Ancient dog breeds

Ancient dog breeds

Fourteen ancient breeds of dog have recently been identified through advances in DNA analysis.cite journal
last = Parker
first = H.G.
coauthors = Kim, L.V.; Sutter, N.B.; Carlson, S.; Lorentzen, T.D.; Malek, T.B.; Johnson, G.S.; DeFrance, H.B.; Ostrander, E.A.; Kruglyak, L.
date = 2004-05-21
title = Genetic structure of the purebred domestic dog
journal = Science
volume = 304
issue = 5674
pmid = 15155949
doi = 10.1126/science.1097406
url =
] These breeds of domesticated dog show the fewest genetic differences from wolves. The breeds are geographically diverse, including dogs from Siberia, Japan, Alaska, China, Tibet, and Africa.


DNA from dogs of 85 AKC-registered breeds (5 individuals per breed in most cases) were tested by Parker et al. This study had some surprises, especially the suggestion that three breeds – the Norwegian Elkhound, Pharaoh Hound and Ibizan Hound – are not as old as typically stated, but rather are more recent recreations of old types. Also, six pairs of breeds are closely related: Alaskan Malamute and Siberian Husky, Belgian Sheepdog and Belgian Tervuren, Collie and Shetland Sheepdog, Greyhound and Whippet, Bernese Mountain Dog and Greater Swiss Mountain Dog, and finally the Bull Mastiff and Mastiff.

However, the assumption that a small sample from a single dog breed can be representative for the entire breed, is argued to be invalid by long-time repeated incidental or intentional interbreeding with local dogs, thereby gradually replacing original wolf clade elements but maintaining the original phenotype by ongoing selection for the original use and conformation. [cite journal
last = Quignon
first = Pascale
coauthors = Herbin L.; Cadieu, E.; Kirkness, E.F.; Hédan, B.; Mosher, D.S.; Galibert, F.; André, C; Ostrander, E.A.; Hitte, C.;
date = 2007-12-19
title = Canine Population Structure: Assessment and Impact of Intra-Breed Stratification on SNP-Based Association Studies
journal = PLoS ONE
volume = 2
issue = 12
pmid = 18091995
doi = 10.1371/journal.pone.0001324
url =
] This evolution can be seen also in the high proportion of European clade in Asian breeds close to Europe, like Saluki and Samoyed, while a geographically remote Nordic spitz, the Siberian Husky, does not show such a replacement of the original wolfdog structure.Fact|date=May 2008 Also, as there are some 400 known dog breeds (of which the AKC recognizes 157), it is possible that an extended study would reveal additional "ancient" breeds.

Gallery of the fourteen ancient breeds

Afghan Hound (Afghanistan)

Chow Chow (China)

Lhasa Apso (Tibet)
Pekingese (China)
Shar Pei (China)
Shih Tzu (Tibet)
Tibetan Terrier (Tibet)
Saluki (Egypt)
Basenji (DR Congo)
Akita Inu (Japan)
Shiba Inu (Japan)
Samoyed (Siberia)
Siberian Husky (Siberia)
Alaskan Malamute (Alaska, United States)


Further reading

* cite news
first = Mark
last = Derr
title = Collie or Pug? Study Finds the Genetic Code
url =
work = The New York Times
date = 2004-05-21

*cite news
first = Barbara Bradley
last = Petura
title = New Breakthrough in Dog Genetics
url =
work = The Racing Siberian Husky Online &
date = 2004
accessdate = 2008-05-10

* cite journal
last = Travis
first = John
title = Breeds Apart: Purebred dogs defined by DNA differences
journal = Science News
volume = 165
issue = 21
date = 2004-05-19
url =
accessdate = 2008-05-10

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