Bulava (missile)

Bulava (missile)

Infobox Weapon
name=R-30 Bulava

caption=Bulava Missile variants
service=planned for 2008
engine=three stage solid propellant
weight=36.8 metric tons
length=11.5 m (without warhead), 12.1 m (launch container)
diameter=2 m (missile), 2.1 m (launch container)
vehicle_range=>8,000 kilometers [ [http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/6251082.stm BBC NEWS | Europe | Russians test ballistic missile ] ]
filling=up to 6 reentry vehicles and penetration aids ; maximum payload up to 1,150 kg
guidance=inertial, possibly with stellar sensor and/or GLONASS update
launch_platform=pr.955 submarines
The ""Bulava" ( _ru. «Булава», “mace”) is a Submarine-launched ballistic missile under development in Russia. The Moscow Institute of Thermal Technology is chiefly responsible for the missile's design.

The Bulava carries the NATO reporting name SS-NX-30 and has been assigned the GRAU index 3M30. In international treaties, the common designation RSM-56 is used.

The decision on developing the “Bulava” missile was adopted in 1998 after three unsuccessful tests of the “Bark” missile of the Miass Construction Bureau named after Makeev.

The Bulava design is based on the SS-27 (Topol M), but is both lighter and more sophisticated. The two missiles are expected to have comparable ranges, and similar CEP and warhead configurations.

The Russian military developed Bulava to possess advanced defense capabilities making it nearly impervious to existing and future missile-defense systems. Among its claimed abilities are evasive maneuvering, mid-course countermeasures and decoys and a warhead fully shielded against both physical and EMP damage. The Bulava is designed to be capable of surviving a nuclear blast at a minimum distance of 500 meters. [http://www.missilethreat.com/missilesoftheworld/id.158/missile_detail.asp MissileThreat] .] President Putin has stated that Bulava could penetrate any potential anti-missile defence system.

The current version of the Bulava is able to carry up to six MIRV warheads, future variants are expected to carry a maximum of ten. A full-capacity payload requires the forfeiture of all final stage countermeasures and of some shielding.

The missile completed the first stage launch-tests at the end of 2004. It was originally scheduled for completion in late 2006, but is now not expected to enter service until 2009.

The test launches conducted on June 28, 2007, September 27, 2005, and December 21, 2005, from the "Dmitry Donskoi", a Typhoon class ballistic missile submarine, were successful. [http://en.rian.ru/russia/20060301/43852312.html RIA Novosti] .] The next three flight tests, on September 7, 2006, October 25, 2006, and December 24, 2006, ended in failures of the missile, the causes of which have not yet been revealed. The most recent successful launch of the Bulava happened on September 18, 2008 on Russia’s pacific coast. The missile flew almost the whole length of the country, however the performance of the payload is in dispute by various sources [http://nvo.ng.ru/forces/2008-09-26/1_red.html?mthree=4] [http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080918/ap_on_re_eu/eu_russia_missile_test Russia successfully test-fires new Bulava missile] .] .

The first boats to carry the Bulava will be the forthcoming Borei-class submarines, which will be outfitted with sixteen missiles each (the first submarine of the class will have twelve launchers only). The first three boats of this class will be deployed in 2010 (a total of 5 were planned for 2015 [http://www.vedomosti.ru/newspaper/article.shtml?2006/08/07/110626 Vedomosti] .] ). A land-based variant is also expected.

On the 5 August, 2007 Russia made a decision to start serial production of the Bulava sea-launched ballistic missile. [http://en.rian.ru/russia/20070805/70378998.html RIA Novosti] .] However this didn't happen and after a longer period of reviewing the program the decision was made to continue the flight-testing. In July 25 2008 the "Dmitri Donskoi" went to sea to conduct a test launch of the missile [http://www.rg.ru/2008/07/24/flot.html] . The latest was conducted on September 18, 2008 at 18:45 Moscow time [http://www.rian.ru/defense_safety/20080918/151403421.html] . Some reports did however say that the test was not quite successful and that the bus failed to separate the warheads [http://www.kommersant.ru/doc.aspx?DocsID=1029799] , or that the missile carried no warheads at all [http://nvo.ng.ru/forces/2008-09-26/1_red.html?mthree=4]

On september 19 2008 a senior Navy official announced that Russia will adopt the new Bulava-M submarine-based ballistic missile for service with the Navy in 2009 [http://en.rian.ru/russia/20080919/116955401.html] .


; RUS: The Russian Navy is scheduled to be the sole operator of the Bulava.


External links

* [http://www.missilethreat.com MissileThreat] news articles, primarily with an American view of events.
* [http://www.janes.com/defence/news/jmr/jmr060511_1_n.shtml Russia's Bulava undergoes fast-track test programme] , May 2006.
* [http://www.dtig.org/docs.asp Technical data] in PDF, DTIG.
* [http://www.cnews.ru/news/top/index.shtml?2006/04/06/199261 Technical data] .

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