- Meter-Bus
M-Bus (Meter-Bus) is a European standard (EN 13757-2 physical and link layer, EN 13757-3 application layer) for the remote reading of gas or electricity meters. M-Bus is also usable for other types of consumption meters. The M-Bus interface is made for communication on two wire, making it very cost effective. A radio variant of M-Bus (Wireless M-Bus) is also specified in EN 13757-4.
The M-Bus was developed to fill the need for a system for the networking and remote reading of utility meters, for example to measure the consumption of gas or water in the home. This bus fulfills the special requirements of remotely powered or battery driven systems, including consumer utility meters. When interrogated, the meters deliver the data they have collected to a common master, such as a hand-held computer, connected at periodic intervals to read all utility meters of a building. An alternative method of collecting data centrally is to transmit meter readings via a modem.
Other applications for the M-Bus such as alarm systems, flexible illumination installations, heating control, etc. are suitable.
Relation to the OSI Model
Since no bus system was available for the requirements of meter reading, the M-Bus was developed by Professor Dr. Horst Ziegler of the University of Paderborn in cooperation with Texas Instruments Deutschland GmbH and Techem GmbH. The concept was based on the ISO-OSI Reference Model, in order to realize an open system which could utilize almost any desired protocol.
Since the M-Bus is not a network, and therefore does not - among other things - need a transport or session layer, the levels four to six of the OSI model are empty. Therefore only the physical, the data link , the network and the application layer are provided with functions.
OSI Model Data unit Layer Standard Host
layersData 7. Application EN1434-3 6. Presentation Empty 5. Session Empty Segment/Datagram 4. Transport Empty Media
layersPacket 3. Network Optional Frame 2. Data link IEC 870 Bit 1. Physical M-Bus See also
- Automatic meter reading
- Feed-in Tariff
- Virtual power plant
- Net metering
- Smart meter
- Utility submeter
- Wattmeter
- OLE for process control
- M-Bus Standard
- OPC Server for M-BUS
- Solutions for M-BUS
- FreeSCADA libmbus An Open Source M-bus library written in C.
- jMBus, M-Bus Master Java library at openmuc.org, LGPL-licensed
- Book about efficient Smart Metering Technologies and Architectures Development of Evaluation Criteria, Modeling ARIS-Views, Evaluation of qualified Technologies
Automation protocols Process automation - BSAP
- CC-Link Industrial Networks
- Controller area network
- ControlNet
- DeviceNet
- DF-1
- DirectNET
- EtherCAT
- Ethernet Global Data (EGD)
- Ethernet Powerlink
- EtherNet/IP
- FOUNDATION fieldbus (H1, HSE)
- HART Protocol
- Honeywell SDS
- HostLink
- MelsecNet
- Modbus
- Optomux
- PieP
- Profibus
- SERCOS interface
- Sinec H1
- SynqNet
- TTEthernet
Industrial control system Building automation Power system automation - IEC 60870-5
- DNP3
- IEC 60870-6
- IEC 61850
- IEC 62351
- Modbus
- Profibus
Automatic meter reading - ANSI C12.18
- IEC 61107
- DLMS/IEC 62056
- M-Bus
- Modbus
- ZigBee Smart Energy 2.0
Automobile / Vehicle Categories:- Computer buses
- EN standards
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