2007 in spaceflight

2007 in spaceflight

rowspan = 4|10 January, 03:53 GMT [cite web
url = http://www.rediff.com/news/2007/jan/10pslv.htm
title = All 4 PSLV-C7 satellites launched into orbit
publisher = Rediff
author = T K Rohit
rowspan = 4|flagicon|INDPSLV
rowspan = 4|nowrap|flagicon|INDSatish Dhawan
rowspan = 4|flagicon|INDISRO
|flagicon|INDCartosat 2
|LEO (Sun synchronous polar orbit)
|Earth observation
|Still in orbit
|Successful so far
|LEO (Polar)
|Technology development
|22 January 2007, 04:16 GMT [cite web
url = http://www.isro.org/pressrelease/Jan22_2007.htm
title = Space Capsule Successfully Recovered
publisher = ISRO
|First Indian spacecraft recovery
|LAPAN/TU Berlin
|LEO (Polar)
|Earth imaging
|Still in orbit
|Successful so far
|flagicon|ARGPehuensat 1
|Asociación Argentina de Tecnología Espacial
|LEO (Polar)
|Still in orbit
|Successful so far
|11 January, 22:28 GMT [cite web
url = http://www.aviationweek.com/aw/generic/story_generic.jsp?channel=awst&id=news/CHI01177.xml
title = Chinese Test Anti-Satellite Weapon
author = Craig Covault
publisher = Aviation Week
|flagicon|PRCXichangcite web
url = http://www.planet4589.org/space/jsr/back/news.576
title = Issue 576
date= 2007-02-02
author= Dr. Jonathan McDowell
accessdate= 2008-03-29
format= html
publisher= Jonathan's Space Report
language= English
|ASAT test - intercept satellite
|11 January 2007
|Destroyed Feng Yun 1C satellite
|16 January, 02:20 GMT
|Ionosphere research
|16 January 2007
|18 January, 02:12 GMT
|flagicon|KAZLC-1/5, Baikonur
|flagicon|RUSProgress 24P (M-59)
|LEO, docked to ISS
|Resupply ISS
|1 August 2007, 19:26 GMT
|19 January, 12:29 GMT
|flagicon|CANBlack Brant VB
|flagicon|USAPoker Flat
|flagicon|USAJOULE II
|Clemson University/Geospace
|Auroral research
|19 January 2007
|19 January, 12:30 GMT
|flagicon|USA/flagicon|CANTerrier-Black Brant IX
|flagicon|USAPoker Flat
|flagicon|USAJOULE II
|Clemson University/Geospace
|Auroral research
|19 January 2007
|19 January, 12:44 GMT
|flagicon|USAPoker Flat
|flagicon|USAJOULE II
|Clemson University/Geospace
|Auroral research
|19 January 2007
|19 January, 12:45 GMT
|flagicon|USAPoker Flat
|flagicon|USAJOULE II
|Clemson University/Geospace
|Auroral research
|19 January 2007
|27 January, 05:20 GMT
|flagicon|USAUS Army
rowspan="2"|ABM test
rowspan="2"|27 January, 2007
|27 January
|flagicon|USAUS Army
|30 January
|flagicon|SYRSyrian military
|Re-entry vehicle
|Syrian military
|Missile test
|30 January
|30 January, 23:22 GMT
|flagicon|UKRZenit 3SL
|nowrap|flagicon|NOROcean Odyssey
Pacific Ocean
|flagicon|UNSea Launch
|SES New Skies
|Intended: Geosynchronous
|Never left ground
|Rocket exploded on pad
|2 February, 16:28 GMTcite web
url = http://www.planet4589.org/space/jsr/back/news.577
title = Issue 577
date= 2007-02-25
author= Dr. Jonathan McDowell
accessdate= 2008-03-29
format= html
publisher= Jonathan's Space Report
language= English
|flagicon|PRCLong March 3A
|flagicon|PRCLC-2, Xichang
|Chinese government
|Still in orbit
|Partial failure
|Problems deploying solar panels
Corrected from ground
|7 February, 08:15 GMT
|flagicon|USAMinuteman III
|flagicon|USALF-10, Vandenberg AFB
|Mk. 21 re-entry vehicle
|ICBM test launch
|7 February 2007
|Impacted Reagan Test Site
|12 February, 12:45 GMT
|flagicon|CANBlack Brant XII
|flagicon|USAPoker Flat
|flagicon|USAROPAcite web
author =Lynch Rocket Group
publisher = Dartmouth College
title = ROPA
date = 8 March 2007
url =http://www.dartmouth.edu/~aurora/ropa.html
format = HTML
|University of Dartmouth
|Auroral research
|12 February 2007
|14 February, 09:22 GMT
|flagicon|USAPoker Flat
|flagicon|USAHEX 2
|University of Alaska/Geospace
|Thermospheric research
|14 February 2007
|14 February, 09:27 GMT
|flagicon|CANBlack Brant X
|flagicon|USAPoker Flat
|flagicon|USAHEX 2
|University of Alaska/Geospace
|Thermospheric research
|14 February 2007
|14 February, 09:36 GMT
|flagicon|USAPoker Flat
|flagicon|USAHEX 2
|University of Alaska/Geospace
|Thermospheric research
|14 February 2007
|14 February, 09:38 GMT
|flagicon|USAPoker Flat
|flagicon|USAHEX 2
|University of Alaska/Geospace
|Thermospheric research
|14 February 2007
rowspan ="5"|17 February
23:01 GMT
rowspan ="5"|flagicon|USABoeing Delta II (7925-10C)
rowspan ="5"|flagicon|USALC-17B, Cape Canaveral
rowspan ="5"|flagicon|USAULA
|Auroral research
|Still in orbit
|Successful so far
|Auroral research
|Still in orbit
|Successful so far
|Auroral research
|Still in orbit
|Successful so far
|Auroral research
|Still in orbit
|Successful so far
|Auroral research
|Still in orbit
|Successful so far
rowspan="2"|24 February 04:41 GMT
rowspan="2"|flagicon|JPNH-IIA 2024
rowspan="2"|flagicon|JPNPad Y, Tanegashima
|flagicon|JPNIGS-Radar 3
|Japanese government
|LEO (Sun-Synchronous)
|Reconnaissance satellite
|Still in orbit
|Successful so far
|flagicon|JPNIGS-Optical 3 Verification
|Japanese government
|LEO (Sun-Synchronous)
|Demonstration reconnaissance satellite
|Still in orbit
|Successful so far
|25 February
|Scientific research
|25 February 2007
|First successful Iranian scientific launch
|28 February, 08:39 GMT
|flagicon|CANBlack Brant XII
|flagicon|USAPoker Flat
|LaBelle/University of Dartmouth
|Auroral research
|28 February 2007
|1 March
|flagicon|NORMini-DUSTY 13
|Technology demonstration
|1 March 2007
|Rocket underperformed and failed to reach correct apogee
|6 March, 00:30 GMT
|flagicon|USAC-17, Kauai
|flagicon|USAUS Army
|Target demonstration
|6 March 2007
rowspan = 6|9 March 03:10 GMTcite web
url = http://www.planet4589.org/space/jsr/back/news.578
title = Issue 578
date= 2007-03-16
author= Dr. Jonathan McDowell
accessdate= 2008-04-03
format= html
publisher= Jonathan's Space Report
language= English
rowspan = 6|flagicon|USALockheed Martin Atlas V (401)
rowspan = 6|flagicon|USALC-41, Cape Canaveral
rowspan = 6|flagicon|USAULA
|Refuelling & Servicing experiment (tanker/servicer)
|Still in orbit
|Refuelling & Servicing experiment (servicable satellite receiver)
|Still in orbit
|flagicon|USAMidSTAR I
|US Naval Academy
|Radiation and communication research
|Still in orbit
|Successful so far
|United States Air Force Academy
|Plasma/Ionospheric research
|Still in orbit
|Successful so far
|flagicon|USASTPSat 1
|USAF's Space Test Program
|Atmospheric research and technology demonstration
|Still in orbit
|Successful so far
|Los Alamos National Laboratory
|Ionospheric research
|Still in orbit
|Successful so far
rowspan=2|11 March, 22:03 GMT
rowspan=2|flagicon|EUAriane 5 ECA
rowspan=2|flagicon|FRAELA-3, CSG (Kourou)
|flagicon|UKSkynet 5A
|Ministry of Defence
|Military comsat
|Still in orbit
|Successful so far
|flagicon|INDINSAT 4B
|Still in orbit
|Successful so far
|21 March, 01:10 GMTcite web
url = http://www.planet4589.org/space/jsr/back/news.579
title = Issue 579
date= 2007-04-23
author= Dr. Jonathan McDowell
accessdate= 2008-04-03
format= html
publisher= Jonathan's Space Report
language= English
|flagicon|USASpaceX Falcon 1
|flagicon|USADemoSat (LCT2/AFSS)
|Intended: LEO
|Test rocket
GPS and communication experiments
|T+5 minutes, 5 seconds
|Loss of signal after control problems
Failed to reach orbit
Some test objectives achieved.
|21 March, 04:27 GMT
|flagicon|USAChimera (Minuteman/Minotaur II)
|flagicon|USALF-06, Vandenberg AFB
|nowrap|flagicon|USAOrbital Sciences
|US Air Force
|Tracking demonstration
|21 March 2007
|6 April, 06:42 GMT
|flagicon|USAUS Army
|Target demonstration
|6 April 2007
|7 April, 17:31 GMT
|flagicon|KAZLC-1, Baikonur
|flagicon|RUSSoyuz TMA-10
3 Cosmonauts
docked to ISS
|Manned orbital flight
|21 October 2007, 10:36 GMT
|ISS Expedition 15, space tourist
|9 April, 22:54 GMT
|flagicon|KAZLC-200, Baikonur
|flagicon|CANAnik F3
|Telesat Canada
|Still in orbit
|Partial failure, still in operation
|Ka-band transmitter malfunction
|11 April, 03:27 GMT
|flagicon|PRCLong March 2C-III
|Oceanographic monitoring
|Still in orbit
|Successful so far
|12 April, 05:32 GMT
|Re-entry vehicle
|Missile test
|12 April 2007
|13 April, 20:11 GMT
|flagicon|PRCLong March 3A
|flagicon|PRCLC-2, Xichang
|flagicon|PRCCompass-M1 (Beidou-2A)
|Still in orbit
|Successful so far
rowspan = "14"|17 April, 06:46:34 GMT
rowspan = "14"|flagicon|UKRDnepr
rowspan = "14"|flagicon|KAZLC-109, Baikonur
rowspan = "14"|flagicon|RUSISC Kosmotras
|Earth imaging
|Still in orbit
|Successful so far
|Scientific Research
|Still in orbit
|Successful so far
|Still in orbit
|Successful so far
|Still in orbit
|Successful so far
|Still in orbit
|Successful so far
|Still in orbit
|Successful so far
|Still in orbit
|Successful so far
|Technology development
|Still in orbit
|Successful so far
|In P-POD container
|flagicon|USAPolySat 4
|Technology development
|Still in orbit
|Successful so far
|In P-POD container
|University of Louisiana at Lafayette
|Technology development
|Still in orbit
|Partial failure, still in operation
|In P-POD container, Problems with power supplycite web
title =CubeSat Community Website - Satellite Status (Dnepr Launch 2)
url =http://cubesat.atl.calpoly.edu/pages/missions/dnepr-launch-2/satellite-status.php
format = HTML
accessdaymonth = 27 March
accessyear = 2007
|flagicon|COLLibertad 1
|Sergio Arboleda University
|Technology development
|Still in orbit
|First Colombian satellite; in P-POD container
Deactivated following completion of mission
|flagicon|USAAeroCube 2
|Aerospace Corporation
|Technology development
|Still in orbit
|In P-POD container. Solar panel/converter malfunction.
|Technology development
|Still in orbit
|Successful so far
|In P-POD container
|Tethers Unlimited
|Technology development
|Still in orbit
|Successful so far
|In P-POD container
rowspan=2|23 April, 10:00 GMT
|Gamma ray observation
|Still in orbit
|Successful so far
|Technology demonstration
|Still in orbit
|Successful so far
|24 April, 06:48 GMTcite web
url = http://www.planet4589.org/space/jsr/back/news.580
title = Issue 580
date= 2007-05-16
author= Dr. Jonathan McDowell
accessdate= 2008-04-03
format= html
publisher= Jonathan's Space Report
language= English
|flagicon|USAMinotaur I
|flagicon|USAPad 0B, Mid-Atlantic Regional Spaceport (Wallops Island)
|flagicon|USAOrbital Sciences
|Missile early warning system
|Still in orbit
|Successful so far
|25 April, 20:26:00 GMT
|flagicon|USAOrbital Sciences Pegasus XL
|flagicon|USAL-1011, Vandenberg AFB
|flagicon|USAOrbital Sciences
|flagicon|USAAIM (SMEX 9)
|Study clouds on the edge of space
|Still in orbit
|Successful so far
|26 April, 21:31 GMT
|flagicon|USAUS Navy
rowspan="2"|US Navy
rowspan="2"|ABM test
rowspan="2"|26 April 2007
|flagicon|USA26 April, 21:32 GMT
|flagicon|USAUSS|Lake Erie|CG-70|6, Kauai
|flagicon|USAUS Navy
rowspan="6"|28 April, 14:56 GMT
rowspan="6"|flagicon|USASpaceLoft XL
rowspan="6"|flagicon|USASpaceport America, Upham, New Mexico
rowspan="6"|flagicon|USAUP Aerospace
|Space burial
rowspan="6"|28 April 2007
rowspan="6"|Recoverable sounding launch
Included remains of Astronaut Gordon Cooper and actor James Doohan
Reached an apogee of 117 kilometres
Bad weather delayed recovery
|Student experiments
|flagicon|USARocketSat II
|NASA/University of Colorado
|Technology demonstration
|Epsori Space Systems
|Drink ingredients
|flagicon|USAPersonal/commemorative items
|Astrata, RocketFoto and Astrax
rowspan=2|4 May, 22:29 GMT
rowspan=2|flagicon|EUAriane 5 ECA
rowspan=2|flagicon|FRAELA-3, CSG (Kourou)
|flagicon|LUXAstra 1L
|SES Astra
|Still in orbit
|Successful so far
|flagicon|UNGalaxy 17
|Still in orbit
|Successful so far
|12 May, 03:25:38 GMT
|flagicon|KAZLC-1, Baikonur
|flagicon|RUSProgress 25P (M-60)
|LEO, docked to ISS
|Resupply ISS
|25 September 2007, 19:48 GMT
|13 May, 16:01 GMT
|flagicon|PRCLong March 3B
|flagicon|PRCLC-2, Xichang
|Still in orbit
|Successful so far
|First African geosynchronous communication satellite
|15 May
|flagicon|USATrident D-5
|flagicon|USAUSS|Tennessee|SSBN-734|6, Eastern Test Range
|flagicon|USAUS Navy
|US Navy
|SLBM test
|15 May 2007
|15 May
|flagicon|USATrident D-5
|flagicon|USAUSS|Tennessee|SSBN-734|6, Eastern Test Range
|flagicon|USAUS Navy
|US Navy
|SLBM test
|15 May 2007
rowspan="2"|25 May, 07:12 GMTcite web
url = http://www.planet4589.org/space/jsr/back/news.581
title = Issue 581
date= 2007-06-23
author= Dr. Jonathan McDowell
accessdate= 2008-04-03
format= html
publisher= Jonathan's Space Report
language= English
rowspan="2"|flagicon|PRCLong March 2D
|flagicon|PRCYaogan 2
|Earth imaging
|Still in orbit
|Successful so far
rowspan="2"|100th successful Chinese orbital launchcite web
last =Barbosa
first =Rui C.
date = 25 May
publisher = NASA Spaceflight.com
title =China launch Yaogan-II satellite - 100th success
url =http://www.nasaspaceflight.com/content/?cid=5111
format = HTML
accessdaymonth = 27 May
accessyear = 2007
|flagicon|PRCZheda PiXing-1 (MEMS-Pico)
|Zhejiang University
|Microelectronic research
|Still in orbit
|Successful so far
|25 May, 13:15 GMT
|flagicon|USAKodiak Island
|FTG-03 Target
|ABM Target
|25 May 2007
|Did not reach correct altitude, GMD OBV interceptor not launchedcite web
url = http://www.mda.mil/mdalink/pdf/07news0034.pdf
title = Missile Defence Test A "No Test"
accessdaymonth = 27 May
accessyear = 2007
date = 25 May 2007
format = PDF
publisher = MDA
|29 May, 10:20 GMT
|Test ICBM
|29 May 2007
|Maiden flight of RS-24 missile
rowspan="4"|29 May, 20:31:30 GMT
rowspan="4"|flagicon|KAZLC-31, Baikonur
|flagicon|USAGlobalstar 65
|Still in orbit
|Successful so far
|flagicon|USAGlobalstar 69
|Still in orbit
|Successful so far
|flagicon|USAGlobalstar 71
|Still in orbit
|Successful so far
|flagicon|USAGlobalstar 72
|Still in orbit
|Successful so far
|31 May, 16:08 GMT
|flagicon|PRCLong March 3A
|flagicon|PRCLC-2, Xichang
|Sino Satellite Communications Co
|Still in orbit
|Successful so far
|100th flight of Long March carrier rocket
|7 June, 18:00 GMT
|flagicon|RUSKosmos 2427 (Kobal't-M)
|Classified defence spacecraft
|22 August, 21:00 GMT
|8 June, 02:34:01 GMT
|flagicon|USADelta II (7420-10)
|flagicon|USASLC-2W, Vandenberg AFB
|Italian government, ASI, CONAEcite web
url = http://www.asi.it/CosmoSkymed/About_COSMO-SkyMed.htm
title = About COSMO-Skymed
format = html
publisher = Italian Space Agency
|Earth imaging/reconnaissance
|Still in orbit
|Successful so far
rowspan="2"|8 June, 23:38:04 GMT
rowspan="2"|flagicon|USASpace Shuttle "Atlantis"
rowspan="2"|flagicon|USALC-39A, Kennedy Space Center
|flagicon|USASTS-117, 7 Astronauts
|LEO, docked to ISS
|Manned orbital flight
|22 June 2007, 19:49:38 GMT
|ISS assembly flight, crew rotation
|flagicon|UNITS S3/4 Truss
|LEO, attached to ISS
|ISS component
|Still in orbit
|Successful so far
|10 June, 23:40 GMT
|IAI/Israeli military
|LEO (retrograde)
|Reconnaissance satellite
|Still in orbit
|Successful so far cite web
url = http://www.mfa.gov.il/MFA/Israel+beyond+politics/Israel%20successfully%20launches%20Ofek%207%20satellite%2011-Jun-2007
title = Israel successfully launches Ofek 7 satellite
date = 11 June 2007
format = html
publisher = Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs
|Maiden flight of Shavit-2
|15 June, 02:14 GMT
|flagicon|KAZLC-109, Baikonur
|flagicon|RUSISC Kosmotras
|Radar/Remote Sensing
|Still in orbit
|Successful so far
|15 June, 02:45 GMT
|Hypersonic research
|15 June
rowspan="2"|15 June, 15:04 GMT
rowspan="2"|flagicon|USALockheed Martin Atlas V (401)
rowspan="2"|flagicon|USALC-41, Cape Canaveral
|flagicon|USANOSS 3-4A (NRO-L30R)
|Ocean surveillance
|Still in orbit
|Partial failure
Still in operation
rowspan="2"|Placed in incorrect orbit due to premature cutoff of Centaur upper stage.cite web
url = http://space.skyrocket.de/index_frame.htm?http://space.skyrocket.de/doc_lau_det/atlas-5-401.htm
title = Atlas V (401)
format = html
publisher = Gunter's Space Page
Spacecraft corrected using their own thrusters, reducing lifespan
|flagicon|USANOSS 3-4B (NRO-L30R)
|Ocean surveillance
|Still in orbit
|Partial failure
Still in operation
|15 June
|flagicon|USAUS Navy
|US Navy
|Target Demonstration
|15 June 2007
|15 June
|flagicon|USAUS Navy
|US Navy
|Target Demonstration
|15 June 2007
rowspan="2"|20 June
rowspan="2"|flagicon|USALas Cruces, New Mexico
|flagicon|USARocketSat III
|NASA/University of Colorado
rowspan="2"|Technology demonstration
rowspan="2"|20 June 2007
|Drink ingredients
|21 June
|flagicon|USAWhite Sands
|Test sounding rocket
|21 June 2007
|21 June
|flagicon|FRASubmarine, Biscarrosse
|flagicon|FRAFrench Navy
|French Navy
|SLBM test
|21 June 2007
|23 June, 02:40 GMT
|flagicon|USACastor 4B
|flagicon|USAUS Navy
rowspan="2"|US Navy
rowspan="2"|ABM test
rowspan="2"|23 June 2007
|23 June, 02:44 GMT
|flagicon|USAUSS|Decatur|DDG-73|6, Kauai
|flagicon|USAUS Navy
|28 June
|flagicon|RUSSubmarine, White Sea
|SLBM test
|28 June 2007
|28 June, 15:02 GMTcite web
url = http://www.planet4589.org/space/jsr/back/news.582
title = Issue 582
date= 2007-07-07
author= Dr. Jonathan McDowell
accessdate= 2008-04-03
format= html
publisher= Jonathan's Space Report
language= English
|flagicon|RUSISC Kosmotras
|flagicon|USAGenesis II
|Bigelow Aerospace
|Experimental inflatable module
|Still in orbit
|Successful so far
|29 June, 10:00 GMT
|flagicon|UKRYuzhnoye Zenit-2M
|flagicon|KAZLC-45/1, Baikonur
|flagicon|RUSKosmos 2428 (Tselina-2)
|Intelligence satellite
|Still in orbit
|Successful so far
|Maiden flight of Zenit-2M
|2 July, 19:38 GMT
|flagicon|RUSLC-132/1, Plesetsk
|Kommando Strategische Aufklärung, Bundeswehr
|Polar Orbit
|Radar reconnaissance
|Still in orbit
|Successful so far
|5 July, 12:08 GMT
|flagicon|PRCLong March 3B
|Still in orbit
|Successful so far
|7 July, 01:16:00 GMT
|flagicon|RUSProton-M Enhanced
|flagicon|KAZLC-200/39, Baikonur
|Still in orbit
|Successful so far
|Maiden flight of Proton-M Enhancedcite web
url = http://www.khrunichev.ru/khrunichev/upload/images/autoref/DirecTV_10.pdf
title = DirecTV-10 Mission Overview
format = pdf
publisher = Khrunichev
|19 July
|flagicon|BRAVSB-30 (306)
|flagicon|BRACuma II
|Microgravity research
|19 July
|Partial failure
|Parachute or floatation system malfunction prevented recovery
|2 August, 17:33:48 GMTcite web
url = http://www.planet4589.org/space/jsr/back/news.583
title = Issue 583
date= 2007-08-04
author= Dr. Jonathan McDowell
accessdate= 2008-04-03
format= html
publisher= Jonathan's Space Report
language= English
|flagicon|KAZLC-1, Baikonur
|flagicon|RUSProgress 26P (M-61)
|LEO, docked to ISS
|Resupply ISS
Technology development
|22 January 2008, 19:52 GMT
|Remained in orbit after undocking to conduct technological experiments
|3 August, 22:51:20 GMT
|flagicon|USAMASS 1
|NASA/University of Colorado
|Atmospheric research
|3 August 2007
|3 August, 23:22 GMT
|flagicon|NOR/flagicon|GER/flagicon|FRAECOMA 3
|Atmospheric research
|3 August 2007
|Apogee: km to mi|126.5|wiki=yes|abbr=yes
|4 August, 09:26:34 GMT
|flagicon|USADelta II (7925)
|flagicon|USALC-17A, Cape Canaveral
|Heliocentric orbit
|Mars lander
|25 May 2008 (on Mars)
|Successful so far
|6 August, 22:56 GMT
|flagicon|USAMASS 2
|NASA/University of Colorado
|Atmospheric research
|6 August 2007
|7 August
|flagicon|RUSVolna (R-29R/SS-N-18)
|flagicon|RUSDelta III submarine, Pacific Ocean
|SLBM test
|7 August 2007
rowspan="3"|8 August, 22:36:42 GMTcite web
url = http://www.planet4589.org/space/jsr/back/news.584
title = Issue 584
date= 2007-08-19
author= Dr. Jonathan McDowell
accessdate= 2008-04-03
format= html
publisher= Jonathan's Space Report
language= English
rowspan="3"|flagicon|USASpace Shuttle "Endeavour"
rowspan="3"|flagicon|USALC-39A, Kennedy Space Center
|flagicon|USASTS-118, 7 Astronauts
|LEO, docked to ISS
|Manned orbital flight
rowspan="2"|21 August, 16:32 GMT
|ISS assembly flight
|flagicon|USASpaceHab LSM
|LEO, attached to "Endeavour"
|ISS logistics
|Final flight of SpaceHab module
|flagicon|UNISS S5 Truss
|LEO, attached to ISS
|ISS component
|Still in orbit
|Successful so far
|13 August, 05:45 GMT
|flagicon|CANBlack Brant IX
|flagicon|USALC-36, White Sands
|flagicon|USAJHU LIDOS 2
|Ultraviolet astronomy
|13 August 2007
rowspan="2"|14 August, 23:44 GMT
rowspan="2"|flagicon|EUAriane 5 ECA
rowspan="2"|flagicon|FRAELA-3, CSG (Kourou)
|flagicon|USASpaceway 3
|Hughes Network Systems
|Still in orbit
|Successful so far
|flagicon|JPNBSat 3a
|Broadcasting Satellite System Corporation
|Still in orbit
|Successful so far
|23 August, 08:31 GMT cite web
url = http://www.planet4589.org/space/jsr/back/news.585
title = Issue 585
date= 2007-09-19
author= Dr. Jonathan McDowell
accessdate= 2008-04-03
format= html
publisher= Jonathan's Space Report
language= English
|flagicon|USAChimera (Minuteman/Minotaur II)
|flagicon|USALF-06, Vandenberg AFB
|flagicon|USAOrbital Sciences
|flagicon|USANFIRE 2a target
|NFIRE test
|23 August 09:01 GMT
|2 September, 10:20 GMT
|flagicon|JPN WIND
|JAXA / Kochi University of Technology
|Thermosphere research
|2 September 2007
|2 September, 12:51 GMT
|flagicon|INDSLP, Sriharikota
|Still in orbit
|Partial failure, still in operation
|Apogee lower and inclination higher than expected, due to carrier rocket underperformance. cite web
url = http://www.spaceflightnow.com/news/n0709/02insat4cr
title = India's large satellite launcher returns to flight
last = Clark
first = Stephen
date = 2 September 2007
format = html
publisher = Spaceflight Now
] Lifespan further reduced by drift following tracking failure. 5 years of operational life lost.cite web
title = Isro satellite ‘disappears’, loses five years of life
last = Ram
first = Arun
date = 15 December 2007
format = html
publisher = DNA-India
|5 September, 22:43 GMT
|flagicon|KAZLC-200/39, Baikonur
|Intended: Geostationary
|~T+135 seconds
|Second stage failed to separate due to damaged cablingcite web
url = http://www.spaceflightnow.com/news/n0710/11protonreport/index2.html
title = Damaged cable blamed for downing Proton rocket
last = Clark
first = Stephen
date = 11 October 2007
accessdaymonth = 13 October
accessyear = 2007
format = html
publisher = Spaceflight Now
] .
|6 September, 21:09 GMT
|Technology demonstration
|6 September 2007, 21:19 GMT
|11 September, 13:05 GMT
|flagicon|RUSLC-132/1, Plesetsk
|flagicon|RUSKosmos 2429 (Parus)
|Military navigation
|Still in orbit
|Successful so far
rowspan="3"|14 September, 01:31:01 GMT
rowspan="3"|flagicon|JPNH-IIA 2022
|flagicon|JPNKaguya (SELENE)
|Lunar orbiter
|Still in orbit
|Successful so far
|Lunar orbiter
|Still in orbit
|Successful so far
|Lunar orbiter
|Still in orbit
|Successful so far
rowspan=2|14 September, 11:00 GMT
rowspan=2|flagicon|KAZLC-1/5, Baikonur
|Scientific research
|26 September 2007, 07:58 GMT
|Technology development
|Still in orbit
|Tether may have failed to deploy fully. Satellite recovery failed.cite web
url = http://www.esa.int/esaCP/SEMBBBC1S6F_index_0.html
title = YES2 student payload released from Foton-M3
date = 25 September 2007
format = html
publisher = European Space Agency
|18 September, 18:35 GMT
|flagicon|USADelta II (7920-10C)
|flagicon|USASLC-2W, Vandenberg AFB
|Still in orbit
|Successful so far
|75th consecutive successful Delta II launch.
|19 September, 03:26 GMT
|flagicon|PRCLong March 4B
|flagicon|PRC/flagicon|BRACBERS-2B (Ziyuan 1-02B)
|Remote sensing
|Still in orbit
|Successful so far
|nowrap|27 September, 11:34 GMTcite web
url = http://www.planet4589.org/space/jsr/back/news.586
title = Issue 586
date= 2007-10-14
author= Dr. Jonathan McDowell
accessdate= 2008-04-03
format= html
publisher= Jonathan's Space Report
language= English
|flagicon|USADelta II (7925H)
|flagicon|USALC-17B, Cape Canaveral
Then: Ceres orbit
Then: Vesta orbit
|Explore Dwarf Planet Ceres and asteroid 4 Vesta
|Still in orbit
|Successful so far
|28 September, 20:16 GMT
|flagicon|USAKodiak Island
rowspan="2"|ABM Test
rowspan="2"|28 September 2007
|28 September, 20:18 GMT
|flagicon|USALF-23, Vandenberg AFB
|5 October, 05:05 GMT
|Missile test
|5 October 2007
rowspan="2"|5 October, 22:02:26 GMT
rowspan="2"|flagicon|EUAriane 5GS
rowspan="2"|flagicon|FRAELA-3, CSG
|flagicon|UNIntelsat 11
|Still in orbit
|Successful so far
|flagicon|AUSOptus D-2
|Still in orbit
|Successful so far
|10 October, 13:22:39 GMT
|flagicon|KAZLC-1/5, Baikonur
|flagicon|RUSSoyuz TMA-11
3 Cosmonauts
|LEO, docked to ISS
|Manned orbital flight
|19 April 2008
|ISS Expedition 16, first Malaysian in space
|11 October, 00:22 GMT
|flagicon|USALockheed Martin Atlas V (421)
|flagicon|USALC-41, Cape Canaveral
|flagicon|USAUSA-195 (WGS-1)
|US Air Force
|Still in orbit
|Successful so far
|Maiden flight of Atlas V 421
|17 October, 12:23:00 GMTcite web
url = http://www.planet4589.org/space/jsr/back/news.587
title = Issue 587
date= 2007-10-30
author= Dr. Jonathan McDowell
accessdate= 2008-04-03
format= html
publisher= Jonathan's Space Report
language= English
|flagicon|USADelta II (7925-9.5)
|flagicon|USALC-17A, Cape Canaveral
|flagicon|USAUSA-196 (GPS 2R-17/M4)
|US Air Force
|Still in orbit
|Successful so far
|700th flight of Thor rocket (Variant used as first stage).
rowspan="4"|20 October, 20:12:25 GMT
rowspan="4"|flagicon|KAZLC-31, Baikonur
|flagicon|USAGlobalstar 66
|Still in orbit
|Successful so far
|flagicon|USAGlobalstar 67
|Still in orbit
|Successful so far
|flagicon|USAGlobalstar 68
|Still in orbit
|Successful so far
|flagicon|USAGlobalstar 70
|Still in orbit
|Successful so far
|23 October, 04:39 GMT
|flagicon|RUSKosmos 2430 (Oko)
|Early Warning
|Still in orbit
|Successful so far
|Final flight of Molniya-M carrier rocket
rowspan=2|23 October, 15:38:19 GMT
rowspan=2|flagicon|USASpace Shuttle "Discovery"
rowspan=2|flagicon|USALC-39A, Kennedy Space Center
|flagicon|USASTS-120, 7 Astronauts
|LEO, docked to ISS
|Manned orbital flight
|7 November 2007, 18:01 GMT
|ISS assembly flight, crew rotation
|flagicon|UN"Harmony" (ISS Node 2)
|LEO, attached to ISS
|ISS component
|Still in orbit
|Successful so far
|24 October 10:05 GMT
|flagicon|PRCLong March 3A
|flagicon|PRCLC-3, Xichang
|flagicon|PRCChang'e 1
|Chinese government
|Lunar probe
|Still in orbit
|Successful so far
|First Chinese lunar probe
rowspan="3"|26 October, 07:35:24 GMT
rowspan="3"|flagicon|KAZLC-81/24, Baikonur
|flagicon|RUSKosmos 2431 (Glonass-M)
|Still in orbit
|Successful so far
|flagicon|RUSKosmos 2432 (Glonass-M)
|Still in orbit
|Successful so far
|flagicon|RUSKosmos 2433 (Glonass-M)
|Still in orbit
|Successful so far
|30 October, 04:12:52 GMT
|flagicon|CANBlack Brant IX
|flagicon|USAPad 1, Wallops Flight Facility
|NASA/University Of Texas
|Ionospheric research
|30 October 2007, 04:26:17 GMT
rowspan="2"|1 November, 00:51:44 GMTcite web
url = http://www.planet4589.org/space/jsr/back/news.588
title = Issue 588
date= 2007-09-19
author= Dr. Jonathan McDowell
accessdate= 2008-04-03
format= html
publisher= Jonathan's Space Report
language= English
rowspan="2"|flagicon|RUSLC-132, Plesetsk
|flagicon|GERSAR-Lupe 3
|Kommando Strategische Aufklärung, Bundeswehr
|LEO (polar)
|Military reconnaissance
|Still in orbit
|Successful so far
|LuxSpace Sarl/ESA
|LEO (polar)
|Technology demonstration
|Still in orbit
|Successful so far
|6 November, 18:00 GMT
|flagicon|CANBlack Brant IX
|flagicon|USALC-36, White Sands
|Solar research
|6 November 2007
|11 November, 01:50 GMT
|flagicon|USADelta IV-H (9250H)
|flagicon|USALC-37B, Cape Canaveral
|Missile early warning system
|Still in orbit
|Successful so far
|Final DSP satellite
|11 November, 22:48 GMT
|flagicon|PRCLong March 4C (Long March 4B-II)
|flagicon|PRCYaogan 3
|Earth imaging/Remote sensing
|Still in orbit
|Successful so far
|First flight of Long March 4C after redesignation
rowspan="2"|14 November, 22:06 GMT
rowspan="2"|flagicon|EUAriane 5 ECA
rowspan="2"|flagicon|FRAELA-3, CSG (Kourou)
|flagicon|UKSkynet 5B
|Still in orbit
|Successful so far
rowspan="2"|Record mass to GTO - kg to lb|9535|wiki=yes|abbr=yescite web|url=http://www.nasaspaceflight.com/content/?cid=5285|publisher=NASASpaceflight.com|title=Ariane 5 ECA launches with Skynet 5B and Star One C1|author=Chris Bergin|date=2007-11-14|accessdate=2008-04-03]
|flagicon|BRAStar One C1
|Star One
|Still in orbit
|Successful so far
|17 November, 22:39:47 GMT
|flagicon|KAZLC-200/39, Baikonur
|flagicon|SWESIRIUS 4
|Still in orbit
|Successful so far
|8 December
|flagicon|RUSRS-12M Topol-M
|flagicon|RUSKapustin Yar
|ICBM test
|8 December 2007
|9 December, 00:16 GMTcite web
url = http://www.planet4589.org/space/jsr/back/news.589
title = Issue 589
date= 2007-12-21
author= Dr. Jonathan McDowell
accessdate= 2008-04-03
format= html
publisher= Jonathan's Space Report
language= English
|flagicon|KAZLC-81/24, Baikonur
|flagicon|RUSKosmos-2434 (Globus-1/Raduga-1)
|Military Comsat
|Still in orbit
|Successful so far
|9 December, 02:31:42 GMT
|flagicon|USADelta II (7420-10)
|flagicon|USASLC-2W, Vandenberg AFB
|Italian government, ASI, CONAE
|Earth imaging/reconnaissance
|Still in orbit
|Successful so far
|10 December, 09:00:00 GMT
|flagicon|CANBlack Brant XII
|Electrodynamics research
|10 December 2007
|10 December, 09:02:00 GMT
|flagicon|CANBlack Brant XII
|Electrodynamics research
|10 December 2007
|10 December, 22:05 GMT
|flagicon|USALockheed Martin Atlas V (401)
|flagicon|USALC-41, Cape Canaveral
|flagicon|USANRO L-24 (SDS)
|Still in orbit
|Successful so far
|14 December, 13:17:34 GMT
|flagicon|KAZLC-31/6, Baikonur
|flagicon|CANRADARSAT 2
|Observation satellite
|Still in orbit
|Successful so far
|17 December, 22:05 GMTcite web|url=http://www.mda.mil/mdalink/pdf/07news0053.pdf|format=PDF|publisher=Missile Defense Agency|title=Japan/U.S. Missile Defense Flight Test Successful|date=2007-12-17|accessdate=2008-04-03]
|flagicon|USACastor 4B
|flagicon|USAUS Navy
|Mock warhead
|US Navy
|ABM target
|17 December
rowspan="2"|First Japanese ABM test (Using American technology)
|17 December, 22:08 GMT
|flagicon|USA SM-3
|flagicon|JPN DDG-173 Kongou
|flagicon|JPN JMSDF
|ABM test
|17 December
|17 December
|flagicon|RUS R-29RM Sineva
|flagicon|RUS K-114 Tula, Barents Sea
|flagicon|RUS VMF
|Multiple re-entry vehicles
|SLBM test
|17 December
|Impacted Kura Test Range
|17 December
|flagicon|BRABarreira do Inferno
|Microgravity research
|17 December
|20 December, 20:04:00 GMT
|flagicon|USADelta II (7925-9.5)
|flagicon|USALC-17A, Cape Canaveral
|flagicon|USAGPS 2R-18
|US Air Force
|Still in orbit
|Successful so far
rowspan="2"|21 December, 21:41:55 GMT
rowspan="2"|flagicon|EUAriane 5 GS
rowspan="2"|flagicon|FRAELA-3, CSG (Kourou)
|Still in orbit
|Successful so far
|flagicon|MUSRascom-QAF 1
|Still in orbit
|Partial failure, still in operation
|Helium leak affected early operationscite web|url=http://www.thalesonline.com/space/Press-Room/Press-Release-search-all/Press-Release-search-result/Press-Release-Article.html?link=79404206-6919-634c-264b-6b5466762b7e:central&locale=EN-gb&Title=RASCOM-QAF1%C2%92s+Launch+Early+Operation+Procedures+have+been+stopped&dis=1|publisher=Thales Alenia Space|title=RASCOM-QAF1’s Launch Early Operation Procedures have been stopped|date=2007-12-29|accessdate=2008-04-03] , reducing operational lifetime by 13 years.
|23 December, 07:12:41 GMTcite web
url = http://www.planet4589.org/space/jsr/back/news.590
title = Issue 590
date= 2008-01-16
author= Dr. Jonathan McDowell
accessdate= 2008-04-03
format= html
publisher= Jonathan's Space Report
language= English
|flagicon|KAZLC-1/5, Baikonur
|flagicon|RUSProgress 27P (M-62)
|LEO, docked to ISS
|Resupply ISS
|15 February 2008, 10:29 GMT
|25 December, 10:00 GMT
|flagicon|RUS R-29RM Sineva
|flagicon|RUS K-114 Tula, Barents Sea
|flagicon|RUS VMF
|Multiple re-entry vehicles
|SLBM test
|25 December
|Impacted Kura Test Range
|25 December, 13:10 GMT
|Multiple re-entry vehicles
|ICBM test
|25 December 2007
|Successful so far
rowspan="3"|25 December, 19:32 GMT
rowspan="3"|flagicon|KAZLC-81/24, Baikonur
|Still in orbit
|Successful so far
rowspan="3"|Maiden flight of Proton-M/DM-2
|Still in orbit
|Successful so far
|Still in orbit
|Successful so far

Deep Space Rendezvous in 2007

*13 JanuaryCassini flyby of Titan - T23 (950 km)
*29 January — Cassini flyby of Titan - T24 (2,776 km)
*22 February — Cassini flyby of Titan - T25 (953 km)
*25 FebruaryRosetta flyby of Mars
*28 FebruaryNew Horizons flyby of Jupiter
*10 March — Cassini flyby of Titan - T26 (956 km)
*26 March — Cassini flyby of Titan - T27 (953 km)
*10 April — Cassini flyby of Titan - T28 (951 km)
*26 April — Cassini flyby of Titan - T29 (951 km)
*12 May — Cassini flyby of Titan - T30 (950 km)
*28 May — Cassini flyby of Titan - T31 (2,425 km)
*5 JuneMESSENGER 2nd flyby of Venus
*13 June — Cassini flyby of Titan - T32 (950 km)
*29 June — Cassini flyby of Titan - T33 (1,942 km)
*19 July — Cassini flyby of Titan - T34 (1,302 km)
*30 August — Cassini flyby of Rhea (5,100 km)
*31 August — Cassini flyby of Titan - T35 (3,227 km)
*10 September — Cassini flyby of Iapetus (1,000 km)
*2 October — Cassini flyby of Titan - T36 (950 km)
*3 Octobercite web
url = http://www.planetary.org/news/2007/0914_Kaguya_Rockets_Toward_the_Moon.html |title = DirecTV-10 Mission Overview
title = Kaguya Rockets Toward the Moon
last = Lakdawalla
first = Emily
date = 14 September 2007
format = html
publisher = The Planetary Society
] — Kaguya (SELENE) entered Selenocentric orbit
*5 NovemberChang'e 1 entered Selenocentric orbit
*13 November — Rosetta 2nd flyby of the Earth
*19 November — Cassini flyby of Titan - T37 (950 km)
*5 December — Cassini flyby of Titan - T38 (1,300 km)
*20 December — Cassini flyby of Titan - T39 (953 km)
*31 DecemberDeep Impact (EPOXI) flyby of Earth (15,566 km)

Orbital launch summary

By country


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