- Railway stations in the Netherlands
There are 392 railway stations in the Netherlands, including 5 railway stations which are only served during events, 1 which exists only to facilitate pilgrimage to a nearby site and 1 which exists only to facilitate the Railway Museum.
NS-Poort maintains 381 stations.[1]
Stations are divided into three categories. These are, in order of decreasing importance:
- Intercity stations, where all trains (except, in some cases, international services) call.
- Rapid train (sneltrein) stations, where rapid and local trains call.
- The remaining stations, where only local trains (stoptreinen or Sprinters) call.
On many lines, however, there may be only two categories of trains (for example, intercity and local), or just one (local). Furthermore, some local trains – despite being called stoptreinen – do not stop at all stations: two examples are the services from Groningen to Roodeschool and from Tiel to Arnhem.
On the route diagrams printed at the top of station departure sheets (see this example), intercity stations and semi-fast train stations are indicated by the letters IC and S respectively.
Spelling conventions
The practice in the Netherlands is to write the names of stations serving two communities with a hyphen (corresponding to "and") between the two names, thus: Beek-Elsloo; and to use a space where the second term specifies one of two or more stations serving a city or town, thus: Alkmaar Noord.
Only the biggest railway stations are designated with the "Centraal" or "CS" affix and there are currently only five of them: Utrecht Centraal, Amsterdam Centraal, Rotterdam Centraal, Leiden Centraal and Den Haag Centraal (Arnhem and Breda are being upgraded to a CS because of the highspeed railconnection with Brussels and Paris). The other railway stations closest to the city centers are usually designated with a "Centrum" affix.
List of stations, with their official abbreviations
- Almere Centrum (Alm)
- Buiten (Almb)
- Muziekwijk (Almm)
- Oostvaarders (Almo)
- Parkwijk (Almp)
- Strand (Alms; only during events)
- Alphen a/d Rijn (Apn)
- Amersfoort (Amf)
- Schothorst (Amfs)
- Vathorst (Avat)
- Amsterdam Centraal (Asd)
- Amstel (Asa)
- Arena (Asdar; only during events)
- Bijlmer ArenA (Asb)
- Holendrecht (Ashd)
- Lelylaan (Asdl)
- Muiderpoort (Asdm)
- RAI (Rai)
- Science Park (Assp)
- Sloterdijk (Ass)
- Zuid (Asdz)
- Anna Paulowna (Ana)
- Apeldoorn (Apd)
- De Maten (Apdm)
- Osseveld (Apdo)
- Appingedam (Apg)
- Arkel (Akl)
- Arnemuiden (Arn)
- Arnhem (Ah)
- Presikhaaf (Ahpr)
- Velperpoort (Ahp)
- Zuid (Ahs)
- Assen (Asn)
- Baarn (Brn)
- Baflo (Bf)
- Barendrecht (Brd)
- Barneveld Centrum (Bnc)
- Noord (Bnn)
- Bedum (Bdm)
- Beek-Elsloo (Bk)
- Beesd (Bsd)
- Beilen (Bl)
- Bergen op Zoom (Bgn)
- Best (Bet)
- Beverwijk (Bv)
- Bilthoven (Bhv)
- Blerick (Br)
- Bloemendaal (Bll)
Also in Bloemendaal
- Overveen (Ovn)
- Bodegraven (Bdg)
- Borne (Bn)
- Boskoop (Bsk)
- Bovenkarspel Flora (Bkf)
- Bovenkarspel-Grootebroek (Bkg)
- Boxmeer (Bmr)
- Boxtel (Btl)
- Breda (Bd)
- Breda-Prinsenbeek (Bdpb)
- Breukelen (Bkl)
- Brummen (Bmn)
- Buitenpost (Bp)
- Bunde (Bde)
- Bunnik (Bnk)
- Bussum Zuid (Bsmz)
Also in Bussum
- Naarden-Bussum (Ndb)
- Capelle Schollevaar (Cps)
- Castricum (Cas)
- Coevorden (Co)
- Cuijk (Ck)
- Culemborg (Cl)
- Daarlerveen (Da)
- Dalen (Dln)
- Dalfsen (Dl)
- Deinum (Dei)
- Delden (Ddn)
- Delft (Dt)
- Zuid (Dtz)
- Delfzijl (Dz)
- West (Dzw)
- Den Dolder (Dld)
- Den Haag Centraal (Gvc) (The Hague)
- Hollands Spoor (Gv)
- Laan van Nieuw Oost Indië (Laa)
- Mariahoeve (Gvm)
- Moerwijk (Gvmw)
- Ypenburg (Ypb)
Also in Den Haag
- Rijswijk (Rw)
- Den Helder (Hdr)
- Zuid (Hdrz)
- Deurne (Dn)
- Deventer (Dv)
- Colmschate (Dvc)\
- Didam (Did)
- Diemen (Dmn)
- Zuid (Dmnz)
- Dieren (Dr)
- Doetinchem (Dtc)
- De Huet (Dtch)
- Dordrecht (Ddr)
- Stadspolders (Ddrs)
- Zuid (Ddzd)
- Driebergen-Zeist (Db)
- Driehuis (Dh)
- Dronrijp (Drp)
- Duiven (Dvn)
- Duivendrecht (Dvd)
- Echt (Ec)
- Ede-Wageningen (Ed)
- Ede Centrum (Edc)
- Eindhoven (Ehv)
- Beukenlaan (Ehb)
- Stadion (Ehs; only during events)
- Elst (Est)
- Emmen (Emn)
- Zuid (Emnz)
- Enkhuizen (Ekz)
- Enschede (Es)
- De Eschmarke (Ese)
- Drienerlo (Esd)
- Ermelo (Eml)
- Etten-Leur (Etn)
- Franeker (Fn)
- Gaanderen (Gdr)
- Geerdijk (Gdk)
- Geldermalsen (Gdm)
- Geldrop (Gp)
- Geleen Oost (Gln)
- Geleen-Lutterade (Lut)
- Gilze-Rijen (Gz)
- Glanerbrug (Gbr)
- Goes (Gs)
- Goor (Go)
- Gorinchem (Gr)
- Gouda (Gd)
- Goverwelle (Gdg)
- Gramsbergen (Gbg)
- Grijpskerk (Gk)
- Groningen (Gn)
- Europapark (Gerp)
- Noord (Gnn)
- Grou-Jirnsum (Gw)
- Haarlem (Hlm)
- Spaarnwoude (Hlms)
- 't Harde (Hde)
- Hardenberg (Hdb)
- Harderwijk (Hd)
- Hardinxveld-Giessendam (Gnd)
- Haren (Hrn)
- Harlingen (Hlg)
- Haven (Hlgh)
- Heemskerk (Hk)
- Heemstede-Aerdenhout (Had)
- Heerenveen (Hr)
- IJsstadion (Hry; only during events)
- Heerhugowaard (Hwd)
- Heerlen (Hrl)
- de Kissel (Hrlk)
- Woonboulevard (Hrlw)
- Heeze (Hz)
- Heiloo (Hlo)
- Heino (Hno)
- Helmond (Hm)
- Brandevoort (Hmbv)
- Brouwhuis (Hmbh)
- 't Hout (Hmh)
- Hemmen-Dodewaard (Hmn)
- Hengelo (Hgl)
- Oost (Hglo)
- 's-Hertogenbosch (Ht)
- Oost (Hto)
- Hillegom (Hil)
- Hilversum (Hvs)
- Noord (Hvsn)
- Sportpark (Hvsp)
- Hindeloopen (Hnp)
Hoek van Holland
- Hoek van Holland Haven (Hld)
- Hoek van Holland Strand (Hlds)
- Hoensbroek (Hb)
- Hollandsche Rading (Hor)
- Holten (Hon)
- Hoofddorp (Hfd)
- Hoogeveen (Hgv)
- Hoogezand-Sappemeer (Hgz)
- Hoogkarspel (Hks)
- Hoorn (Hn)
- Kersenboogerd (Hnk)
- Horst-Sevenum (Hrt)
- Houten (Htn)
- Castellum (Htnc)
- Houthem-Sint Gerlach (Sgl)
- Hurdegaryp (Hdg)
- Kampen (Kpn)
- Kapelle-Biezelinge (Bzl)
- Kerkrade Centrum (Krd)
Also in Kerkrade
- Chevremont (Cvm)
- Eygelshoven (Egh)
- Eygelshoven Markt (Eghm)
- Kesteren (Ktr)
- Klarenbeek (Kbk)
- Klimmen-Ransdaal (Kmr)
Koog aan de Zaan
- Koog Bloemwijk (Kbw)
- Koog-Zaandijk (Kzd)
- Koudum-Molkwerum (Kmw)
- Krabbendijke (Kbd)
- Krommenie-Assendelft (Kma)
- Kropswolde (Kw)
- Kruiningen-Yerseke (Krg)
- Lage Zwaluwe (Zlw)
- Landgraaf (Lg) (Also called: Schaesberg)
- Leerdam (Ldm)
- Leeuwarden (Lw)
- Camminghaburen (Lwc)
- Leiden Centraal (Ledn)
- Lammenschans (Ldl)
Also in Leiden
- De Vink (Dvnk)
- Lelystad Centrum (Lls)
- Lichtenvoorde-Groenlo (Ltv)
- Lochem (Lc)
- Loppersum (Lp)
- Lunteren (Ltn)
- Maarheeze (Mz)
- Maarn (Mrn)
- Maarssen (Mas)
- Maassluis (Mss)
- West (Msw)
- Maastricht (Mt)
- Randwyck (Mtr)
- Mantgum (Mg)
- Mariënberg (Mrb)
- Martenshoek (Mth)
- Meerssen (Mes)
- Meppel (Mp)
- Middelburg (Mdb)
- Mook-Molenhoek (Mmlh)
- Naarden-Bussum (Ndb)
- Bussum Zuid (Bsmz)
- Nieuw Amsterdam (Na)
- Nieuw-Vennep (Nvp)
- Nieuwerkerk aan den IJssel (Nwk)
- Nieuweschans (Nsch)
- Nijkerk (Nkk)
- Nijmegen (Nm)
- Nijverdal (Nvd)
- West (Nvdw)
- Nunspeet (Ns)
- Nuth (Nh)
- Obdam (Obd)
- Oisterwijk (Ot)
- Oldenzaal (Odz)
- Olst (Ost)
- Ommen (Omn)
- Onze Lieve Vrouwe ter Nood (Olv; only during pilgrimage)
- Oosterbeek (Otb)
- Opheusden (Op)
- Oss (O)
- West (Ow)
- Oudenbosch (Odb)
- Overveen (Ovn)
- Bloemendaal (Bll)
- Purmerend (Pmr)
- Overwhere (Pmo)
- Weidevenne (Pmw)
- Putten (Pt)
- Raalte (Rat)
- Ravenstein (Rvs)
- Reuver (Rv)
- Rheden (Rh)
- Rhenen (Rhn)
- Rijssen (Rsn)
- Rilland-Bath (Rb)
- Roermond (Rm)
- Roodeschool (Rd)
- Roosendaal (Rsd)
- Rosmalen (Rs)
- Rotterdam Centraal (Rtd)
- Alexander (Rta)
- Blaak (Rtb)
- Lombardijen (Rlb)
- Noord (Rtn)
- Stadion (Rtst; only during events)
- Zuid (Rtz)
- Ruurlo (Rl)
- Santpoort Noord (Sptn)
- Santpoort Zuid (Sptz)
- Sappemeer Oost (Spm)
- Sauwerd (Swd)
- Schagen (Sgn)
- Scheemda (Sda)
- Schiedam Centrum (Sdm)
- Nieuwland (Nwl)
- Schin op Geul (Sog)
- Schinnen (Sn)
- Schiphol (Shl)
- Sittard (Std)
- Sliedrecht (Sdt)
- Sneek (Sk)
- Noord (Sknd)
- Soest (St)
- Zuid (Stz)
- Soestdijk (Sd)
- Spaubeek (Sbk)
- Stavoren (Stv)
- Stedum (Stm)
- Steenwijk (Swk)
- Susteren (Srn)
- Swalmen (Sm)
- Tegelen (Tg)
- Terborg (Tbg)
- Tiel (Tl)
- Passewaaij (Tpsw)
- Tilburg (Tb)
- Reeshof (Tbr)
- Universiteit (Tbu)
- Twello (Twl)
- Uitgeest (Utg)
- Uithuizen (Uhz)
- Uithuizermeeden (Uhm)
- Usquert (Ust)
- Utrecht Centraal (Ut)
- Lunetten (Utl)
- Maliebaan (Utm; only serving the Railway Museum)
- Overvecht (Uto)
- Terwijde (Utt)
- Zuilen (Utzl)
- Valkenburg (Vk)
- Varsseveld (Vsv)
- Veendam (Vdm)
- Veenendaal Centrum (Vndc)
- West (Vndw)
- Veenendaal-De Klomp (Klp)
- Veenwouden (Vwd)
- Velp (Vp)
- Venlo (Vl)
- Venray (Vry)
- Vierlingsbeek (Vlb)
- Vlaardingen Centrum (Vdg)
- Oost (Vdo)
- West (Vdw)
- Vleuten (Vtn)
- Vlissingen (Vs)
- Souburg (Vss)
- Voerendaal (Vdl)
- Voorburg (Vb)
- Voorhout (Vh)
- Voorschoten (Vst)
- Voorst-Empe (Vem)
- Vorden (Vd)
- Vriezenveen (Vz)
- Vroomshoop (Vhp)
- Vught (Vg)
- Waddinxveen (Wad)
- Noord (Wadn)
- Warffum (Wfm)
- Weert (Wt)
- Weesp (Wp)
- Wehl (Wl)
- Wezep (Wz)
- Wierden (Wdn)
- Wijchen (Wc)
- Wijhe (Wh)
- Winschoten (Ws)
- Winsum (Wsm)
- Winterswijk (Ww)
- West (Www)
- Woerden (Wd)
- Wolfheze (Wf)
- Wolvega (Wv)
- Workum (Wk)
- Wormerveer (Wm)
- IJlst (IJt)
- Zaandam (Zd)
- Kogerveld (Zdk)
- Zaltbommel (Zbm)
- Zandvoort aan Zee (Zvt)
- Zetten-Andelst (Za)
- Zevenaar (Zv)
- Zevenbergen (Zvb)
- Zoetermeer (Ztm)
- Oost (Ztmo)
- Zuidbroek (Zb)
- Zuidhorn (Zh)
- Zutphen (Zp)
- Zwaagwesteinde (Zww)
- Zwijndrecht (Zwd)
- Zwolle (Zl)
Below are stations with tracks only in one direction (or, with the indication *, have tracks in the other direction without connecting each other or only for a tourist line, a freight line or to a shunting yard), with links to track lay-out maps. See also Train station#Terminus.
- Delfzijl*
- Den Haag Centraal
- Den Helder
- Emmen*
- Enkhuizen
- Groningen* Haves two directions without connecting each other.
- Harlingen Haven
- Hoek van Holland Strand
- Kampen
- Kerkrade Centrum* Closed line in 1988 ahead now is a tourist line.
- Lelystad Centrum* (in 2012 is going to be a non-Terminus)
- Rhenen
- Roodeschool*
- Stavoren
- Veendam*
- Vlissingen
- Zandvoort
Of these, only Den Haag Centraal has nearby junctions, with railways in different directions; in fact in three directions: to Den Haag HS, Voorburg and Den Haag Laan v NOI.
Recent stations
New stations from 2004:
- Almere Oostvaarders between Almere Buiten and Lelystad Centrum (Flevolijn Weesp - Lelystad)
New stations from 2005:
- Arnhem Zuid between Arnhem and Elst (line Arnhem - Nijmegen)
- Den Haag Ypenburg between Voorburg and Zoetermeer (line Den Haag - Utrecht)
New stations from 2006:
- Amersfoort Vathorst between Amersfoort Schothorst and Nijkerk (line Amersfoort - Zwolle)
- Apeldoorn De Maten between Apeldoorn and Klarenbeek (line Apeldoorn - Zutphen)
- Apeldoorn Osseveld between Apeldoorn and Twello (line Apeldoorn - Deventer)
- Gaanderen between Doetinchem and Terborg (line Winterswijk - Zevenaar)
- Helmond Brandevoort between Helmond 't Hout and Eindhoven (line Eindhoven - Venlo)
- Twello between Deventer and Apeldoorn Osseveld (line Apeldoorn - Deventer)
- Voorst-Empe between Klarenbeek and Zutphen (line Apeldoorn - Zutphen)
Closing stations from 2006: Berkel en Rodenrijs, Rotterdam Bergweg, Zoetermeer Buytenweg, Zoetermeer Centrum West, Zoetermeer de Leyens, Zoetermeer delftsewallen, Zoetermeer Driemanspolder, Zoetermeer Dorp, Rotterdam Hofplein, Rotterdam Kleiweg, Leidschendam-Voorburg, Leidschenveen, Zoetermeer Leidsewallen, Zoetermeer Meerzicht, Nootdorp, Zoetermeer Palenstein, Pijnacker, Zoetermeer Seghwaert, Zoetermeer Stadhuis, Zoetermeer Voorweg, Voorburg 't Loo, Rotterdam Wilgenplas.
New stations from 2007:
- Tiel Passewaaij between Tiel and Geldermalsen (line Dordrecht - Elst)
- Utrecht Zuilen between Utrecht Centraal and Maarsen (line Utrecht - Amsterdam)
- Groningen Europapark between Groningen and Kropswolde (line Groningen - Nieuweschans)
- Eygelshoven Markt between Landgraaf and Herzogenrath (Germany) (line Sittard - Herzogenrath (Germany))
- Heerlen de Kissel between Heerlen and Landgraaf (line Sittard - Herzogenrath (Germany))
- Purmerend Weidevenne between Purmerend and Zaandam Kogerveld (line Enkhuizen - Amsterdam)
New station from 2008:
- Amsterdam Holendrecht between Amsterdam Bijlmer ArenA and Abcoude
New stations from 2009:
- Mook-Molenhoek between Nijmegen Heyendaal and Cuijk (line Nijmegen - Venlo railway station)
- Amsterdam Science Park between Amsterdam Muiderpoort and Diemen (line Amsterdam and Weesp)
- Nijverdal West between Nijverdal and Raalte (line Zwolle and Almelo)
New stations from 2010:
- Heerlen Woonboulevard between Heerlen and Voerendaal (line Maastricht Randwyck - Kerkrade Centrum).
- Maarheeze between Weert and Heeze (line Eindhoven - Weert).
Closing stations in 2011: Emmen Bargeres in place for that: Emmen Zuid
New stations from 2011:
- Emmen-Zuid between Nieuw Amsterdam and Emmen (line Zwolle - Emmen).
- Veendam after Zuidbroek (line Groningen - Veendam).
Future stations
Future station after 2010:
- Almere Poort (2012)
- BleiZo (2012)
- Boven-Hardinxveld (2011)
- Dronten (2012)
- Giessendam Blauwe Zoom (2011)
- Gorinchem Papland (2011)
- Halfweg-Zwanenburg (2012)
- Hengelo Gezondheidspark (2012)
- Hoevelaken (2012)
- Kampen Zuid (2012)
- Leerdam West (2011)
- Maastricht Beatrixhaven (2012)
- Nijmegen Goffert (2012)
- Sassenheim (2011)
- Sliedrecht Baanhoek (2011)
- Utrecht Leidsche Rijn (2012)
- Utrecht Vaartsche Rijn (2014)
- Westervoort (2011)
Platforms and tracks
Not the platforms, but the tracks are numbered. Tracks without platform access, used for through traffic, also have a number. This number is not indicated, but it shows indirectly by the fact that in the numbering of the accessible tracks a number is skipped. Track numbers are usually increasing in the direction away from the center of the city and hence away from the main entrance(s) of the station.
A track along a long platform may have an "a" and a "b"-side, and sometimes three sections "a", "b" and "c".
At many stations, above platforms and/or at their access points, there are dynamic displays (often split-flap displays, but increasingly electronic displays) of the destination and departure time of the next train, see Centraal bediende treinaanwijzer (in Dutch) .
Machines and counters for train tickets
For checking in and out with an OV-chipkaart card readers are at station entrances, halls and/or platforms. It can be recharged (increasing the credit by paying an amount) at ticket machines. The anonymous variety of the card can also be purchased here. For some minor rail operators all this does not apply yet.
Paper tickets are available from the same ticket machines; at the counter (if available) a supplement of € 0.50 per ticket (with a maximum of €1 per occasion) has to be paid. In both cases one can choose a dated or undated ticket; the latter can be useful if one has not decided yet about the travel date. If the ticket is not dated it requires a stamp from a stamp machine on the travel date.
With an e-ticket bought in advance for a specific journey one can just get on the train without any further validation of the ticket.
NS division
NS Stations is the division of Nederlandse Spoorwegen (NS) in charge of the operation of all 386 railway stations, i.e., also those served by other railway companies than NS Reizigers. A daughter company of NS Stations is Servex, which uses the brands Automaten, Brasserie, Burger King, Café T, Café T espresso, C'est du pain, Kiosk, mr. Pizza, Pizza Hut, Restauratie, Smullers, Het Station, Swirl's, and Wizzl, and owns Stationsfoodstore, which is an Albert Heijn franchise operating about 22 "AH to go" convenience stores on stations. Wizzl also sells train tickets. They are typically at small stations which have no separate ticket window or counter; an exception is Rotterdam, with a Wizzl at the back side of the station, while separate ticket windows are at the front side only.
Safety and comfort
Passenger comfort sometimes suffers from (homeless) beggars or pickpockets, especially in large cities. Measures taken to remedy this include installation of CCTV, locking waiting rooms in the evening, and sometimes removal of benches from station halls. Also, a valid train ticket is required to access platforms. Passengers with large luggage should note that no luggage trolleys are provided (except at the station of Schiphol airport), although platforms are accessible by elevator.
Station abbreviations
The official abbreviations of names of stations are used internally by the NS, but also on handwritten tickets; they can also conveniently be used when entering a station in the NS planner on http://www.ns.nl (but not on http://www.9292ov.nl) and are needed in some URLs, see below. In a station it can be found in the lower right corner of the yellow departure schedules. In most URLs (see below) they have to be written in lowercase, in some a capital is optional. On the departure schedules they are written in lowercase. In other cases the abbreviations are written with a capital letter. For a list sorted by abbreviation see nl:Lijst van afkortingen van Nederlandse spoorwegstations.
Stations also have a four-digit code that is used on the keypad of older ticket machines to specify a destination.
See also
- Train routes in the Netherlands
- Trains in the Netherlands
- Transport in the Netherlands
- Amsterdam Metro
- List of Rotterdam metro stations
External links
- Official abbreviations of names of stations and other railway locations:
- http://home.planet.nl/~zon00314/naslag/geo/geo.html (with distances along the line)
- http://www.treinen.demon.nl/htm/station.htm
- Station info:
- http://www.ns.nl/servlet/Satellite?key=asd&cid=1072266052398&pagename=www.ns.nl%2FPage%2FStationsvoorzieningen_nieuw Includes departure schedules and maps. For other stations, change "asd" in the URL or enter their name or code at the bottom of the page. The schedules are displayed on the stations in the same format, but in characteristic yellow (or blue in the case of temporary versions). The station abbreviation is shown in the lower right corner.
- http://www.swopnet.com/waypoints/gps/netherlands5.xls - Excel file with stations, official abbreviations and coordinates.
- http://homepages.cwi.nl/~dik/nederlands/openbaar_vervoer/gvb/tr/stat.html - old and current stations in and around Amsterdam
- http://www.prisman.nl/rvm/pic/rvm415.gif (map of rail network nodes) and http://www.prisman.nl/rvm/B041.htm (list of nodes with adjacent nodes)
- Demo of the ticket machines installed at every station: http://webdemo.ns.nl/webdemo.e2000/ (also shows fares)
- Stationsweb: photos and info (in Dutch but easy in use) on current and old stations
- Langs de rails: photos and info on current stations and Dutch trains
- The European Railway Server: The European Railway Server, section on Dutch stations (photos)
- Schematic maps of all tracks, switches and platforms: http://www.sporenplan.nl/html_nl/sporenplan/ns/ns_normaal/start.html
- Zoomable map of all tracks and stations, updated for 2009: http://www.trein-kaart.nl/
- http://www.ns.nl/ :
- railway map with all stations: search for spoorkaart
- maps of station surroundings and station lay-out of some stations: select Nederland - Reisinformatie - Stationsvoorzieningen
Railway stations in Europe Albania • Andorra • Armenia1 • Austria • Azerbaijan1 • Belarus • Belgium • Bosnia-Herzegovina • Bulgaria • Croatia • Cyprus1 • Czech Republic • Denmark • Estonia • Faroe Islands2 • Finland • France • Georgia1 • Germany • Gibraltar2 • Greece • Hungary • Iceland • Ireland • Italy • Kazakhstan1 • Kosovo3 • Latvia • Liecthenstein • Lithuania • Luxembourg • Macedonia • Malta • Moldova • Monaco • Montenegro • Netherlands • Norway • Poland • Portugal • Romania • Russia1 • San Marino • Serbia • Slovakia • Slovenia • Spain • Sweden • Switzerland • Turkey1 • Ukraine • United Kingdom (England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales) • Vatican City1 Partly in Asia. 2 Dependencies. 3 Status undetermined.- ^ See Facts & Figures at http://www.nspoort.nl
Categories:- Railway stations in the Netherlands
- Netherlands-related lists
- Rail transport in the Netherlands
- Railway stations by country
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