- Teleostei
image_width = 250px
image_caption =Yellow perch "(Perca flavescens)"
regnum =Animal ia
phylum = Chordata
classis =Actinopterygii
infraclassis = Teleostei
subdivision_ranks = Superorders
subdivision =Osteoglossomorpha Elopomorpha Clupeomorpha Ostariophysi Protacanthopterygii Stenopterygii Cyclosquamata Scopelomorpha Lampridiomorpha Polymyxiomorpha Paracanthopterygii Acanthopterygii Teleostei is one of three infraclasses in class
Actinopterygii , the ray-finned fishes. This diverse group, which arose in theTriassic period cite book | last = Palmer | first = Douglas | title = The Marshall Illustrated Encyclopedia of Dinosaurs & Prehistoric animals | publisher = Marshall Editions Developments Ltd | year = 1999 | location = London | id = ISBN 3-8290-6747-X] , includes 20,000 extant species in about 40 orders. The other two infraclasses,Holostei andChondrostei , areparaphyletic .cite book | last = Benton | first = Michael J. | title = Vertebrate Paleontology | publisher = Chapman & Hall | year = 1990 | location = London | id = ISBN 0-412-54010-X]On the basis of biomass as well as of species count, teleosts are the typical vertebrates, and all other vertebrates are exceptions to the teleost rule.Fact|date=February 2008 See
Actinopterygii for a complete list of orders.Characteristics
Teleosts have a movable
maxilla andpremaxilla and corresponding modifications in the jaw musculature. These modifications make it possible for teleosts to protrude their jaws outwards from the mouth. [cite web | title = Telostei | url = http://www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/vertebrates/actinopterygii/teleostei.html | publisher = Museum of Paleontology, University of California, Berkeley | author = Ben Waggoner | date = 1995-07-17 | accessdate = 2006-06-08 ] The caudal fin ishomocercal , meaning the upper and lower lobes are about equal in size. Thespine ends at thecaudal peduncle , distinguishing this group from those in which the spine extends into the upper lobe of thecaudal fin .ystematics and evolution
The first fossils of teleosts date back to early
Triassic . Teleosts are usually divided into twelve superorders:
* SuperorderOsteoglossomorpha
** OrderOsteoglossiformes , "the bony-tongued fishes"
** OrderHiodontiformes , "including themooneye andgoldeye "
* SuperorderElopomorpha
** OrderElopiformes , "including theladyfish es andtarpon "
** OrderAlbuliformes , "thebonefish es"
** OrderNotacanthiformes , "including thehalosaurs andspiny eel s"
** OrderAnguilliformes , "the trueeel s andgulper s"
** OrderSaccopharyngiformes , "including thegulper eel "
* SuperorderClupeomorpha
** OrderClupeiformes , "includingherring s and anchovies"
* SuperorderOstariophysi
** OrderGonorynchiformes , "including themilkfish es"
** OrderCypriniformes , "including barbs,carp ,danios ,goldfish es, loaches,minnow s,rasbora s"
** OrderCharaciformes , "includingcharacin s,pencilfish es,hatchetfish es,piranha s,tetra s."
** OrderGymnotiformes , "includingelectric eel s andknifefish es"
** OrderSiluriformes , "thecatfish es"
* SuperorderProtacanthopterygii
** OrderSalmoniformes , "includingsalmon andtrout "
** OrderEsociformes "the pike"
** OrderOsmeriformes , "including thesmelt s andgalaxiid s"
* SuperorderStenopterygii
** OrderAteleopodiformes , "thejellynose fish "
** OrderStomiiformes , "including thebristlemouth s andmarine hatchetfish es"
* SuperorderCyclosquamata
** OrderAulopiformes , "including theBombay duck andlancetfish es"
* SuperorderScopelomorpha
** OrderMyctophiformes , "including thelanternfish es"
* SuperorderLampridiomorpha
** OrderLampriformes , "including theoarfish ,opah andribbonfishes "
* SuperorderPolymyxiomorpha
** OrderPolymixiiformes , "thebeardfish es"
* SuperorderParacanthopterygii
** OrderPercopsiformes , "including the cavefishes andtrout-perch es"
** OrderBatrachoidiformes , "thetoadfish es"
** OrderLophiiformes , "including theanglerfish es"
** OrderGadiformes , "includingcod s"
** OrderOphidiiformes , "including thepearlfish es"
* SuperorderAcanthopterygii
** OrderMugiliformes , "the mullets"
** OrderAtheriniformes , "including silversides andrainbowfish es"
** OrderBeloniformes , "including theflyingfish es"
** OrderCetomimiformes , "thewhalefish es"
** OrderCyprinodontiformes , "including livebearers,killifish es"
** OrderStephanoberyciformes , "including theridgehead s"*** OrderBeryciformes , "including thefangtooth s andpineconefish es"
** OrderZeiformes , "including the dories"
** OrderGobiesociformes , "theclingfish es" [In ITIS,Gobiesociformes is placed as the suborder Gobiesocoidei of the orderPerciformes .]
** OrderGasterosteiformes "includingstickleback s,pipefish es, seahorses"
** OrderSyngnathiformes , "including the seahorses andpipefish es" [In ITIS,Syngnathiformes is placed as the suborder Syngnathoidei of the orderGasterosteiformes .]
** OrderSynbranchiformes , "including theswamp eel s"
** OrderTetraodontiformes , "including thefilefish es andpufferfish "
** OrderPleuronectiformes , "theflatfish es"
** OrderScorpaeniformes , "includingscorpionfish es and thesculpin s"
** OrderPerciformes "40% of all fish includinganabantid s, bass,cichlid s,gobies ,gourami s,mackerel ,perch es, scats, whiting,wrasses "References
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