Natalia Pankova

Natalia Pankova
Natalia Pankova
Born June 28, 1965
Gorky (Nizhny Novgorod), Russia
Field Painting

Natalia Pankova (Russian: Панкова Наталия Юрьевна; born June 28 1965, Gorky (Nizhny Novgorod)) — Russian artist, art-manager; Member of the Russian Union of Artists. Chairperson of the Executive Committee of the Nizhny Novgorod «Russian Art» Foundation.[1] Counselor to the Representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia in Nizhny Novgorod, Master of Arts.



Natalia Pankova was born in the city of Gorky (Nizhny Novgorod) in 1965. Education: the Gorky Art School and the Moscow External University of the Humanities. Since 1988 she has held exhibitions in Moscow and Nizhny Novgorod, and participated in international projects in Spain, Luxembourg, Great Britain, Austria, Hungary and Algeria. Personal exhibitions in Moscow (Central Artists House, Institute of Arts Studies, State Duma and others), Nizhny Novgorod (Nizhny Novgorod State Museum of Fine Arts, Nizhny Novgorod Exhibition Center and others), Samara, Saransk, Cheboksary, Sarov, and internationally in Luxembourg, London, Vienna, Budapest, Algiers, Annaba and Constantina.

  • 1995creative journey to Paris on an engagement from French Prime Minister Alain Juppe, followed by a trip to Spain where she was invited by a private gallery and worked for a few months on her «Spanish Series» project in Barcelona.
  • A joint Russian-British art project called «Conversion» is one of her most momentous ones. Natalia Pankova was the manager and participator of the event held in Great Britain in 19982000 and sponsored by the Russian Embassy in the United Kingdom and the UK Ministry of Defence. A number of art exhibitions were held in London within the framework of the project.
  • 2002visit to Algeria on an engagement from the Algerian Ministry of Culture.
  • 2003participation in an art conference in Caux, Switzerland.
  • 20012004inspirer and manager of the «High Tension» artistic project hosted by the Nizhny Novgorod State Museum of Fine Arts and the Nizhny Novgorod Exhibition Center, which united more than 50 artists.
  • 20042006personal exhibitions «Philosophy of Color» in Russian museums: the Nizhny Novgorod State Museum of Fine Arts, the Mordovia State Museum of Fine Arts, the Chuvashia State Fine Arts Museum.
  • 20072008 — «Color and Rhythm» personal exhibitions in Vienna and Budapest.
  • 2008 — «Rhythm of Summer» personal exhibitions in Helsinki and Tampere. Finland.
  • 2008, 2009participation at the Dorotheum Auction. Vienna. Austria.
  • 2009 —"Exhibition of contemporary artists from six countries". Beijing World Art Museum. China.

Works are in collections

Arts critics

Painting in jazz impromptu style. A motif as a melodic theme is picturesquely arranged with generous and dynamic sweeps of a brush and a palette-knife. The energy of expressiveness vividly exposes the decorative significance of color.

Irina Marsheva, arts critic[citation needed]

Getting absorbed in the space of a painting, we first and foremost discover in it the relationships of colornow bright and beaming, now subdued but always rich, sappy and invariably harmonized. Subject loses its conventional value, as it is color, not a theme, that bestows integrity to Natalia Pankovas pictures; color provides all explanations and whatever justification is needed in her world. Color turns the artists works into an enchanting sight that challenges the tedium and the malice of day. This eye-catcher is cherished as a gift, and it lasts bringing with it the frothiness of liberation from routine pains, hardships and vanities

Vladimir Tseltner, arts critic[citation needed]

The emotional power of Pankovas pictures also masses in the peculiarities of canvas style. Her best pictures are not just painted but rather assembled as a certain item. There is inherent gorgeousness of complex alterations of surface in the motion of texture and the rhythm of rich strokes. Dense face-work and the glimmer of color and light resemble the physical structure of precious mosaic.

Lyubov Saprykina, arts critic[citation needed]

The painting of Pankova brings to mind Picassos famous maxim about an artists innate trait of seeing the world "with the marveled eyes of a child who does his or her first discoveries." It is the acuity and freshness of her view of the world that emanate charm from Natalias worksNature is portrayed in Pankovas pictures as the eternal and immeasurable source of beauty; its images are majestic and dressy. The artist mounts to remarkable virtuosity in her unique manner.

Tatyana Emelyanova, arts critic[citation needed]

The first thing to stagger a viewer is the quality of color, its power and vigor... What prepossesses one in the artists favor is the particular veracity of her nature, of which a core is an aesthetic imperative of beauty.

Vyacheslav Filippov, arts critic[citation needed]

The quest of the Nizhny Novgorod artist is a rare occurrence. The painting that one is expected to call decorative radiates the conception of man and world and thereby satisfies a contemporary persons need for emotional, active and visually exquisite art.

Igor Svetlov, arts critic[citation needed]

Joint exhibitions

19882010participation in the joint exhibitions including:

  • The exhibitions of the "Black Pond" Group in Nizhny Novgorod, Cheboksary, Moscow. 19891991;
  • "The Other Generation", The Nizhny Novgorod State Fine Arts Museum, 1992;
  • "MoscowNizhny", The Central Exhibition Hall. Nizhny Novgorod, 1994;
  • "The Rainbow of the Volga", V.I. Lenin Museum. Samara, 1995;
  • "Conversation about Art", The Central Exhibition Hall. Nizhny Novgorod, 1996;
  • "ArtManege96". Manege. Moscow;
  • "The painting of Natalia Pankova and Vyacheslav Grachyov". The Embassy of the United Kingdom, Moscow, 2000;
  • "High Tension", The Nizhny Novgorod State Fine Arts Museum, 2001, 2002, 2003;
  • "The Old Nizhny. People. Streets. Yards". The Nizhny Novgorod State Fine Arts Museum, 2003;
  • "The Great Volga", The Central Exhibition Hall. Nizhny Novgorod, 2003;
  • "Russian Still Life and Interior of the XVIIIXX centuries: between Nature and History", The Nizhny Novgorod State Fine Arts Museum, 2004;
  • "The Nizhny Novgorod Autumn in Moscow", The Embassy of New Zealand. Moscow, 2004;
  • "Mad Flowers", The Gallery of Igor Obrosov. Moscow. 2004;
  • "The Black Pond2007", The Nizhny Novgorod State Fine Arts Museum, 2007.

One-man exhibitions

  • 1989 — "The painting of Natalia Pankova". The Exhibition Нall оf the "Black Pond" Group in Gorky.
  • 1992 — "Coloured Fancy" during the Sahkarov Art Festival. The House of Architects, Nizhny Novgorod.
  • 1993 — "The Painting of Natalia Pankova". The Central House of Artists. Moscow.
  • "Colour and Music" in the frame of the Andrey Sakharov International Art Festival "Russian Art and the World". Nizhny Novgorod.
  • 1994 — "The Painting of Natalia Pankova". Leonardo da Vinci Gallery. Mamer. Luxembourg.
  • 1995 — "The Painting of Natalia Pankova. Lasta Gallery. Moscow.
  • "The Painting of Natalia Pankova". The Central Exhibition Hall. Sarov.
  • 1996 — "Spanish Fancy". "Lasta Gallery". Moscow.
  • "Symbol of Time". NBD-bank, Most-bank. Nizhny Novgorod.
  • 1997 — "Destiny". The Nizhny Novgorod State Fine Arts Museum.
  • 1999 — "The painting of Natalia Pankova". The Moscow State University of Art-criticism.
  • "Meeting". Nizhny Novgorod State University.
  • "The painting of Natalia Pankova". The Lufthansa Hall. Nizhny Novgorod.
  • 2000 — "Still life on the window". The Central Exhibition Hall. Nizhny Novgorod.
  • "The Painting of Natalia Pankova". The M.Lomonosovs private humanitarian school. Nizhny Novgorod.
  • "Spanish Collection". The Exhibition Hall of the Nizhny Novgorod Region State Library. Nizhny Novgorod.
  • 2001 — "European impressions". The Diplomatic Academy. Moscow.
  • "The Painting of Natalia Pankova" The Embassy of New Zealand. Moscow.
  • "The Painting of Natalia Pankova". The Embassy of Malaysia. Moscow.
  • "The Painting of Natalia Pankova". The State Duma. Moscow.
  • 2002Five one-man exhibitions in Algeria (Algiers, Annaba, Constantine and Bow-Saada).
  • 2003 — "The Painting of Natalia Pankova". The Center of the Liberal-Conservative Politics. Moscow.
  • 2004 — "Philosophy of Color of Natalia Pankova". The Nizhny Novgorod State Fine Arts Museum.
  • 2005 — "Philosophy of Color of Natalia Pankova". The Mordovia State Fine Arts Museum. Saransk.
  • "Philosophy of Color of Natalia Pankova". The Chuvashia State Fine Arts Museum. Cheboksary.
  • 2006 — "Abstract Theme". The Nizhny Novgorod State Exhibition Center.
  • "Philosophy of Color of Natalia Pankova". The State Duma. Moscow.
  • «Colorful Happiness». The Restaurant "Vienna Waltz", Nizhny Novgorod.
  • "The Painting of Natalia Pankova" Vavilon Gallery. Samara.
  • 2007 — "The Energy of Color". The Embassy of the Lithuanian Republic in Russia, Moscow.
  • "The painting of Natalia Pankova". SarovBusinessBank, Nizhny Novgorod.
  • "Color and Light". "Cafe des Artistes". Moscow
  • "The Painting of Natalia Pankova". The Residence of Ambassador of Belgium. Moscow.
  • "Color and Rhythm". The Russian Center of Science and Culture in Vienna. Austria.
  • 2008 — "Color and Rhythm". The Russian Center of Science and Culture in Budapest. Hungary.
  • "Color of Spring". The Cafe "Caramel". Nizhny Novgorod.
  • "Rhythm of Summer". The Russian Center of Science and Culture in Helsinki. Finland.
  • "Rhythm of Summer". ТR-1 Exhibition Center. Tampere. Finland.
  • "Open City". The Russian Center of Science and Culture in Vienna. Austria.
  • 2009 — "The Painting of Natalia Pankova" The Embassy of Tunisia. Moscow.

Art exhibitions abroad

  • 1992 — "Russian Artists in Spain", Malaga, Spain.
  • 1993 — "Dreams of Russia", The Royal Exhibition Hall. Northern Wales, The United Kingdom.
  • 1994 — "The Painting of Natalia Pankova", Leonardo da Vinci Gallery. Mamer, Luxembourg.
  • "Days of Russian Culture". Barcelona, Spain.
  • 1998 — "Conversion". The Exhibition Hall of the Russian Embassy. London. The United Kingdom.
  • 1999 — "Troika". "Clink Gallery". London. The United Kingdom.
  • "The Painting of Natalia Pankova and Vyacheslav Grachyov ". London. The United Kingdom.
  • "Russian Spring", "Heifer Gallery". London. The United Kingdom.
  • "Russian and British Artists about Pushkin". Exhibition at the Russian Embassy. London. The United Kingdom.
  • "Russia-EXPO" Exhibition. London. The United Kingdom.
  • Art Fair. London. The United Kingdom.
  • 2000 — "Both". "Ormond Gallery". London.
  • The United Kingdom "The Two".
  • 2002Five one-man exhibitions in Algeria (Algiers, Annaba, Constantine and Bow-Saada).
  • 2007 — "Color and Rhythm". The Russian Center of Science and Culture in Vienna. Austria.
  • 2008 — "Color and Rhythm". The Russian Center of Science and Culture in Budapest. Hungary.
  • "Rhythm of Summer". The Russian Center of Science and Culture in Helsinki. Finland.
  • "Rhythm of Summer". ТR-1 Exhibition Center. Tampere. Finland.
  • 2009 —"Exhibition of contemporary artists from six countries". Beijing World Art Museum. China.


  1. ^ Stepanova, Anastasia (1 June 2002). "Painting a brighter future". Caux: Initiatives for Change. Retrieved 11 January 2011. 

External links

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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