Metabolic network modelling — Metabolic network showing interactions between enzymes and metabolites in the Arabidopsis thaliana citric acid cycle. Enzymes and metabolites are the red dots and interactions between them are the lines … Wikipedia
Network motif — Network motifs are connectivity patterns (sub graphs) that occur much more often than they do in random networks. Most networks studied in biology, ecology and other fields have been found to show a small set of network motifs; surprisingly, in… … Wikipedia
Metabolic pathway — In biochemistry, metabolic pathways are series of chemical reactions occurring within a cell. In each pathway, a principal chemical is modified by a series of chemical reactions. Enzymes catalyze these reactions, and often require dietary… … Wikipedia
Metabolic control analysis — (MCA) is a mathematical framework for describing metabolic, signaling and genetic pathways. MCA quantifies how variables, such as fluxes and species concentrations, depend on network parameters. In particular it is able to describe how network… … Wikipedia
Network centrics — is the emerging discipline of applying and enhancing networking and computing concepts and implementation technologies in a variety of social, business, content distribution, and communication domains involving interactions amongst the domain… … Wikipedia
Network for Pancreatic Organ Donors with Diabetes — Founded 2007 Origins The criticial need to understand the human pancreas Key people Mark Atkinson, Roberto Gianani, George Eisenbarth, Alberto Pugliese, Martha Campbell Thompson, Joyce … Wikipedia
Metabolic theory of ecology — The metabolic theory of ecology (MTE) is an extension of Kleiber s law and posits that the metabolic rate of organisms is the fundamental biological rate that governs most observed patterns in ecology.[1] MTE is based on an interpretation of the… … Wikipedia
Network theory — For network theory of the regulation of the adaptive immune system see Immune network theory For the sociological theory, see Social network Network theory is an area of computer science and network science and part of graph theory. It has… … Wikipedia
Network diagram — A network diagram is a general type of diagram, which represents some kind of network. A network in general is an interconnected group or system, or a fabric or structure of fibrous elements attached to each other at regular intervals.A network… … Wikipedia
Métabolic design — Biologie synthétique Biologie synthétique peut avoir deux sens : Le mot a d abord décrit une approche de la biologie intégrant divers axes de recherche et disciplines pour atteindre une compréhension holistique de la vie ; Puis, plus… … Wikipédia en Français