Darren "Whackhead" Simpson

Darren "Whackhead" Simpson
Darren "Whackhead" Simpson
Born Darren Simpson
April 19, 1977 (1977-04-19) (age 34)[1]
South Africa
Residence Johannesburg, South Africa
Nationality South African
Occupation Radio Show Presenter, Comedian, phone prankster
Employer Primedia (94.7 Highveld Stereo, K-FM)
Known for Radio phone pranks, stand-up comedy
Height 5'11"
Title Mr
Spouse "Samantha Teixeira"

Darren "Whackhead" Simpson (born 19 April 1978) is a radio presenter (as of 2010) working for Primedia,[2] a broadcasting company that broadcasts 94.7 Highveld Stereo and 94.5 Kfm in South Africa (Among others). Since Monday 2 August 2010 Simpson hosts 94.7's morning show Breakfast Xpress.[3] The show was previously hosted by Jeremy Mansfield under the name The Rude Awakening. Simpson's prank call slot titled Wackhead's Window on the World remains in place on both 94.7 Highveld Stereo in Johannesburg, and Kfm Breakfast (hosted by Ryan O’Connor) in Cape Town. [4] His pranks are available for podcast on a daily basis by the radio stations. [5] [6]

He has also co-starred with Mansfield on the M-Net hidden camera show, Laugh Out Loud. [7] On Monday morning, 2 February 2010, at approximately 07:15 SAST, Simpson announced his engagement to Samantha Teixeira. The wedding took place on 25 September 2010.[8]



Darren was born on the 19th of April 1978,[1] in Durban, South Africa.

On 25 September 2010, Simpson married his wife, Samantha.

Tom Cruise Scam

On 27 January 2009, Simpson scammed Australia's radio breakfast duo, Kyle and Jackie O, making them believe that they were interviewing Tom Cruise about Valkyrie.[9] The Australian show had ridiculed some of Darren's pranks in the past and Simpson had been planning the prank for about two months. Once on air, Darren announced that they had been scammed and congratulated the Proteas cricket team on their victory over the Australian side on the day before. The Australian station, 2Day FM, had spent approximately $150 000 on advertising the interview in the preceding weeks. Simpson commented that the entire prank cost him about R 6.00 for the phone call. The prank is track number 20 on his CD, Thrown in the Deep End.


Since 2004, Whackhead has put together a yearly CD compilation of his pranks, as heard on 94.7. Following is a list of all his releases, as of 2008:

Best of Whack Heads's Prank Calls, The

Album cover for Best of Whack Head's Phone Pranks

Released: 2004[10]
Number of Discs: 1

Track listing
  1. Intro
  2. Cluck Like a Chicken
  3. Citizen Classified
  4. Leon Schuster Gets Pranked
  5. SPCA Flyers
  6. Extra Maths Lessons
  7. Your Toilet is Blocked...
  8. JHB Airport's New Phone Line
  9. Sam Goes To Hospital
  10. I Won the Lotto
  12. Gambler's Anonymous
  13. Dog Breeder
  14. Bee Keeper, The
  15. Angry Pawn Dealer
  16. Engrish Resson Tutor
  17. The Cat Scan
  18. Huggies Nappies from Pick 'n Pay
  19. Telkom Phonetics
  20. Metro Police Fine Enquiry
  21. John Walland vs John Walland Soundboard
  22. Surname Change
  23. Ordering Flowers
  24. Out-takes (The Ones That Didn't Work)

Oh My Greatness Hits!

Album cover for Oh My Greatness Hits!

Released: 2005[11]
Number of Discs: 2

Track listing
Disc 1
  1. Intro
  2. Graeme Smith * Minki Go Grrrr
  3. Ryk Neethling * How Cold Was the Water?
  4. Leon Schuster * Gets It Again
  5. Pieter Dirk Uys * Interview Query
  6. Wayne Ferriera * Six love to Whackhead
  7. Brian May of Queen
  8. Colin Moss of Idols Fame
  9. Brandon Auret of Isidingo
  10. Pik Botha Minister of Affairs with Foreigners
  11. Francois Pienaar * What a Gentleman
  12. Eugene Terre'Blance * Ou Ryperd
  13. Corrie Sanders * Heavyweight Knockout
  14. John Walland * Too Many Dogs
  15. Fiona Coyne * You are the Weakest Link
  16. Neil McKenzie * McGregor Sisters
  17. Schabir Shaik * Get Outta Jail Free Card
  18. David Kau * Bleep Bleep Bleep
  19. Ernie Els * Your Caddie's Gotta Go
  20. Ferdinand Rabie * Big Boet
  21. Simon Gear * How's the Weather?
  22. Charl Pauw * Friend of the Penguin
  23. Naas Botha * Naas House
  24. John Walland * Indecent Proposal
  25. Kurt Darren * Ou Luiperd
  26. Out-takes * The ones that got away
  27. Will Smith in the Worst Interview Ever!
Disc 2
  1. Intro
  2. The Glass Shop
  3. Smoking Laws at Work
  4. Casino Lost and Found
  5. Neighbour: The Newspaper Thief
  6. British Alarm Clock Sales
  7. Road Block Dodger
  8. Kiwi Radio Station Interview
  9. Van the Cheetah Fan
  10. Westlife Hotel Requirements
  11. Hotel Food Gave Me Gas
  12. How to Book a Golf Game
  13. Towing vs Petrol Price
  14. Rat in Me Phone
  15. Lost Virginity at Hotel
  16. Tiger Tiger Nightclub
  17. Where's your Gym Card
  18. Locksmith Help
  19. Father's Day: U My Daddy
  20. Van Again: SARS Call
  21. Hotel Guest Dodgy Video
  22. Terminator Soundboard
  23. Tové [Kane] I need motivation
  24. Asda Announcement: Ben Laden
  25. Pick 'n Pay Announcement: Rich Head

Whackhead's Window on the World

Album cover for Whackhead's WINDOW ON THE WORLD

Released: 2006

Track listing
Disc 1
  1. Intro
  2. ASDA PA Announcement
  3. Helium Balloon Hire
  4. DA Delivers
  5. ANC Acronym Caller
  6. AMC & BP Election Parties
  7. Finance Guru Greg Volkwyn
  8. Riaan Cruywagen
  9. Cricketer Kevin Petersen
  10. Johan Walland upsets the UCB
  11. Dodgy Fortune Teller
  12. Australian Cricket Team
  13. Polygraph Test
  14. Madonna Ticket Winner
  15. Toys R' Us Daycare
  16. Dial-A-Bed Customer
  17. Chinese Takeaway Derirary
  18. Minki Go Crrrr For Me
  19. Car Delivery From PE
  20. Headache Clinic
  21. John Walland Interviews Herschelle Gibbs
  22. BBC News Tip
  23. Comedian Riaad Moosa Flies
  24. Fast Food Outlet Drive Thru
Disc 2
  1. Mercedes SLK Loan Car
  2. Helen Naude: The Voice of Telkom
  3. Hanging On The Roof
  4. John Walland in the Military
  5. Idols Runner Up Gift Gwe
  6. I Need A Boob Job
  7. Cellphone Contract Problems
  8. Bafana Bafana Coach Stuart Baxter
  9. Next Bafana Coach Ted Dumitru
  10. Lost In Builder's Warehouse
  11. Elton John's Manager
  12. Waiting Waiter
  13. Where's My Red Underpants
  14. John Walland Vs Supermodel Caprice Bourret
  15. Camel Toe Podiatrist, The
  16. Hi My Name Is VUK
  17. Bongani Nxumalo
  18. Fruit And Veg Shop Lady
  19. Marriage Of Convenience
  20. Chinese Gibberish
  21. Day Care Quotas
  22. Locked Inside My Car
  23. Pastor Du Plessis 6 June 2006
  24. Jeremy [Mansfield] Gets Pranked In London
  25. The Day They All Got Revenge

Serial Prankster

Album cover for Whackhead's WINDOW ON THE WORLD

Released: 2007-11-05 [12]
Number of Discs: 2

This is the first album to offer bonus tracks from its official website.[13]

Track listing
Disc 1
  1. Foreword by Alex Jay
  2. Iraq Body Guarding Job
  3. 3am Wake Up Call Service
  4. Train Station Pizza Order
  5. Piet the Receptionist Part 1
  6. Whacks Takes Gabby to Manhattan
  7. Organ Donor Foundation
  8. 2006 Number Change
  9. I.T. Support Problem
  10. Cellphone Echo
  11. Old Dude Marries a Young Chick
  12. Celebrity Challenge: Joey Rasdien
  13. Schoolboy in Trouble
  14. Celebrity Challenge: Mark Pilgrim
  15. Name in Public Toilets
  16. World's Worst Afrikaans Interpreter
  17. Dr I Have a Burping Condition
  18. Hypochondriac Waiting for Ambulance
  19. Heathrow Announcement for Bokke
  20. UB40 Interview
Disc 2
  1. Show and Tell Mommy
  2. Telemarketer from Hell
  3. International Call Delay
  4. The Pirate CD Seller
  5. Piet the Receptionist Part 2
  6. Mr T Soundboard
  7. CUM Books
  8. Garmin Sat Nav Problems
  9. Vasectomy, Dude Your Wife is Pregnant!
  10. Zimbabwe Border Patrol
  11. Idols Judge Randall Abrahams
  12. The Percy Montgomery Fan
  13. The Indecent Proposing Traffic Cop
  14. Engagement Ring Diamond Switch
  15. Kieno Kammies Runs for the Hills
  16. How Many Accents Does He Have?
  17. Post Office Packaaaaage

Off the Hook

Released: 2008
Number of discs: 2

Track listing
Disc 1
  1. The Whackhead Song
  2. Nataniel I Need Some Backup!
  3. T.V.License Has Expired
  4. Biggest Loser Feat 3Talk Noeleen, Kurt Darren & Minki
  5. Piet the Receptionist Part 3
  6. Where Are My Cats I'mso Horneee
  7. Shopping Mall Accident
  8. The WhackHead Imposter
  9. Pizza Delivery from JHB South
  10. Your Credit Card's Cancelled
  11. Rent A Hubby
  12. Gerald de Kock Joins 702
  13. Burglar Calls the House
  14. My BEE Partner Nomalanga
  15. Don't Call Me That, This Is Business!
  16. Angriest Guy In The World Ever
  17. James Blunt: The Legendary Interview
Disc 2
  1. Roxy Louw the Movie Star
  2. Blockbusters DVD Ransom
  3. Woolworths Strawberry Account
  4. Piet The Receptionist Part 4
  5. Bailey Schneider On Air Disaster
  6. Piano Player of Note
  7. Police Interrogation From Hell
  8. Pensioner's Visa for U.K.
  9. Kirby Telemarketer Calls Me!
  10. Learners License Oral Exam
  11. Creen My Carpret Prease
  12. Tour De France Emergency
  13. Paraplegic Parking Bays
  14. Internet Account Usage Dispute
  15. Modelling Agency Prime Candidate
  16. Whackhead the April Fool

Thrown In The Deep End

Released: 2009
Number of discs: 2

Track listing
Disc 1
  1. Wayne Brady Introduction
  2. DSTV Touch Tone Terrorist
  3. Simon Gear vs Derrick van Dam
  4. Piet the Receptionist Best of 2009
  5. Julius Malema Goes Down
  6. The Ear Shocking Phone Gadget
  7. A Mouth Full of Teeth
  8. Nommies Calls Bafana Bafana Captain
  9. Christina Storm’s Stalker
  10. Accident at Work Claim
  11. This is One Seriously Angry Dude!
  12. Senseless Survey Best Bits Part 1
  13. Your Babies Name Gotta Change
  14. Telemarket Thizzzzzzzzzz
  15. Hello it’s Jonathan Sir!
  16. The Chinese Rapping Florist
  17. ARU Pays for Caster Semenya
  18. Traffic Fine Has Not Been Paid
  19. Apple Support Centre USA
  20. Matt Damon Gets “Interviewed”
Disc 2
  1. Pieter de Villiers Calls John Walland
  2. Crazy Old Hairdresser Lady
  3. Eish! Meet My Boyfriend Daddy
  4. Math’s Teacher Vacancy in China
  5. SA Air Force Top Gun Application
  6. The Infamous Bachelor Party
  7. Telemarketer of the Year!
  8. Kid Chris Calls the Doctor
  9. Your Credit Card’s Being Hacked Now!
  10. Phone In to John Perlman’s Talk Show
  11. Landlord Goes Mental
  12. Senseless Survey Best Bits Part 2
  13. Gun License Competency Exam
  14. You Can’t Marry Your Sister Dude!
  15. Asda in Wales Pizza Dilemma
  16. My Phone is Broken
  17. Is My Boyfriend Cheating?
  18. What is Your Surname?
  19. Kyle Sandilands 2Day FM Oz


Released: 2010
Number of discs: 2

Track listing
Disc 1
  1. Opening By John Edward
  2. Indian Takeaway vs Chinese Takeaway
  3. The Boob Operation
  4. Hey Baldieman
  5. Senseless Survey Best Of Part 1
  6. My Cataract Appointment
  7. I Need To Put You On Hold Sir!
  8. Chocolate Starfish TV In 2010
  9. Reverse Charge Call Going mental
  10. Your Wife Is Hot Dude!
  11. World Cup Ticket Man’s Amazing Laugh
  12. Grandpa Louis the Tombstone Seller
  13. Where is My DVD My China
  14. Schoolboy In Headmasters Office
  15. Piet The Receptionist
  16. Insurance Voice Analyser
Disc 2
  1. I’m Cutting Your Power Off!
  2. The Call That Will Melt Your Brain
  3. TV Show Vote Line Abuser
  5. The Cameroon Flag Burner
  6. Senseless Survey Best Of Part 2
  7. The Telemarketing Therapist
  8. Ivan From Serbian TV Channel
  9. Broadcasters Hearing Test
  10. You Built My Wall Skew
  11. Your Voice Mail Has A Glitch
  12. World Cup Accommodation Inquiry
  13. Will the Real Govender Please Stand Up
  14. Workplace Moment Of Silence
  15. The Rigged Rugby Competition
  16. Iburst Or Is It I-Bust
  17. Chris Rock Gets Owned


  1. ^ a b The Rude Awakening. Presenters: Jeremy Mansfield et al.. 2008-04-18. 70 minutes in.
  2. ^ "Primedia Website". Primedia. http://www.primedia.co.za/. Retrieved 2008-02-03. 
  3. ^ http://www.news24.com/Entertainment/SouthAfrica/Whackhead-has-own-breakfast-menu-20100729
  4. ^ "Darren Whackhead Simpson". Jam Ally Entertainment. http://www.jamally.co.za/darrensimpson.htm. Retrieved 2008-01-06. 
  5. ^ "94.7 Highveld Stereo - Podcast page". 94.7 Highveld Stereo. Archived from the original on 2008-01-05. http://web.archive.org/web/20080105191030/http://www.highveld.co.za/podcast/podcast_whackheadswindow.asp. Retrieved 2008-01-06. 
  6. ^ "94.5 KFM - Podcast page". 94.5 KFM. http://www.kfm.co.za/podcast/listenondemand.asp. Retrieved 2008-02-03. 
  7. ^ "Darren Simpson". TVSA. http://www.tvsa.co.za/actorprofile.asp?actorid=5107. Retrieved 2008-01-06. 
  8. ^ The Rude Awakening. Presenters: Jeremy Mansfield et al.. 2010-02-08. 75 minutes in.
  9. ^ "MSN news article". MSN. http://news.ninemsn.com.au/entertainment/733461/kyle-and-jackie-o-pranked-live-on-air. Retrieved 2009-01-27. 
  10. ^ (2004) Album notes for Best of WHACK HEAD's Prank Calls, The by Simpson, Darren "Whackhead" [Compact Disc]. All Tracks C Control.
  11. ^ (2005) Album notes for Oh My Greatness Hits! by Simpson, Darren "Whackhead" [Compact Disc].
  12. ^ (2007) Album notes for Serial Prankster by Simpson, Darren "Whackhead" [Compact Disc].
  13. ^ "94.7 Highveld Stereo - Serial Prankster (Official Site)". 94.7 Highveld Stereo. http://www.highveld.co.za/thelounge/events/WhackheadCD20071105/main.asp. 

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