As-Salamu Alaykum

As-Salamu Alaykum

As-Salāmu `Alaykum (السلام عليكم) is a traditional Muslim greeting, often translated as Peace be upon you.

As-Salamu Alaykum



  • In Arabia, the greeting is associated with shaking right hands and then possibly two or three light cheek to cheek kisses.
  • In Pakistan, the greeting is also associated with shaking right hands and is also often accompanied with a hug when meeting infrequently (only between the same gender).
  • In Iran and Afghanistan, Salām is a simple greeting. This means Peace and Health, and is used similarly to "Peace be upon you" in English-speaking cultures.
  • In India, the greeting is accompanied by raising the right hand to the forehead (arz hai "regards").
  • In Indonesia, the greeting is usually accompanied with a kind of two-handed "handshake", whereby the shaker's palms remain closed, and the fingers alone open to admit the other's proffered hand- which briefly touches the proffered's fingers or fingertips alone. In this way more adherent males and females may greet though touching- but remain true to the Islamic or cultural teachings forbidding physical contact between the genders. Occasionally, the right-hand will touch the left-breast or heart area after this
  • In Turkey, many Turkish use this statement and hug each other; more secular and non-religious people say "Selam" as an equivalent to "Hello" or "Hi". This use has extended to the Internet with the abbreviated "slm" being commonly used amongst Turks on social networking websites.
  • In Javanese culture, a remnant of feudalism is retained, where an elder's proffered right hand is taken and pressed briefly against the forehead. Some may instead briefly kiss the hand or the main ring. This is very common for young children to greet older relatives (of their parents' age, though, on occasion, if very polite children, younger). As per Turkey, "slm" is commonly used by teens on SMS and the Internet.
  • In Malaysia, the term is used in the "localized" form assalamualaikum.
  • In Tanzania, and other Swahili speaking countries on the coast of East Africa the term is pronounced "assalamualaikum" followed by a reply of "aleikum-salam", people usually shake hands, hug, and sometimes wave. Typically this greeting remains mainly Islam related while Christians have modified it to "Salam".
  • In Amharic , the term "Selam" is used in place of "Tadias" which is the equivalent of "What's up". The word "Selam" has the same meaning in Amharic as in Arabic which is "peace".
  • In Kazakhstan, many Kazakh use this statement and hug each other; more secular and non-religious people say "Salem" as an equivalent to "Hello" or "Hi". as regards to older people Kazakhs use only "As-Salamu Alaykum". Women never say "As-Salamu Alaykum".


The term as-salāmu ʿalaykum varies slightly in pronunciation from country to country, but always remains universally intelligible. The classical pronunciation of the greeting in Literary Arabic is /assaˈlaːmu ʕaˈlajkum/. Many people today omit the initial 'As' and pronounce the word as "Salaamu `Alaykum". In many parts of the world, indeed in most of the non-Arabic speaking countries the greeting is pronounced [asalaːmʊ aleɪkʊm] or in a similar variation. This is especially common in Africa, the South Asia, South East Asia and in Eastern Europe.

For an example of different pronunciations, Pakistanis tend to emphasise the 'ssalam aLAYkum', whereas Indonesian pronunciation is monotonous until the last syllable ('assalamuAlaiKUM').

Amongst various Arabic speaking countries there is also a varied pronunciation. In Morocco the greeting is usually pronounced [səleːmu leikum]. In Egypt: [sæˈlæmu ʕæˈleːku], the final /u/'s alternate with [o] and the expected reply similar to a reply on "hi", is [we ʕæˈlekom essæˈlæːm].


Number of People Being Addressed

السلام عليكم
As-Salaamu `Alaykum
Peace be upon you

The term in Arabic uses the second person plural, even when used to address one person, similar to the use of vous in French[citation needed]. However, the term may also be modified to address a person in the masculine and feminine singular form, the dual form, or the feminine plural form. The conjugations are as follow (note: according to classical Arabic, the last short vowel in each word is not pronounced unless it is followed by another word):

As-Salāmu `alayk(a)Peace be upon you (m. sing.)

As-Salāmu `alayk(i)Peace be upon you (f. sing)

As-Salāmu `alayk(umā)Peace be upon you (to two people of any gender)

As-Salāmu `alayk(unna)Peace be upon you (f. plural - to three or more females only)

As-Salāmu `alayk(umu)Peace be upon you (To a group of three or more people, where at least one is a male - or to a member of state such as a prime minister, president, king)

Correct Classical Response

The correct response depends on who is addressing you. The same rules from above for singularity, duality, and plurality apply:

Wa `alayk(...) s-salām.

A more formal reply, wa `alaykumu s-salāmu wa rahmatu l-lāhi wa barakātuh (meaning "may God's blessings be upon you"), may be used as well.


The word As-Salām (السلام) may be replaced by Salāmun (سلامٌ). This form of the word is used in a passage of the Qur'an describing the greeting of the Angels towards the inhabitants of Paradise:

And angels shall enter unto them from every gate (saying) SalāmunAlaykum (peace be upon you) for that you persevered in patience! Excellent indeed is the final home!’— (Ar-Ra'ad 13:23-24)

The form Salāmun `Alaykum is especially used in Turkey, where it is spelled Selamün Aleyküm.

Islamic rulings related to the use of the greeting

It is also preferred to use the greeting when arriving and also when leaving. It was reported that Abu Hurayrah said When one of you joins a gathering, let him say salaam. When he wants to get up and leave, let him say salaam. The former is not more important than the latter.” (Saheeh - at-Tirmidhi)

  • According to hadith the Islamic prophet Muhammad was asked who should "begin" the salam greeting, and he said:
"The one who is riding should greet the one who is walking, and the one who is walking should greet the one who is sitting, and the smaller group should greet the larger group." (Saheeh - Al-Bukhaari, 6234; Muslim, 2160)[1]
  • It is also stated that one should give the Salam greeting upon entering a house. This is based upon the verse of the Qur'an:
"But when you enter the houses, greet one another with a greeting from Allah (i.e. say: AssalaamuAleykumpeace be on you), blessed and good." (Al-Noor 24:61)
  • The trend of shortening the greeting to acronyms, such as A.S.,As'kum(in Malaysia) or AsA, is disliked;[citation needed] however, it is becoming common amongst Internet users in chat rooms and by people using SMS. As the full word is not written, it is disliked; however, the meaning is usually understood by the recipient. This trend is similar to writing (S) or 'SAWS' in place of 'Sallallaahu `Aleyhi wa Sallam'.

See also


External links

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