- Ye (Cyrillic)
- For the Ukrainian alphabet letter Ye (Є є), see Ukrainian Ye.
Cyrillic letter Ye Unicode (hex) majuscule: U+0415 minuscule: U+0435 Cyrillic script
Slavic lettersА Б В Г Ґ Д Ђ Ѓ Е Ѐ Ё Є Ж З Ѕ И Ѝ І Ї Й Ј К Л Љ М Н Њ О П Р С Т Ћ Ќ У Ў Ф Х Ц Ч Џ Ш Щ Ъ Ы Ь Э Ю Я Non-Slavic letters Ӑ Ӓ Ә Ӛ Ӕ Ғ Ҕ Ӻ Ӷ Ԁ Ԃ Ꚉ Ӗ Ӂ Җ Ӝ Ԅ Ҙ Ӟ Ԑ Ӡ Ԇ Ӣ Ҋ Ӥ Қ Ӄ Ҡ Ҟ Ҝ Ԟ Ԛ Ӆ Ԓ Ԡ Ԉ Ԕ Ӎ Ӊ Ң Ӈ Ҥ Ԣ Ԋ Ӧ Ө Ӫ Ҩ Ԥ Ҧ Ҏ Ԗ Ҫ Ԍ Ҭ Ԏ Ӯ Ӱ Ӳ Ү Ұ Ҳ Ӽ Ӿ Һ Ԧ Ҵ Ҷ Ӵ Ӌ Ҹ Ꚇ Ҽ Ҿ Ӹ Ҍ Ӭ Ԙ Ԝ Ӏ Archaic letters Ҁ Ѻ Ѹ Ѡ Ѿ Ѣ Ꙓ Ꙗ Ѥ Ѧ Ѫ Ѩ Ѭ Ѯ Ѱ Ѳ Ѵ Ѷ Ꙟ List of Cyrillic letters Cyrillic digraphs Ye (Е е; italics: Е е) is a letter of the Cyrillic alphabet. In some languages this letter is called E.
It commonly represents the vowel /e/ or /ɛ/, like the pronunciation of ‹e› in "yes".
Ye is romanized using the Latin letter E.[1]
It was derived from the Greek letter Epsilon (Ε ε).
Belarusian and Russian
- At the beginning of a word or after a vowel, Ye represents the combination /je/ or /jɛ/, like the pronunciation of ‹ye› in "yes".
- Following a consonant, Ye indicates that the consonant is palatalized, and represents the vowel /e/ or /ɛ/, like the pronunciation of ‹e› in "yes".
For further information see Russian phonology.
Ukrainian uses the letter Ukrainian Ye (Є є) in this way.
Bulgarian, Macedonian, Serbian, and Ukrainian
This letter is called E, and represents the vowel /e/ or /ɛ/, like the pronunciation of ‹e› in the word "yes".
Related letters and other similar characters
- Ε ε : Greek letter Epsilon
- E e : Latin letter E
- Ɛ ɛ : Latin letter Epsilon
- Ё ё : Cyrillic letter Yo
- Є є : Cyrillic letter Ukrainian Ye
- Ԑ ԑ : Cyrillic letter Reversed Ze
- Э э : Cyrillic letter E
Computing codes
character Е е Unicode name CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER IE CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER IE character encoding decimal hex decimal hex Unicode 1045 0415 1077 0435 UTF-8 208 149 D0 95 208 181 D0 B5 Numeric character reference Е Е е е KOI8-R and KOI8-U 229 E5 197 C5 Code page 855 169 A9 168 A8 Windows-1251 197 C5 229 E5 ISO-8859-5 181 B5 213 D5 Macintosh Cyrillic 133 85 229 E5 Notes
- ^ "Ye" is sometimes also transliterated as ‹ie›.
External links
The Wiktionary definition of Е
The Wiktionary definition of е
Categories:- Cyrillic letters
- Vowel letters
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