

Skepsis (also Scepsis, and in Greek: Σκέψις) was an ancient settlement in Mysia, Asia Minor that is at the present site of Kurşuntepe, in Bayramiç, Turkey. The settlement is notable for being the location where the famous library of Aristotle was kept before being moved to Pergamum and Alexandria.cite book | last =Brockmann | first =Heike | coauthors =A. Uler, N. Tavlas, L. Stump, J. Steinhardt, W. Schuster, E. Goltz, T. Kelsey | title =Turkey | publisher =Hunter Publishing | date =2000 | pages =82 | url = |isbn=3886189112]


The city of Skepsis was situated in two different, non-contemporary sites on Mount Ida, Palae-Skepsis and the settlement of Skepsis proper.


Palae-Skepsis (Old Skepsis) is notable for the native tradition that it was once the "capital of Aeneas's dominions."cite book | last =Vaux | first =William Sandys Wright | title =Ancient history from the monuments: Greek cities & islands of Asia Minor | publisher =Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge | date =1877 | location =London | pages =8-9 | url =,M2] It was situated near the source of the Aesepus, high up on Mount Ida. William Vaux was able to note in 1877 that a village in the neighborhood still bore the name of "Eski Skisepje", which in Turkish corresponds to "Palae-Skepsis."

Dr. Andreas David Mordtmann, the discoverer of the settlement, is quoted on his discovery by Dr. Archibald Ross Colquhoun in a reference by Vaux.


The later Skepsis was about sixty stadia (7.5 miles) lower down Mount Ida from Palae-Skepsis.This later town of Scepsis is memorable for the discovery there, during the time of Sylla, of the works of Aristotle and Theophrastus, which had been buried by the illiterate relations of one Neleus (a pupil of Aristotle and friend of Theophrastus), so that they would not be carried off by Attalus, who was then founding the library at Pergamon.

Several times in its history, the citizens of Skepsis were forced to move elsewhere. When citizens of surrounding cities were forced to migrate to Troy, citizens of Skepsis were also forced to relocate. The city was again evacuated while the residents of surrounding cities were made to move to Alexandria Troas.cite web | title =On Kazdağ: Bayramiç | publisher =Governorship of Çanakkale | url = | accessdate =2007-03-19]

Certain traditions hold that Saint Cornelius the Centurion, the first Gentile convert to Christianity, became the first bishop of Skepsis in the early days of Christianity.

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