newAcademy
*Manetho , wrote "History of Egypt"
*Xun Zi , founder ofLegalism (philosophy)
*Zeno of Citium , founder ofStoicism
*Bai Qi , Chinese general
*Song Yu , Chinese poetInventions, discoveries, introductions
Eratosthenes accurately calculates diameter of theEarth
* Weiqi well-established inChina , and may date back to the2nd millennium BC
* Stone of Canopus (for Ptolemy III), No. 1, in Rosetta Stone Series of 3 stones. Implements Leap year in Egypt. Leap year not formally recognized until Caesar in 55 B.C.
* 293 BC: first RomanSundial [Pliny (79ce): Natural History 7.213]
*Water screw invented byArchimedes
*Invention of themusical instrument hydraulis , the precursory to thePipe organ byCtesibius , a Greek engineer working inAlexandria .
*Emperor Gaozu of Han China discovers an elaborate mechanical puppet theater in the treasury of the previous rulerQin Shihuang .
*The enormousDu Jiang Yan Irrigation System of China is engineered and constructed byLi Bing in 256 BC.Evidence
Much of what we know of this century comes down to us from the works of the Roman historian
Polybius , whose main concern is the story of how Rome comes to dominate the known world.Decades and years
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