- Epsilon
Epsilon (uppercase Ε, lowercase ε; _el. Έψιλον) is the fifth letter of the
Greek alphabet , corresponding phonetically to aclose-mid front unrounded vowel /e/. In the system ofGreek numerals it has a value of 5. It was derived from the Phoenician letter He ."Epsilon" (polytonic|ἒ ψιλόν, "simple e") was coined in the Middle Ages to distinguish the letter from the diphthong αι, which started being pronounced the same way during the period of
New Testament Greek .The standard symbol for lowercase epsilon is the lunate epsilon ϵ (epsilon, epsilon,, in
LaTeX ), which has its origins in Medieval Greek.In mathematical notation, the minuscule open e symbol
ɛ (varepsilon, varepsilon, in LaTeX) from the extendedLatin alphabet is often used interchangeably with the lunate epsilon.The lunate epsilon ϵ is not to be confused with the set symbol in or falsely recognized as the lunate version
Σ (Sigma).Upper case: character code 0395Lower case: character code 03B5
The upper-case Epsilon is not a commonly-used symbol outside of the Greek language because of its similarity to the Roman letter
E .The lower-case epsilon,
ε /ϵ , or open e,ɛ , (see above) is used as the symbol for:
* In mathematics (particularlycalculus ), an arbitrarily (or nearly so) small positive quantity is commonly denoted ε; see limit.
** By analogy with this, the late mathematicianPaul Erdős also used the term "epsilons" to refer to children (Hoffman 1998, p. 4).
* In mathematics, theLevi-Civita symbol .
* In mathematics, to represent thedual number s: a + bε, with ε2=0 and ε≠0.
* In mathematics, sometimes used to denote theHeaviside step function
* Inset theory , the limit ordinal of the sequence omega,omega^{omega},omega^{omega^{omega,dots.
* In computing, theprecision of a numeric data type and floating-pointmachine epsilon .
* Incomputer science , the empty string, though different writers use a variety of other symbols for the empty string as well, including the lower case Greek letterlambda .
* In physics, thepermittivity of a medium.
* In physics/electronics, the EMF of a circuit
* In physics, the strain of a material (A ratio of extensions).
* Inautomata theory , a transition that involves no shifting of an input symbol.
* Inastronomy , the fifth brightest (usually) star in aconstellation . "See"Bayer designation .
* In theInternational Phonetic Alphabet , theopen-mid front unrounded vowel , (but generally written ɛ instead of ε) as in the English word "pet" (/pɛt/)
* Inastronomy , Epsilon is the name for Uranus' most distant and most visible ring.
* Inchemistry , themolar extinction coefficient of achromophore .
* Ineconomics , ε refers to elasticity.Fictional names
* In the popular web series "
Red vs. blue ", Epsilon is the name of the AI assigned to freelancer Washington.
* "Epsilon in Malaysian Pale" is the name of the second solo album released byTangerine Dream leaderEdgar Froese in 1975.
* Epsilon is also anAustralian light-powered female-lookingrobot that fought Pluto in an episode of Astro Boy.
* "Epsilon Eridani III" is the planet that the spacestationBabylon 5 orbited in the eponymous sci-fi television series.
*E-104 Epsilon is also the name of a robot inSonic Adventure .
* "Epsilon 9" is the name of the Federation space station consumed by the V'ger cloud in .
* Epsilon is the name of an unlockable creature in the gameMonster Rancher 2
* In Greek it is used forEpsilon Team .
* "Epsilon Mirror" is the name of one of Aika's moves in the video gameSkies of Arcadia .
* "Epsilon" is the leader of the Rebellion in
* "The Epsilon Program" is a mysteriouscult in the video game by Game DeveloperRockstar North . This cult is thought to be based onScientology .
* The Epsilon Project is a fictional experiment mentioned in theDreamcast andXbox versions ofDead or Alive 2 and is based around cloning.
* Epsilon is the lowest of five socialcaste s in theAldous Huxley novel "Brave New World ".
* "Plan Epsilon" was one of many plans to restoreDoctor Doom to life in the event of his death, as shown inFantastic Four issue no. 246, written byStan Lee .
* Epsilon-Eagle is the name of the protagonist in theSega Mega Drive gameAlien Soldier .
* Epsilon was the name given to one of the ground support teams in theSony Playstation gameG-Police
* Epsilon is the name of the newly resurrected Yuri Faction in theYuri's Revenge modMental Omega Other uses
*"Epsilon" is the name used by
General Motors for the post-2003 Epsilon platform.
*EpsilonEuskadi carmaker [ [http://www.epsiloneuskadi.com/ EPSILON EUSKADI=JOAN VILLADELPRAT & SERGIO RINLAND & JORDI CATON=AZKOITIA (43º 10' 22' N - 2º 19' 26' O) ] ] andEpsilonEuskadi LMP1 car.
*Hurricane Epsilon, a storm of the2005 Atlantic hurricane season .
*"Epsilon Concepts" is the name of a national digital agency.References
*Hoffman, Paul; "
The man who loved only numbers ". Hyperion, 1998. ISBN 0-7868-6362-5.__NOTOC__
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.