

The English suffix -mania denotes an obsession with something; a mania. The suffix is used in some medical terms denoting mental disorders. It has also entered standard English and is affixed to many different words to denote enthusiasm or obsession with that subject.

Mental illnesses or obsessions include:

Psychological conditions

*arithmomania, counting
*bibliomania, collecting books
*dermatillomania, picking at the skin
*dipsomania, alcohol
*erotomania, being loved by someone else
*hypomania, a mild mania, a symptom of manic-depression
*islomania, islands
*kleptomania, stealing
*mania, severely elevated mood
*megalomania, wealth and power
*monomania, a single object, type of object, or concept.
*mythomania, lying
*nymphomania, an obsolete term for female hypersexuality
*pyromania, fire or starting fires
*theomania, belief that one is God or chosen by God for a specific mission.
*trichotillomania, hair removal


*Tulipomania, a metaphor for an economic bubble
* Fennomania and Svecomania, political groups in the Grand Duchy of Finland
*Beatlemania, the Beatles
*Trudeaumania, the Canadian politician Pierre Trudeau
*Pottermania, Harry Potter
*TrackMania, an arcade game
*WrestleMania, the annual flagship pay-per-view event of World Wrestling Entertainment
*Tazmania, An early 1990s cartoon show, featuring Looney Tunes character Taz (The Tasmanian Devil).
*Decalcomania, transferring pictures, an artistic technique

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