- Beryciformes
name = Beryciformes
image_width = 240px
image_caption = "Myripristus jacobus "
regnum =Animal ia
phylum = Chordata
classis =Actinopterygii
ordo = Beryciformes
subdivision_ranks = Suborders
subdivision =Berycoidei Holocentroidei Trachichthyoidei Beryciformes is an order of
ray-finned fish es. This is a very poorly understood group of 16 families, 57 genera, and about 219 species. Most believe that it is probably an artificial assemblage of unrelated taxa that are thrown together for convenience only; there are no convincing characters that tie all members together.Classification
**Berycidae -- alfonsinos, berycids
**Holocentridae -- soldierfishes, squirrelfishes
**Anomalopidae -- flashlight fishes, lanterneye fishes
**Anoplogastridae -- fangtooth fishes, fangtooths
**Diretmidae -- spinyfins
**Monocentridae -- pineconefishes
**Trachichthyidae -- redfishes, roughies, slime headsExternal links
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.