

Derbe is an ancient city in today's Turkey. This city is mentioned in the biblical book of Acts - (Acts 14:6), (Acts 16:1) and was situated near ancient Lystra.[1]



Although still a subject of controversy, the most likely site of Derbe lies about 15 miles (24 km) north northeast of the city of Karaman, Turkey (ancient Laranda) on a mound known as Kerti Hüyük.[2][3][4]

Churches were built to commemorate the visit of St. Paul. (Acts 14:20-21)

A distinctive church ruin is believed to be the home of the last Bishop of Derbe, circa A.D. 1001. A few coins and inscriptions of Derbe are extant.[5]


In ancient times, Derbe was one of a few Christian cities, and was used as a refuge for traveling Christians. Its Christian church was burned and buried under a mountain of soil by the Roman Emperor Diocletian, during the Diocletian Persecution, this event took place just prior to the year 300 AD. After the destruction of Derbe, there was a mass exodus of the population. Many went to western Europe, settling in modern day France. It is during this time that the last name "Derbes" began to be expressed with the connotative meaning, "man from Derbe". The name is still expressed as a surname to this day.[citation needed]

See also

  • Karadag, Karaman


  1. ^ "Derbe". Catholic Encyclopedia. Retrieved 2007-02-17. 
  2. ^ 37°20'54.85"N 33°21'41.23"E
  3. ^ Bastian Van Elderen, Some Archaeological Observations on Paul’s First Missionary Journey, 157-159.
  4. ^ Steve Singleton, Derbe Satellite View.
  5. ^ William Ramsay, Cities of St. Paul, 385-404.

Coordinates: 37°26′20″N 33°09′50″E / 37.4388888889°N 33.1638888889°E / 37.4388888889; 33.1638888889

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