
Ancient City of Greece
(Avşar Kalesi)
Bafa Lake near Myus
Myus is located in Turkey
Myus, south of Avşar

Myus, Caria (sometimes Myous or Myos) was an ancient city-state and was one of twelve major settlements formed in the Ionian Confederation, called the Ionian League. The city was said to have been founded by Cyaretus (sometimes called Cydrelus), a son of Codrus. Myus was a small peninsula, it is now however surrounded by land (fields). These fields do still flood but it is no longer a harbour town. Myus was also synoikised with Miletus. Myus had both a temple of Athena and a temple of Herodotus and sources tell us that it was always secondary to Miletos.

Instigated by Aristagoras of Miletus, the Ionian Revolt broke out here. It was the beginning of the Greco-Persian Wars.

Location of Myus at Maeander River's mouth.

Coordinates: 37°35′38″N 27°25′41″E / 37.594°N 27.428°E / 37.594; 27.428

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