- Tse (Cyrillic)
This article is about Cyrillic letter. For other uses, see Tse (disambiguation).
Cyrillic letter Tse Cyrillic numerals: 900 Unicode (hex) majuscule: U+0426 minuscule: U+0446 Cyrillic script
Slavic lettersА Б В Г Ґ Д Ђ Ѓ Е Ѐ Ё Є Ж З Ѕ И Ѝ І Ї Й Ј К Л Љ М Н Њ О П Р С Т Ћ Ќ У Ў Ф Х Ц Ч Џ Ш Щ Ъ Ы Ь Э Ю Я Non-Slavic letters Ӑ Ӓ Ә Ӛ Ӕ Ғ Ҕ Ӻ Ӷ Ԁ Ԃ Ꚉ Ӗ Ӂ Җ Ӝ Ԅ Ҙ Ӟ Ԑ Ӡ Ԇ Ӣ Ҋ Ӥ Қ Ӄ Ҡ Ҟ Ҝ Ԟ Ԛ Ӆ Ԓ Ԡ Ԉ Ԕ Ӎ Ӊ Ң Ӈ Ҥ Ԣ Ԋ Ӧ Ө Ӫ Ҩ Ԥ Ҧ Ҏ Ԗ Ҫ Ԍ Ҭ Ԏ Ӯ Ӱ Ӳ Ү Ұ Ҳ Ӽ Ӿ Һ Ԧ Ҵ Ҷ Ӵ Ӌ Ҹ Ꚇ Ҽ Ҿ Ӹ Ҍ Ӭ Ԙ Ԝ Ӏ Archaic letters Ҁ Ѻ Ѹ Ѡ Ѿ Ѣ Ꙓ Ꙗ Ѥ Ѧ Ѫ Ѩ Ѭ Ѯ Ѱ Ѳ Ѵ Ѷ Ꙟ List of Cyrillic letters Cyrillic digraphs Tse (Ц ц; italics: Ц ц) is a letter of the Cyrillic alphabet.
It commonly represents the voiceless alveolar affricate /ts/, like the pronunciation of ⟨ts⟩ in "cats".
In English, Tse is commonly romanized as ⟨ts⟩. However, in proper names (personal names, toponyms, etc.) and titles it may also be rendered as ⟨c⟩ (which signifies the sound in Serbian, Czech, Hungarian etc.), ⟨z⟩ (which signifies the sound in Italian), ⟨cz⟩ or ⟨tz⟩.
Tse is thought to have come from the Hebrew letter Tsadi ⟨צ⟩, via the Glagolitic letter Tsi ⟨Ⱌ⟩.
The name of Tse in the Early Cyrillic alphabet is ци (tsi). New Church Slavonic and Russian spelling of the name is цы.
In the Cyrillic numeral system, Tse has a value of 900.
Tse is the 23rd letter of the Russian alphabet. It is used both in native Slavic words (where in mostly corresponds to Proto-Indo-European *k in certain positions) and borrowed words:
- as a match for the Latin ⟨c⟩ in words of Latin origin, for example цирк (circus), центр (center),
- for the German ⟨z⟩ and ⟨tz⟩ in words borrowed from German, for example цинк (Zink), плац (Platz),
- ⟨ци⟩ may correspond to Latin ⟨ti⟩, for example сцинцилляция (scintillation).
Russian words starting with ⟨ц⟩, such as царь (tsar), are rare, and very few of them are of Slavic origin (the example is usually being explained as derived from Latin caesar).
A notable rule of Russian orthography is that ⟨ц⟩ is seldom followed by ⟨ы⟩, with the following exceptions:
- the ending -⟨ы⟩ of the plural number or of Genitive case (птица nom. sg. → птицы nom. pl. or gen. sg.),
- possessive suffix -⟨ин⟩ is spelled -⟨ын⟩ after ⟨ц⟩ and only in this case: троицын, курицын,
- the suffix is very popular in Russian last names, but the spelling may here vary and both -⟨цын⟩ and -⟨цин⟩ are possible, Ельцин is an example,
- the ending of adjectives -⟨ый⟩ (that becomes -⟨ые⟩, -⟨ым⟩, -⟨ыми⟩, -⟨ых⟩ in declension), for example куцый or бледнолицый,
- however, rarely used possessive adjectives have -⟨ий⟩, for example шпиций (in declension -⟨ьи⟩, -⟨ьим⟩, -⟨ьими⟩, -⟨ьих⟩),
- conjugation of a vulgar verb сцать (сцы, сцым, сцыт, сцыте, сцышь) and its prefixed derivatives,
- only a few word roots are containing ⟨цы⟩ now: цыган, цык- (цыкать, цыкнуть), цып- (цыплёнок, цыпки, цыпочки, цып-цып), цыц,
- pre-1956 lists may contain a lot of additional words like цыбик, цыбуля, цыгарка, цыдулка, цыкля, цымбалы, цымес, цынга, цыновка, цынубель, цырюльня, цытварный, цыфирь, панцырь etc. (examples are taken from Ya. S. Khomutov's spelling dictionary, 1927; now all these words are spelled with -ци-),
- Pinyin's ⟨ci⟩ becomes ⟨цы⟩, and ⟨qi⟩ becomes ⟨ци⟩.
Related letters and other similar characters
- צ : Hebrew letter Tsadi
- C c : Latin letter C
Computing codes
character Ц ц Unicode name CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER TSE CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER TSE character encoding decimal hex decimal hex Unicode 1062 0426 1094 0446 UTF-8 208 166 D0 A6 209 134 D1 86 Numeric character reference Ц Ц ц ц KOI8-R and KOI8-U 227 E3 195 C3 Code page 855 165 A5 164 A4 Code page 866 150 96 230 E6 Windows-1251 214 D6 246 F6 ISO-8859-5 198 C6 230 E6 Macintosh Cyrillic 150 96 246 F6 External links
The Wiktionary definition of Ц
The Wiktionary definition of ц
Categories:- Cyrillic letters
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