Minotaur V

Minotaur V
Minotaur V
Function Expendable launch system
Manufacturer Orbital Sciences
Country of origin  United States
Diameter 1.67 m
Stages Five
Payload to
640 kg
Payload to
447 kg
Associated rockets
Family Minotaur
Launch history
Status Development
Launch sites SLC-8, Vandenberg AFB
LP-1, Kodiak
First Stage - SR-118
Engines 1 Solid
Thrust 1,607 kilonewtons (361,000 lbf)
Burn time 83 seconds
Fuel Solid
Second Stage - SR-119
Engines 1 Solid
Thrust 1,365 kilonewtons (307,000 lbf)
Burn time 54 seconds
Fuel Solid
Third Stage - SR-120
Engines 1 Solid
Thrust 329 kilonewtons (74,000 lbf)
Burn time 62 seconds
Fuel Solid
Fourth Stage - Star-48V
Engines 1 Solid
Thrust 64 kilonewtons (14,000 lbf)
Burn time 84 seconds
Fuel Solid
Fifth Stage (Baseline) - Star-37FM
Engines 1 Solid
Thrust 47.26 kilonewtons (10,620 lbf)
Burn time 63 seconds
Fuel Solid
Fifth Stage (Optional) - Star-37FMV
Engines 1 Solid
Fuel Solid

The Minotaur V is an American expendable launch system derived from the Minotaur IV, itself a derivative of the Peacekeeper missile. It is being developed by Orbital Sciences Corporation, and is scheduled to make its maiden flight in 2012 carrying the LADEE spacecraft for NASA.

The Minotaur V is a five stage vehicle, and is designed to place up to 640 kilograms (1,400 lb) of payload into a geosynchronous transfer orbit, or 447 kilograms (990 lb) on a trans-lunar trajectory. It consists of a Minotaur IV+, with a Star-37 as a fifth stage. Two variants are available, one with a spin-stabilised Star-37FM upper stage, and the other with a Star-37FMV capable of three-axis stabilisation. The Star-37FMV upper stage is heavier, reducing payload capacity, but is more manoeuvrable.

Space Launch Complex 8 at the Vandenberg Air Force Base, Pad 0B at the Mid-Atlantic Regional Spaceport, and Pad 1 of the Kodiak Launch Complex are all capable of accommodating the Minotaur V, however as of 2009, no launches are scheduled from anywhere except MARS.Or Mid-Atlantic Regional Spaceport In Wallops Island VA.


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