
Variegated Lizardfish, Synodus variegatus
(Synodontoidei: Synodontidae)
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Subkingdom: Eumetazoa
Superphylum: Deuterostomia
Phylum: Chordata
Subphylum: Vertebrata
Infraphylum: Gnathostomata
Superclass: Osteichthyes
Class: Actinopterygii
Subclass: Neopterygii
Infraclass: Teleostei
Superorder: Cyclosquamata (disputed)
Order: Aulopiformes



Macristiidae (see text)

Aulopiformes is an order of marine ray-finned fish consisting of some 15 extant and several prehistoric families with about 45 genera and over 230 species. The common names grinners, lizardfishes and allies or aulopiforms are sometimes used for this group. The scientific name means "Aulopus-shaped", from Aulopus (the type genus) + the standard fish order suffix "-formes". It ultimately derives from Ancient Greek aulós (αὐλός, "flute" or "pipe") + Latin forma ("external form"), the former in reference to the elongated shape of many Aulopiformes.[1]

They are grouped together because of common features in the structure of their gill arches. Indeed, many authors have considered them so distinct as to warrant separation in a monotypic superorder of the Teleostei, under the name Cyclosquamata. However, monotypic taxa are generally avoided by modern taxonomists if not necessary, and in this case a distinct superorder seems indeed unwarranted: together with the equally dubious superorder "Stenopterygii", the grinners appear to be so closely related to some Protacanthopterygii to be included in that superorder. In particular, this group might be the sister taxon of the Salmoniformes (salmon, trouts and relatives). As an alternative, the superorders are sometimes united as an unranked clade named Euteleostei, but in that case the Protacanthopterygii would need to be split further to account for the phylogenetic uncertainty. This would result in a highly cumbersome and taxonomically redundant group of 2 very small and no less than 4 monotypic superorders.[2]



Many of the aulopiforms are deep-sea fishes, and many species are hermaphrodites, some with the ability to self-fertilise. Some are benthic, but most are pelagic. In general, aulopiform fish have a mixture of advanced and primitive characteristics relative to other teleost fish.[3]

Shortnose Greeneye, Chlorophthalmus agassizi
(Chlorophthalmoidei: Chlorophthalmidae)

They have no or just a vestigial gas bladder, a hypaxialis muscle that is unusually extended to forward at its upper end and attaches to the neurocranium below the spine (perhaps to snap the upper part of the skull down when catching prey) and the position of the maxillary bone. Their second pharyngobranchial is greatly elongated posterolaterally away from third pharyngobranchial, which lacks a cartilaginous condyle to articulate with the preceding, but is contacted by the elongated uncinate process of the second epibranchial. Other features include the position of the pelvic fins far back on the body, the fused medial processes of pelvic girdle and the presence of an adipose fin (which is also typical for the Protacanthopterygii).[4]

The larvae of some Aulopiformes are extremely bizarre-looking, with elongated fins, and do not resemble the adult animals. They were not only described as distinct species, but even separated as genera and finally in a family "Macristiidae" which was allied with various Protacanthopterygii (sensu lato). But the initial assessmentwhich found "Macristium" to resemble the deepwater lizardfishes (Bathysauridae) in some detailswas not far off the mark: "Macristium" are larvae of Bathysaurus, while the supposed other "macristiid" genus "Macristiella" are larvae of the deepsea tripodfish Bathytyphlops.[5]


Lestrolepis japonica
(Alepisauroidei: Paralepididae)
Reconstruction of Enchodus petrosus from the Cretaceous of the Western Interior Seaway
(Enchodontoidei: Enchodontidae)
Highfin Lizardfish, Bathysaurus mollis
(Giganturoidei: Bathysauridae)
  • Suborder Alepisauroidei
    • Family Alepisauridaelancetfishes
    • Family Anotopteridaedaggertooths (may belong in Paralepididae)
    • Family Evermannelidaesabertooth fishes
    • Family OmosudidaeHammerjaw (sometimes included in Alepisauridae)
    • Family Paralepididaebarracudinas
    • Family Scopelarchidaepearleyes
  • Suborder Chlorophthalmoidei
    • Family Bathysauroididaebathysauroidids
    • Family Chlorophthalmidaegreeneyes
    • Family Ipnopidaedeepsea tripodfishes (including Bathysauropsidae)
    • Family Notosudidaewaryfishes
  • Suborder Enchodontoidei (including Halecoidei, Ichthyotringoidei, may belong in Alepisauroidei; fossil)
    • Genus Nardorex (fossil, tentatively placed here)
    • Genus Serrilepis (fossil, tentatively placed here)
    • Genus Yabrudichthys (fossil, tentatively placed here)
    • Family Apateopholidae (fossil)
    • Family Cimolichthyidae (fossil)
    • Family Dercetidae (fossil)
    • Family Enchodontidae (fossil)
    • Family Eurypholidae (fossil)
    • Family Halecidae (fossil)
    • Family Ichthyotringidae (fossil)
    • Family Prionolepididae (fossil)
  • Suborder Giganturoidei
    • Family Bathysauridaedeepwater lizardfishes
    • Family Giganturidaetelescopefishes
  • Suborder Synodontoidei
    • Family Aulopidaeflagfins
    • Family Paraulopidae – "cucumberfishes"
    • Family Pseudotrichonotidaesandliving lizardfishes, sand-diving lizardfishes
    • Family Synodontidaetypical lizardfishes

Timeline of genera


  1. ^ Woodhouse (1910), Glare (1968-1982), FishBase (2000)
  2. ^ Nelson (2006): p.214, Diogo (2008)
  3. ^ Johnson & Eschmeyer (1998), Nelson (2006): p.214
  4. ^ FishBase (2000), Johnson & Eschmeyer (1998), Nelson (2006): p.214
  5. ^ Taylor (2009)


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