Atlas I

Atlas I

infobox rocket

caption = Launch of the maiden flight of the Atlas I, with the CRRES satellite
name = Atlas I
function = Expendable launch system
manufacturer = Convair
country-origin= United States
height= 43.90m
alt-height= 144.00 ft
diameter = 3.05m
alt-diameter = 10 ft
mass = 164,300kg
alt-mass = 362,200 lb
status = Retired
sites = LC-36B, Cape Canaveral
launches = 11
success = 8
fail = 3
first=25 July 1990
last=25 April 1997
The Atlas I was an American expendable launch system, used in the 1990s to launch a variety of different satellites. The "I" in "Atlas I" can cause confusion, as all previous Atlas rockets were designated using letters, ending with the Atlas H, however subsequent rockets were designated using roman numerals, starting with the Atlas II. Officially, the "I" is considered to be is the roman numeral "1".

The first stage of the Atlas I is an Atlas H, and the second stage is a Centaur. The first stage has an MA-5 booster unit, consisting of two LR-89 engines, for stage-and-a-half staging (used in conjunction with the Centaur, this gives the Atlas I 2.5 stages).

Launch History

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