List of Doctor Who monsters and aliens

List of Doctor Who monsters and aliens

This is a list of monsters and aliens from the long-running BBC science fiction television series "Doctor Who". The list includes some races which are not extraterrestrial, but are nonetheless non-human. This list is meant to cover alien races and species of monsters, not specific characters. Individual characters are listed in separate articles.





type=Living Fat
affiliation=Matron Cofelia
planet=Born on Earth but are sent home to Adipose 3
start="Partners in Crime"
The Adipose were seen in the episode "Partners in Crime". In the story, their breeding world was lost, causing them to turn to the alien "Miss Foster" to create a new generation. She formulated a drug that would cause human fat (anatomically: 'adipose tissue') to parthenogenetically morph into Adipose children. This process is completely harmless to the host beyond the loss of body fat. In an emergency situation the process can be accelerated by using the host's bone, hair and muscle tissue as well as fat, but this makes the Adipose ill and weak, and kills the host by completely using up their body.cite episode | title = Partners in Crime | series = Doctor Who | credits = Writer Russell T Davies, Director James Strong, Producer Phil Collinson | network = BBC | station = BBC One | city = Cardiff | airdate = 2008-04-05] The official "Doctor Who" website's "Monster Files" feature states that the baby Adipose were taken into care by the Shadow Proclamation.cite web|url=,%20figures%20and%20top%20secret%20info%20about%20the%20Adipose.&info=&info2=&info3=|title=The Monster Files|publisher=BBC|date=2008-04-05|accessdate=2008-04-07] Five Adipose action figures planned for release as part of the first series 4 wave along with a "Partners in Crime"-suited Doctor with glasses.

In the parallel universe created in the episode "Turn Left", the Adipose incident happened in America instead of the United Kingdom, as London was destroyed when the Titanic crashed into Buckingham Palace because of the absence of the Doctor ("Voyage of the Damned"). Over 60 million Americans were killed in this timeline as a result.

It is revealed in "The Stolen Earth"/"Journey's End" that Adipose 3, their home world, was one of the 27 planets snatched into the Medusa Cascade by the New Dalek Empire. After their defeat, Adipose 3 and the other planets were returned to their rightful places.


Alpha Centauri



Anne Droid

During the second-to-last episode of Doctor Who, Anne Droid made an appearance in a parody of "The Weakest Link". The host of The Weakest Link is Anne Robinson. Two years later after the Season 2 finale, Anne Droid made a reappearance on the real game show itself.





affiliation=The Foamasi
start="The Leisure Hive
The Argolin, who appeared in the Fourth Doctor story "The Leisure Hive" (1980) by David Fisher, are the inhabitants of Argolis. In 2250, the Argolin, led by Theron, fought and lost a 20-minute nuclear war with the Foamasi. As a result of this war, the Argolin became sterile. They were also quite long-lived, but when they neared the end of their life they aged and declined very rapidly. The Argolin who survived the war put aside their race's traditional warlike ways and remade Argolis as "the first of the leisure planets", catering to tourists from many worlds. They built a "Leisure Hive" dedicated to relaxation and cross-cultural understanding; due to radioactive fallout from the war, the Argolin planned to live in the Hive for at least three centuries. Argolis continued to struggle financially, and by 2290 faced possible bankruptcy. A rogue faction of Foamasi known as the West Lodge attempted to purchase the entire planet to use as a criminal base, sabotaging recreation facilities to encourage the Argolin to sell. The criminal nature of the offer was exposed by a Foamasi agent, aided by the Fourth Doctor and Romana.

Since the Argolin were sterile, they attempted to renew their race using cloning and tachyonics, but only one of the clones, Pangol, survived to adulthood. Pangol was mentally unstable and obsessed with the Argolin's former warrior culture. He attempted to create an army of tachyonic duplicates of himself, but was unsuccessful and was eventually restored to infancy through the same tachyonic technology that had created him.

In appearance, Argolin are humanoids with yellowish skin. Their heads are covered with what appears to be elaborately coiffed hair, but may not be (since when Pangol is reduced to infancy he retains the distinctive Argolin hairstyle). Their heads are capped with small domes covered in beads, which fall off when the Argolin become sick or die.



type=Attractive Gold-Skinned Humanoid/Hideous Tentacled Monster
affiliation=Axonite, Axon Ship
start="The Claws of Axos






A story arc in Series 4 dealt with their disappearance, culminating in "The Stolen Earth", where it was revealed that some of them are aliens who traveled along a path which enabled the Daleks to "steal" Earth.

Beast, The


A Raxacoricofallapatorian family who are the sworn enemies of the Slitheen family, and have infiltrated the prison on the planet Justicia. [BBC BOOK, The Monsters Inside]


Brain of Morphoton



type=Witch-like humanoids
planet=Rexel 4
start="The Shakespeare Code"
The Carrionites, as seen in "The Shakespeare Code" (2007), are a race of witch-like beings. The species originates from the Fourteen Stars of the Rexel Planetary Configuration. They use advanced science which appears much like magic and voodoo. Unlike humans, who use numbers, maths and science to advance and split the atom, the Carrionites use words to manipulate the universe and defy physics. The Carrionites appear to be possess some unknown ability to discover a person's true name; although Lilith was in the room when the Doctor and Martha Jones introduce themselves to Shakespeare she later remarks "there is no name" when trying to name the Doctor. In the "old" times of the universe, they were banished through powerful words by the Eternals.

The three Carrionites shown in "The Shakespeare Code" were Lilith, Mother Doomfinger and Mother Bloodtide. They are defeated by Willam Shakespeare with the help of the Doctor and Martha who helped him find the right words to defeat the Carronites ending with Expeliarmus. The Carronites were re-trapped in a crystal ball by this. According to Lilith, apparently Shakespeare accidently released Doomfinger, Bloodtide and Lilith while he was distraught over his son Hamnet's death from the Black Plague.

According to the audio commentary of the third season of Doctor Who, Carrionites are all female and call each other "mother" or "sister" according to their relative ages. In the novel Forever Autumn, the reason they were banished is revealed to be because of a war with a similar race, the Hervoken, who also used a science resembling magic. The canonicity of this is unclear.


Cat People

type=Humanoid felines

planet=New Earth
start="New Earth"

By the time of "New Earth", felines, referred to as "Cat People", have evolved into humanoids. They are capable of interbreeding with the humans of the future. The Cat People have retained their retractable claws to defend themselves as shown by a feline matron, Matron Casp. They also have other feline characteristics such as slitted eyes and flat noses. Thomas Kincade Brannigan, a cat-person who has interbred with a human in "Gridlock", has quadrupedal kittens which resemble modern kittens; humanoid features emerge after ten months into feline maturation. [cite news| title = Gridlock commentary podcast| work = podcast| publisher = BBC| date = April 14, 2007| url =] One of the kittens is able to pronounce the word "Mama", however.

Cat People act like humans for the most part, and vary in personality, meaning they can be both good and evil. However, they maintain a somewhat haughty attitude towards other species, including humans. The Sisters of Plenitude were Cat People who worked in a hospital on a peninsula near the city of New New York.


Cheetah Person

name=Cheetah People
type=Humanoid feline cheetahs
affiliation=The Master

The Cheetah People were a group of aliens featured in the final episode of "Doctor Who"'s original run, "Survival". Like many more recent aliens, such as the Judoon and Hath, the Cheetah People strongly resembled an Earth animal. The Cheetah People were depicted as savages and had the ability to turn others into Cheetah People, including for a while the Master and Ace.

The Cheetah People in "Survival" had been kidnapping people and taking them to their planet. Following the episode, it was implied in the 1996 "Doctor Who" film that the Master retained some influences from the Cheetah People by his eyes constantly glowing.


type=Cybernetic humanoid tortoise
start="The Highest Science"

The Chelonians are a race of cybernetic humanoid tortoises who have appeared in various spin-off novels. The first appearance of the Chelonians was in the Seventh Doctor Virgin New Adventures novel "The Highest Science" by Gareth Roberts. They returned in "Zamper" and also featured in the Fourth Doctor missing adventure "The Well-Mannered War"; as well as in the short stories "The Hungry Bomb", "Fegovy", and "The Body Bank", all by Gareth Roberts and published in the "Doctor Who Magazine Yearbook 1995", the anthology "Decalog 3: Consequences", and the "Doctor Who Storybook 2008" respectively.

The Chelonians are a war-like race from the planet Chelonia. They are hermaphroditic and lay eggs. Some of their cybernetic enhancements include X-ray vision and improved hearing. Chelonians consider humans to be parasites and often try to eliminate them. There is a pacifistic faction, however, and at some point following the Doctor's recorded encounters with them, this took control and the society began devoting its energies towards flower arrangement.




Chula was referenced in "The Empty Child"/"The Doctor Dances" two-parter as a race of aliens using nanogenes to heal their soldiers in war. Following Captain Jack stealing a Chula medical ship as part of his hoax, thousands of blitz era Londoners were converted incorrectly.


Crespallions are a humanoid alien race with blue skin from a planet of the same name. Some are the average height of human adults and some are the average height of human children. They were seen in "End of the World" working on Platform One.






Dalek Humans

The Dalek Human race were created by the Cult of Skaro in New York in the year 1930. They were human bodies, with Dalek minds inside. The Daleks were relying on a gamma strike from the Sun to release the energy needed to splice the human and Dalek genomes together, and it was later revealed that the Empire State Building was constructed under the order of the Daleks by a human called Mr Diagoras, who was then merged with Dalek Sec, giving him a mind and a conscience. However, Dalek Sec, with the Doctor's help, wanted to change the process to give them emotions, as he believed that the creator of the Daleks, Davros, had been wrong all those years ago, when he determined that having no emotions made them stronger than their enemies. However, the rest of the Cult of Skaro - Daleks Thay, Jast and Caan, believed that he was no longer a Dalek. They turned on him, but the Doctor escaped, and held onto the spire of the Empire State Building as the gamma strike occurred, giving each of the Dalek Humans a potential for free will. Daleks Thay and Jast confronted the Doctor in an empty theatre. They tried to kill him, but Dalek Sec sacrificed himself to save the Doctor, losing his own life in the process. This potential for free will later asserted itself when they were ordered to open fire on the Doctor, and they turned on Daleks Thay and Jast, killing them both. Dalek Caan then deemed that the experiment was a failure, and put all of the Dalek Humans to death in an act of genocide.

Data Ghost

A data ghost is an echo of a dead human's last few moments alive. Data Ghosts are caused when a person dies within a Commander Lux suit, leaving an imprint of their consciousness on the suit's neural relay. In "Silence in the Library", Data Ghosts appear at the death of Miss Evangelista and Proper Dave. The Data Ghosts are only available on the Commander Lux suits, and may last two minutes or more. The Data Ghost of Miss Evangelista was "saved" onto the Library's hard-drive as a result of mixed wireless signals. This meant that in the library's computer world, Miss Evangelista was saved, but as a deformed version of her former self.

Delta Magnan


Demons have appeared in "Doctor Who" several times. Originally in Third Doctor serial "The Dæmons", in which they were specifically aliens from the planet Dæmos who had come to Earth in the distant past and ingrained their existence as myth, with "demon" Azal summoned at the Master's will.

In 2006, both the Tenth Doctor series of "Doctor Who" and its spin-off "Torchwood" expanded upon a notion of actual malicious supernatural entities existing in the "Doctor Who" universe. "The Impossible Planet" introduced the Beast, a Satan-like demon remaining from the universe before our own, sealed away in planet Krop Tor by the "Disciples of Light". Later, the "Torchwood" episode "End of Days"', the mysterious Bilis Manger frees "Abaddon, son of the great Beast" from within the Rift, where he like the Beast had been imprisoned since "before time". Earlier in the first series of "Torchwood", demonic supernatural entities, referred to by humans as "fairies", were established in "Small Worlds" as a non-alien presence on Earth since before mankind came to exist.












Eternals, as seen in "Enlightenment" (1983), are beings who live in the "trackless wastes of eternity", as opposed to the likes of the Doctor and his companions who are "Ephemerals". Eternals use Ephemerals for their thoughts and ideas. The Eternals have lived for so long that they are unable to think for themselves and need human minds to give them existence, and entertainment; as such, they use human crews on their ships. Eternals seek out "Enlightenment", the wisdom to know everything. They are aware of the Void, calling it "the Howling" ("Army of Ghosts" (2006)) and were responsible for banishing the Carrionites ("The Shakespeare Code" (2007)).

An article by Russell T Davies in the "Doctor Who Annual 2006" states that during the Time War between the Time Lords and the Daleks, the Eternals (one of the Higher Species who were aware of the war's presence and its outcomes) fled the Doctor's reality in despair, never to be seen again.

A group of Eternals who had taken the role of gods to the ancient Gallifreyans were recurring characters in the Virgin New Adventures. The most notable were Time, Death and Pain, and the Seventh Doctor was "Time's Champion".



Face of Boe, The/Boe Kind

The Family of Blood

Fish Person

Flesh/New Humans

The Flesh were a group of human clones used by the Sisters of Plenitude for the development of cures for the people of New Earth, as seen in "New Earth" (2006). They were initially seen incarcerated in pods, but after their release by Lady Cassandra, they began infecting patients in the hospital. Cured of their diseases by the Doctor, they were named as a new race entirely: New Humans.


type=Reptilian biped
affiliation=The Argolin
start="The Leisure Hive"
The Foamasi are an intelligent, bipedal race of reptiles who appeared in the 1980 Fourth Doctor story "The Leisure Hive" by David Fisher. The race's name is a near-anagram of the word "mafioso". The Foamasi fought and won a 20-minute nuclear war with their sworn enemies, the Argolin. They communicate by means of chirps and clicks, this being made understandable by means of a tiny interpreting device held in the mouth. Although they are mostly a peaceful race (having learned the error of their ways from the devastating war) a renegade faction called the West Lodge exists, and frequently attempts to arouse hostilities between the two races.

Since their victory, the Argolin's home planet of Argolis has been officially owned by the Foamasi government. However, the Foamasi are the only ones who would want it as, being reptiles, they can safely walk on the radioactive surface of the planet. Two saboteurs from the West Lodge (disguised as the Argolin agent Brock and his lawyer Klout) arrive to try to force the Argolins to sell the Leisure Hive to them, so they can use it as a new base for their insidious plans. However they are thwarted when a group of Foamasi, one claiming to be a member of the Foamasi government, use a web-spewing gun to ensnare them and return them back to their unnamed home planet to face justice. Some Foamasi disguise themselves as humanoids by fitting into skin-suits which are smaller than the Foamasi's own bodies. This discrepancy is not explained (although the Slitheen family used a compression field to fit inside smaller skins, compared to their own body size).

A Foamasi assassin appears in the Eighth Doctor Adventures novel "Placebo Effect" by Gary Russell. In this novel, it is explained that the Foamasi can fit into disguises smaller than their bodies because their bones are hollow and collapsible.

Forest of Cheem

name=Forest of Cheem
type=Bipedal arboreals
start="The End of the World"
The Forest of Cheem are an intelligent, bipedal, arboreal species that are direct descendants of the Old Earth Trees. The trees were sold to the Brotherhood from the Panjassic Asteroid field, who experimented on the trees, and, after hundreds of years the trees grew arms and started walking. One night, the entire race of Trees got on their Barkships after they heard the Great Calling, traveling through space for five thousand years. The word 'cheem' means 'tree' in the forest's language. [Doctor Who Adventures, Issue 21, 17 -30 Jan 2007] Members of the Forest of Cheem appear in the Ninth Doctor episode "The End of the World" by Russell T Davies. According to the Ninth Doctor, they are of huge financial importance due to their land holdings and forests on various planets; and they have "roots" everywhere. They have a noble bearing and exhibit a respect for all forms of life. The group of Trees seen on "Platform One" was led by Jabe Ceth Ceth Jafe (named in "Doctor Who: Monsters and Villains"), and also included Coffa and Lute.

They neither respect nor understand technology, referring to computers as "metal minds" or "metal machines", being intelligent and unneedy of electricity. They were also aware of the Time Lords and their fate in the Time War. The "Doctor Who Annual 2006" classifies them as one of the higher species who were aware of the course of the war and its history-changing effects and also states that they were mortified by the bloodshed.

Coffa and Lute appear again in the comic strip story "Reunion of Fear" in "Doctor Who - Battles in Time" #6.


series=Doctor Who
type=Cannabalistic humanoids
planet=presumably Malcassairo
era=The end of the universe

The Futurekind are a barbaric humanoid race with pointed teeth and primitive language skills, who appear in the 2007 episode "Utopia", set in the year 100 trillion when the universe is coming to an end. The human survivors describe the Futurekind as what they may become if they do not reach 'Utopia'. The Futurekind are seen to be aggressive towards normal humans, hunting any they find.




The Gastropods, as seen in "The Twin Dilemma" (1984) are a race of giant slugs who kidnapped two maths geniuses to pilot their planet into a sun, creating an explosion that will scatter their eggs across the universe.


Gel Guard


type=Gaseous lifeform
planet= Unknown
start="The Unquiet Dead"
The Gelth appeared in the Ninth Doctor episode "The Unquiet Dead". They were a new race of alien villains that the Ninth Doctor and Rose Tyler encountered in the 2005 series. They were also the first element of the new series that attracted attention for being "too scary". Following complaints (many of which were made by Mediawatch UK), the BBC stated that in future, episodes of that nature would be forewarned by a statement of "may not be suitable for under 8s".

The Gelth were intelligent gaseous lifeforms, blue and spectral in nature, who claimed to have lost their corporeal forms as a consequence of the Time War. They arrived on Earth via the spacetime rift at an undertaker's house in 1869 Cardiff and proceeded to take possession of recently-deceased corpses. Their forms could not be maintained for long in Earth's atmosphere and they required a gaseous medium to sustain them — gas from decomposing bodies or coal gas in the gas pipes common to Victorian era households.

Claiming to be on the verge of extinction, the Gelth convinced the Doctor to aid their entrance into our plane of existence via Gwyneth, the undertaker's servant girl who had developed psychic powers due to growing up near the rift. The Gelth proved instead to number in the billions and intended to take the Earth by force and murder its population to provide vessels for themselves. Ultimately, the Gelth were thwarted when Gwyneth sacrificed herself, blowing up the building and sealing the rift. Whether all the Gelth that had entered our world perished as well is unclear.


The GENIEs (Genetically Engineered Neural Imagination Engines) are artificial life forms developed by a scientist working in artificial reality. They resemble a cross between a small dragon and a Platypus ensconced in a box, and are capable of altering reality and perception according to people's desires, whether spoken or thought. Lacking free will, they are thus compelled to grant "wishes", potentially causing disruption when in the presence of human beings. To date, their only appearance is in BBC Books novel "The Stone Rose".

Giant Maggot

Giant Spider of Metebelis 3



affiliation= The Trickster
start="Attack of the Graske"
The Graske are a race of diminutive aliens from the planet Griffoth, known to be able to transmat through time and space, often abducting individuals out of their own time and replacing them with their own kind. To see them one must detect a mysterious green glow in their eyes. Representatives of their species appear in the interactive "Doctor Who" episode "Attack of the Graske", the Proms special episode "Music of the Spheres" and the "The Sarah Jane Adventures" story "Whatever Happened To Sarah Jane?". The Graske are set to return in the second series of "The Sarah Jane Adventures" enslaved by the Bane.

Great Vampire

The Great Vampire is one of the many Vampire lords. It is the last of its kind, the rest of them having been killed by being shot with large metal spears launched by spacegoing warships known as 'bowships'. The Doctor killed the last one with one of the scoutships from the lords tower, actually a grounded space vessel.




type=Decayed humanoid
start="The Curse of Fenric"

Haemovores appeared in the Seventh Doctor story "The Curse of Fenric" (1989) by Ian Briggs. Vampiric creatures that fed on blood, they were the end result of human evolution in a possible far future, caused by millennia of pollution. As part of his final game against the Doctor, the entity known as Fenric transported the most powerful Haemovore (called the "Ancient One") through time to Viking Age Northumbria. There it waited, trapped beneath the North Sea for centuries, occasionally drawing victims into the water and transforming them into Haemovores.

Soon after the transformation, victims appeared much as they did in life, except for elongated fingernails and a corpse-like pallor. Later they became deformed blue-grey humanoids covered in octopus-like suckers. The Ancient One was the least human in appearance; in its own time, it was the last living thing on Earth.

During World War II, Fenric released the Ancient One. Fenric's plan was that the Ancient One was to release the toxin which would pollute the world and thus create its own future.

The Haemovores had the ability to hypnotically paralyse their victims so they could feed and drain them of blood. Not all of their victims were turned into Haemovores, although the selection process was never explained. The Haemovores were impervious to most forms of attack, surviving being shot at close range by a sub-machine gun at one point. They could be destroyed in the traditional vampire-killing fashion of driving a stake through their chests. They could also be repelled by their victim's faith, which formed a psychic barrier, like the Doctor's faith in his companions, Ace's faith in the Doctor, Captain Sorin's faith in the Communist Revolution, and even the Reverend Wainwright's failing faith in God.

Ultimately, the Seventh Doctor convinced the Ancient One to turn against Fenric, and it released the toxin within a sealed chamber, destroying itself and Fenric's host. Whether this means that the future the Ancient One came from was averted is not clear, although the Doctor seemed to think so.



type=Humanoid fish
start="The Doctor's Daughter"
They appear as roughly humanoid fish-like creatures, with canisters of green liquid fitted to their faces. They are intelligent, emotional creaturesone formed a friendship with Martha Jones, and saved her life at the cost of its own. They seem fully sentient and while they do not speak a language intelligible to humans (even with the TARDIS's translation device), the two races planned to colonise the planet Messaline together. However, they later turned on each other before their eventual reconciliation.

The "Monster Files" feature states the Hath joined and assisted early human space colonisation. [ , "The Monster Files"]


Race of aggressive exo-skeletal aliens with an aversion to certain warm liquids. Elton Pope encountered the Doctor and Rose Tyler trying to contain one in Woolwich, London. A Hoix later appears in the "Torchwood" episode "Exit Wounds", where it is described as a creature which "lives to eat, doesn't matter what."

Hop Pyleen

Brothers from the exalted clifftops of Rex Vox Jax who invented and are copyright holders of Hyposlip Travel Systems. They were guests aboard Platform One to see the Earthdeath spectacle.


Hosts/Heavenly Hosts


Human beings regularly join the Doctor on his travels in the TARDIS.

In the far future, the human race becomes a major galactic power, with territories spanning many star systems. Eventually, humans will cease to exist in their original form, having interbred with a number of alien species, but will retain their basic shape even to the end of the universe in the year 100 trillion. The Doctor says in episode "Utopia" that humans "spent a million years evolving into clouds of gas and another million as downloads" but he does not elaborate on the process or the reasons.

In the episode "The Impossible Planet", the Doctor congratulates humans for going to the planet around the black hole "because it was there". Humans are therefore seen as an inquisitive and exploring species. In the episode "Evolution of the Daleks", Dalek Sec says of humans, that despite their flaws, they have incredible courage.


Ice Warrior


The Isolus are an alien species, appearing in the episode Fear Her. The Isolus, tiny spore like creatures traveling space,1 of them was were separated and the creatures inhabited Chloe Webber confused by her fears of her father. The creature was released when the Doctor showed it the love the human race could produce, in the 2012 Summer Olympics.An isolus is a creature of intense emotion and its sheer need to be together thats keeps them alive.




type=Monocular biped
start="City of Death"
The Jagaroth are an ancient and extinct race of aliens introduced in the Fourth Doctor serial "City of Death". The Doctor remarked that the Jagaroth werea vicious, callous, warlike race whom the universe won't miss.” The story reveals that life on earth moved from being amino acids in a primordial soup to functioning cells because a Jagaroth space ship exploded on earth 400 million years ago. (Due to an error by production, it should have been 4,000 million years, or 4 billion years ago.)

The sole surviving Jagaroth, Scaroth, manipulated human civilization to advance the species technologically, in an effort to eventually create a time machine which he could use to prevent the initial explosion.


The Jagrafess was a large, slimy, creature that attached itself to the ceiling of floor 500 on Satellite Five. It wanted to control the Earth through the use of a news station. The Jagrafess could not survive in extreme heat and was killed after one of the reporters purposely channeled the heat towards floor 500. As with many Doctor Who villains, it had a human servant called the Editor (played by Simon Pegg), who called it Max after its full title: the Mighty Jagrafess of the Holy Hadrojassic Maxarodenfoe.


type=Rhinoceros-headed humanoids

start="Smith and Jones"
affiliation=Shadow Proclamation
The Judoon are a race of mercenary police first appearing in the episode "Smith and Jones" (2007). They are basically humanoid in form, have heads that look like that of a rhinoceros, and wear black, bulky armour with heavy boots. As explained by David Tennant in a later interview, the name Judoon and the fact that the episode they appear in is set on the moon is an in-joke from the scriptwriter. As Tennant naturally has a Scottish accent one of the harder sounds to pronounce with an English accent is the 'oon' sound at the end of both words, including the line "a Judoon platoon upon the Moon".

Judoon are galactic police, brutal in their application of the law and highly logical in their battle tactics, but not very intelligent. They have no jurisdiction on Earth and no authority to deal with human crime, so when a fugitive alien hid out in an Earth hospital they transported the building to the moon. The Judoon carry energy weapons which can incinerate humans. In the hospital the Squad Leader is the only one seen to remove his helmet.

During the episode, the Doctor demonstrates considerable knowledge of Judoon methods and says that, whilst their behaviour is (on the surface) that of a military police force, they are little more than "interplanetary thugs". Also, according to The Doctor, the Judoon have a "great big lung reserve".

The Judoon are also mentioned in "Revenge of the Slitheen", the first story of "The Sarah Jane Adventures", although only once by name. One of the Slitheen said that the Intergalactic Police were after them. The Judoon also featured in 2008's Quick Reads release "Revenge of the Judoon", where they seized Balmoral Castle in 1902 after being conned into a fraudulent mission; they made a deal with the Doctor that meant Earth was off-limits to them, something confirmed as canonical with the TV series by the BBC "Monster Files" feature. [ [ BBC - Doctor Who - Videos - Series Four ] ] The Judoon are also mentioned in the Doctor Who adventures Comic "The Great Mordillo."

The Judoon make a return appearance in "The Stolen Earth", as guards to white-skinned, red-eyed humanoid females at the Shadow Proclamation. Curiously, the TARDIS does not translate their language, and the Doctor replies in their language rather than in English. They only begin speaking English once he has introduced himself.

The Judoon are due to make their first major novel appearance in "Judgement of the Judoon", released April 2009.








type=Composite race
start="School Reunion"
The Krillitanes are an alien race that first appeared in the 2006 episode "School Reunion", featuring Anthony Head as the leader of the Krillitanes. They had infiltrated the Deffry Vale comprehensive school on present day Earth, increasing the intelligence of the pupils with Krillitane oil. Using the children as part of a giant computer programme, they hoped to crack the secrets of the Skasis Paradigm, the Universal Theory that would give them control over the basic forces of the universe and turn them into gods. Their scheme was foiled by the Tenth Doctor and his companions, though not before they attempted to ask the Doctor to join them in remaking the universe. This conversation showed that the Krillitanes were aware of the Time War, of the Time Lords and of their fate. This ruse failed as miserably as the main plot of the Krillitanes.

The Krillitanes are a composite race who pick and choose physical traits they find useful from the species they conquer, incorporating them into their own bodies. When the Doctor last encountered them they looked like humans with very long necks, but by the time of "School Reunion", they possessed a bat-like form which they obtained from the conquest of Bessan ten generations prior. However, they were able to maintain a morphic illusion of human form, which could be discarded if needed.

A side effect of their rapid evolution made the very oil they were using to enhance the intelligence of Deffry Vale's children toxic to their own systems, reacting with them like an acid. As bat creatures, they sleep in a way similar to Earth bats, hanging from a ceiling with wings covering their bodies. Like Earth bats, they are sensitive to loud or high frequency noises, as demonstrated when they were temporarily disabled by the school's fire alarm. They are also carnivorous and have no qualms in devouring other sentient lifeforms for food.

In Episode 6 of BBC One sitcom "Outnumbered", seven-year-old Ben refers to the Krillitanes as "Krillitaney-bat-thingy from "Doctor Who".




type=Enormous plant with telepathic/telekinetic powers
affiliation=Its hosts
planet=Unknown volcanic world
start="The Seeds of Doom"
The Krynoids appeared in the 1976 Fourth Doctor story "The Seeds of Doom" by Robert Banks Stewart. They are a highly dangerous, sentient form of plant life which are renowned amongst galactic botanists. They spread via seed pods which travel in pairs and are violently hurled through space by frequent volcanic eruptions on their unnamed home planet. The pods when opened are attracted to flesh and are able to infect and mingle their DNA with that of the host, taking over their body and slowly transforming them into a Krynoid. The species can also exert a form of telepathic control over other plant life in the surrounding area, making it suddenly dangerous and deadly to animal-kind. In the later stages of development the Krynoid can also control the vocal cords of its victims and can make itself telepathically sympathetic to humans. Fully grown Krynoids are many meters high and can then release hordes of seed pairs for further colonisation.

Two pods arrived on Earth at the South Pole during the prehistoric Pleistocene era and remained dormant in Antarctica until discovered at the end of the twentieth century. One of them hatched after being exposed to ultra-violet light, and took control of a nearby human scientist. The Fourth Doctor intervened in the nick of time and ensured the Krynoid was destroyed in a bomb, but the second pod was stolen and taken to the home of millionaire botanist Harrison Chase in England. Chase ensured the germination of the second pod, which overtook his scientific adviser Arnold Keeler, and transformed its subject over time into a virtually full-sized Krynoid. Unable to destroy the creature by other meansand with the danger of a seed release imminent from the massive plantthe Doctor orchestrated an RAF bombing raid to destroy the creature before it could germinate.





name=Logopolitan|series=Doctor Who
affiliation= Fourth Doctor

The Logopolitans of the planet Logopolis were featured in the episode of the same name. The Logopolitans were a race of strange looking mathematicians concerned with entropy to make sure heat death of the universe did not occur. This was disturbed by the Master and the Logopolitons were killed, although the universe was saved.




type=Giant crustaceans
planet=Earth Colony World
New Earth
start="The Macra Terror"
The Macra first appear in the 1967 Second Doctor story "The Macra Terror" by Ian Stuart Black. They are an intelligent, giant crab-like species from an unnamed planet colonised by humanity in the future. The Macra invade the control centre of the colony and seize the levers of power without the colonistsincluding their Pilotknowing what had happened. Thereafter the Macra only appear at night, when the humans are in their quarters, observing a curfew. They have strong hypnotic powers which alter human perception. They also have the ability to ensure messages are vocalised through electronic apparatus such as television or sensor speakers. Both these tools are used to keep the human colonists under control, believing they are blissfully happy. This provides a cover for the Macra to use the colonists as miners in a vast gas mine. The gas is deadly to the miners but vital to the Macra, enabling them to move more quickly and rejuvenating their abilities. The Second Doctor effects a revolution on the Macra planet and helps engineer an explosion in the control centre, destroying the Macra in charge.

The Macra also feature in the 2007 episode "Gridlock", becoming the only one-off opponent of the Doctor in the classic series to appear in the revived series so far. (They are also the opponent whose consecutive appearances have been furthest apart, a record previously held by the Autons as of Rose.) In the episode, some Macra are found to be alive below New New York, a city of New Earth. They live in the thick fog of exhaust gases on the main motorway under the city, tracking the flying cars by their lights and snatching at them when they get too close. The Doctor says that the species is billions of years old and once developed a mighty empire as "the scourge of this galaxy", but the Macra beneath New New York must have devolved into nothing more than beasts. The status of the Macra beyond "Gridlock" is yet to be seen.


type=Humanoid insects

The Malmooth are a race of humanoid insects native to the planet Malcassairo, who are all but extinct by the year 100 trillion. The last surviving member of their race, Chantho, played by Chipo Chung, appears in "Utopia". A devoted assistant to Professor Yana (Derek Jacobi) for 17 years, when the Professor is revealed to be the Master and proceeds to turn on the Doctor and his companions, Chantho threatens to kill him. He electrocutes her, but she manages to shoot him before dying, forcing him to regenerate.

A feature of Chantho's speech is that she starts and ends her sentences with "chan" and "tho", respectively. She considers it "rude" to do otherwise, tantamount to swearing.

Physical features of the Malmooth include an insectoid exoskeleton and mandibles, and the ability to survive by drinking their own internal milk.

Mandragora Helix







type=Bipedal insects
affiliation=Zarbi, Optera
start="The Web Planet"
The Menoptra (spelled Menoptera in the novelisation of the serial) appeared in the First Doctor story "The Web Planet", by Bill Strutton (1965). They are an intelligent, bipedal insectoid species from the planet Vortis. In appearance, they resemble a cross between giant butterflies and bees, with each Menoptra possessing four large wings. They have yellow and black stripes around their bodies and appear to be around six feet tall, but do not seem to have typical insect body parts (such as mandibles or an abdomen).

Peaceful and kindly by nature, the Menoptra move in a unique, stylised way and their vocal inflections are stilted. They were very welcoming of the First Doctor, Ian, Barbara, and Vicki; but showed an animosity towards their fellow insectoids, the Zarbi, as well as an abhorrence for the Animus, a hostile alien intelligence that had taken over the originally passive Zarbi and almost all of Vortis. Once it was clear that the Doctor was willing to help them defeat the Animus, they were only too glad to assist in any way they could.

The assumption is that once the Animus was defeated, the Menoptra, Zarbi and the rest of the inhabitants of Vortis were able to live together in peace.



type=Amphibious humanoids
affiliation=Galatron Mining Corporation
planet=Thoros Beta
start="Vengeance on Varos"
The Mentors are an amphibious race native to the planet Thoros Beta. They have two arms but no lower limbs, and speak to other species through a translation device worn around their necks. The most notable of the Mentors is Sil, whom the Sixth Doctor and Peri encountered first on the planet Varos in "Vengeance on Varos", and then again on Thoros Beta in "Mindwarp". Both stories were written by Philip Martin. Other Mentors include Lord Kiv (portrayed by Christopher Ryan), their leader. Typical Mentor business practice includes arms dealing and slave trading. They are somewhat like the Ferengi of Star Trek, which they pre-date, in that all they care about is profit.

Midnight Creature

name= Unknown
affiliation= None
planet= Midnight

A mysterious, unnamed and unseen creature, found on the surface of the planet Midnight, an environment supposedly inimical to all life. Described briefly as a "shadow" glimpsed running across the landscape, it was encountered in Shuttle Bus 50 in "Midnight." It violently boarded and took over the body and mind of Sky Silvestry, repeating the speech patterns of the passengers, influencing them, and then consuming the Doctor's voice. The shuttle's hostess ultimately sacrificed herself by opening a door and sucking them both out of the bus, where Silvestry's body was presumably vaporised by the deadly Xtonic sunlight. Though its hold on the Doctor and the other passengers was broken, the nature and fate of the creature itself remains uncertain. Disturbingly, even the Doctor has no idea of what the creature is.


Mire Beast







The Movellans,who made their first and only appearance to date in the Fourth Doctor serial "Destiny of the Daleks", originated from outside the galaxy and were adversaries of the Daleks.

The Movellans outwardly resemble physically attractive humans, of various ethnicities and both genders. All of the Movellan androids wear white, form-fitting uniforms and wear their hair in silver braids. Being androids, the Movellans are stronger and have more endurance than normal humans. However, the major weakness of the Movellan design is that each android's external power pack, carried on its belt, can be easily removed to completely shut down the android. The power pack circuitry can also be modified, reprogramming the android to obey human orders.













type=Squid-faced humanoids
affiliation=Second Great and Bountiful Human Empire
planet=Ood Sphere: Horsehead Nebula
start="The Impossible Planet"
The Ood are a humanoid species with coleoid tentacles on the lower portions of their faces. In the distant future (circa 42nd century), the Ood are a slave race to humanity, performing menial tasks, and it is claimed that every human has an Ood servant. According to human characters in their first appearance, the Ood offer themselves for servitude willingly, having no goals of their own except to be given orders and to serve. It is also claimed that they cannot look after themselves, and if they do not receive orders, they pine away and die. However, mention is made of a group called the "Friends of the Ood" who are apparently lobbying for Ood freedom. Ood also have purple blood.

The Ood require a translator device, a small sphere connected to their "mouths" by a tube, to facilitate speech between them and humans. The tube was originally connecting their external brains to their body, but to use the creatures, far future humans would amputate the brain and instead fix the translator sphere where the brain used to be. There appears to be no gender differentiation among the Ood, and they say they require no names or titles as they are "one", but they do have designations such as "Ood 1 Alpha 1". The Ood are empaths, sharing among themselves a low-level telepathic communication field, rated at "Basic 5" (with "Basic 30" being the equivalent of screaming and "Basic 100" meaning brain death). When reaching out with their telepathic fields, it can be heard as singing.According to the Official Doctor Who Annual 2007 the Ood live on a planet in the Horsehead Nebula where they were governed by a Hive Mind but it was destroyed by Human colonists. According to the monster book "Creatures and Demons", published in 2007, it says they come from the "Ood Sphere", close to the "Sense Sphere" planet, home to the Sensorites, who share a similarity with the Ood. With no hive mind the Ood offered themselves to the Human colonists and became a slave race.

When encountered by the Tenth Doctor and Rose Tyler in "The Impossible Planet", a large number of Ood accompanied a human-led expeditionary force on the planet Krop Tor, orbiting a black hole. The empathic nature of the Ood seemed to make them susceptible to psychic possession by the Beast, who formed the Ood on the base into his "Legion". While possessed, the Ood 'zapped' and killed two human security guards by throwing their translation spheres at them.

The Ood were defeated when Danny Bartok, the expedition member in charge of them, broadcasted a telepathic flare which reduced their field to "Basic Zero", creating a "brainstorm" which caused them to collapse. However, the telepathic field began to reassert itself after a time. When Krop Tor was sucked into the black hole, the Doctor was unable to save any of the Ood on the base, who had been freed of the Beast's control, and all of them perished. It is unknown if the Ood on Earth, which were seen in "The Impossible Planet"'s TARDISODE, and on their home planet of the Ood Sphere, were influenced by the Beast's control, or not.

On the return of the Ood in the 2008 story Planet of the Ood, [cite web|last=|first=|authorlink=|coauthors=|title="Return Of The Ood"|work=Doctor Who News|publisher=BBC|date=2007-07-25|url=|format=|doi=|accessdate=2007-07-26] it was revealed that they are not, in fact, born to serve, but are an enslaved race, with the translation spheres actually replacing their hind brain which had contained their individual personalities. The Doctor aids and successfully frees the race by releasing the main Ood brain, which links all Ood with a telepathic link (which may be why they were before only able to communicate at basic 5). Before this time it had been encapsuled for 200 years by those profiting from the Ood slave trade, Ood Operations. Over that time the brain adapted (either due or helped by the gradual lowering of its suppression field by a Friends Of The Ood activist infiltrated in Ood Operations), allowing it to influence the Ood's actions. It made some feral and vengeful, causing their eyes to glow as possession by the Beast did, while another it controlled to genetically reengineer the head of the slave trading company into an Ood. Once the Hive brain was freed, the Oods' song could be heard throughout the Human Empire, by Ood and Human alike. After this, all Ood were freed and sent back to the planet of the Ood. In 2008, as part of the first wave of series 4 action figures, there will be releases of a natural Ood and Ood Sigma. There has previously been a release of a normal Ood action figure.


type=multipedal insects
affiliation=Zarbi, Menoptra
start="The Web Planet"
The Optera appeared in the First Doctor story "The Web Planet" by Bill Strutton. These caterpillar-like creatures were once Menoptra, but they elected to instead burrow under the ground and abandon the world of light and flight above. It is implied that they may have been driven there by the malevolent Animus.

They have larger eyes than their Menoptra brethren, and have no wings. However, they have numerous arms and appear to "hop" in a stylised way (although whether or not they actually have legs is unclear). They speak with inflection different to that of their bee-like cousins, but their speech is a strange dialect of the language of the "upper world" and words and phrases they have coined for themselves (for example, when they refer to how they plan to dig a hole in a wall they say, "We shall make a mouth in it.")

At the story's end, the Animus is defeated and the Optera are persuaded to return to the surface, where they look forward to their children learning the joys of flight; implying that once back on the surface the Optera will redevelop wings. It is assumed that all of species indigenous to Vortis are now living peacefully together.


The Osirans are a powerful alien race who are equal to the Time Lords. Sutekh, a renegade who became evil, was one of them. He was pursued across the galaxy by his brother Horus and was finally defeated on Earth by the combined might of 740 Osirans. Sutekh was trapped on a pyramid on Mars.



Pig Slave

In "Daleks in Manhattan" and "Evolution of the Daleks" (2007), the Cult of Skaro experiments on humans and turn them into Pig Slaves if they present a low level of intelligence. Just why the Daleks chose such a form for their slaves is unknown. The Pig Slaves took people down into the sewers of Manhattan for the Daleks to experiment on in the basement of the Empire State Building. Some pigs hide in a Broadway theatre that Tallulah, a showgirl, performs at. Tallulah later sees her lost boyfriend, Laszlo, played by Ryan Carnes, unbeknown to Tallulah kidnapped by a Pig Slave and left half-pig half-man after escaping from the Daleks. Post-mutation, Laszlo still retains most of his memory and personality since he managed to escape before the process could be completed. He leaves a single white rose for Tallulah in her dressing room each night before her performance and is able to resist the Daleks, unlike the other mutants. They are extremely aggressive and savage creatures, and according to Laszlo, capable of slitting a throat with their bare teeth. However, they are also vulnerable and have very short lifespans, only lasting up to a few weeks.

The Torchwood Institute website states that 1930s New York suffered an infestation similar to the Weevil infestation of Cardiff in the late 2000s, and that it was covered up by rumours of sewer crocodiles. [cite web |url=|archiveurl=| archivedate=2007-05-07| title=1950s Torchwood memo (partial) |accessdate=2007-01-26 |work=BBC-created Torchwood Institute website ] This is presumably intended by the website's producers to tie in the New York's Pig Slave infestation of Daleks in Manhattan with the stories of the Torchwood universe.


Race of shape-changing aliens who lived off the richest veins of haemoglobin they could find. They absorb blood from their victims, which in turn changes their own blood makeup to that of the victim's blood, thereby being able to mimic other species when medically scanned. A plasmavore was hiding in the Royal Hope Hospital on Earth, disguised as Florence Finnegan.





type=Molten golems
start="The Fires of Pompeii"
The Pyroviles are a race of aliens which appeared in the episode "The Fires of Pompeii". With a stone skin held together by living magma, their shape resembles Roman gladiators. One of their ships fell to Earth thousands of years ago, shattering them into dust. The 62 AD earthquake caused by Vesuvius re-awakened them, and they possessed human hosts in nearby Pompeii. These hosts helped the few adult Pyroviles who had survived to construct an energy conversion matrix to use Vesuvius's lava to conquer Earth and power the conversion of the whole human race into adult Pyroviles, to replace their lost homeworld of Pyrovilia, which, according to Lucius (a Roman augur working for the Pyroviles), was "lost". Throwing water over them is fatal, since it causes their magma to cool. They are also capable of breathing fire; their breath is shown as powerful enough to incinerate a human in seconds. The invading Pyroviles were supposedly destroyed in the AD 79 eruption of Mount Vesuvius.

In "The Stolen Earth"/"Journey's End", it is revealed that Pyrovilia was among the 27 planets snatched into the Medusa Cascade by the New Dalek Empire. After their defeat, all the planets were returned to their rightful places. With the reappearance of their homeworld, there may be hope for any remaining Pyroviles.

In 2008, as part of the first wave of Dr who series 4 action figures, there will be a Pyrovile Priestess action figure and a 8 inch Pyrovile figure with Roman soldier, from this episode.



The Raak was a sea monster experimented on by Crozier in "Mindwarp" (1986).


type=Humanoid arachnids
affiliation=Racnoss Empire
first="The Runaway Bride"
The Racnoss appeared in the Tenth Doctor story "The Runaway Bride" in 2006.

The Racnoss were an ancient race of aliens from the Dark Times of the universe. Half-humanoid, half-arachnid in appearance, they were an invasion force who consumed everything on the planets they conquered (they were always insatiably hungry, even at the moment of birth). Their race was wiped out by the Fledgeling Empires, including (and judging by the Empress's anger and fear at the mention of Gallifrey, in particular) the Time Lords, over 4.6 billion years ago. Nearly all of the survivors of the race escaped in their ship to where the Earth would later form, serving in place of a planetesimal as its core, hibernating for billions of years, with the exception of their Empress. She would later come to Earth in her ship, the Webstar, seeking to use the Huon particles which had been recreated by the Torchwood Institute as a means of resurrecting her "children" before feasting on the human population of Earth. The last Racnoss were presumed wiped out when the Doctor drained the waters of the Thames down the shaft leading to their ship; the Empress was killed when her own ship was destroyed by the British army at the order of Mr. Saxon.

The Empress appears briefly in a flashback in Turn Left. In the parallel universe created by Donna Noble, she has still been defeated, but the Doctor, not having enough time to regenerate, died with her, causing the Earth to become a dystopia over the next few years.

Raston Warrior Robot

The Raston Robot is an advanced killing machine that relies on movement to track its quarry. Its speed is such that if it leaps from the ground, it will appear to have teleported. As for weapons and shielding, it is built with a impenetrable yet flexible armour, and the speed and accuracy by which it throws projectiles make them just as deadly as bullets.


type=Extradimensional flying reptiles
planet=None (Outside of time and space)
start="Father's Day"

Reapers appeared in the Ninth Doctor episode "Father's Day", written by Paul Cornell. Although not named on screen, they were referred to as "Reapers" in the publicity material for the episode. The production team based their design on the Grim Reaper, with their tails shaped like scythes.

Reapers are multi-limbed, flying reptiles similar to pterosaurs, with a large wingspan, sharp teeth both in the form of a beak and a secondary mouth in their torsos, coupled with a rapacious attitude. The Reapers are apparently extradimensional, materialising and dematerialising out of the spacetime vortex. They are attracted to temporal paradoxes that damage time, like bacteria swarming around a wound. They then proceed to "sterilise" the wound by consuming everyone in sight.

Once in this dimension, however, they can be blocked by material barriers. The older the barriers, the more effective they are, but even the oldest of barriers cannot stop them forever. Paradoxes can also allow them to directly materialise at the spot of the paradox. If the timeline is restored, they vanish, with their actions reversed as if they had never happened.

In "Father's Day", the Doctor explained that when the Time Lords were still around, there were laws to prevent the spread of paradoxes and that such paradoxes could be repaired. This implies that the Reapers are a natural phenomenon whose manifestation could be prevented if the paradox was resolved quickly. However, with the elimination of the other Time Lords in the Time War, there was no longer any agency that could repair time.




and Beast



Straw-filled foot soldiers created by Son of Mine, using molecular fringe animation. Relentless, untiring, with rudimentary intelligence, even after being cut down by machine-gun fire, they could be reanimated.

ea Devil

eaweed Creature




An alien race said to have big foreheads.



isterhood of Karn



Solid leather, animated by rudimentary intelligence, these drones always worked in pairs. A Plasmavore hiding on Earth from Judoon justice sculpted a pair of Slabs into resembling human despatch riders so they could blend into the background at the Royal Hope Hospital, where the Plasmavore was staying. The Doctor destroyed one Slab with an overdose of Roentgen radiation from the hospital's X-ray machine, whilst the other was vaporised by the Judoon.



The Slyther was a monster that served the Daleks. It was seen in episodes four and five of "The Dalek Invasion of Earth" (1964), guarding the Dalek mines in Bedfordshire. After the Slyther attacked a small group of humans, killing Ashton, Ian hit it with a rock, causing it to fall down a pit to its death.




The Spiridons featured in the serial "Planet of the Daleks" (1973). They were the dominant species of sentient humanoids on planet Spiridon in the Ninth System. They had developed a form of invisibility but became visible after death. They had been subjugated, to be used as experimental subjects and slaves, by the Daleks who were attempting to discover the secret of the Spiridons' invisibility and reproduce it for their own use. Some of the Spiridons, including one called Wester, resisted. They wore furs to keep themselves warm. The Doctor returns to Spiridon in spin-off audio adventure "Return of the Daleks".






planet=Fire Trap (JX82 system)
start="The Christmas Invasion"
The Sycorax first appeared in the debut Tenth Doctor story, "The Christmas Invasion", in 2005.

The Sycorax appear to be skinless humanoids wearing mantles of bone, usually keeping their features concealed under helmets. They are proficient in the use of weapons like swords and whips, the latter which can deliver an energy discharge that disintegrates the flesh of its target. Their language is called Sycoraxic. The Sycorax also appear to have technology that is either disguised or treated as magic, referring to "curses" and the Doctor's regenerative abilities as "witchcraft". The Sycorax leader referred to an "armada" that they could use to take Earth by force if the blood control failed. They also appear to have a martial society, with traditions of honourable combat, yet they have no qualms about killing prisoners. According to the BBC website, the Sycorax facial structure was inspired by the skull of a horse.Fact|date=May 2008

According to a write-up by Russell T DaviesFact|date=May 2008 on the BBC website, the Sycorax (whose individual lifespan is over 400 years) originated on an asteroid in the distant JX82 system, known as the Fire Trap. They were uplifted when a spaceship crashed on their asteroid and the Sycorax Leader enslaved the survivors, forcing the aliens to teach them about their technology. The asteroid was then retrofitted into the first of many spaceships, which the Sycorax then used to raid other planets, becoming feared interstellar scavengers (this reputation is made clear in their attitude to other 'inferior' races. The Sycorax leader comments to Rose that he would not 'dirty his tongue' with her language, and their translated word for 'human' can also be taken to mean 'cattle'). Their armada is permanently in orbit around the Jewel of Staa Crafell.

In "The Doctor Who Files" books, the name of the Sycorax homeworld is given as "Sycorax". It is unclear if this is another name for the Fire Trap. DWspinoff Furthermore, after the destruction of the Fire Trap, the Sycorax spread further through the galaxy, and like humans are one of three species that continually survive and adapt, even unto the End of the Universe.

The name Sycorax is used in William Shakespeare's play "The Tempest", a witch who was the mother of the beast Caliban. It is also the name of one of the moons of Uranus, all of which are named after Shakespearean characters. The Shakespearean name is referenced in the third series episode "The Shakespeare Code" when the Doctor finds a horse's skull in The Globe's prop cupboard. He comments that it "Reminds [him] too much of the Sycorax". Shakespeare remarks he likes the sound of the word, obviously then going on to use it in "The Tempest".

Other media

In issue #1 of the IDW published Doctor Who comic book, a Sycorax is collecting near-dead species to use with shape-shifters for expensive hunts. The Doctor uses his sonic screwdriver to set the Sycorax's ship to a research planet. However, the Sycorax goes back in to his ship to retrieve the screwdriver. The screwdriver self-destructs as the specimens escape. It is left ambiguous as to whether the Sycorax is killed. The Sycorax also make a return in the Tenth Doctor comic strip "The Widow's Curse", in "Doctor Who Magazine" #395, starring Donna Noble, first appearing in the clffhanger of part 1. The DWM comic story is the first appearance of female Sycorax, who seem to operate separately from the males.

The Sycorax are a race of scavengers, form the asteroid they call Fire Trap, though that was destroyed long ago. Legend has it that the Sycorax will-with humanity-survive until the end of the universe. [Doctor Who Starships And Spacestations 2008]


Taran beast


type=Reptilian humanoid
affiliation=Galactic Federation?
start="The Visitation"
The Terileptils appeared in the Fifth Doctor serial "The Visitation" by Eric Saward. They are a reptilian humanoid species, they cannot survive long without breathing soliton gas, which is highly combustible when combined with oxygen. As an advanced society, they enjoy a heightened appreciation of both aesthetics and warfare, and have been known to employ bejeweled androids. Criminal punishment in Terileptil society includes life imprisonment working in tinclavic mines on the planet Raaga, often with sub-standard medical care.

In 1666, a group of Terileptil prison escapees hidden near London attempted to use a genetically enhanced version of the Black Plague to destroy humanity. The destruction of their lab in Pudding Lanewith help from the Doctorcauses the Great Fire of London.

The Terileptils destroyed the Sonic Screwdriver which did not appear again until the Doctor Who TV Movie and it is now used regularly in the new series.

According to the Virgin Missing Adventures novel "The Dark Path" by David A. McIntee, by the 34th century, their homeworld Terileptus is a member of the Galactic Federation, and a noted builder of starships. A Terileptil also appears as the chief engineer on a Federation starship. The planet is destroyed during the events described in the novel; however, as with all spin-off media, the canonicity of this information is uncertain.



type=Bat-like humanoids
affiliation=The Rani
start="Time and the Rani"
The Tetraps are a bat-like race from the planet Tetrapyriarbus. A pack of Tetraps was employed by the Rani to help defend her Giant Brain in the Seventh Doctor's debut story, "Time and the Rani" (1987) by Pip and Jane Baker. The Rani armed a pack of Tetraps for this purpose and used them as general henchmen to terrorise the native Lakertyans.

Tetraps have four eyes, one on each side of their head, giving them all-round vision, and put this to good use in stalking fugitives. Like bats, they sleep by hanging upside-down in a cavern. They feed off a dark red-coloured sludge that the Lakertyan leader releases down a chute into a trough.

Tetraps possess limited intelligence, but they soon realise that the Rani's plans would have them all killed on Lakertya. This is confirmed when their leader, Urak, hears of her plans and she later leaves him to guard over her laboratory rather than take him with her in her TARDIS, thus condemning him to death. Urak and the enraged Tetraps capture the Rani in her ship and take her back to their home planet, to force her to help solve their natural resource shortages.




Time Beetle

name=Time Beetle
type=Time-sensitive insectoids
affiliation=The Trickster Fortune teller
start="Turn Left"
The Time Beetle [In the "Doctor Who Confidential" episode accompanying "Turn Left", Russell T Davies stated that the production team refer to it as the Time Beetle.] is a member of the "Trickster's Brigade", a group of aliens who serve the Trickster. The Trickster first appeared in the "The Sarah Jane Adventures". The Time Beetle, similar to the Trickster himself, feeds on time energy and can cause a victim to change a decision they made in the past, thereby altering history. The change in history is usually very minor, affecting only the person the beetle attaches to; the universe simply "compensates" for the discrepancy. However, as is the case with Donna, even the slightest change of decision can alter the whole future in unimaginable ways (chaos theory).

When the beetle attaches to Donna in "Turn Left", it prevents her from ever meeting the Doctor. The resulting change of history is disastrousthe Doctor, Martha Jones, Sarah Jane Smith, and Torchwood staff Ianto Jones and Gwen Cooper were all killed, the city of London was completely destroyed, Captain Jack Harkness was taken to the Sontaran homeworld, and millions of people died from threats the Doctor would have otherwise prevented. Furthermore, if the change had been carried out to its conclusion, reality itself would have been destroyed by Davros.

In an accompanying "Monster Files" episode, Captain Jack raised doubts over whether the whole of the Trickster's brigade consists of beetles, suggesting all individuals are of different species.

Time Lord


caption=The interior of a Toclafane, showing the human face
type=Humans integrated into metallic spheres
affiliation=The Master
start="The Sound of Drums"
last="Last of the Time Lords"
The Toclafane [Their name has been quoted by [ Doctor Who Fact Files] on the BBC's website as meaning roughly "Fool the fan", in French. It has actually no meaning in that language.] are the last remnants of humanity from the year 100 trillion. Originally intending to travel to "Utopia" (from the episode of the same name), the last refuge of a dying universe, they find nothing but "the dark and the cold" of space. With nothing else left, they turned on themselves, cannibalising their own bodies to create a new cyborg race. As part of this process they regress into little more than children (for example, when one is asked why they would kill their own kind, it responds, "Because it's fun") with shared memories. The name Toclafane is given to them by the Master, who takes it from the Gallifreyan equivalent of the bogeyman.

The Toclafane's cyborg forms possess energy devices capable of killing and disintegrating targets. They are equipped with numerous retractable blades. The first four also exhibit apparent teleportation or cloaking abilities, not displayed by others of their race. All that remains of their bodies are barely recognisable human faces wired into basketball-sized mechanical spheres.

In "The Sound of Drums"/"Last of the Time Lords", the Master rescues four Toclafane from the end of the universe and beyond, using them to fake a first contact situation in order to draw the world's leaders into one place for easy capture. He then uses a "paradox machine" (in fact the Doctor's captured TARDIS, reconfigured) to allow the future of the human race to slaughter many in the present, in short bringing the six billion humans that were alive in the year 100 trillion to return (in the form of the Toclafane). The paradox machine creates a temporal paradox, allowing them to kill their ancestors without damaging themselves, and thus establish the Master's rule over Earth. After subduing Earth, the Master aims to establish a new Time Lord empire with himself as the leader and the Toclafane as his people and ground troops. This plan is foiled when the paradox machine is destroyed, causing time to rewind and trapping the Toclafane back at the end of the universe.

The Toclafane feature on the cover of the New Series Adventures novel, "The Story of Martha", which chronicles Martha's adventures during The Year That Never Was.



Trin E and Zu Zana






The Usurians from the planet Usurius are a species that abandoned military conquest in favour of economic conquest. They enslaved humanity after their engineers made Mars suitable for human habitation, humans having depleted the Earth's resources. Once humanity had depleted Mars's resources as well, the Usurians engineered Pluto so that humans could inhabit it. They created six artificial "Suns" around it and installed the Collector, seen in "The Sun Makers", to oversee the collection of taxes from their human workforce. They intended to abandon Pluto and leave humanity to become extinct once the humans had exhausted its resources, there being no economically viable planet to relocate humanity to once more. The humans on Pluto revolted against the Collector and seized control of Pluto. The revolutionaries intended to relocate to Earth as the Doctor assured them it would have regenerated in their absence.

The Usurians have knowledge of the Time Lords, graded as "Grade 3" in their "latest market survey", considering it to be of low commercial value. Usurians can adopt a humanoid form but in their natural state they resemble seaweed. Shock can force them to revert to their natural form. According to the Doctor, Usurians are listed in a "flora and fauna" of the universe written by a Professor Thripthead under poisonus fungi.






Varga plant

name=Varga Plants
type=Animal/plant hybrid
start="Mission to the Unknown"
The Varga plants (sometimes Vaarga) appeared in the First Doctor episode "Mission to the Unknown" and the serial "The Daleks' Master Plan", which were essentially a prologue and main epic respectively. They were created by Terry Nation.

Varga Plants grew naturally on the Daleks' homeworld, Skaro, and when the Daleks set up a base on the planet Kembel they brought some Varga plants with them to act as sentries in the jungle surrounding their base. They were suited to this as they could move around freely by dragging themselves along with their roots.

Varga plants resemble cacti; they are covered in fur and thorns. Anyone pricked by a Varga thorn will be consumed by the urge to kill, while simultaneously becoming a Varga plant themselves.

This grisly fate happened to astronauts Jeff Garvey and Gordon Lowery, and their commander, Marc Cory, was forced to kill them.

The plants later made an appearance in the Big Finish audio "". In this, it was revealed that the Varga plants were one of the oldest species on Skaro, but for most of their history had been immobile. Since the start of the Kaled-Thal war however, exposure to radiation and chemical weapons had caused them to rapidly evolve into a much deadlier form, capable of self-locomotion. It was this discovery that caused Davros to become interested in genetically engineering creatures in order to create weapons of war.


Vashta Nerada

name=Vashta Nerada
type=Carnivorous swarm
planet= Practically universal
start="Silence in the Library"
Vashta Nerada (literally: the shadows that melt the flesh) are microscopic swarm creatures which, when present in a high enough concentration, are totally indistinguishable from shadows, and use this to their advantage in approaching and attacking prey. They are described as the "piranhas of the air", able to strip their victims to the bone in an instant in high enough densities. The Doctor says that almost every planet in the universe has some, including Earth, and claims that they can be seen as the specks of dust visible in unusually bright light. On most planets, however, Vashta Nerada exist in relatively low concentrations, and are carrion eaters (on Earth, Vashta Nerada are said to subsist largely on roadkill), with attacks on people being comparatively rare (although the Doctor does attribute the seemingly irrational fear of darkness common to many species as a perfectly rational fear of the Vashta Nerada). In the episode "Silence in the Library", an unusually high concentration of Vashta Nerada had completely overrun the 51st century "Library" (an installation covering the surface of an entire planet and apparently containing every book ever written), resulting in the apparent death of everyone inside at the time.Vashta Nerada normally live in forested areas, and reproduce by means of microscopic spores (from which they hatch) which can lay dormant in wood pulp. In the episode "Forest of the Dead", this is revealed to be the reason for their unusual prevalence in The Library, as it is made known that the books and The Library itself were constructed of wood from the Vashta Nerada's native forest feeding grounds.

Venom Grub


Artificially created plant-based humanoids who possess problem-solving intelligence and the power of speech; they were intended to perform tasks usually carried out by robots, but for a fraction of the cost. Unfortunately they instead decided to eradicate all of 'animalkind'. Vervoids had about the size and strength of humans, but were covered in leaves which provided them with energy through photosynthesis. They possessed thorns so poisonous they could kill a human on contact, and could produce copious amounts of methane-based swamp gas.


type=Morphing insectoids
planet= Unknown, Silfrax Galaxy
start="The Unicorn and the Wasp"
The Vespiform are a species resembling giant wasps, born "en masse" in hives in the Silfrax Galaxy. Each possesses the ability to morph into other species, leaving a sticky residue when it does so. It also has the ability to breed with other speciesincluding humansto produce offspring (it is assumed it would have to be morphed into that species to do this). The "Monster Files" feature establishes them as an ancient race and that they have fought the Quarks. [ [ BBC - Doctor Who - Videos - Series Four ] ]

Vespiform have a telepathic connection to objects called firestones, which contain part of their mind. Like Earth's wasps, the Vespiform are vulnerable to water. A Vespiform-human hybrid can live a normal life as a human until a burst of intense emotion (such as extreme anger) awakens its alien biology. They are said to be at war with the Quark rebels. When the Vespiform morphs into another species it emits a purple aura. The Vespiform also pronounces the letter 'S' as 'zzzzz', in a sound similar to that made by an Earth wasp.

In The Unicorn and the Wasp, when the Vespiform appears it goes on a killing spree to keep anybody from revealing that it is actually the son of the rich Lady Eddison. The Vespiform attempts to kill the Doctor by poisoning his drink with cyanide. The drink was poisoned by Reverend Golightly, the human version of the Vespiform. In the end the Vespiform is killed by Donna Noble who drowns it in a lake.







The Waterhive is the description given to an unnamed alien race from the New Series Adventures novel "The Feast of the Drowned". They are composed of water (much as the Gelth are gaseous) and can take over the body of a drowned being. The body is thus preserved, although the eyes of their host will become "pearly", forcing glasses to be worn. They infiltrated the high ranks of the Navy in order to send sailors and their loved ones to their watery graves.

Weeping Angels

name=Weeping Angel

type=Winged humanoids/statues
The Weeping Angels are a group of hunters featured in the Tenth Doctor episode "Blink". Because their physiology is quantum-locked, they only occupy a single position in space when seen by an observer (see Schrödinger's Cat). When they are not observed they become a "quantum wave form" that occupies many positions in space, thus they cannot move while being observed; but when they are not they can appear to travel exceedingly quickly. They use this ability to approach and attack unwary prey. They turn to stone when observed, acting as a defense mechanism. While in their locked state they appear as stone statues, often covering their eyes so that they will not see themselves, and lock themselves forever. This defense mechanism is what gave them the name "Weeping Angels".

According to the Doctor, the Angels are as old as the universe (or very nearly) but no one really knows where they come from. He also describes them as "creatures of the abstract", "the lonely assassins", and "the only psychopaths in the universe to kill you nicely", because their method of killing doesn't do anything of the sort: a touch sends their victims into the past to live out their lives before they were even born; the Angels then feed on the "potential energy" of the lives their victims would have lived in the present.

In "Blink", a quartet of Weeping Angels strand the Doctor and his companion Martha Jones in the year 1969, and attempt to feed off the vast potential energy reserves of the TARDIS. Despite dispatching the Doctor, the Angels fail to get into the TARDIS; though they get the key, they can't find the machine itself. Sally Sparrow takes the key from one of them while it is in stone form, leading them to stalk Sally to regain it. During their pursuit, Sally inadvertently leads them to the TARDIS. Eventually the four Angels, having surrounded the TARDIS, are tricked into looking at each other when the box disappears, leaving them deadlocked in their stone forms.

In a poll conducted by BBC, taking votes from 2,000 readers of the "Doctor Who Adventures" magazine, the Weeping Angels were voted the scariest monsters of 2007 with 55% of the vote; the Master and the Daleks took second and third place, with 15% and 4% of the vote, respectively. The Daleks usually come out on top in such polls. Moray Laing, Editor of "Doctor Who Adventures", praised the concept of escaping a monster by not blinking, something both simple and difficult to do. [cite web|title=Monster Hit|url=|work=BBC|date=2007-09-12|accessdate=2007-10-08]

The Weeping Angels came in at number three in Neil Gaiman's Top Ten New Classic Monsters in Entertainment Weekly. [cite web|title=Neil Gaiman: My Top 10 New Classic Monsters|url=,,20213067_20213322_20214359_3,00.html|work=Entertainment Weekly|date=2008-07|accessdate=2008-08-12]

Blink won the Hugo award for Best Dramatic Presentation (short form) in 2008.cite news |title=2008 Hugo Award Results Announced |url= |publisher=Hugo Awards website |date=2008-08-09 |accessdate=2008-08-11 ]



type=Parasitic insectoids
planet= Somewhere in "Andromeda"
start="The Ark in Space"
The Wirrn are an insectoid race that made their debut in the 1975 Fourth Doctor story "The Ark in Space". The name is sometimes spelled Wirrrn, which is a spelling originating from the novelisation of the story.

The Wirrn claim to have originated from Andromeda (whether they meant the galaxy, the constellation, or even a planet named "Andromeda" is unclear), but were driven into space by human settlers. They are slightly larger than humans, dark green and wasp-like in appearance, and live mostly in space, although their breeding colonies are terrestrial. Their bodies are a self-contained system, their lungs being able to recycle waste carbon dioxide and only needing to touch down occasionally on planetary bodies for food and oxygen. The Wirrn's life cycle involves laying their eggs in living hosts; the larvae emerge to consume the host, absorbing its memories and knowledge. A Wirrn larva is a green slug-like creature, varying in size from a few inches to 1 or 2 metres across. It can "infect" another organism through contact with a substance it excretes, mutating them into an adult Wirrn and connecting their consciousness to the hive mind.

In "The Ark in Space", the Wirrn found Space Station Nerva in orbit around an Earth devastated centuries before by solar flares. The survivors had lain in suspended animation waiting for the planet to recover, but had overslept by several millennia. The Wirrn intended to use the sleepers as a food source and claim the empty Earth for their own, as both a means of survival and an act of revenge against the human race for taking their former territories. In the course of their plan, Noah, leader of Nerva, was infected and converted to their kind. However, Noah still retained "more than a vestige of human spirit", probably thanks to the encouragements of the Doctor, and led the Wirrn into Nerva's transport ship even though he knew it was rigged to explode. It did so, ending the Wirrn threat.

The Wirrn have also appeared in the Eighth Doctor Adventures novel "Placebo Effect" by Gary Russell, and in the audio play "Wirrn: Race Memory", produced by BBV. A dead Wirrn appears briefly in "The Stones of Blood".




type=Gestalt humanoid
affiliation=The Master
The Xeraphin were an ancient species encountered by the Fifth Doctor in the story "Time-Flight" by Peter Grimwade. Originating from the planet Xeriphas, they possessed immense psychokinetic and scientific powers. The Doctor believed the race to have been wiped out during the crossfire during the Vardon/Kosnax war. Instead, the entire race fled to Earth in an escaping spacecraft. The ship crashed near present day Heathrow some 140 million years ago. When the Xeraphin emerged they built a Citadel to mark their new home but the Xeraphin were so plagued with radiation that they abandoned their original humanoid bodies and transformed into a single bioplasmic gestalt intelligence within a sarcophagus at the heart of the Citadel.

The arrival of the Master coincided with their emergence from the gestalt state when the radiation effects had subsided, and his influence caused the emergence of a split personality of good and evil, each side competing for their tremendous power while yearning to become a proper species once again. The Master, who was stranded on Earth at the time too, succeeded in capturing the Xeraphin as a new power source for his TARDIS. However, the Doctor's intervention meant his nemesis' TARDIS was sent to Xeriphas where events became out of his control.

Before fleeing Xeriphas and the Xeraphin, the Master took with him Kamelion, a Xeraphin war weapon with advanced shape-changing abilities dependent on the will of its controller. Kamelion was freed from the Master and joined the Doctor's TARDIS crew in "The King's Demons".







start="The Web Planet"
The Zarbi appeared in the 1965 First Doctor story "The Web Planet" written by Bill Strutton, and are an (ant-like) insectoid species, with some characteristics associated with beetles, from the planet Vortis, which were controlled by the power of the Animus. They are roughly eight feet long, and the Menoptra claim, perhaps a little callously, that they are "little more than cattle".

They possess little intelligence but were not at all aggressive until the Animus arrived. They were enslaved to the alien consciousness and considered the butterfly-like Menoptra (with which they once lived peacefully) their mortal enemies. Only they could control the woodlouse-like venom grubs (also known as larvae guns).

They returned to their normal ways after the Animus was defeated by the First Doctor, Ian Chesterton, Barbara Wright and Vicki. It is presumed that the various species on Vortis are now living peacefully together.


"For details on" Bannakaffalatta, "see" "Voyage of the Damned".



ee also

*List of "Torchwood" monsters and aliens
*List of "The Sarah Jane Adventures" monsters and aliens
*List of "Doctor Who" villains
*List of "Doctor Who" henchmen
*List of "Doctor Who" robots


External links

* [ The Bumper Book of Doctor Who Monsters, Villains & Alien Species]
* [ The "Doctor Who" wiki]

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