Dog licence

Dog licence
A British 1904 revenue stamp for a dog licence.
The dog license tag might be one of several dog tags worn.

A dog licence (or dog license) is required in some jurisdictions to be the keeper of a dog. Usually a dog-licence identifying number is issued to the owner, along with a dog tag bearing the identifier and a contact number for the registering organization. If a stray pet is found with the tag, a rescuer can call the registering organization to get current contact information for the dog's owner.

Licensing a dog might require additional actions on the owner's part, such as ensuring that the dog has a current rabies vaccination. In many jurisdictions a fee, which is usually small, must be paid. Licences typically must be renewed annually or after some small number of years.

Licensing information worldwide

Great Britain
Dog licensing was abolished in 1987. Prior to this dog licences were mandatory, but the requirement was widely ignored, with only about half of owners having one. The final rate for a dog licence was 37 pence, reduced from 37½p when the halfpenny was withdrawn in 1984. This figure was an exact conversion from 7/6 (seven shillings and sixpence) on decimalization in 1971. The revenue went to local authorities.
Northern Ireland
Dog licences are required under the Dogs (Northern Ireland) Order 1983. as of October 2011 dog licences cost £12.50 a year, with reductions for pensioners and owners of neutered dogs.[1]
Dog licences are required and as of 2009 cost 12.70 / year, with a general licence allowing unlimited dogs on one premises at €253.94.
Dog ownership is regulated by a "dog tax" as opposed to a dog licence, with the amount due depending on the breed of the dog: dogs deemed "dangerous", such as Rottweilers, are subject to higher tax.
United States
Most states, municipalities, or other jurisdictions require dog licences along with rabies vaccination, and the licence duration cannot exceed the time the vaccine is effective. As a way of preventing the overpopulation of animals, some jurisdictions charge a significantly lower licensing fee if the owner presents veterinary proof that the dog has been spayed or neutered.
California and Maryland also have some areas where cat licences are required.[2][3]
Dog licences are required.
Dog licences are mandated by state and territory legislation but are issued by local governments (e.g., city or shire councils).[4] Hence the cost of a licence and the format of the licence tag vary across the country. Some areas, such as Victoria, require cat registration and microchipping also.[5]
New Zealand
Under the Dog Control Act 1996 all dogs over 3 months old are required to be registered with the city or district council the dog usually resides in. As a prerequisite, all dogs classified as dangerous or menacing, and all dogs first registered in New Zealand after 1 July 2006 must be micro chipped before they can be registered.
All dog registrations expire yearly on 30 June, and must be renewed by 31 July. Fees for registration differ between councils, and also differ according to factors such as whether the dog is neutered, living in an urban or rural area, classed as dangerous or menacing, and whether the owner is a responsible dog owner. Fees for working dogs (herding dogs, police dogs, drug dogs, etc.) are generally lower than for pets, and seeing-eye or hearing-ear dogs are generally free or minimal cost to register.
Isle of Man
Dog licences are required.

External links


  1. ^ [1]
  2. ^ Pet Licensing Info Department of Animal Care & Control, Los Angeles County
  3. ^ Pet License Department of Inspections/Licenses/Permits, Howard County Maryland Government
  4. ^ Australian Official Registers: Ownership and Use: pets
  5. ^ All About Cats Responsible Pet Ownership Program, State Government of Victoria

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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