voting share — ➔ Share * * * voting share UK US noun [C] (also voting stock [U]) FINANCE, STOCK MARKET ► a company share that gives its owner the right to vote at shareholder meetings: »He holds 18% of the company s voting shares. »The family controls 43% of… … Financial and business terms
non-voting share — ➔ Share … Financial and business terms
Super-voting Share — A type of share capital structure not often seen outside the United States in which certain shares, on being issued, give the holder increased voting rights … Financial and business terms
share — Shares represent a slice in the ownership of a company. Financial Services Glossary The authorised share capital of a company is divided into a number of equal parts. Each part is called a share. See ordinary shares, preference shares, securities … Financial and business terms
voting stock — The shares in a corporation that entitle the shareholder to vote. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * voting stock voting stock ➔ stock1 * * * voting stock UK US noun [U] FINANCE, STOCK MARKET ► VOTING SHARES( … Financial and business terms
voting behaviour — Voting is the main form of political participation in liberal democratic societies and the study of voting behaviour is a highly specialized sub field within political science . The analysis of voting patterns invariably focuses on the… … Dictionary of sociology
Voting system — For other uses, see Voting system (disambiguation). Part of the Politics series Electoral methods … Wikipedia
share — One of a number of titles of ownership in a company. Most companies are limited by shares, enabling investors to limit their liability if the company fails to the amount paid for (or owing on) the shares. A share is a chose in action, conferring… … Big dictionary of business and management
share — One of a number of titles of ownership in a company. Most companies are limited by shares, thus if a company fails an investor has a liability that is limited to the amount paid for (or owing on) the shares. A share confers on its owner a legal… … Accounting dictionary
Share (finance) — In financial markets, a share is a unit of account for various financial instruments including stocks, mutual funds, limited partnerships, and REIT s. In British English, use of the word shares in the plural to refer to stock is so common that it … Wikipedia