- Cameltoe
Cameltoe is a
slang term that refers to the outline of the femalelabia majora when seen through tight, form-fitting clothes. [cite book |last=Mansour |first=David |authorlink= |coauthors= |title=From Abba to Zoom: A Pop Culture Encyclopedia of the Late 20th Century |year=2005 |publisher= |quote=Cameltoe: Terminology used to describe what happens when a chick wears her pants tighter than tight. Her crotch area becomes outlined with the seam riding …| url=http://books.google.com/books?id=b1ruwF6xYNIC&dq |isbn=0740751182 ] [cite news |first= |last= |authorlink= |coauthors= |title=Miaow! Today's pop princesses do love their catsuits. Hadley Freeman however, has a few practical concerns |url=http://lifeandhealth.guardian.co.uk/fashion/story/0,,2217634,00.html |quote=Alicia Keyes generously saves me from having to explain what exactly a camel toe is in anatomical detail, but for those who need a little help, let's just say the words "crotch outline" and let that suffice. |publisher=The Guardian |date= |accessdate=2007-12-08 ]Common circumstances
The causes of cameltoe are not always obvious. [cite news |first= |last= |authorlink= |coauthors= |title=Cameltoe Alert! |url=http://dir.salon.com/story/mwt/feature/2003/05/23/cameltoe/index.html |quote=My first encounter with the horrors of the labial lapse hit right on cue. I was 12 years old, living in a desolate town outside of Fort Dix, where no coolhunter has ever set foot. |publisher=
Salon.com |date=2003-05-23 |accessdate=2007-12-03] cite news |first=Kelefah |last=Sanneh |authorlink= |coauthors= |title=Fashion Tip in Rap for Brooklyn Girls. |url=http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9402E1DF1631F930A15756C0A9659C8B63 |quote=A good question, although answering it requires a certain tact. Cameltoe is slang for a fashion faux pas caused by women wearing snug pants; the term suggests a visual analogy. The song is a cautionary tale, intended to help victims – help them, that is, by ridiculing them – into recovery. |publisher=New York Times |date=2003-05-23 |accessdate=2007-12-03] Cameltoe commonly occurs as a result of wearing tight fitting clothes, such asjeans ,shorts , hotpants, or swimwearHowever, some fashion analysts have also identified clothing design as a cause, rather than its size. Cameltoe may thus be exacerbatedJeans or other garments with a tight central seam that serves to divide the labia majora [http://www.fashion-incubator.com/mt/archives/anatomy_of_a_camel_toe_pt1.html Anatomy of a Cameltoe, part 1.] "Most of the time, camel toe is rarely the extreme you see on certain websites; it's more subtle than that. Most of the time, camel toe is caused by wearing pants that are too big -in one specific area- making a reciprocal area too small. It's an engineering problem, not a weight problem. In fact, here's a skinny mannequin. If she's got a camel toe, everyone else will too." Fashion Incubator, April 21, 2006.] [ [http://www.fashion-incubator.com/mt/archives/anatomy_of_a_camel_toe_pt2.html Anatomy of a Cameltoe, part 2.] Fashion Incubator, April 21, 2006.]Reference in popular media
The concept of a cameltoe has been featured prominently in American entertainment media. New York dancepop group FannyPack's first major single was entitled "Cameltoe". In the film "
The Weather Man ", cameltoe plays a major role in the movie's plot development.Nicolas Cage 's overweight daughter is chided by classmates for her cameltoe, and Cage's father insists that Cage do something about it to help the girl'sself-esteem . [cite news |first= |last= |authorlink= |coauthors= |title=Scattered Dour |url=http://www.riverfronttimes.com/2005-10-26/film/scattered-dour |quote=He's a regret in the lives of those who know and have tried to love him: his father Robert (Caine), a revered author who set an example to which the son foolishly aspired; his wife Noreen (Hope Davis), a keeper of a dark secret who left him for a good man and a better life; his son Mike (Nicholas Hoult), whose search for a father figure lands him in the lap of a pedophile (Gil Bellows); and his overweight daughter Shelly (Gemmenne de la Peña), whose prominent "camel toe" has made her a laughingstock among her friends. |publisher=Riverfront Times |date=October 26 ,2005 |accessdate=2008-03-08 ] [cite web |url=http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0384680/quotes |title=The Weather Man (2005) |accessdate=2008-02-17 |quote=I don't know - like, dummy if you miss a question … or, camel toe? |publisher=IMDB ] [cite news |first=Stephanie |last=Zacharek |authorlink= |coauthors= |title=The Weather Man |url= |quote=Looking after two kids is plenty, but then, doesn't she bear equal responsibility for not recognizing that her daughter is leaving the house with "camel-toe"? … A brief flash of Shelly's pants-fitting problem is followed by a shot of an actual camel's foot, to make sure we get the point. |publisher=Salon (magazine) |date= |accessdate=2008-02-18 ] The film "Superbad " refers to a male version of the cameltoe being something that females "go nuts for". They then refer to it as the "cameltail". [cite web |url=http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0829482/quotes |title=Superbad (2007) |accessdate=2008-02-18 |quote=Yeah chicks go nuts for that … the male camel toe. Yea yea! The camel tail. |publisher=IMDB ] A Britishpub named 'The Camel's Toe' in the Azerbaijan capitalBaku caused outrage when local journalists discovered the meaning of the term in English.'English pub Camel's toe which means "clear visible presence of a woman's vulva, as a consequence of wearing overly tight pants" functioning in Baku center' “ [http://www.today.az/news/society/44127.html] ”, "Today.Az ",April 8 , 2008.]ee also
Cleavage (breasts)
*Whale tail
*Muffin top References
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