Creme 21

Creme 21

Creme 21 is a German brand skincare products originally created by Henkel. During the 1970s its advertising campaign was, according to the manufacturer, the first to show bare skin. During the, 1960s the way in which cosmetics and skincare products were marketed and sold to consumers changed. Cosmetics and skincare products were originally just sold by specialist retailers, such as chemists and department stores. At the same time as the growth in grocery shopping in supermarkets and convenience stores, Henkel announced in 1967 the instigation of project Lebensmitteleinzelhandel-Kosmetik (“grocery and retail-trade cosmetics”). Its aim was to develop different products specifically for self-service retailers, leading to the creation of Creme 21.

The colour orange and the plastic container represented modernity. The number 21, the then-current age the one became a legal adult, expressed that the skincare cream was for young and old, and the whole family.

The product was discontinued in the mid-1980s due to faltering demand. Twenty years, later the entrepreneur Antje Stickel bought the intellectual properties for the product from Henkel and founded Creme 21, GmbH.

The product's name and styling was borrowed in the 1990s by German pop band Creme 21.

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  • crème — [ krɛm ] n. f. et adj. • cresme 1261; craime fin XIIe; lat. pop. d o. gaul. crama, croisé avec chrisma → chrême 1 ♦ Matière grasse du lait dont on fait le beurre. Crème fraîche. Pot de crème. Crème fleurette. Crème épaisse. Crème allégée. Sauce… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • Crême — Crème Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom.  Pour la ville italienne, voir Crema …   Wikipédia en Français

  • creme — CREME. s. f. La partie la plus grasse du lait, de laquelle on fait le beurre. Bonne creme. creme nouvelle. la premiere, la petite creme, ou creme douce. un plat de creme. manger de la creme. fromage de creme. fromage à la creme. tarte à la creme …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • Creme — bzw. Kreme oder Krem (französisch crème „Sahne, Rahm“, von lat. chrisma / griech. chriein „salben“) bezeichnet: einen Farbnamen, siehe Naturfarben Nahrungsmittel: Buttercreme, eine Creme aus Butter, der Puddingcreme, Englische Creme,… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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