Irregular Webcomic!

Irregular Webcomic!
Irregular Webcomic!
IWC title.png
IWC's Title
Author(s) David Morgan-Mar
Current status / schedule Weekly
Launch date 2002-12-31 [1]
Genre(s) Humour

Irregular Webcomic! is a webcomic created by David Morgan-Mar, an Australian physicist. The comic is illustrated photographically, primarily with Lego figures, although a few of the story arcs use role playing game miniatures. The comic debuted on 31 December 2002 and ended on 29 October 2011, possibly turning into a weekly blog. [1]

Irregular Webcomic! has no set frequency for new installments but has tended to update every daymissing only two days since 19 April 2003and has been one of the more regular webcomics out there, with additional strips available fortnightly to subscribers of Pyramid magazine.[2] It has several different 'themes', which have their own characters, with isolated story arcs and occasional crossovers.[3] Some of the comics have annotations, sometimes with an explanation of the humour involved, a behind-the-scenes look at how a comic was made, or an explanation of an obscure reference.

On 29 October 2011, David Morgan-Mar posted a message with a strip displaying a large sign reading "The End", in which he explains his decision to discontinue the creation of new strips.[1] Morgan-Mar's other comics, Darths & Droids and mezzacotta will continue as normal, however, and Irregular Webcomic! will continue weekly in the form of longer annotations, such as he had written for some comics in the past.



IWC Comic for 2008-04-22 from the Espionage theme.
  • Cliffhangers: Dr Montana "Monty" Jones, his father Dr North Dakota Jones, and grandfather Minnesota Jones, together with the ever-useful Sallah, find lost treasures and battle Nazis, primarily Colonel Haken and his loyal assistant Erwin, who are led by Hitler's brain in a jar. The original characters were a parody of Indiana Jones, but later ones like Dr Ginny Smith are Morgan-Mar's own creations. Haken often declares that "Nazi science sneers" at obstacles.
  • Death: The basic theory is that there is one grim reaper (called a Death) for every cause of death. For example, if somebody dies by being sat on by a giant frog, in comes 'Death of Being Sat On By a Giant Frog'. The Head Death controls all other Deaths, and promotes and demotes as he sees fit. Various Deaths have appeared to 'collect' in most of the other themes in the Comic at one time or another, but the theme itself tends to center on the troubles of Death of Insanely Overpowered Fireballs, who is constantly demoted, then promoted back to his position, and his rival Death of Choking on a Giant Frog. At the present time, he has yet to appear in the Supers theme. According to polls on the Irregular Webcomic! homepage, Death is the most popular theme, and Death of Insanely Overpowered Fireballs is the most popular character. All Deaths TALK IN CAPITAL LETTERS when addressing mortals (but not when addressing each other), as does the Death in Terry Pratchett's Discworld series. (One of the Deaths has dialogue paraphrased from Terry Pratchett's biography; yet, in one strip, Morgan-Mar denies ever having read any of Pratchett's workon one hand, saying "Would I lie to you?", but on the other, saying it in one of Pratchett's trademark footnotes while referencing Interesting Times in the comic itself. Sarcastic denials that a character is based on a source are a running gag.)
  • Fantasy (role-play theme): Here, miniature figurines embody the players in a role-playing game with Morgan-Mar himself playing the Gamemaster. They were set a quest, but took ages to get started, due to arson (caused by them) and other distractions while getting equipment. One of the characters, Lambert, is a hobbit, used as fodder for hobbit puns approximately every 100 strips. The other characters are Alvissa (an elf maiden bard, and the only character with a sense of responsibility or ethics), Mordekai (a lovable rogue, not a thief), Kyros (a pyromaniac wizard who keeps Death of Insanely Overpowered Fireballs busy), Draak (Lambert's bodyguard, a monosyllabic lizard man) and Dwalin (a dwarf). These characters are represented by painted miniatures, rather than Lego figures. (See the note below for Space.)
  • Harry Potter: This lets Morgan-Mar put words into the mouths of the famous characters, and lets the reader see another side to Harry Potter.
  • Imperial Rome: About two Roman senators. The creation of this theme was more or less the result of a poll, where readers voted for what new theme they would like. Imperial Rome beat seven other options, with Steampunk at second place.
  • Martians: About three beings from the Red Planet, who regard Earth and mankind's doings with varying degrees of interest. They encountered the Mars Rovers, a Man in Black who doesn't believe in them, and a student called Ishmael whose computer they have taken over. At one point, they waged an information war on Earth and successfully invaded, but gave up after realising the staggering task of actually running the planet.
  • Me: Morgan-Mar makes cameo appearances as himself, in amusing little asides and vignettes. The 'Me' theme does not include his appearances as the GM in the role-playing themes, and Mar has stated that the "Me" character and the opinions he represents are not in fact Mar or Mar's opinions [2].
  • MythBusters: Based on the popular tv show from the Discovery Channel. Like Casey and Andy, Adam and Jamie frequently die in the course of their explosive experiments, but luckily for them death in the comic as a whole is impermanent.
  • Nigerian Finance Minister: Ever wonder who writes those annoying scam e-mails? Well it turns out it really was the Nigerian Finance Minister. How is he supposed to get any work done when nobody answers his e-mails? He has hired both Death and Shakespeare to write emails. This character is male, although from 2003 to 2006 Nigerias actual Minister of Finance was a woman, Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala.
  • Pirates: Sea-faring brigands who talk like stereotypical pirates.
  • Shakespeare: What would William Shakespeare do if he were born 400 years later? Work as a technical writer, apparently, with sidelines in Harry Potter fanfics and Nigerian internet moneymaking. He was writing a novelisation of The Lord of the Rings films, until his colleague Ophelia managed to get his files and back-up files deleted, helped by Mercutio, the sysadmin. They work for Mr Marlowe, who doesn't know what he's supposed to be doing, or what his employees do at work, but is impressed that they know.
  • Space (role-play theme): Science fiction themed strips. The characters, normally painted figurines, spend some of their time on their cargo ship, Legacy, and some in a CG environment (where they appear as Lego minifigures). The ship's computer steals idle computer power from the past. This gives them massive processor power, but brings a whole new meaning to the blue screen of death when life support is dependent on it. Paris, the ship's human pilot, died and was collected by Death, but her shipmates tried to clone her, using skin fragments and the mind pattern stored in the Legacy's computer. The mind pattern was wiped out by a thoughtlessly-installed software upgrade (made possible by Serron), and now Paris is a ghost. She later returned to life when the universe restarted. Other crew members are Serron (a merchant, not a thief), Iki Piki (a diplomat and demolisher), Spanners (electronics and engineering) and Quercus (big plant assistant engineer). Paris is the only human. The Legacy also appears in a crossover with Starslip Crisis: The Alterverse War.
  • Star Wars: Basically allows the author to put words in the mouths of Star Wars characters. This lets him point out some of the problems and idiosyncrasies in the Star Wars universe. The physical impossibilities of the existence of Coruscant using canonical dimensions and thermodynamic laws was one story arc, prompting several emails from Star Wars fans who tried to disprove his points.
  • Steve and Terry: An Australian called Steve (who acts somewhat like the late TV presenter Steve Irwin) and his wife Terry make documentaries, wrestle crocodiles, and fight ungodly beasts from the beyond. Jane Goodall has made appearances to try to keep Steve in check. Cthulhu has made several appearances as Steve's (im)mortal enemy. Steve jumped the shark in a crossover with the Mythbusters.
    • Ironically, a comic where Steve woke up after convalescing from injuries sustained from a crocodile appeared on the same day that Steve Irwin died after being stung by a stingray. The comic was assembled a month before it was supposed to appear, according to David Morgan-Mar.[3] The theme of "Steve and Terry" continued despite of this, with Morgan-Mar claiming that Steve and Terry are not the real couple (with the difference in Terry's name, the real one spelled Terri, being the evidence he gives).[4]
  • Supers (role-play theme): These specially drawn comics only crop up occasionally, but that doesn't stop them being some of the most detailed, crazy takes on Superhero comics. These are drawn by Dean Stahl of Steelhorse studios.

There are often oddly themed crossovers in the comic, such as Steve being fired by Professor Dumbledore from the position of "Professor of Care of Magical Creatures" at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry or the revelation that Hitler's Brain in a Jar from the Cliffhangers theme was actually resurrected by Mythbuster Adam Savage during a Mythbusting contest against Head Death for Adam's life. Generally these crossovers combine only two themes. There have been over ten three-way crossovers and three four-way crossovers. The 1 January 2009 comic (number 2167) contains a fourteen-way crossover; however, the comic panel space is blank to simulate the overlapping "destruction of the universe" scenarios that developed over the crossed-over themes (those IWC! universes were destroyed in the 31 December 2008 comicthe sixth anniversary of the first strip).

The characters in the Fantasy and Space themes are taken from an actual role-playing group, so the same players are behind them. The storylines sometimes reflect that.


The comic is noted among fans for having one of the most elaborate indexing/archiving schemes around. Fans can navigate through each theme independently in either single or 5 strip at a time increments. Crossover strips will be linked into each theme they reference, of course. They can also navigate forwards and backwards chronologically. This can sometimes make the navigation area (which also links to a theme explanation, a number of option settings, and often, a poll) quite large.

Vision-impaired readers

There is an option on the website to turn on a "vision-impaired" mode. When this is in use, the script of the comic being viewed appears between the strip and the navigation area, allowing screen-reader software to read the dialogue aloud, allowing people who are unable to see the art to at least enjoy the words.

The scripts are held in the same database that is used by the search option, so every one of the strips has the script feature available, although it wasn't available when the earliest strips appeared.

Recent developments

  • On 31 December 2006, Morgan-Mar posted a strip in the "Me" theme (number 1435) thanking his readers, critics, and inspirations for the long run of the successful comic. Like most of the comics within the "Me" theme, it consisted of photographs of Morgan-Mar himself breaking the fourth wall and talking directly to the reader. His tone was thankful and suggested (though it was not explicit in any of the dialogue) that the strip had completed its run. Almost immediately, a thread within the forum was created, bemoaning the finale and its sudden nature, though some expressed doubt as to its validity. Twenty-four hours later, he posted a short message complimenting those who had figured it out. The message's posting was accompanied by a new comic, at the usual time.
  • On 5 January 2007, Morgan-Mar posted his first podcast, "What on Earth am I going to do in a podcast?". It is available on iTunes.
  • Infinity on 30 Credits a Day, a fan-created webcomic, utilizing user-submitted content and moderated by polls under the auspices of Morgan-Mar, is currently under construction as a sister project to Irregular Webcomic!.
  • Friends of Morgan-Mar released podcast number 9, facetiously explaining that "David Morgan-Mar" was an acronym of the names of its collaborators: David, Andrew, Vladimir, Ingrid, David, Moon-unit, Oliver, Rodney, Geoff, Apple, Norbert, Michael, Andrew, and Richard. It is also mentioned that extra collaborators joined and the name may have been lengthened to "David Woggle-Morgan-Mar", the Woggle standing for Warren, Oscar, Gillian, Gandalf, Luthee, and Eggwobbler.
  • On 12 July 2007, it was announced on the Modern Tales website that Irregular Webcomic! would no longer be updated at Modern Tales, and that future updates to the comic would only be posted on the Comic's homepage at The comic strip had been updated both on the Modern Tales web site as well as the comic's own since August 2006.
  • On 16 September 2007, a new webcomic was added to the site: "Darths and Droids" spoofs the Star Wars movies by retelling them in the form of a role-playing campaign, in response to a challenge posed by the creator of a similar webcomic, "DM of the Rings".
  • On 18 July 2008, Irregular Webcomic! reached 2000 stripsbecoming, by Morgan-Mar's estimate, one of only 17 webcomics to do so.
  • On 31 December 2008, the complete destruction of the Irregular Webcomic! universe occurred in comic 2166. Strip 2167 on 1 January 2009 was composed of 4 solid white panels, and strip 2168 on 2 January 2009 was composed of 4 panels of very faint shades of blue. The strip changed over a few days from blue, to red, to black, before zooming out to reveal the Head Death and every single IWC character at the Infinite Featureless Plane of Death (except, of course, for James Stud, who by definition cannot die and are continuing his story from comic 2191 and forth).
  • Between 01:00 and 01:30 UTC, 3 January 2009, the Irregular Webcomic! home page was replaced by that of Wheelersburg Raceway, a go-kart facility in Ohio. Some additional pages were copied from Wheelersburg Raceway into the domain, to make links active. At 05:00 UTC 3 January 2009 the site returned to normal. This event was unrelated to the destruction of the IWC universe, apparently caused by a glitch in the webhost's domain addressing.
  • On October 29, 2011 in strip 3198, David Morgan-Mar officially ended the comic strip to continue his other hobbies.[1] He explained his decision citing that he has grown tired and uncreative from making the comic for so many years.


External links

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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