

The Operationen- und Prozedurenschlüssel (OPS) (in 2008, and 2005: OPS-301) is the German modification of the ICPM and now the official classification of operational procedures for power control, the performance record and basis for the claims processing (for inpatient services for G-DRG) of the German hospitals and physicians.

The OPS is now provided on an annual basis by Deutsches Institut für Medizinische Dokumentation und Information.

For coding for DRGs first encryption to the valid version of the ICD-10-GM is (current WHO standard, German Modification) is required. This problem is now often by specially trained Kodierfachkräften perceived.



Basis for the OPS, the Dutch ICPM-DE, resulting in the classificationkey operation according to § 301 SGB V (OPS-301)was formed. OPS-301 Version 1.0 on 14 Published in October 1994 and took effect on 1 January 1995. OPS-301 but was originally only a subset of the ICPM was, but since version 2.0 extends (valid in 2001) a significant number of national codes. An enormous increase in significance was the OPS-classification with the introduction of lump under the DRG system (Diagnosis Related Groups) in 2004.

With version OPS 2005 it accounted for the previously popular suffix "-301", since the application of OPS since that issue is no longer on § 301 SGB V is limited but by out-patient surgery in a hospital (§ 115b SGB V) and the ambulatory care established Doctors (§ 295 SGB V) includes.

Properties and metrics of OPS 2008


  • 65 section headings (eg, 5-29 to 5-31: Operations on pharynx, larynx and trachea)
  • 230 handler classes in three-digit classification (eg 5-31: Other Larynxoperationen and operations on the trachea)
  • 1400 handler classes in four-digit classification (eg, 5-314: excision, resection and destruction (of diseased tissue) of the trachea)
  • 7800 handler classes in the five-digit classification (eg 5-314.1: resection)
  • About 18 700 additional procedure classes in the six-digit classification (eg 5-314.11: With end-to-end anastomosis)
  • Notation: numeric first three points, 4 Alphanumeric Centre, 5 / 6 Numerically or place: x - any other procedures, y - unspecified
  • Topographical outline (no orientation to the field)
  • Not used all the points of the four-digit classification (for comparability with the ICPM)
  • Multiple listing in exchange of the surgical area and intra-operative complications
  • Inclusion and exclusion rules, further information at the highest possible level in the hierarchy
  • Mono-hierarchical classification with respect to the physiology
  • 6 Procedure sections which are not numbered consecutively

Diagnostic procedures




  • 6: Drugs

Non-surgical therapeutic measures

Additional measures

  • 9: Additional measures
    • 9-20...9-20: and nursing care of patients
    • 9-26...9-28: birth Accompanying measures and treatment for infertility
    • 9-31...9-32: Phoniatrics and pedaudiological therapy
    • 9-40...9-41: psychosocial, psychological, neuropsychological and psychotherapeutic treatment
    • 9-50...9-50: Preventive measures
    • 9-60...9-64: treatment of mental and psychosomatic disorders and behavioral disorders in adults
    • 9-65...9-69: treatment of mental and psychosomatic disorders and behavioral disorders in children and adolescents
    • 9-98...9-99: Other complementary measures and information

See also

External links

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