

Intercrosse (also referred to as sofcrosse, modcrosse, or pop lacrosse) is a non-contact form of lacrosse with a standardized set of rules using intercrosse equipment. Intercrosse as a competitive sport is popular in many continental European countries (particularly in the Czech Republic), as well as in Quebec, Canada.

An intercrosse stick is different from a normal lacrosse stick in that the head or "crosse" is made completely of plastic, where in lacrosse the head has a flexible string or mesh pocket in which the ball is carried. The ball is larger, softer and hollow. Generally teams consist of five players per side, and the field size is roughly 40m wide and 40 long. Goals are the same size as box lacrosse, being 4' in height and width (1220 mm x 1220 mm). The sport can be played outdoors or indoors. Unlike normal lacrosse there exists a strict "no contact" rule which makes it a popular alternative for physical education. As there is no contact allowed in the game, a time limit is set for possession of the ball, usually four or five seconds. In some local cases, other rules are added or modified so as to encourage all players to participate; for example the ball must be passed twice before taking a shot on goal.

Rules often vary from place to place, depending on who is conducting the game or competition, as intercrosse is used mostly for physical education and as a developmental sport for young or novice players for transition to playing standard lacrosse. However, a form of lacrosse known as intercrosse was developed in the 1980s and has a standard set of rules used for international competition, and uses intercrosse equipment. Intercrosse is played mainly in countries not traditionally associated with lacrosse, especially in Europe.

There are two main international competitions in Intercrosse. The World Games are an annual event where players from different countries come to compete. They are divided by a draw of lots into mixed teams to provide a social atmosphere in the tournament. A biennial World Cup also exists now and is more competitive. Here, each country is represented only by their best players.

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Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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