- Gallifrey
This article is about the planet. For the audio series of the same name, see Gallifrey (audio series).
The Citadel of the Time Lords on Gallifrey (from "The Sound of Drums")Universe Whoniverse Notable locations Citadel, Panopticon, Academy, Death Zone, Eye of Harmony, Continent of Wild Endeavour, Mountains of Solace and Solitude, Mount Perdition Notable races Time Lords Notable people The Doctor
The Master
The Rani
Susan Foreman
The Meddling Monk
MorbiusGenre Science fiction television Gallifrey is a fictional planet in the long-running British science fiction television series Doctor Who and is the homeworld of the Doctor and the Time Lords. It is located in the constellation of Kasterborous (Pyramids of Mars, Attack of the Cybermen and Voyage of the Damned), at "galactic coordinates ten-zero-eleven-zero-zero by zero-two from galactic zero centre" (Pyramids of Mars (1975), Full Circle (1980) and partially in "The Family of Blood" (2007)), which is some 250 million light years away from Earth (as stated in the 1996 Doctor Who television movie). This would put it far outside our Milky Way galaxy, which is about a hundred thousand light years in diameter, and indeed outside the Local Group and even the Virgo Supercluster; however, at this distance it would still be within the Pisces-Cetus Supercluster Complex.[1]
During the first decade of the television series, the name of the Doctor's home planet was not revealed, although it was actually shown for the first time in The War Games (1969) during the Doctor's trial. It was finally identified by name for the first time in The Time Warrior (1973). It is never definitively stated when the appearances of Gallifrey in the television series take place. As the planet is often reached by means of time travel, its relative present could conceivably exist anywhere in the Earth's past or future[2] before the year 100 trillion, which the Time Lords never reached.
Gallifrey's position in the revived series (2005 onwards) was filled in slowly over the first three years of the series' run. In Series 1, it had been implied that it was destroyed along with the Dalek Empire, by the Doctor during the Time War. The planet was not referred to by name until the 2006 Christmas Special, was depicted in a flashback in "The Sound of Drums", and played an important role in the plot of "The End of Time".
From space, Gallifrey is seen as a yellow-orange planet and is close enough to central space lanes for spacecraft to require clearance from Gallifreyan Space Traffic Control as they pass through its system (The Invasion of Time, 1978). The planet is protected from physical attack by the impenetrable barrier called the quantum force field, named presumably after the Eye of Harmony, and from teleportation incursions by the transduction barrier - which can be reinforced to repel most levels of this type of technological attack. This prevents all outsiders (with hostile intent, or otherwise) from approaching the planet and allows the Time Lords to maintain their status of absolute neutrality. It also lets them observe the actions of the rest of the Universe without actually taking part in its affairs. These security barriers were breached on occasion by the Sontarans, by manipulating the more technological Vardans, who suborned the Doctor into sabotaging both of these from within (The Invasion of Time, 1978).
The Doctor's granddaughter Susan described her home world (not named as "Gallifrey" at the time) as having bright, silver-leafed trees and a burnt orange sky at night (The Sensorites, 1964), features that the Tenth Doctor reiterates in the episode "Gridlock" (2007). This casts an amber tint on anything outside the city, as seen in The Invasion of Time. Gallifrey's sky appeared blue and Earth-like in The Five Doctors (1983) within the isolated Death Zone, but this is likely a production oversight, or could be explained away as the effect of the containment forcefield that enclosed the Zone - refracting the visible light spectrum to shift to blue. This is cogent given what is stated in "The War Games" as the Second Doctor explains that the Time Lords can control their own environment, so the blue sky of the death zone could be on account of that.
In "Gridlock", the Doctor also mentions vast mountain ranges situated on Gallifrey, "with fields of deep red grass, capped with snow". In "The Time Monster" he reveals that "When I was a little boy, we used to live in a house that was perched halfway up the top of a mountain", explaining, "I ran down that mountain and I found that the rocks weren't grey at all - but they were red, brown and purple and gold. And those pathetic little patches of sludgy snow were shining white. Shining white in the sunlight". In "Gridlock" he further elaborates how Gallifrey's second sun would "rise in the south and the mountains would shine", with the silver-leafed trees looking like "a forest on fire" in the mornings. In "The Sound of Drums", the Doctor says that Gallifrey was called the Shining World of the Seventh System.
The Citadel of the Time Lords stands on the Continent of Wild Endeavour, in the Mountains of Solace and Solitude ("The Sound of Drums"), where the capital is also located. Within the capital is the Panopticon, under which is located the Eye of Harmony, the nucleus of a black hole that is their power source. The Eye provides the power required for time travel (The Three Doctors, 1973; The Deadly Assassin, 1976), and all Time Lord TARDIS time machines draw their power from it (the 1996 television movie). Also situated in the capital is the Matrix, the vast extradimensional computer network which acts as the repository of all Time Lord knowledge as well as containing the memories of dead Time Lords (The Deadly Assassin).
The Deadly Assassin mentions the existence of a section of the Citadel's population called the Shoobugans and dialogue mentions Plebeian class. This implies that not all people native to Gallifrey are Time Lords. Among Gallifrey's wildlife are birds called Flutterwings and The Mark of the Rani implies that a species similar to cats also exists. Spin-off fiction has also mentioned creatures called Tafelshrews.
Outside the city lie wastelands where "Outsiders",[3] Gallifreyans who have dropped out of Time Lord society, live in less technological tribal communities. The wastes of Gallifrey include the Death Zone, an area that was used as a gladiatorial arena by the first Time Lords, pitting various species kidnapped from their respective time zones against each other (although Daleks and Cybermen were considered too dangerous to use). Inside the Death Zone stands the Tomb of Rassilon, the founder of Time Lord society (The Five Doctors). Somewhere on Gallifrey there is also an institute called the Academy, which the Doctor and various other Time Lords have attended. It is not clear whether this building is in the capital or outside it and equally it is unclear whether it is a single building or different for each group of Time Lords (Borusa refers to Prydon Academy in The Deadly Assassin, but the Doctor in The Time Monster and The Sound of Drums refers to it as a single Academy). Somewhere on Gallifrey is a portal known as the Untempered Schism, a gap in the fabric of reality. Eight-year-old Gallifreyans are brought before the Schism and made to look into the Time Vortex as part of an initiation ceremony into the Time Lord Academy. According to the Doctor, some are inspired, some run away, and some are driven mad. ("The Sound of Drums"). In "The End of Time, Part One", the Master refers to his father's land on Gallifrey which had red grass and stretched across the slopes of Mount Perdition.
When the question of Gallifrey's location is discussed by humans, it is presumed to be located somewhere in Ireland. Examples include episode one of "The Hand of Fear" (1976), episode two of "The Invisible Enemy" (1977) and "Human Nature" (2007).
Spin-off material
Several of the spin-off novels (which are of uncertain canonicity) have further information about Gallifrey. It is said to have a copper moon, Pazithi Gallifreya (first named in Cat's Cradle: Time's Crucible);[4] the novel Lungbarrow also places Karn (setting of The Brain of Morbius, 1976) in Gallifrey's solar system, along with a frozen gas giant named Polarfrey and an "astrological figure" of "Kasterborous the Fibster".[5]
- For general Time Lord history, see History of the Time Lords.
On screen
Few details on the history of the planet itself emerge from the original series run from 1963–1989. In "The End of the World" (2005), the Ninth Doctor states that his home planet has been destroyed in a war and that he is the last of the Time Lords. The episode also indicates that the Time Lords are remembered in the far future. Subsequently, in "Dalek" (2005), it is revealed that the last great Time War was fought between the Time Lords and the Daleks, ending in the obliteration of both sides and with only two apparent survivors; the Doctor and a lone Dalek that had somehow fallen through time and crashed on Earth. At the conclusion of that episode, that surviving Dalek self-destructs, leaving the Doctor believing that he was the sole survivor of the Time War. However, the Daleks return in "Bad Wolf"/"The Parting of the Ways" (2005), and subsequently in "Army of Ghosts"/"Doomsday" (2006), "Daleks in Manhattan"/"Evolution of the Daleks" (2007), "The Stolen Earth"/"Journey's End" (2008) and "Victory of the Daleks" (2010), the penultimate of these being the series 4 finale where Davros also returns, and the final of these being the first time the Eleventh Doctor meets the Daleks. During that episode, a new race of Daleks is created.
It is suggested that other Time Lords might have survived the war when the Face of Boe utters its final words to the Doctor: "Know this, Time Lord: you are not alone" ("Gridlock"). These suspicions are later borne out in "Utopia" (2007), when the Tenth Doctor discovers that the renegade Time Lord the Master has survived the Time War and has been living in human form in the year 100 trillion, at the end of the material universe, a point so far forward in time that no Time Lord has ever travelled there.
The Doctor's reference to Gallifrey in "The Runaway Bride" marks the first time the name of his homeworld has been uttered on screen since the new series began. The Doctor's revelation that he is from Gallifrey elicits terror from the Empress of the Racnoss. John Smith (the Doctor in human form) also mentions Gallifrey in "Human Nature".
The planet makes its first appearance in the revived series in "The Sound of Drums", where the Citadel, enclosed in a glass dome (as described by the Doctor in "Gridlock"), is seen in flashback as the Doctor describes it. Also seen is a ceremony initiating 8-year-old Gallifreyans — in particular the Master — into the Time Lord Academy.
The 2009 story The End of Time once again featured Gallifrey, which the Master releases from the Time Lock the Doctor had created to contain the war. However, Gallifrey's reemergence is eventually stopped and reversed after it was made clear that the release of Gallifrey would lead to the Time Lords destroying time - in effect destroying the universe - in order to defeat the Daleks. Resurrected Lord President Rassilon also believed that this action would elevate them to a higher form of existence, becoming "pure consciousness." Upon realizing this, the Doctor and the Master worked together to send the Time Lords and Gallifrey back into the Time Lock, at the expense of the Master's disappearance.
By the end of the war, Gallifrey was in ruins. The dome of the main city, the Time Lord capital, the Capitol, was shattered and dozens of Dalek saucers were crashed on the plains below. When Gallifrey appears over Earth, it appears as a huge orange sphere with lakes of lava.
It was stated by the 10th doctor in The End of Time that Gallifrey was not how he and The Master knew it in their youth. Implying that the Time Lords had resorted to desperate and deplorable measures to fight the Daleks, the Doctor was willing to break his code of non-violence to stop the return of the Time Lords.
Various spin-off novels have expanded on the history and nature of Gallifrey, although not all fans consider the information in them to be canonical.
Marc Platt's novels Cat's Cradle: Time's Crucible and Lungbarrow, provide a detailed backstory for the civilisation seen in the main series. In the Dark Times (occasionally mentioned in the televised serials such as The Five Doctors), Gallifrey was at the centre of an empire covering dozens of worlds and continually being extended by heroes such as Prydonius (whom the Time Lord chapter is named after). Ancient Gallifreyians are all telepathic and were ruled by a female cult centred on a figure called the Pythia, who controlled the population through mysticism and prophecies. When the prophetic powers of the last of the Pythias failed her, Rassilion, Omega and a shadowy figure known as The Other seized power in the name of science and rationality. Seeing this the Pythia committed suicide and cursed Gallifrey, killing all children in their wombs and making the world sterile. To combat this Rassilion restructured society and used genetic looms to create new generations of Gallifreyians, who emerge from the looms as fully grown adults. Each of the Great Houses is allotted a total of forty five cousins and given a regeneration cycle of thirteen lives. The Houses themselves are to some degree alive, in the same way TARDISes are and the furniture can move about, occasionally growing into 'Drudges' who function as servants for the family. The Doctor was loomed in the House of Lungbarrow, in the mountains of South Gallifrey, but unique among the houses cousins he has a belly button (Lungbarrow suggests that this is because he is a re-incarnation of The Other, but the latter BBC books featuring the Eighth Doctor, suggest he does actually have a Gallifreyian father and a human mother, as stated in the 1996 telemovie). This backstory explains why no children are seen in the classic series Gallifrey stories and provides an explanation for the male-centric nature of Time Lord society. This backstory is hard to reconcile with The Sound of Drums which shows the Master as a child and the Doctor's reaction to Jenny's creation through a process similar to looming in The Doctor's Daughter. However, latter BBC books, such as The Infinity Doctors and Unnatural History, imply that the Doctor's origin is complex and that every version is somehow "true" (such as Susan's claim in the original version of An Unearthly Child that she was born in the 49th century). Unnatural History contains a flash back in which the Doctor sees himself as a child, in the House of Lungbarrow, playing under the watchful gaze of his father. The Infinity Doctors implies that the "womb-born" did not completely die out and some families continued to exist in secret. This provides a possible explanation for existence of Irving Braxiatel, a Time Lord who claims to be the Doctor's brother yet is not one of the cousins from Lungbarrow and the implication in The Gallifrey Chronicles that the character Marnal is The Master's father (whose existence is mentioned in The End of Time).
The Virgin New Adventures establish a religion on Gallifrey centred around the three main gods, Time, Death and Pain. The Time Lords use these figures to understand the concepts they represent and in some cases make deals with them and become their chosen champions. The Seventh Doctor is Time's Champion (as well as someone who makes frequent deals with or wages against Death to save his friends) and the audio play Master states that the Master is Death's champion. It's also briefly implied in Vampire Science, that the Eighth Doctor is Life's champion, implying the existence of another unseen figure. Happy Endings and other books imply that these gods are Eternals as seen in the serial Enlightenment.
In the Eighth Doctor Adventures novel The Ancestor Cell by Peter Anghelides and Stephen Cole, Gallifrey is destroyed as a result of the Eighth Doctor's desire to prevent the voodoo cult Faction Paradox from starting a war between the Time Lords and an unnamed Enemy. Hints about this future war are dropped in several books earlier in the series beginning with Lawrence Miles's Alien Bodies and the war itself plays out as it would have originally done in Miles' Faction Paradox series in which certain names are changed for copyright reasons (the Time Lords become the Great Houses and Gallifrey becomes the Home World). The war is fought across four dimensions and whole sections of history are blocked off by either side and it is also suggested that events cross into different universes (such as the events of Dead Romance). In order to have boltholes or decoys in case of attack, the Time Lords have created nine separate planet Gallifreys (it even hinted that the original Gallifrey may at some point be reduced to ruins) and special looms to constantly produce new soldiers. By this time TARDISes have evolved to point where they appear human and reproduce sexually (the Doctor's companion Compassion is the first such TARDIS). It is also hinted that the Celestial Intervention Agency will evolve into the beings of pure thought known as the Celestis, who observe the war from outside this dimension (the Last Parliament in which they sit resembles the Panopticon on Gallifrey and the closest anyone gets to describing them is similar to the Time Lords' robes). Faction Paradox itself is a counter to Time Lord society, dedicated to creating time-travel paradoxes, in contrast to the Time Lords' web of time. It was founded by a mysterious figure Grandfather Paradox, who it is believed was once a Time Lord from the House of Lungbarrow. The Ancestor Cell suggests that he is a future version of the Doctor, but this is retconned in The Gallifrey Chronicles, to him being everyone's potential future self. When the Doctor destroys Gallifrey the war no longer happens and his actions also apparently (and retroactively) wipe the Time Lords from history. It is unclear what the attitude of the new Doctor Who television series is toward the information in the novels and audio plays, the latter produced by Big Finish Productions. However, a number of writers of the novels and audio plays are also writing for the new television series, and Russell T Davies refers to the comic strips, audio plays and novels in an essay describing the Time War, written for the Doctor Who Annual 2006.
In the last regular Eighth Doctor novel, The Gallifrey Chronicles by Lance Parkin, it is revealed that while Gallifrey was destroyed, the Time Lords were not erased from history. However, the cataclysm sets up an event horizon in time that prevents anyone from entering Gallifrey's relative past or travelling from it to the present or future. The Time Lords also survive within the Matrix, which has been downloaded into the Eighth Doctor's mind, but their reconstruction requires a sufficiently advanced computer. At the novel's end, the question of whether or not the Time Lords will be restored remains unanswered, although if the events of the novel are to tie in with later events in the TV series it must be assumed that Gallifrey was at some point restored, only to be destroyed again during the events of the Time War. This could also provide a possible explanation for Rassilon apparently being alive in The End of Time, where previous stories show him having died millennia before.
Television series executive producer Russell T Davies wrote in Doctor Who Magazine #356 that there is no connection between the War of the books and the Time War of the television series.[6] In the same Doctor Who Magazine column, Davies compared Gallifrey being destroyed twice with Earth's two World Wars. He also said that he was "usually happy for old and new fans to invent the Complete History of the Doctor in their heads, completely free of the production team's hot and heavy hands".[6]
Despite Davies' unequivocal statement that the two wars are distinct, Lance Parkin, in his Doctor Who chronology AHistory, suggests in a speculative essay that the two destructions of Gallifrey may be the same event seen from two different perspectives, with the Eighth Doctor present twice (and both times culpable for the planet's destruction).[7]
- ^ In Terror of the Autons (1971), a Time Lord emissary says that he has travelled "29,000 light years", leading to the original assumption that the Time Lord homeworld was that distance away. However, it is never actually stated in Terror of the Autons where the Time Lord is travelling from, as compared to the explicit statement made in the 1996 television movie.
- ^ The Three Doctors seemed to set Gallifrey's relative present in the near future (UNIT dating controversy) with its sequel Arc of Infinity setting it in the 1980s, although at least a decade had passed on Gallifrey (The Doctor's age). Alternatively, The Trial of a Time Lord (1986, specifically The Mysterious Planet and The Ultimate Foe) seems to imply that the planet's relative present is in the Earth's far future. This is also the position taken by The Doctor Who Role Playing Game released by FASA, although the information in it is not usually considered canon. Both the Virgin New Adventures and the BBC Books Doctor Who novels seem to take the stance that Gallifrey's relative present is far in the Earth's relative past
- ^ The Doctor Who Role Playing Game released by FASA equates the Outsiders with the "Shobogans", who are briefly mentioned in the serial The Deadly Assassin. However, there is nothing in the programme itself that connects the two. The Outsiders appeared on-screen in The Invasion of Time (1978) whilst the Shobogans were linked to acts of vandalism around the Panopticon in an off-handed remark by the Castellan.
- ^ Platt, Marc (February 1992). Cat's Cradle: Time's Crucible. New Adventures. London: Doctor Who Books, an imprint of Virgin Publishing. pp. 40. ISBN 0-426-20365-8.
- ^ Platt, Marc (March 1997) (link to HTML ebook version). Lungbarrow. New Adventures. London: Virgin Publishing. pp. 35. ISBN 0-426-205-02-2. http://www.bbc.co.uk/doctorwho/classic/ebooks/lungbarrow/four/page11.shtml. Retrieved 2007-04-17.
- ^ a b Davies, Russell T (25 May 2005). "The Evasion of Time". Doctor Who Magazine (356): 66–67.
- ^ Parkin, Lance (2006). Additional material by Lars Pearson.. ed. AHistory: An Unauthorised History of the Doctor Who Universe. Des Moines: Mad Norwegian Press. pp. 292–293. ISBN 0-9725959-9-6.
External links
- Rassilon, Omega, and that Other guy — every fact about Gallifrey no matter how apocryphal
Planets and moons of Doctor Who Planets and moons Other Gallifrey stories Second Doctor Fourth Doctor Fifth Doctor Sixth Doctor Tenth Doctor Minor appearances - Colony in Space
- The Three Doctors
- "The Sound of Drums" / "Last of the Time Lords"
Doctor Who audio dramas - The Sirens of Time
- The Apocalypse Element
- Death Comes to Time
- Shada
- Neverland
- Zagreus
- Omega
- Unregenerate!
- Urban Myths
- Human Resources
- "Sisters of the Flame" / "Vengeance of Morbius"
Gallifrey audio series - Weapon of Choice
- Square One
- The Inquiry
- A Blind Eye
- Lies
- Spirit
- Pandora
- Insurgency
- Imperiatrix
- Fractures
- Warfare
- Appropriation
- Mindbomb
- Panacea
- Reborn
- Disassembled
- Annihilation
- Forever
Unbound audio plays See also Categories:- Doctor Who planets
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