- Rajneesh movement
The Rajneesh movement is a term used by Hugh B. Urban[1] and other commentators to refer collectively to persons inspired by the Indian mystic Osho (formerly known as Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, 1931–1990), particularly initiated disciples who are referred to as "neo-sannyasins"[2] or simply "sannyasins", also formerly known as Rajneeshees or "Orange People", because of the orange and later red, maroon and pink clothes they used from 1970 until 1985.[3] Members of the movement are also sometimes called Oshoites in the Indian press.[4][5][6]
The movement was controversial in the 1970s and 1980s, due to the founder's hostility to traditional values, first in India and later in the United States of America. This was particularly the case in the state of Oregon, where the movement had a large intentional community in the early 1980s, called Rajneeshpuram.[7][8] In the USSR the movement was banned as being contrary to "positive aspects of Indian culture and to the aims of the youth protest movement in Western countries". These "positive aspects" were seen as being subverted by Osho, who was portrayed as a reactionary religious ideologist of the monopolistic bourgeoisie of India, promoting the ideas of the consumer society in a traditional Hindu guise.[9] Tensions peaked in Oregon when leading members of the Rajneeshpuram Oregon commune were arrested for a host of crimes, including a bioterrorist attack. Citizens of the city of The Dalles, Oregon, were subjected to deliberate salmonella food poisoning in order to influence the outcome of a local election.[8] Osho was deported from the United States in 1985 for immigration violations and the movement's headquarters eventually returned to Pune, India.
The movement in India gradually received a more positive response from the surrounding society, especially after the founder's death in 1990.[10][11] The Osho International Foundation (OIF) is presently managed by an "Inner Circle" set up by Osho before his death. They jointly administer Osho's estate and operate the Osho International Meditation Resort in Pune.[11][12] Towards the late 1990s, a rift within the movement saw rival factions challenging both OIF's copyright holdings over Osho's works, and the validity of its royalty claims on publishing or reprinting of materials.[10][13][14] In the United States, following a 10-year legal battle with Osho Friends International (OFI), the OIF lost their exclusive rights over the trademark OSHO in January 2009.[15] There are a number of smaller Osho centres in India and around the world; including the United States, United Kingdom, Germany, and the Netherlands.
Osho's birthday celebrations at his Bombay residence on 11 December 1972Osho began speaking in public in 1958, while still a lecturer (later professor) in philosophy at Jabalpur University. He lectured throughout India during the 1960s, promoting meditation and the ideals of free love,[16] a social movement based on a civil libertarian philosophy that rejects state regulation and religious interference in personal relationships; he also denounced marriage as a form of social bondage, especially for women.[17][18] He criticised socialism and Gandhi, but championed capitalism, science, technology and birth control;[19] warning against over-population and criticizing religious teachings that promote poverty and subjection.
He became known as Acharya Rajneesh, Acharya meaning "teacher or professor" and "Rajneesh" being a childhood nickname.[20] By 1964 a group of wealthy backers had initiated an educational trust to support Osho and aid in the running of meditation retreats.[21] The association formed at this time was known as Jivan Jagruti Andolan (Hindi: Life Awakening Movement).[22] As Goldman expresses it, his rapidly growing clientele suggested "that he was an unusually talented spiritual therapist". Around this time he "acquired a business manager" from the upper echelons of Indian society, Laxmi Thakarsi Kuruwa, a politically well-connected woman who would function as his personal secretary and organisational chief and would become Osho's first sannyasin,[23] taking the name Ma Yoga Laxmi.[24][25][26] Laxmi, the daughter of a key supporter of the Nationalist Congress Party, with close ties to Gandhi, Nehru and Morarji Desai,[27][28] would retain this role for almost 15 years.[29]
University of Jabalpur officials forced Osho to resign in 1966, and he shifted his attention to his role as a spiritual teacher, supporting himself through lectures, meditation camps and, for his wealthier followers, private counselling (Darśana or Darshan - meaning "sight").[24] In 1971 he initiated 6 people, which led to the emergence of the Neo-Sannyas International Movement.[30] Osho differentiated his sannyas from the traditional practice, admitting women and viewing renunciation as a process of renouncing ego rather than the world. Disciples nevertheless adopted the traditional ochre robe, mala and change of name. At this time, Osho adopted the title "Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh".[31]
By 1972 there were already 3,800 sannyasins in India. The total for the rest of the world, at that time, was 134, including 56 from the United States, sixteen each from Britain and Germany, twelve each from Italy and the Philippines, eight in Canada, four in Kenya, two in Denmark and one each from France, Holland, Australia, Greece, Sweden, Norway and Switzerland.[32] After a house was purchased for Osho in Pune in 1974, an ashram was founded, and membership of the movement grew.[16] More western seekers began to visit, including therapists from the Human Potential Movement, who began to run group therapy at the ashram.[7] Osho became the first Eastern guru to embrace modern psychotherapy.[33] He discoursed daily upon religious scriptures, combining elements of Western philosophy, jokes and personal anecdotes. He commented on Hinduism, Zen and other religious sources and Western psychotherapeutic approaches.[7][34]
Swami Prem Amitabh (Robert Birnbaum), one of the therapists in the Pune ashram, estimates that there were about 100,000 sannyasins by 1979.[35] Bob Mullan, a sociologist from the University of East Anglia, states that "at any one time there were about 6,000 Rajneeshees in Poona, some visiting for weeks or months to do groups or meditations, with about two thousand working and living on a permanent basis in and around the ashram."[35] Lewis F. Carter, a sociologist from the Washington State University, estimates that 2,000 sannyasins resided at Rajneeshpuram at its height.[35]
The ashram in Pune became the Osho International Meditation Resort, one of India's main tourist attractions.[36] Describing itself as the Esalen of the East, it teaches a variety of spiritual techniques from a broad range of traditions and promotes itself as a spiritual oasis, a "sacred space" for discovering one's self and uniting the desires of body and mind in a beautiful resort environment.[37] According to press reports, it attracts some 200,000 people from all over the world each year;[38][39] prominent visitors have included politicians, media personalities and the Dalai Lama.[36]
Beliefs and practices
A 1972 monograph[32] outlined Osho's concept of sannyas. It was to be a worldwide movement, rooted in life affirmation, playful and joyful, based in science rather than belief and dogma, not relying on ideology and philosophy but on practices, techniques and methods aimed toward offering every individual the chance to discover and choose their own proper religious path, leading to an essential, universal religiousness. It would be open to people of all religions or of none, experimenting with the inner methods of all religions in their pure, original form, not seeking to synthesise them but to provide facilities whereby each might be revived, maintained and defended, its lost and hidden secrets rediscovered. The movement would not seek to create any new religion.
To this end, communities would be founded around the world and groups of sannyasins would tour the world to aid seekers and demonstrate techniques of meditation. Other groups would perform kirtan and conduct experiments in healing. Communities would run their own businesses and various publishing companies would be founded. A central International University of Meditation would have branches all over the world and run meditation camps, while study groups would investigate the key texts of Tantra, Taoism, Hinduism and other traditions.[40]
In one survey conducted at Rajneeshpuram, over 70 percent of those surveyed listed their religious identification as "none".[40] However, 60 percent of sannyasins participated in activities of worship several times a month.[40] In late 1981, Osho, through his secretary Ma Anand Sheela (Sheela Silverman), announced the inception of the 'religion of Rajneeshism', the foundation of which would be fragments taken from various discourses and interviews Osho that had given over the years.[41] In July 1983, Rajneesh Foundation International published a book entitled Rajneeshism: An introduction to Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh and His Religion,"[42] in an attempt to systematise Rajneesh's religious teachings and institutionalise the movement. Despite this, the publication claimed that Rajneeshism was not a religion, but rather "...a religionless religion...only a quality of love, silence, meditation and prayerfulness".[43] Carter (1990) notes that the motivation for formalising Osho's teachings are not easy to determine, but might perhaps have been tied to a visa application made to the Immigration and Naturalization Service to obtain a "religious worker" status for him.[44]
In the last week of September 1985, Sheela having fled in disgrace, Rajneesh declared that the religion of "Rajneeshism" and "Rajneeshees" no longer existed and that anything bearing the name would be dismantled. [45] His disciples set fire to 5,000 copies of Book of Rajneeshism, a 78-page compilation of his teachings that had defined Rajneeshism as "a religionless religion".[45][46] Osho said he ordered the book-burning to rid the sect of the last traces of the influence of Sheela.[46] Sheela's robes were also added to the bonfire.[46]
Marriage and the family
One of the first surveys on sannyasins was conducted in 1980 at the Poona ashram by Swami Krishna Deva (David Berry Knapp), an American clinical psychologist who would later serve as mayor of Rajneeshpuram.[35] In the survey, Krishna Deva polled 300 American sannyasins, and discovered that their median age was just over thirty. Sixty percent of them had been sannyasins for less than two years and most continued to live in the United States; half of them hailed from California, 97 percent were white, 25 percent were Jewish, and 85 percent belonged to the middle class and upper-middle class.[35][47] Almost two-thirds had university degrees and viewed themselves to be "successful in worldly terms". Three quarters had previously been involved in some therapy. More than half the sannyasins had earlier experimented with another spiritual group.[47]
In 1984, the average age of members in the Rajneesh movement was 34; 64 percent of the followers had a four-year college degree.[48] Although the movement was without clearly defined and shared values[49] it was well-known that Osho discouraged marrying and having children[50] and saw families as inherently prone to dysfunction and destructiveness. No children were born at the commune in Oregon or at the commune in England [51] and contraception, sterilisation, and abortion were accepted.[52] According to Pike, some women justified leaving their children when moving to the ashram by reasoning that spiritual development was more important.[52]
A survey of 635 Rajneeshpuram residents conducted by Norman D. Sundberg, director of the University of Oregon's Clinical/Community Psychology Program, and three of his colleagues, revealed a middle-class group of predominately thirtyish, college-educated whites; the majority of whom were females.[53] Nearly three-fourths of those surveyed attributed their decisions to become Rajneeshees to their love for Osho or his teachings.[53] Ninety-one percent stated that they had been looking for more meaning in their lives prior to becoming members.[53] When asked to rate how they felt about their lives as Rajneeshees, 93 percent stated they were "extremely satisfied" or nearly so, with most choosing the top score on a scale of 0 to 8. Only 8 percent stated that they had been as happy before joining.[53]
Intentional community
Osho held that families, large cities and nations would ultimately be replaced by small communities with a communal way of life. By 1972, small communes of disciples existed in India and Kenya, and a larger one, to be known as Anand Shila, was planned as a "permanent world headquarters" in India. However, this plan was repeatedly thwarted. Large communes were planned in the west. The Rajneesh organisation bought the 64,229-acre (259.93 km2) Big Muddy Ranch located near Antelope, Oregon in July 1981, renaming it Rancho Rajneesh and later Rajneeshpuram.[16][54] Initially, approximately 2,000 people took up residence in the intentional community and Rajneesh abruptly, rapidly and without warning,[55] moved there too.[48] The organisation purchased a reception hotel in Portland that, in July 1983, was bombed by the radical Islamic group Jamaat ul-Fuqra, a group with connections to Pakistani-held Azad Kashmir that sought to attack "soft" targets in the United States that had Indian connections.[56]
The Rajneesh movement clashed with Oregon officials and government while at Rajneeshpuram, resulting in tensions within the commune itself.[57] A siege mentality set in among the commune's leaders and intimidation and authoritarianism ensued. Disillusioned followers began to leave the organisation, commune members were instructed to break off communications with anyone that chose to leave.[57]
During the movement's stay in Oregon, the popular press reported widely on the large collection of Rolls Royce cars Osho had amassed,[16] reported to be 93 in the final count.[58] James S. Gordon reported that some sannyasins saw the cars as an unmatched tool for obtaining publicity, others as a good business investment or as a test, while others said they expressed Osho's scorn for middle-class aspirations and yet others said that they were indicative of the love of his disciples.[59] Gordon opined that what Osho loved most about the Rolls-Royces, apart from their comfort, was "the anger and envy that his possession of so many—so absurdly, unnecessarily, outrageously many—of them aroused."[59] and wrote of a popular bumper sticker among sannyasins; "Jesus Saves. Moses Invests. Bhagwan Spends."
Hugh B. Urban comments that "one of the most astonishing features of the early Rajneesh movement was its remarkable success as a business enterprise".[60] It "developed an extremely effective and profitable corporate structure", and "by the 1980s, the movement had evolved into a complex, interlocking network of corporations, with an astonishing number of both spiritual and secular businesses worldwide, offering everything from yoga and psychological counseling to cleaning services."[1] It has been estimated that at least 120 million dollars were generated during the movements time in Oregon, a period when the acquisition of capital, donation collection, and legal work, were a primary concern.[61]
By the mid 1980s, the movement, with the assistance of a sophisticated legal and business infrastructure, had created a corporate machine that consisted of various front companies and subsidiaries.[60] At this time, the three main identifiable organisations within the Rajneesh movement were the Ranch Church or Rajneesh Foundation International (RFI), which was managed through the Rajneesh Investment Corporation (RIC), and the Rajneesh Neo-Sannyasin International Corporation (RNSIC). The umbrella organisation that oversaw all investment activities, a company incorporated in the UK but based in Zurich, was Rajneesh Services International Ltd. There were also smaller organisations such as Rajneesh Travel Corp, Rajneesh Community Holdings, and the Rajneesh Modern Car Collection Trust; the sole purpose of which was to deal with Rolls Royce acquisition and rental.[61][62] By the early 21st century, members of the movement were running stress management seminars for corporate clients such as BMW, with a reported (2000) revenue between $15 and $45 million annually in the U.S.[63]
Current status
The movement has survived the guru's death.[1] The organisation "Osho International Foundation", the successor to "Neo-Sannyas International Foundation", now propagates his views, operating once more out of the Poona commune in India[16] and the movement began to communicate on the Internet.[64]
Urban adds that the most surprising feature of the Osho phenomenon lies in Osho's "remarkable apotheosis upon his return to India", which resulted in his achieving even more success in his homeland than before.[65] According to Urban, his followers had succeeded in portraying Osho as a martyr, promoting the view that "[the Ranch] was crushed from without by the Attorney General's office ... like the marines in Lebanon, the Ranch was hit by hardball opposition and driven out."[65][66] Sociologist Stephen Hunt, on the other hand, writes in Alternative Religions (2003) that "the movement has declined since 1985, and some would argue it is now, for all intents and purposes, defunct."[16]
After Osho's death, various disagreements relating to his wishes and his legacy, ensued. This led to the formation of a number of rival collectives. One of the central disagreements related to Osho International Foundation's copyright control over his works.[10][14] One group, Osho Friends International, spent 10 years challenging the OIF's use of the title OSHO as an exclusive trademark. In the United States, on 13 January 2009, the exclusive rights that OIF held over the trademark were finally lost. OIF filed a Notice of Appeal on 12 March, but eventually filed for withdrawal in the Court of Appeals on 19 June, therefore leaving the trademarks of Osho in the US canceled.[15]
People associated with the movement
Literature and thought
- Joachim-Ernst Berendt, Jazz musician, journalist and author, became a member of the movement in 1983.[67] When Osho died in 1990, he wrote an obituary calling him the "master of the heart" as well as "the holiest scoundrel I ever knew".[67]
- Elfie Donnelly, award-winning Anglo-Austrian children's book author. She joined the movement in the 1980s and was among the disciples Osho appointed to the "Inner Circle"; the group entrusted with administering his estate after his death.[68]
- Jörg Andrees Elten, German writer and journalist. He was a well known reporter for Stern prior to joining the movement, and later took the name Swami Satyananda.[69]
- Tim Guest, journalist and author. He grew up in the movement with the name Yogesh and later wrote a critical book, My Life in Orange, about his difficult childhood.[70]
- Bernard Levin, English columnist. He joined the movement with his then girlfriend Arianna Huffington in the early 1980s, and later published glowing accounts of Osho and the movement in The Times.[71] About Osho, he stated: "He is the conduit along which the vital force of the universe flows".[71] He later joined the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness with Huffington.[71]
- Peter Sloterdijk, German philosopher. He joined the movement in the 1970s. In interviews given in 2006, he credited the experience with having had a fundamental, beneficial and still ongoing effect on his outlook on life.[72]
Spirituality and psychology
- Margot Anand, a teacher of tantra who was a student of Osho's and first began to teach tantra in his ashram.[73][74]
- Jan Foudraine, Dutch psychiatrist, psychotherapist, writer and mystic.[75] His sannyasin name is Swami Deva Amrito.[76]
- Nirmala Srivastava, Indian spiritual teacher. She was an early member of the Rajneesh movement and later founded a spiritual movement of her own, Sahaja Yoga, repudiating Osho.[77]
- Ma Prem Usha, Indian tarot card reader, fortune teller and journalist, was a movement member for 30 years until her death in 2008.[78]
Performance arts
- Parveen Babi, Indian actress. She joined the movement along with her former boyfriend, the producer Mahesh Bhatt in the mid-1970s, and later became a devotee of philosopher U.G. Krishnamurti.[79][80]
- Mahesh Bhatt, Indian film director, producer and screenwriter. He became a sannyasin in the mid-1970s, but later left the movement and instead found spiritual companionship and guidance with U.G. Krishnamurti; whose biography he later wrote in 1992.[81]
- Georg Deuter, also known as Swami Chaitanya Hari; Musician of the Rajneesh movement. He composed the music that accompanies Osho's meditations recordings in Poona and later at the city of Rajneeshpuram in Oregon.[82][83]
- Mike Edwards (musician), British former member of the Electric Light Orchestra, known as Swami Deva Pramada or simply Pramada.[84]
- Albert Mol, Dutch actor and author, was a follower of Osho.[75]
- Nena, German singer and actress. In 2009, she stated that she had become a fan of Osho, his books and meditation techniques, which she had discovered a few years earlier.[85]
- Ramses Shaffy, Dutch singer, actor. He was a heavy drinker, but stopped drinking when he joined the movement in the early 1980s, and became Swami Ramses Shaffy. He later relapsed back into alcoholism.[75][86]
- Terence Stamp, British actor. In the 1970s, he spent time in the Poona ashram meditating and studying the teachings of Osho. Stamp was initiated into sannyas by Osho and became Swami Deva Veetan.[87][88][89]
- Anneke Wills (Ma Prem Anita), British actor most famous for her rôle as Doctor Who sidekick Polly.[90] She moved to India to stay at the Poona ashram with her son Jasper (Swami Dhyan Yogi) during the 1970s and later moved again to a sannyasin commune in California during the early 1980s.[91]
- Arianna Huffington, Greek-American political activist, and her then partner Bernard Levin were disciples in the early 1980s.[92] She later joined joined the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness with Levin.[92]
- Vinod Khanna, Indian film star and politician, was Osho's gardener in Rajneeshpuram. He later became India's Minister of State for External Affairs (junior foreign secretary), holding office from 2003 to 2004. He became a sannyasin on 31 December 1975 and received the name Swami Vinod Bharti.[93][94]
- Barbara Rütting, German actress, author and Die Grünen politician. Her sannyasin name is Ma Anand Taruna.[95][96]
- Pratiksha Apurv, a fashion designer, is Osho's niece and has been a movement member since the age of 11.[97]
- Prince Welf Ernst of Hanover (eldest son of Prince George William of Hanover and Princess Sophie of Greece and Denmark, sister of Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh). Welf was a first cousin of Charles, Prince of Wales. Joined the movement in 1975, died from a ruptured brain aneurysm at the age of 34, while at the Poona ashram. He was named Swami Vimalkirti by Osho.[98]
- Turiya Hanover (born Wibke van Gunsteren), Australian spiritualist and wife of Prince Welf Ernst of Hanover. She took sannyas with her husband, and was given the name Turiya by Osho.[98]
- Shannon Jo Ryan, daughter of former Congressman Leo Ryan who investigated the Jonestown commune of the People's Temple in Guyana and was killed there by cultists, joined the Rajneesh movement shortly after her father's death in 1981.[99] She took the name Ma Prem Amrita Pritam, and married another sannyasin Peter Waight (Swami Anand Subhuti) at Rajneeshpuram in 1982.[100]
See also
- 1985 Rajneeshee assassination plot
- 2010 Pune bombing
- Breaking the Spell: My Life as a Rajneeshee and the Long Journey Back to Freedom
- Byron v. Rajneesh Foundation International
- ^ a b c Urban 2005, p. 171
- ^ Idinopulos & Yonan 1996, p. 13
- ^ Chryssides 1999, p. 208
- ^ Abhay Vaidya (27 May 2005). Oshoites amused by American terrorism tag, Times of India. Retrieved 2011-07-15.
- ^ Sunanda Mehta (27 April 2008). Maroon-clad Oshoites no longer endemic to city, Indian Express. Retrieved 2011-07-15.
- ^ Chandran Iyer (10 June 2009). Osho Commune 'least interested in Indians', MiD DAY. Retrieved 2011-07-15.
- ^ a b c Clarke 2006, p. 253
- ^ a b Lewis & Petersen 2005, pp. 124–127
- ^ A. A. Tkacheva, Counter-culture Slogans in the System of Right Wing Radicalism in India (1986) abstract
- ^ a b c Lewis & Petersen 2004, p. 120
- ^ a b Urban 2005, pp. 182–183
- ^ Lewis & Petersen 2005, pp. 133–134
- ^ Royalty Ruckus originally published in India Today 3 July 2000. Retrieved on 7 December 2009.
- ^ a b Fox 2002, pp. 44–45
- ^ a b (18 July 2009) Osho trademark:OIF appeal dismissed, Indian Express, Retrieved 2011-07-15.
- ^ a b c d e f Hunt 2003, p. 127
- ^ The Handbook of the Oneida Community claims to have coined the term around 1850, and laments that its use was appropriated by socialists to attack marriage, an institution that they felt protected women and children from abandonment
- ^ McElroy, Wendy. "The Free Love Movement and Radical Individualism." Libertarian Enterprise .19 (1996): 1.
- ^ FitzGerald, Frances (29 September 1986), "Rajneeshpuram", The New Yorker, p. 77.
- ^ Gordon 1987, pp. 26–27
- ^ Lewis & Petersen 2005, p. 119
- ^ Osho 2000, p. 224
- ^ Goldman, Marion S. (2005), page 119.
- ^ a b Lewis & Petersen 2004, p. 122
- ^ Palmer & Sharma 1993, p. 30
- ^ Carter 1990, p. 44
- ^ Fitzgerald 1986, p. 77
- ^ Mehta 1993, p. 89
- ^ Gordon 1987, p. 93
- ^ Metha 1993, p. 91
- ^ Fitzgerald 1986, p. 78
- ^ a b Yoga Chinmaya, Neo-sannyas International: Visions and Activities, Life Awakening Movement Publications, Bombay 1972.
- ^ Mistlberger 2010, p. 87
- ^ Goldman 2007, p. 172
- ^ a b c d e Aveling 1999, p. 87
- ^ a b Fox 2002, p. 41
- ^ Forsthoefel & Humes 2005, pp. 182–183
- ^ "Osho? Oh No!". http://www.wweek.com/html/urbanpulse020200.html. Retrieved 2009-01-16.
- ^ "Mystic's burial site at commune is reincarnated as posh resort". Mike McPhate (San Francisco Chronicle). 29 August 2004. http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/chronicle/archive/2004/08/29/ING9G8DKC31.DTL. Retrieved 15 July 2011.
- ^ a b c Palmer & Sharma 1993, p. 72
- ^ Metha 1993, p. 111
- ^ Carter 1990, p. 300
- ^ Carter 1990, p. 185
- ^ Carter 1990, p. 186
- ^ a b Sally Carpenter Hale, Associated Press (1 October 1985). "Rajneesh renouncing his cult's religion". The Ledger: p. 8A. http://news.google.com/newspapers?nid=1347&dat=19851001&id=OBgVAAAAIBAJ&sjid=YPsDAAAAIBAJ&pg=1946,4458. Retrieved 15 July 2011.
- ^ a b c Associated Press (2 October 1985). "Guru's arrest not imminent". Spokane Chronicle: p. D6.
- ^ a b Aveling 1999, p. 31
- ^ a b Goldman 1997, p. 209
- ^ Carter 1990, p. 9
- ^ Pike 2007, p. 222
- ^ Pike 2007, p. 224
- ^ a b Pike 2007, p. 223
- ^ a b c d "Experts draw distinctions between cults, religions (part 18 of 20)". The Oregonian (Oregon Live). 17 July 1985. http://www.oregonlive.com/rajneesh/index.ssf/1985/07/experts_draw_distinctions_betw.html. Retrieved 8 July 2011.
- ^ Latkin et al. 1994, pp. 65–74
- ^ Reader 1996, p. 102
- ^ Mira L. Boland (18 March 2002). Sheikh Gilani's American Disciples. The Weekly Standard. Retrieved 2011-07-08.
- ^ a b Reader 1996, p. 104
- ^ Zaitz, Les (15 April 2011 (print edition: 17 April)), "25 years after Rajneeshee commune collapsed, truth spills out - Part 1 of 5", The Oregonian, http://www.oregonlive.com/rajneesh/index.ssf/2011/04/part_one_it_was_worse_than_we.html, retrieved 19 April 2011
- ^ a b Gordon 1987, pp. 114–115
- ^ a b Urban 2005, p. 179
- ^ a b Urban 2005, p. 180
- ^ Wright 1985, pp. 141–146
- ^ Carrette & King 2004, p. 154
- ^ Goldman 2005, p. 120
- ^ a b Urban 2005, p. 181
- ^ Palmer & Sharma 1993, pp. 155–158
- ^ a b Süss 1996, pp. 27, 177
- ^ Bhagwan: Glaube und Mammon, Der Spiegel, 6 February 1984. Retrieved 2011-07-08.(German)
- ^ Aveling 1999, p. 174
- ^ Publishers Weekly staff (10 January 2005). "My Life in Orange: Growing Up with the Guru". Publishers Weekly (Reed Business Information) 252 (2): p. 48.
- ^ a b c (10 August 2004) Obituaries: Bernard Levin. The Telegraph. Retrieved 2011-07-10.
- ^ Die Tageszeitung interview dd. 13 June 2006, interview in Lettre International (German)
- ^ Margot Anand: An Interview with Virginia Lee, margotanand.com, Retrieved 2011-07-15.
- ^ Kuriansky 2002, p. 310
- ^ a b c Shupe & Bromley 1994, p. 148
- ^ Brecher 1993, p. 38
- ^ Kakar 1991, p. 202
- ^ "Tarot card reader Ma Prem Usha dead". Indo-Asian News Service (Hindustan Times). 17 July 2008. http://www.hindustantimes.com/Tarot-card-reader-Ma-Prem-Usha-dead/Article1-324656.aspx. Retrieved 10 July 2011.
- ^ (26 January 2005). Parveen Babi: Voluptuous and vulnerable actress who seduced 1970s Bollywood audiences. The Times. Retrieved 2011-07-05.
- ^ TNN (30 August 2005). Parveen Babi, and the search for meaning in life. The Times of India. Retrieved 2011-07-05.
- ^ Krishnamurti, Arms & Pant Bansal 2005, p. 13
- ^ The New Age movement and the biblical worldview:conflict and dialogue.John P. Newport. William B Eerdmans Publishing Co. http://books.google.co.uk/books?id=Rxss1cqHWYIC&pg=PA478&dq=deuter+rajneesh&cd=4#v=onepage&q=deuter%20rajneesh&f=false. Retrieved December 13, 2009.
- ^ The miracle of music therapy, Rajendar Menen. Pushtak Mahal. http://books.google.co.uk/books?id=wdszaOG-S54C&pg=PA137&dq=deuter+rajneesh+meditation+music&cd=7#v=onepage&q=deuter%20rajneesh%20meditation%20music&f=false. Retrieved December 13, 2009.
- ^ Martin Kinch (15 August 2009) The Mike Edwards Interview. cherryblossomclinic.110mb.com. Retrieved 2011-07-12.
- ^ (German) (26 September 2009) Nena bekennt sich als Fan des Bhagwan-Gurus Osho, Die Welt. Retrieved 2011-07-12.
- ^ (Dutch) Ab Van Leperen, (28 September 2002) Ramses Shaffy: 'Aan de voeten van Shaffy', Vrij Nederland. Retrieved 2011-07-12.
- ^ Davies, Barbara (25 July 2006). "The intriguing story of Dr Who's sidekick". London: The Daily Mail. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-397508/The-intriguing-story-Dr-Whos-sidekick.html. Retrieved 12 December 2009.
- ^ The Examiner, Volumes 17-19- Page 32. The Examiner. http://books.google.co.uk/books?oe=utf-8&um=1&q=rajneesh+wealthy+actors+%22Terence+Stamp%22&btnG=Search+Books. Retrieved 12 December 2009.
- ^ "Religion: God Sir at Esalen East". Time.com. January 16, 1978. http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,919277,00.html. Retrieved 12 December 2009.
- ^ Reviews of Naked (biography). annekewills.com. Retrieved 2011-07-16.
- ^ Gill Swain (15 June 2005). Hard Times of the first sexy Dr. Who girl. Daily Mirror. Retrieved 2011-07-16.
- ^ a b (7 February 2011) Arianna Huffington: mover and shaper. The Telegraph. Retrieved 2011-07-10.
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- Süss, Joachim (1996), Bhagwans Erbe: Die Osho-Bewegung heute, Munich: Claudius Verlag, ISBN 3-532-64010-4 (German).
- Urban, Hugh B. (2005), "Osho, From Sex Guru to Guru of the Rich: The Spiritual Logic of Late Capitalism", in Forsthoefel, Thomas A.; Cynthia Ann Humes, Gurus in America, SUNY Press, ISBN 9780791465738.
- Wright, Charles (1985), Oranges & lemmings: the story behind Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, Richmond Victoria: Greenhouse Publications Pty Ltd, pp. 166 pages, ISBN 0864360126.
Further reading
External links
- Osho International Meditation Resort
- Moscow Osho Centre "Winds" and Osho-Commune "Bhavata"
- sannyas.org incl. Sannyas Wiki
- Neosannyas.org
- Considering Controversy and Stagnation in the Osho Rajneesh Movement
- Article The Rise and Fall of Rajneeshpuram in Ashé Journal
- Rajneeshees in Oregon: The Untold Story – Five-part series in The Oregonian newspaper, April 2011
- List of attacks attributed to the Rajneeshees on the START terrorism database
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- Rajneesh movement
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