Codex Bezae

Codex Bezae
New Testament manuscripts
Uncial 05
A sample of the Greek text from the Codex Bezae

A sample of the Greek text from the Codex Bezae
Name Bezae
Sign Dea
Text Gospels and Acts of Apostles
Date c. 400
Script Greek-Latin diglot
Now at University of Cambridge
Size 26 cm by 21.5 cm
Type Western text-type
Category IV

The Codex Bezae Cantabrigensis, designated by siglum Dea or 05 (in the Gregory-Aland numbering), δ 5 (von Soden), is a codex of the New Testament dating from the 5th century written in an uncial hand on vellum. It contains, in both Greek and Latin, most of the four Gospels and Acts, with a small fragment of the 3 John. Written one column per page, the codex contains 406 extant parchment leaves (from perhaps an original 534) measuring 26 x 21.5 cm, with the Greek text on the left face and the Latin text on the right.[1]



The first three lines of each book are in red letters, and black and red ink alternate lines towards the end of books. As many as eleven people (G, A, C, B, D, E, H, F, J1, L, K) have corrected the manuscript between the sixth and twelfth centuries.[2] The text is written colometrically and is full of hiatus. The Greek text of the codex has some copying errors, e.g., errors of metathesis: in John 1:3, ΕΓΕΝΕΤΟ was changed into ΕΝΕΓΕΤΟ; in Acts 1:9, ΥΠΕΛΑΒΕΝ into ΥΠΕΒΑΛΕΝ.

Some from the nomina sacra are written in an abbreviated form: ΙΗΣ (Ιησους), ΧΡΣ (Χριστος), ΠΑΡ (πατηρ), ΣΤΗ (σταυρωθη), but not for μητερ, υιος, σωτηρ, ανθρωπος, ουρανος, δαυιδ, Ισραηλ, Ιηρουσαλημ, which are written fully.[3]


The place of origin of the codex is still disputed.[4][5]

The manuscript is believed to have been repaired at Lyon in the ninth century as revealed by a distinctive ink used for supplementary pages. It was closely guarded for many centuries in the monastic library of St Irenaeus at Lyon. The manuscript was consulted, perhaps in Italy, for disputed readings at the Council of Trent, and was at about the same time collated for Stephanus's edition of the Greek New Testament. During the upheavals of the Wars of Religion in the 16th century, when textual analysis had a new urgency among the Reformation's Protestants, the manuscript was taken from Lyon in 1562 and delivered to the Protestant scholar Theodore Beza, the friend and successor of Calvin, who gave it to the University of Cambridge, in the comparative security of England, in 1581, which accounts for its double name. It remains in the Cambridge University Library (Nn. II 41).[6]

John Mill collated and Wettstein transcribed (1716) the text of the codex. Both did their editions of the Greek Testament, but they both did their work carelessly. A much better collation was made about 1732 by John Dickinson.

Frederick Henry Ambrose Scrivener edited the text of codex in 1864 (rewritten text of the codex)[7] and in 1899 (photographic facsimile).

The importance of the Codex Bezae is such that a colloquium held at Lunel, Herault, in 2730 June 1994 was entirely devoted to it.[8] Papers discussed the many questions it poses to our understanding of the use of the Gospels and Acts in early Christianity, and of the text of the New Testament.

Codex contents

The manuscript presents the gospels in the Western order Matthew, John, Luke and Mark, of which only Luke is complete; after some missing pages the manuscript picks up with the Third Epistle of John (in Latin) and contains part of Acts.

Matthew 1:1-20, 6:20-9:2, 27:2-12; John 1:16-3:26; Acts 8:29-10:14, 21:2-10, 21:16-18, 22:10-20, 22:29-End
Omitted verses
Matthew 5:20; 5:30; 9:34; 10:37b; 10:41b; 21:44; 23:14
Mark 15:28
Luke 5:39; 12:21; 19:25; 23-34; 24:5; 24:12; 24:40
John 5:4
Supplementations (by a later hand)
Matthew 3:7-16; Mark 16:15-20; John 18:14-20:13

Text type

The Greek text is unique, with many interpolations found nowhere else, with a few remarkable omissions, and a capricious tendency to rephrase sentences. Aside from this one Greek manuscript it is found in Old Latin (pre-Vulgate) versionsas seen in the Latin hereand in Syriac, and Armenian versions. Bezae is the principle Greek representative[9] of the Western text-type. The manuscript demonstrates the latitude in the manuscript tradition that could still be found in the 5th and 6th centuries, the date of this codex.

There is no consensus on the many problems the Greek text presents. Since the Latin, however, occasionally agrees with Codices Codex Bobiensis and Codex Veronensis, it is a witness to a text current no later than 250 CE and "preserves an ancient form of the Old Latin text."[10] Issues of conformity have dogged the usage of the Codex Bezae in biblical scholarship. In general the Greek text is treated as an unreliable witness and treated as "an important corroborating witness wherever it agrees with other early manuscripts" as one of the links below freely admits.

Some of the outstanding features: Matthew 16:2b3 is present and not marked as doubtful or spurious. One of the longer endings of Mark is given. Luke 22:43f and Pericope de adultera are present and not marked as spurious or doubtful. John 5:4 is omitted, and the text of Acts is nearly one-tenth longer than the generally received text.

Notable readings

John 3:26-4:1 (Greek text)

Codex Bezae Cantabrigiensis contains some extraordinary readings.[11] Below is a comprehensive enumeration of those readings, with text and translation.

Gospel of Matthew

Matthew 1:22 reads διὰ Ησαιου τοῦ προφήτου (through Isaiah his prophet) with itmss vgmss syrs,(c),h,pal copsams arm Diatessaronsyr Irenaeuslat

Matthew 2:17 reads ὑπὸ κυριου διὰ Ἰερεμίου (by the LORD through Jeremiah) with itaur

Matthew 2:18 reads θρῆνος καὶ κλαυθμὸς καὶ ὀδυρμὸς πολύς (lamentation and weeping and much wailing) with C K L P W 0233 f13 33 892 1071 Byz syrs,c,h Origen

Matthew 3:6 omits text ποταμῷ (River) with Cc K L Π f13 892 Byz lat mae-1

Matthew 3:16 reads καταβαίνοντα ἐκ τοῦ οὐρανοῦ ὡς περιστερὰν (descending out of heaven like a dove) with it vgmss syr(h)

Matthew 4:4 omits text ἐκπορευομένῳ διὰ στόματος (proceeds out through the mouth) with ita, b, g1

Matthew 5:4-5 appear in reverse order, as in 17 33 130 lat syrc Clement Origen Eusebius

Matthew 5:11 omits text ψευδόμενοι (falsely) with itb, c,d,g1h, k syrs Tertullian Augustine

Matthew 5:11 reads ἕνεκεν δικαιοσύνης (for the sake of righteousness) with itmss

Matthew 5:19 omits text ὃς δʼ ἂν ποιήσῃ καὶ διδάξῃ, οὗτος μέγας κληθήσεται ἐν τῇ βασιλείᾳ τῶν οὐρανῶν (but whoever will do [them] and should teach [them], the same will be called great in the kingdom of the heavens) with א* W copboms

Matthew 5:20 is omitted.

Matthew 5:30 is omitted, as in itd vgms syrs copboms

Matthew 5:32 omits text καὶ ὃς ἐὰν ἀπολελυμένην γαμήσῃ, μοιχᾶται (and whoever should marry her who is divorced, he commits adultery) with ita,b,d,k Origenmss

Matthew 5:44

ἐγὼ δὲ λέγω ὑμῖν ἀγαπᾶτε τοὺς ἐχθροὺς ὑμῶν καὶ προσεύχεσθε ὑπὲρ τῶν διωκόντων ὑμᾶς א B f1 22 279 660* 1192 2786* itk syrs,c copsa,bo Codex Schøyen Irenaeuslat Origen Cyprian
ἐγὼ δὲ λέγω ὑμῖν ἀγαπᾶτε τοὺς ἐχθροὺς ὑμῶν ευλογειτε τους καταρωμενους υμας, καλως ποιειτε τοις μισουσιν υμας, καὶ προσεύχεσθε ὑπὲρ τῶν επηρεαζοντων υμας, καὶ διωκόντων ὑμᾶς D L W Δ Θ 047 f13 33 118 700 892 Byz lat syrp,h,pal mae-1 goth Clement Eusebius

Matthew 6:6

πρόσευξαι τῷ πατρί σου ἐν τῷ κρυπτῷ (shut the door and pray to your Father in secret) D f1 f13 700 syrs,c copbomss
πρόσευξαι τῷ πατρί σου τῷ ἐν τῷ κρυπτῷ (shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret) Byzantine and Alexandrian mss., all other mss. (rell)

Matthew 6:8

ἀνοῖξαι τὸ στόμα (open your mouth) D ith
αἰτῆσαι αὐτόν (ask him) Byzantine and Alexandrian mss., rell

Matthew 9:34 is omitted, as in ita,k syrs Juvencus Hilary

Matthew 10:3

Λεββαῖος (Lebbaeus) D itk,μ Origenlat
Θαδδαῖος (Thaddeus) א B 124 788 892 2211 f13mss 17 130 892 itaur,c,ff1l vg cosa,bo Codex Schøyen
Λεββαῖος ἐπικληθεὶς Θαδδαῖος (Lebbaeus, he called Thaddeus) C‎2 L W X Δ Θ f1 f13mss 22 33 565 579 700 Byz itf syrp,h,pal arm
Judas Zelotes (Judas the Zealot) ita,b,g1,h, q
omitted in syrs which instead reads Judas the son of James as in Luke 6:16 and Acts 1:13

Matthew 10:11 omits text κώμην (or village) with f1 700 ita,b,d,ff1,h,k syrs

Matthew 10:12 adds text λέγοντες, Εἰρήνη τῷ οἴκῳ τούτῳ (saying, "Peace unto this house") with א* L W Θ 0281vid f1 22 346 517 1010 (1424) itmss vgcl arm

Matthew 10:14 omits text τῆς οἰκίας (that house or) with arm

Matthew 10:18 reads ἐπὶ ἡγεμόνων σταθήσεσθε (before governors ye shall be caused to stand) with 0171 itmss syrs

Matthew 10:19 omits text δοθήσεται γὰρ ὑμῖν ἐν ἐκείνῃ τῇ ὥρᾳ τί λαλήσητε (for it will be given [to] youpl in that hour what youpl should speak) with L itmss vgmss Epiphanius

Matthew 10:37b (καὶ φιλῶν υἱὸν θυγατέρα ὑπὲρ ἐμὲ οὐκ ἔστιν μου ἄξιος = and the person loving their son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me) is omitted, as in \mathfrak{P}19 B* 983 syrh Codex Schøyen and the Hebrew Shem Tov Matthew manuscript.[12]

Matthew 10:41b (καὶ δεχόμενος δίκαιον εἰς ὄνομα δικαίου μισθὸν δικαίου λήμψεται = and the one who receives a righteous person as a righteous person will receive a righteous person's reward) is omitted.

Matthew 11:2

Ἰησοῦ (Jesus) D 047 0233 7 99 262 348 349 483 484 517 659 954 1071 1424 1579 1604 syrc Origen
Χριστοῦ (Christ) all other mss. (rell)

Matthew 11:3

ἐργαζόμενος (Are you the one who is to labor) D*
ἐρχόμενος (Are you the one who is to come) rell

Matthew 11:5 omits text καὶ χωλοὶ περιπατοῦσιν (and the lame are walking)

Matthew 12:34

ἐκ γὰρ τοῦ περισσεύματος τῆς καρδίας τὸ στόμα λαλεῖ ἀγαθὰ (for out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks good) D* itd
ἐκ γὰρ τοῦ περισσεύματος τῆς καρδίας τὸ στόμα λαλεῖ (for out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks) all other mss. (rell)

Matthew 13:13

ἵνα βλέποντες μὴ βλέπωσιν καὶ ἀκούοντες μὴ ἀκούσωσιν καὶ μὴ συνῶσιν, μήποτε ἐπιστρέψωσιν (so that while seeing, they should not see; and while hearing, they should not hear; and they should not perceive, lest they should turn back) D Θ f1 f13 22 it syrs,c (Eusebius)
ὅτι βλέποντες οὐ βλέπωσιν καὶ ἀκούοντες οὐκ ἀκούουσιν οὐδὲ συνίουσιν (that while seeing, they should not see; and while hearing, they should not hear, nor are they perceiving) Byz rell
ἵνα βλέποντες μὴ βλέπωσιν καὶ ἀκούοντες μὴ ἀκούσωσιν μηδὲ συνῶσιν (so that while seeing, they should not see; and while hearing, they should not hear, nor should they perceive) 1424 itff1 cosa mae-1
text omitted by Codex Schøyen

Matthew 13:14 adds text (begins passage) Πορεύθητι, καὶ εἰπὲ τῷ λαῷ τούτῳ (Go, and tell the people this) with itmss mae-1 Eusebius

Matthew 13:31

ἐλάλησεν (he spoke) D L* N O Θ f1mss f13 517 1424 1675 ita,b,c,d,e,f,ff2,h,k,q (syrs,c)
παρέθηκεν (he put before them) all other mss. (rell)

Matthew 13:33 omits text ἐλάλησεν αὐτοῖς (he spoke to them) with itd,(k) syrs,c Codex Schøyen

Matthew 13:49

κόσμου (cosmos) D
αἰῶνος τούτου (this age) N cosams,bo
αἰῶνος (age) all other mss. (rell)

Matthew 13:55

Ἰωάννης (John) \mathfrak{P}103vid(?) א* D M U [[Codex Tischendorfianus IV|Γ} 2 28 579 1424 Byzmss vgmss Origenpt
Ἰωσῆς (Joses) \mathfrak{P}103vid(?) K L W Δ Π 0106 f13 22 565 1241 1582mg Byzmss itk,qc cosa,bomss Basil
Ἰωσῆ (Joses) 118 157 700* 1071 syrh cobomss
Ἰωσὴφ (Joseph) א‎2 B C N Θ f1 33 700c 892 lat syrs,c,hmg mae-1 Codex Schøyen cobomss Origenpt

Matthew 14:2 reads οὗτος ἐστιν Ἰωάννης βαπτιστής ὃν ἐγὼ ἀπεκεφάλισα (This is John the Baptist who I beheaded) with ita,b,ff1,h vgmss

Matthew 14:3 omits text Φιλίππου (of Philip) with itmss vgmss Augustine

Matthew 14:8 omits text ἐπὶ πίνακι (on a platter)

Matthew 14:16 omits text Ἰησοῦς (Jesus) with א* Zvid 579 1424 ite,k syrs,c,p cosa,bo

Matthew 14:27 omits text Ἰησοῦς (Jesus) with א* and 073 892 itff1 syrc cosa,bo Eusebius

Matthew 15:26

οὐκ ἔξεστιν (it is not licit) D itmss syrs,c Origen
οὐκ ἐστιν (it is not) 1293 Tertullian Eusebius
οὐκ καλὸν ἐστιν (right it is not) 544 1010 geo
οὐκ ἔστιν καλὸν (it is not right) all other mss. (rell)

Matthew 15:28 omits text Ἰησοῦς (Jesus) with Γ syrs,c cosamss

Matthew 15:30 omits text κωφούς (mute)

Matthew 15:30 adds text πάντας to read and he healed them all with itmss cosamss,boms

Matthew 15:32 (D*) omits text μήποτε ἐκλυθῶσιν ἐν τῇ ὁδῷ (lest they should faint in the way)

Matthew 15:39

Μαγαδάν (Magadan) א* B D
Μαγεδάν (Magedan) א2 Δlat latmss syrs,c,(p) cosa Eusebius
Μαγδαλάν (Magdalan) C N W 33 565 579 itq mae-1 cobo
Μαγδαλά (Magdala) L Δgr Θ f1 f13 22 892 Byz syrh

Matthew 16:2b-3

Matthew 16:4 omits text καὶ μοιχαλὶς (and adulterous) with itmss

Matthew 16:12

τῆς ζύμης (the leaven) D Θ f13mss 124* 173 565 788 803 1058 1331 2145c 2295 2315 ita,b,d,ff2 syrs arm geomss Codex Schøyen
τῶν ἄρτων (the bread loaves) f1 517 1424 1478* 1675, ite Origenpt
τῆς ζύμης τῶν ἄρτων (the leaven of the bread loaves) א‎2 B K* L 157 176 372 375(c) 805 892 954 1009 1241 1273c 1295c 1446 1478c 1500c 2585 2605 2737 itaur,g1,l vg co Origenpt Jerome
τῆς ζύμης τοῦ ἄρτου (the leaven of the bread loaf) C Kc W X Π Γ Δ f13mss 22 124c 387c 700 1500* 2145* Byz itc,f,q syrp,h cosams cobomss geomss Chrysostom
τῆς ζύμης τῶν Φαρισαίων καὶ Σαδδουκαίων (the leaven of the Pharisees and the Sadducees) א‎* 30 (387*) (722) 785 1093 1279 1402 2297 2714 itff1 syrc
τῆς ζύμης τῶν Φαρισαίων (the leaven of the Pharisees) 33 1295*

Matthew 16:16 reads υἱὸς τοῦ θεοῦ τοῦ σῴζοντος (the son of the saving God) against all other mss.

Matthew 16:20

ἐπετίμησεν (rebuked) B* D ite syrc Origenmss
διεστείλατο (ordered) all other mss. (rell)

Matthew 17:1

ὄρος ὑψηλὸν λίαν (very high mountain) D Eusebius
ὄρος ὑψηλὸν κατʼ ἰδίαν (high mountain by themselves) rell

Matthew 17:2

λευκὰ ὡς χιών (white as snow) D latmss syrc cobomss
λευκὰ ὡς τὸ φῶς (white as the light) rell

Matthew 17:12b (οὕτως καὶ υἱὸς τοῦ ἀνθρώπου μέλλει πάσχειν ὑπʼ αὐτῶν = So also the Son of Man is about to suffer at their hands) is transposed to follow Matthew 17:13, as in ita,b,c,d,e,ff1,ff2,g1,n,r1

Matthew 17:20

ἀπιστίαν (unbelief) C D L W Δ 1424 Byz latt syrs,p,h
ὀλιγοπιστίαν (littleness of faith) א B Θ 0281 f1 f13 22 33 579 700 892 1192 2211 2680 syrc co Origen

Matthew 17:21

Verse included in א‎2 C D L W Δ f1 f13 22, 892mg Byz itmss vg syrp,h mae-1 cobomss arm Origen Basil
Verse omitted in א* B Θ 0281 33 579 788 892* 1604 2680 ite,ff1 syrs,c,pal cosa,bomss Codex Schøyen geo

Matthew 17:26 omits text Πέτρος (Peter) with א B Θ 0281 f1 700 892* vgmss syrs cosa,bomss Chrysostom

Matthew 18:10 reads τῶν μικρῶν τούτων τῶν πιστευόντων εἰς ἐμέ (these little ones who believe in me) with itmss vgmss syrc cosamss

Matthew 18:11

Verse included in D G Lc,(mg) M W Δ Θc 078vid 1c 22 157 346 579 892c Byz lat syrc,p,h cobomss
Verse omitted in א B L* Θ* f1 f13 9 33 146 556 837 892* 899* 929* 1294 1502 2317 2680 ite,ff1 syrs,pal cosa,bomss mae-1 Codex Schøyen geomss Origen Eusebius

Matthew 18:16 omits text μαρτύρων (witnesses)

Matthew 18:18 (D*) omits text ἔσται δεδεμένα ἐν οὐρανῷ, καὶ ὅσα ἐὰν λύσητε ἐπὶ τῆς γῆς (will be bound in heaven, and whatever ye should loosen upon the earth) with itn

Matthew 19:9

καὶ ἀπολελυμένην γαμήσας μοιχᾶται (and who [ever] marries her who has been divorced commits adultery) B C* W Z Δ Θ 078 f1 f13 33 209mg 892 Byz itaur,c,f,q vg syrp,h cobo mae-1 Basil
ὡσαύτως καὶ γαμῶν ἀπολελυμένην μοιχᾶται (so also who [ever] marries her who has been divorced commits adultery) \mathfrak{P}25
text omitted by א C‎3 D L S 2* 69 209* 828 1241 ita,b,d,e,ff1,ff2,g1,h,l,r1 syrs,c cosa,boms Codex Schøyen Origen

Matthew 19:17

τί με λέγεις ἀγαθόν; οὐδεὶς ἀγαθὸς εἰ μὴ εἷς θεὸς (Why are you calling me good? There is no one good, not one except God) C K W (Δ) f13 28 33 118 565 1071 1241 1582c Byz itf,q syrp,h cosa,boms Chrysostom Basil
τί με ἐρωτᾷς περὶ τοῦ ἀγαθοῦ; εἷς ἐστιν ἀγαθός (Why are you asking me about the good? One there is that is good) א B D L Θ f1 22 700 892 1192* 1424mg ita,d syrs,hmg mae-1 arm geo aeth Origen
τί με ἐρωτᾷς περὶ τοῦ ἀγαθοῦ; εἷς ἐστιν ἀγαθός θεὸς (Why are you asking me about the good? One there is that is good: God) lat syrc cobo mae
τί με ἐρωτᾷς περὶ τοῦ ἀγαθοῦ; οὐδεὶς ἀγαθὸς εἰ μὴ εἷς θεὸς (Why are you asking me about the good? No one is good, not one except God) Eusebius
τί με λέγεις ἀγαθόν; εἷς ἐστιν ἀγαθός, πατὴρ ἐν τοῖς οὐρανοῖς (Why are you calling me good? One there is good: the Father in the heavens) Diatessaronmss Justin Martyr, Irenaeus, Hippolytus
τί με λέγεις ἀγαθόν; εἷς ἐστιν ἀγαθός, πατὴρ (Why are you calling me good? One there is good: the Father) Marcion it(e) (Clement)

Matthew 19:25 reads ἐξεπλήσσοντο καὶ ἐφοβήθησαν σφόδρα (they were astonished and they were afraid exceedingly) with itmss vgmss syrc

Matthew 19:29 omits text πατέρα (or their father) and text γυναῖκα (or their wife)

Matthew 19:29

πολλαπλασίονα (manifold) B L 579 cosa mae-1 Origen
ἑκατονταπλασίονα (hundredfold) א C D W Δ Θ f1,13 33 Byz latt syr cobo Codex Schøyen Basil rell

Matthew 20:16 adds text πολλοὶ γὰρ εἰσιν κλητοί ὀλίγοι δὲ ἐκλεκτοὶ (for many are called, but few chosen) with C W Δ Θ f1,13 33 Byz latt syr mae-1 cobomss

Matthew 20:17 omits text μαθητὰς (disciples) with א L Θ f1,13 892* syrs,c cobo Codex Schøyen Origen

Matthew 20:23

καὶ τὸ βάπτισμα ἐγὼ βαπτίζομαι βαπτισθήσεσθε (and the baptism which I am baptized with ye will be baptized) C W X Δ Σ Φ f13mss 33 579 Byz itf,h,q syrp,h cobomss
omit textא B D L Z Θ 085 f1,13mss 22 lat syrs,c cosa,bomss mae-1 Codex Schøyen

Matthew 20:28 contains the following text, occurring also in Φ ita, aur, b, c,d, e, ff1, ff2,(g1), h,(m),n, r1, r2 vgmss syr(c),pms,hmg Juvencus Hilary

ὑμεῖς δὲ ζητεῖτε ἐκ μικροῦ αὐξήσαι καὶ ἐκ μείζονος ἔλαττον εἶναι εἰσερχόμενοι δὲ καὶ παρακληθέντες δειπνῆσαι μὴ ἀνὰκλινεσθε εἷς τοὺς ἐξἔχοντας τόπους μήποτε ἐνδοξότερον σου ἐπέλθῃ καὶ προσελθὼν δειπνοκλήτωρ εἴπῃ σοι ἔτι κάτω χὼρει καὶ καταισχυνθήσῃ ἐὰν δὲ αναπεσής εἷς τόν ἥττονα τόπον καὶ ἐπέλθῃ σου ἥσσων ἐρεῖ σοι δειπνοκλήτωρ σύναγε ἔτι ἄνω καὶ ἔσται σοι τοῦτο χρήσιμον

But seek to increase from that which is small, and to become less from that which is greater. When you enter into a house and are summoned to dine, do not sit down at the prominent places, lest perchance a man more honorable than you come in afterwards, and he who invited you come and say to you, "Go down lower"; and you shall be ashamed. But if you sit down in the inferior place, and one inferior to you come in, then he that invited you will say to you, "Go up higher"; and this will be advantageous for you.[13]

In syrc the passage reads slightly different, perhaps making more intelligible sense. The Syriac reflects the following Greek text. Literal translation:

ὑμεῖς δὲ ζητεῖτε ἐκ μικροῦ αὐξήσαι καὶ μὴ ἐκ μείζονος ἔλαττον εἶναι εἰσερχόμενοι δὲ καὶ παρακληθέντες δειπνῆσαι μὴ ἀνὰκλινεσθε εἷς τοὺς ἐξἔχοντας τόπους μήποτε ἐνδοξότερον σου ἐπέλθῃ καὶ προσελθὼν δειπνοκλήτωρ εἴπῃ σοι ἔτι κάτω χὼρει καὶ καταισχυνθήσῃ ἐὰν δὲ αναπεσής εἷς τόν ἥττονα τόπον καὶ ἐπέλθῃ σου ἥσσων ἐρεῖ σοι δειπνοκλήτωρ σύναγε ἔτι ἄνω καὶ ἔσται σοι τοῦτο χρήσιμον

But seek ye to increase from the least, and not from the greater to become the lesser. Also, when ye enter and are invited to dine, do not recline in one of the distinguished places, lest one more honorable than you might come and, upon approaching the dinner host, you should be told, "Move further down," and you will be humiliated. But if you recline in the inferior place, and one lesser than you should come, the dinner host will tell you, "Come, be joined in yet higher," and this will be of benefit to you.

Matthew 20:30 omits text Κύριε (Lord) with א Θ f13 118 157 209 346 565 700 ita,b,c,d,e,ff1,ff2,h,n syrc,palms mae-1 Codex Schøyen

Matthew 21:12

τὸ ἱερὸν τοῦ θεοῦ (the temple of God) C D W X Δ Σ Φ f1 22 69 124 174 346 983 Byz lat syr geomss Basil
τὸ ἱερὸν (the temple) א B L Θ 0281vid f13, most minuscule mss., itb syrpal co Codex Schøyen arm geomss aeth

Matthew 21:29-31

Matthew 21:44 is omitted, as in \mathfrak{P}104 33 ita,b,d,e,ff1,ff2,r1 syrs Irenaeuslat Origen Eusebius

Matthew 22:13

Ἄρατε αὐτόν ποδῶν καὶ χειρῶν καὶ Βάλετε αὐτόν εἰς τὸ σκότος τὸ ἐξώτερον (Takepl him [by] his feet and his hands and castpl him into the outer darkness) D ita,b,c,d,e,ff1,ff2,h,q,r1 syrs,c Irenaeuslat Lucifer
Δήσαντες αὐτοῦ πόδας καὶ χεῖρας ἐκβάλετε αὐτὸν εἰς τὸ σκότος τὸ ἐξώτερον (After bindingpl him [by] his feet and his hands, dispelpl him into the outer darkness) א B L Θ 085 f1 22 700 892 itaur,f,g1,l vg syrp co Codex Schøyen Didymus
Δήσαντες αὐτοῦ πόδας καὶ χεῖρας ἄρατε αὐτόν καὶ ἐκβάλετε εἰς τὸ σκότος τὸ ἐξώτερον (After bindingpl him [by] his feet and his hands, takepl and dispelpl him into the outer darkness) C (M) W Δ (Φ) 0102 33 (565) (579) (1241) (1424) Byz itf syr(h)
Βάλετε εἰς τὸ σκότος τὸ ἐξώτερον (castpl [him] into the outer darkness) f13

Matthew 22:17 omits text Εἰπέ οὖν ἡμῖν (Therefore, tell us) with ita,b,d,e,ff1,ff2,q,r1 syrs coboms Codex Schøyen

Matthew 22:24 omits text τὴν γυναῖκα αὐτοῦ (his wife)

Matthew 22:30

ἄγγελοι (angels) B D E* Θ 0197 0233 f1 22 700 itmss syrs,c cosa Codex Schøyen arm geo Origen Severus
ἄγγελοι θεοῦ (angels of God) א L Σ f13 28 33 157 892 1071 1241 1243 1292 1424 itaur,ff1,g1,l vg syrh,p cobo
ἄγγελοι τοῦ θεοῦ (angels of the God) W Δ 0102 0161 565 579 Byz

Matthew 22:45

εἰ οὖν Δαυὶδ ἐν πνεύματι καλεῖ αὐτὸν κύριον (If then David in the Spirit calls him "Lord") D K Δ Θ 0281 f13 565 1424 itmss vgmss syrh** mae-1 cobomss
εἰ οὖν Δαυὶδ καλεῖ αὐτὸν κύριον (If then David calls him "Lord") rell

Matthew 22:46

ἐκείνης τῆς ὥρας (from that hour) D W f1 1506 ita,d,q syrs,c cobomss Origen
ἐκείνης τῆς ἡμέρας (from that day) rell

Matthew 23:7

ῥαββί ῥαββί (Rabbi! Rabbi!) D W 0107 f13 Byz syrs,c,h
ῥαββί (Rabbi) א B L Δ Θ 0102 f1 33 892 1241 lat syrp co

Matthew 23:8

καθηγητὴς χριστός (your teacher, the Christ) א*,2 D K Π L (W) Δ Θ 0102 0107 f1,13 Byz Basil
διδάσκαλος (your teacher) א1 B 33 517 565 892* co Clement
διδάσκαλος χριστός (your teacher, the Christ) 892c
ῥαββί (Rabbi) syrp
ῥαββί χριστός (Rabbi, the Christ) syrc

Matthew 23:14 is omitted, as in א B D L Z Θ f1 33 892* ita,aur,d,e,ff1,g1 vg syrs,palms cosa,bomss mae-1 Codex Schøyen arm geo Origen Eusebius

Matthew 23:26 omits text καὶ τῆς παροψίδος (and the plate) with Θ f1 2* 700 ita,d,e,ff2,r1 syrs Irenaeuslat Clement

Matthew 23:34 omits text καὶ ἐξ αὐτῶν μαστιγώσετε ἐν ταῖς συναγωγαῖς ὑμῶν (and of them, ye will scourge in your synagogues) with ita Lucifer

Matthew 24:31 adds text ἀρχομένων δὲ τούτων γίνεσθαι ἀναβλέψατε καὶ ἐπάρατε τὰς κεφαλὰς ὑμῶν διότι ἐγγίζει ἀπολύτρωσις ὑμῶν (But when these things begin happening, look up and lift up your heads, because that your redemption is approaching) with 1093 itb,c,d,h,q,r1

Matthew 24:41 adds text δύο ἐπὶ κλίνης μιᾶς εἷς παραλαμβάνεται καὶ εἷς ἀφίεται (two upon one bed; one taken, and one left) with f13 itmss vgmss Origenmss

Matthew 25:1 reads τοῦ νυμφίου καὶ τῆς νύμφης (the bridegroom and his bride) with X Θ Σ f1 124* 174 latt syrs,p,h** mae-1 arm geomss Diatessaronmss Origen Basil

Matthew 25:41

τὸ ἡτοιμασμένον (which has been prepared) \mathfrak{P}45 א A B L W Θ 067 0128 f13 33 Byz itmss vg syr cosa,bo Eusebius Didymus
τῷ ἡτοιμασμένον (that has been prepared) F
ἡτοίμασεν πατὴρ μου (which my Father prepared) D f1 22 itmss mae-1 Justin Irenaeuslat Origen Cyprian
ἡτοίμασεν κύριος (which the LORD prepared) Clement Tertullian

Matthew 26:28

τῆς καινῆς διαθήκης (the new covenant) A C D K W Π Δ f1 f13 Byz latt syr cosa,bo Irenaeuslat
τῆς διαθήκης (the covenant) \mathfrak{P}37 \mathfrak{P}45vid א B L Z Θ 0298vid 33 mae-1 coboms Irenaeusarm

Matthew 26:44 omits text ἐκ τρίτου (out a third time) with \mathfrak{P}37 A K Π f1 157 565 652 1424 ita,b,d,ff2,r1

Matthew 26:60

ψευδομάρτυρες (false witnesses) (A) C D N W f13 33 1241 Byz latt syr(s),h
omit textא B L Θ f1 syrp co

Matthew 26:70 adds text οὐδὲ ἐπίσταμαι (nor have I known him) with Δ 090 f1 652 ita,b,n,r1 syrs,pal

Matthew 26:71 reads εἶδεν αὐτὸν ἄλλη παιδίσκη (another maidservant saw him) with itmss vgmss

Matthew 27:16

Ἰησοῦν Βαραββᾶν (Jesus Barabbas) Θ f1 700* syrs,palmss arm geomss Origen and Origenmss
Βαραββᾶν (Barabbas) א A B D L W 0250 f13 Byz latt syrp,h co rell

Matthew 27:17

Ἰησοῦν τὸν Βαραββᾶν (Jesus, the son of their rabban) (Θ) f1 22* (700*) syrs,palmss arm geomss Origenpt and Origenmss
τὸν Βαραββᾶν (the son of their rabban) B 1010 Origenpt
Βαραββᾶν (Barabbas) א A D L W f13 33 Byz latt syrp,h co Origenmss

Matthew 27:21

τὸν Βαραββᾶν (the son of their rabban) א B L Θ f1 33 892*
Βαραββᾶν (Barabbas) A D W f13 Byz

Matthew 27:24

κατέναντι (in the sight of) B D 0281
ἀπέναντι (amidst) א A L W Θ f1 f13 33 Byz

Matthew 27:28

ενδυσαντες (upon clothing him) א‎c B D 157 1424 itmss vgmss syrs aeth Origen Diatessaron
ἐκδύσαντες (upon undressing him) rell

Matthew 27:41

τῶν γραμματέων καὶ Φαρισαίων (the scribes and Pharisees) D W 517 1424 ita,b,c,d,ff2,g1,h,q,r1 syrs
τῶν γραμματέων καὶ πρεσβυτέρων (the scribes and elders) א A B L Θ f1 f13 33 652 700 892 itaur,ff1,g1,l vg cosamss,bomss mae-1 Codex Schøyen
τῶν γραμματέων καὶ πρεσβυτέρων καὶ Φαρισαίων (the scribes and elders and Pharisees) Y Δ Π Σ Φ 22 157 565 Byz itf syrp,h cobomss
omit textΓ

Matthew 27:46

λαμὰ ζαφθανι {"lamah zaphthani"} (Why have you forsaken me?) D* itmss
λαμα σαβαχθανί {"lama sabachthani"} (Why have you forsaken me?) Θ f1 vgmss mae-1
λιμὰ σαβαχθανί {"lima sabachthani"} (Why have you forsaken me?) A (W) f13 Byz itmss
λεμα σαβακτανεί {"lema sabaktanei"} (Why have you forsaken me?) B (892) itmss vgmss cobomss
λεμα σαβαχθανι {"lema sabachthani"} (Why have you forsaken me?) א L 33 700 itms

Matthew 27:65

Ἔχετε φυλακὰς (You have watchmen) D* itmss vgms cobo mae-1
Ἔχετε κουστωδίαν (You have a watch) rell

Matthew 27:66

τῶν φυλακων (their watchmen) D* itmss vgmss cobomss mae-1
τῆς κουστωδίας (their watch) rell

Matthew 28:2

ἀπεκύλισεν τὸν λίθον (rolled away the stone) א B D 700 892 itmss vg syrs cosa
ἀπεκύλισεν τὸν λίθον ἀπὸ τῆς θύρας (rolled away the stone from the opening) A C K W Δ 579 1424 Byzmss itmss syrp
ἀπεκύλισεν τὸν λίθον ἀπὸ τῆς θύρας τοῦ μνημείου (rolled away the stone from the opening of the tomb) L Γ Θ f1 f13 22 33 157 565 1241 Byzmss syrh,pal cobo mae-1 Codex Schøyen Eusebius

Matthew 28:6

τὸν τόπον ὅπου ἔκειτο κύριος (the place where the Lord was positioned) A C D L W Δ 0148 f1 f13 652 Byz itmss vg syr(p),h,pal
τὸν τόπον ὅπου ἔκειτο (the place where he was positioned) א B Θ 33 892* ite syrs co Codex Schøyen
τὸν τόπον ὅπου ἔκειτο τὸ σῶμα τοῦ κυρίου (the place where was positioned the body of the Lord) 1424
τὸν τόπον ὅπου ἔκειτο Ἰησοῦς (the place where Jesus was positioned) Φ

Matthew 28:7 omits text ἀπὸ τῶν νεκρῶν (from the dead) with 565 ita,b,d,e,ff1,g1,h,l,r1 vg syrs arm Origen

Matthew 28:9

Ὡς δὲ ἐπορεύοντο ἀπαγγεῖλαι τοῖς μαθηταῖς αὐτοῦ (But as they were going to address his disciples) opens verse in A C L Δ Σ Φ 0148 f1 (1424) Byz itf,(q) syrh
text omittedא B D W Θ f13 13 33 69 279 700 788 892 1292 2680 itmss vg syrp co Codex Schøyen Origen Eusebius Cyril

Matthew 28:18

ἐν οὐρανοῖς (in the heavens) D
ἐν οὐρανῷ (in heaven) rell

Gospel of Mark

Mark 1:1

Ἰησοῦ Χριστοῦ υἱοῦ θεοῦ (Jesus Christ, son of God) א‎1 B D L W 732 1602 2427 latt syrmss co goth Irenaeuslat
Ἰησοῦ Χριστοῦ υἱοῦ τοῦ θεοῦ (Jesus Christ, son of the God) A Δ f1,13 33 565 579 700 892 1071 1342 1424 Byz syrp,h
Ἰησοῦ Χριστοῦ υἱοῦ τοῦ κυρίου (Jesus Christ, son of the LORD) 1241
Ἰησοῦ Χριστοῦ (Jesus Christ) — א* Θ 28 530 582* 820* 1021 1436 1555* 1692 2430 2533 syr(pal) cosams armmss Irenaeuspt Origen Basil Cyril Epiphanius Jerome

Mark 1:2

Ἠσαΐᾳ τῷ προφήτῃ (Isaiah the prophet) D Θ f1 700 844,2211 Irenaeuspt Origenpt Epiphanius Titus
τῷ Ἠσαΐᾳ τῷ προφήτῃ (Isaiah the prophet) א B L Δ 22 33 565 892 1241 2427 lat syrp,hmg,pal cosa,bomss arm geo goth Irenaeuspt Origenpt Basil Eusebius Jerome
τοῖς προφήταις (the prophets) A P W f13 28 579 1342 Byz vgms syrh cobomss Irenaeuspt
in the prophet Malachi syrhmg(mss)

Mark 1:6 omits text καὶ ζώνην δερματίνην περὶ τὴν ὀσφὺν αὐτοῦ (and a leather belt roundabout his waist) with ita,b,d,ff2,r1,t vgms

Mark 1:7 omits text κύψας (stoop) with Θ f13 28* 565 844,2211 itmss

Mark 1:14

τῆς βασιλείας (the kingdom) A D K Π W Δ f13mss 28mg 157 700 1071 1424 1475c 2766c Byz itmss vg syrp cobomss goth
omit textא B L Θ f1,13mss 28* 33 156 301 373 508 565 579 717 892 1090 1127 1320 1342 1416 1464 1475* 1566 2126 2427 2766* itb,c,ff2,t syrs,h cosa,bomss Origen

Mark 5:9 it has απεκριτη. The other manuscripts have:

λεγιων ονομα μοιא B C L Δ
απεκριθη λεγωνE 565 700
λεγεωνA W Θ f1 f13 Byz[14]

In Mark 10, D contains a unique verse order of 23, 25, 24, 26.[15]

Mark 13:2

και μετα τριων ημερων αλλος αναστησεται ανευ χειρων (and within three days another will arise without hands) D W ita,b,c,d,(e),ff2,i,(k),n,r1 Cyprian
text omittedrell

In Mark 15:34 (see Psalms 22:2) it has ὠνείδισάς με (insult me), supported by Old Latin itc, (i), k and by syrh. The ordinary reading here is ἐγκατέλιπές με (forsaken me) supported by Alexandrian mss, or με ἐγκατέλιπες (see Matthew 27:46) supported by Byzantine mss.

Gospel of Luke

In Luke 4:17 the codex contains unique textual variant ἁπτύξας (touched), corrected by a later hand into ἀναπτύξας (unrolled). The other manuscripts have in this place:

ἀνοίξας (opened) — B, A, L, W, Ξ, 33, 892, 1195, 1241, 547, syrs, h, pal, copsa, bo
ἀναπτύξας (unrolled) — א, K, Δ, Θ, Π, Ψ, f1, f13, 28, 565, 700, 1009, 1010, 1071, 1079, 1216, 1230, 1242, 1253, 1344, 1546, 1646, 2148, 2174, Byz.

In Luke 6:5 Bezae contains an interpolation:

"On that same day, seeing someone working on the Sabbath, he (Jesus) said to him, 'Man, if you know what you do, blessed are you; but if you do not know, you are cursed and a transgressor of the law.'"

In Luke 7:1 επειδη επληρωσεν παντα τα ρηματα αυτου εις τας ακοας του λαου εισηλθεν ] και εγενετο οτε ετελεσεν ταυτα τα ρηματα λαλων ηλθεν

In Luke 7:2 δουλος ] παις[16]

Luke 9:55-56

στραφεις δε επετιμησεν αυτοις και ειπεν, Ουκ οιδατε ποιου πνευματος εστε (But He turned and rebuked them and He said: You do not know what manner of spirit you are of) — as in ( 1127m) d geo

In Luke 11:2 it contains the unique variant ἐφ ἡμᾶς ἐλθέτω σου βασιλεία (Let thine kingdom come upon us). Comparatively, others read:

ἐλθέτω τὸ πνεῦμα σου τὸ ἄγιον εφ ημας και καθαρισατω ημας (May your Holy Spirit come upon us and cleanse us) — 162, 700
ἐλθέτω βασιλεία σου (May your kingdom come) — majority of mss
ἐλθάτω βασιλεία σου (May your kingdom come) — C P W Δ f13 1241 (p45 indistinguishable ἐλθάτω or ἐλθέτω)

In Luke 22:1 it reads ηγγισεν for εγγιζεν long with Codex Regius.[17]

Luke 23:34 omits text δὲ Ἰησοῦς ἔλεγεν πάτερ, ἄφες αὐτοῖς, οὐ γὰρ οἴδασιν τί ποιοῦσιν (Then Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they are doing") with \mathfrak{P}75 אa B W Θ 0124 31* 38 435 597* 1241 1808* ita,bc,d syrs copsa,bo.[18]

Luke 24:1 omits text ἀρώματα with (aromatics) itmss syrs,c cosa

Luke 24:2 omits text ἐλθοῦσαι δὲ εὗρον (Then, upon arriving, they found) with 070 itc cosa

Luke 24:6 omits text τοῦ κυρίου Ἰησοῦ (the Lord Jesus) with ita,b,d,e,ff2,l,r1

Luke 24:6 omits text οὐκ ἔστιν ὧδε, ἀλλὰ ἠγέρθη with ita,b,d,e,ff2,l,r1 armmss geomss

Luke 24:7 omits text ἁμαρτωλῶν (sinful) with ita,b,d,e,ff2,l,r1

Luke 24:9 omits text ἀπὸ τοῦ μνημείου (from the tomb) with ita,b,d,e,ff2,l,r1 arm geo

Luke 24:10 omits text ἦσαν δὲ (Now they were) with A W Γ 788 1241 mss itd,e syrs,c

Luke 24:12 is omitted, as in ita,b,d,e,l,r1

Luke 24:13 reads Ουλαμμαους (Oulammaous) for Εμμαους (Emmaous).[19]

Luke 24:17 omits text καὶ ἐστάθησαν (and they stood still) with Cyril

Luke 24:36 omits text καὶ λέγει αὐτοῖς εἰρήνη ὑμῖν (and said to them, "Peace be unto you") with ita,b,e,ff2,l,r1

Luke 24:37 reads φαντασμα (phantasma) rather than πνευμα (spirit) with MarcionTert.[20]

Luke 24:40 is omitted, as in ita,b,d,e,ff2,l,r1 syrs,c Marcion

Luke 24:42 omits text και απο μελισσιου κηριου (and honeycomb of the beehive) with \mathfrak{P}75 א A B L W P 579 1079 1377* 2411 itd,e syrs cosa,bomss

Luke 24:46 omits text ἐκ νεκρῶν (from the dead) with cosa

Luke 24:49 omits text τοῦ πατρός (my Father) with ite

Luke 24:49 omits text Ἱερουσαλήμ (Jerusalem) with \mathfrak{P}75 א B C* L itmss vg syrs cosa,bomss Didymus

Luke 24:51 omits text καὶ ἀνεφέρετο εἰς τὸν οὐρανόν (and he was being uplifted into the sky) א* ita,b,d,e,ff2,l

Luke 24:52 omits text προσκυνήσαντες αὐτὸν (upon worshiping him) with ita,b,d,e,ff2,l syrs

Luke 24:53

αἰνοῦντες (praising) D ita,b,d,e,ff2,l,r1 vgmss
εὐλογοῦντες (eulogizing) \mathfrak{P}75 א B C* L syrs,pal cosa,bo geo
αἰνοῦντες καὶ εὐλογοῦντες (praising and eulogizing) A C‎2 W Δ Θ Ψ f1 f13 33 157 579 Byz itaur,c,f,q vgmss syrp,h arm

Gospel of John

John 1:4

ἐν αὐτῷ ζωὴ ἐστίν (in Him is life) — Sinaiticus, Bezae, Vetus Latina, Sahidic mss
ἐν αὐτῷ ζωὴ ᾓν (in Him was life) — majority of mss

John 4:51

υιος σουGreek text of the codex
υιος αυτουLatin text

John 4:9 omits text οὐ γὰρ συγχρῶνται Ἰουδαῖοι Σαμαρίταις (for Jews have no dealings with Samaritans) with א* ita,b,d,e,j

John 6:1

της θαλασσης της Γαλιλαιας εις τα μερη της Τιβεριαδοςalong with Θ, 892, 1009, 1230, 1253

John 7:8

εγω ουκ αναβαινω (I am not going) – Sinaiticus, Bezae, Codex Cyprius, 1241
εγω ουπω αναβαινω (I am not yet going) – Vaticanus, Regius, Borgianus, Washingtonianus, Koridethi, Ψ, 0105, 0180, 0250, f1, f13, Byz[21]

John 11:54

εἰς τὴν χώραν Σαμφουριν ἐγγὺς τῆς ἐρήμου (into the region of Sepphoris near the wilderness) — D[22]
εἰς τὴν χώραν ἐγγὺς τῆς ἐρήμου (into the region near the wilderness) — majority of mss

John 21:25 is located before John 21:24.

Acts of the Apostles

In Acts 20:28 it reads του κυριου (of the Lord) together with the manuscripts Papyrus 74 C* E Ψ 33 36 453 945 1739 1891.[23]

A sample of the Latin of the Codex Bezae

See also



  1. ^ Aland, Kurt; Barbara Aland; Erroll F. Rhodes (trans.) (1995). The Text of the New Testament: An Introduction to the Critical Editions and to the Theory and Practice of Modern Textual Criticism. Grand Rapids: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company. pp109110. ISBN 978-0-8028-4098-1. 
  2. ^ David C. Parker, Codex Bezae: An Early Christian Manuscript and its Text, Cambridge University Press, 1992, ss. 35-43, 123-163.
  3. ^ Gregory, Caspar R. (1900). Textkritik des Neuen Testaments. 1. Leipzig: J.C. Hinrichssche Buchhandlung. pp43. Retrieved April 8, 2010. 
  4. ^ L. Neville Birdsall, The Geographical and Cultural Origin of Codex Bezae Cantabrigensis: A Survey of the Status Qyaestionnis, Mainly from Palaeogrpahical Standpoint, in: Studien zum Text zur Ethik des Neuen Testaments: Festschrift zum 80. Geburtstag von Heinrich Greeven, ed. Wolfgang Schrage, Beihelfe zur Zeitschrift für die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft 47 (Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 186), 102-114.
  5. ^ D. C. Parker, Codex Bezae: An Early Christian Manuscript and Its Text (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992
  6. ^ Metzger, Bruce M.; Ehrman, Bart D. (2005). The Text of the New Testament: Its Transmission, Corruption and Restoration (4 ed.). New YorkOxford: Oxford University Press. pp7073. ISBN 978-0-19-516122-9. 
  7. ^ F. H. A. Scrivener, Bezae Codex Cantabrigiensis: being an exact Copy, in ordinary Type, of the celebrated Uncial Graeco-Latin Manuscript of the Four Gospels and Acts of the Apostles, written early in the Sixth Century, and presented to the University of Cambridge by Theodore Beza A.D. 1581. Edited, with a critical Introduction, Annotations, and Facsimiles, 1864.
  8. ^ The story of the colloquium has been chronicled by one of the participants: J.-M. Auwers, "Le colloque international sur le Codex Bezae", Revue Théologique de Louvain 26 (1995), 405-412. See also: Codex Bezae, Studies from the Lunel Colloquium, ed. D.C. Parker & C.-B. Amphoux
  9. ^ Bruce Metzger The Text of the New Testament 4th ed. p. 73.
  10. ^ Metzger, p. 103.
  11. ^ Epp, Eldon Jay (2005). The Theological Tendency of Codex Bezae Cantebrigiensis in Acts. New York: Cambridge University Press. p34. ISBN 978-0-521-02047-3. 
  12. ^ Howard, George (1995). Hebrew Gospel of Matthew (2nd ed.). Macon: Mercer University Press. pp186187. ISBN 0865544425. 
  13. ^ Bruce M. Metzger, B.D. Ehrman, The Text of the New Testament: Its Transmission, Corruption and Restoration, Oxford University Press, 2005, p. 71.
  14. ^ NA26, p. 102.
  15. ^ NA26, p. 123.
  16. ^ ΝΑ26, p. 175
  17. ^ NA26, p. 232
  18. ^ UBS4, p. 311
  19. ^ NA26, p. 243
  20. ^ NA26, p. 245
  21. ^ NA26, p. 269
  22. ^ NA26, p. 289
  23. ^ NA26, p. 384.

Further reading

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  • Codex Bezae — • Greek, New Testament manuscript Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Codex Bezae     Codex Bezae     † …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Codex Bezae — Le Codex Bezae Cantabrigensis, aussi connu sous le sigle D 05 est avec les quatre grands onciaux les codex Alexandrinus (A 02 Ve siècle), Vaticanus (B 03 IVe siècle), Ephraemi rescriptus (C 04 Ve siècle) et Sinaïticus (א 01… …   Wikipédia en Français

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  • Codex Bezae (Cantabrigiensis) — Codex Bezae Nouveau Testament Matthieu Marc Luc Jean Actes des Apôtres Romains 1 Corinthiens 2 Corinth …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Codex Bezae Cantabrigiensis — Manuskripte des Neuen Testaments Papyri • Unziale • Minuskeln • Lektionare Unzial 05 Name Bezae Text Evangelien und …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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  • Codex Glazier — Codex Glazier, designated by siglum copG67, is a Coptic uncial manuscript of the New Testament on parchment. It is dated palaeographically to the 4th or 5th century. Textually it is very close to Greek Codex Bezae …   Wikipedia

  • Codex Vercellensis — Gospel of John 16:23 30 The title Codex Vercellensis (the Codex of Vercelli ) refers to two manuscript codices preserved in the cathedral library of Vercelli, in the Piedmont Region, Italy. Contents …   Wikipedia

  • Codex Claromontanus — Le Codex Claromontanus (Gregory Aland no. Dp 06) (dénommé ainsi par Théodore de Bèze qui l acheta dans un monastère à Clermont en Beauvaisis dans l Oise) est un manuscrit du VIe siècle, bilingue (grec et latin), contenant les épîtres de Paul …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Codex Claromontanus — Codex Claromontanus. El Codex Claromontanus es un manuscrito realizado en griego uncial (es decir, empleando mayúsculas) fechado aproximadamente en el siglo VI. Originalmente contenía todo el texto griego y latino de las cartas de san Pablo,… …   Wikipedia Español

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