- Comparison of command shells
A command shell is a command line interface computer program to an operating system.
General characteristics
Bourne shell POSIX shell[1] bash (v4.0) csh tcsh Scsh ksh (ksh93t+) pdksh zsh ash Windows
cmd.exe[2]TCC (formerly 4NT) Windows PowerShell COMMAND.COM 4DOS OS/2
cmd.exerc BeanShell Python shell Ruby shell VMS DCL[3] Usual environment 7th Ed. UNIX POSIX POSIX POSIX POSIX POSIX POSIX POSIX POSIX POSIX Win32 Win32 .NET DOS DOS OS/2 Plan 9, POSIX Java Python Ruby OpenVMS Usually invoked sh sh bash, sh csh tcsh, csh scsh ksh ksh, sh zsh sh cmd ? powershell command ? cmd rc ? python, ipython irb ? Introduced 1977 1992[4] 1989[5] 1978 1983[6] 1994 1983[7][8] 1989 ? 1990 1989 1993 1993 2006 1980 1989 1987 1989 2005 1991 1995 1977 ? Platform-independent No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No
(3rd party in dev[9])No
(3rd party available[10])No No Yes Yes Yes Yes No Default login shell in 7th Ed. UNIX N/A GNU, Mac OS X 10.3+ ? FreeBSD, formerly Mac OS X AIX HP-UX OpenBSD[11] Grml, Gobolinux Minix, BusyBox based systems Windows NT, 2000, XP, Server 2003, Vista ? Windows Server 2008, 7, Vista, XP[12] DOS, Windows 95, 98, ME ? OS/2 Plan 9, Version 10 Unix ? ? ? VMS Default script shell in 7h Ed. UNIX POSIX GNU,
Haiku? ? ? OpenSolaris OpenBSD[11] Grml FreeBSD, NetBSD, Minix, BusyBox based systems Windows NT, 2000, XP, Server 2003, Vista ? Windows Server 2008, 7 DOS, Windows 95, 98, ME ? OS/2 Plan 9, Version 10 Unix ? ? ? VMS License AT&T prop.[13] N/A GPL BSD BSD BSD-style Common Public License Public Domain BSD-style BSD-style MS-EULA[14] Shareware MS-EULA[14]
or BSD/GPL (free clones)MIT License, with restrictions IBM-EULA[16] Lucent Public License LGPL Python Ruby, GPL ? Unicode No Yes, if used by configured locale Yes No Yes ? Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes Yes Yes 1.9: Yes
1.8: limitedNo Stream redirection Yes (arbitrary fds) Yes (arbitrary fds) Yes (arbitrary fds) Yes (stdin, out, out+err) Yes (stdin, out, out+err) Yes Yes (arbitrary fds) Yes (arbitrary fds) Yes (arbitrary fds) Yes (arbitrary fds) Yes Yes (stdin, out, err) Yes Yes (stdin, out, COMn/LPT only) Yes (stdin, out, err) Yes (stdin, out, err) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes (sys$input, sys$output assignment) Native CIM/WBEM support No No No No No No No No No No No No Yes No No No No ? ? ? No Blocking of unsigned scripts No No No No No No No No No No No No Yes No No No No No No No No available as statically linked, independent single file executable Yes N/A Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes No ? Yes Yes (bsh.jar) Yes on Windows via py2exe No No Bourne shell POSIX shell[17] bash (v4.0) csh tcsh Scsh ksh (ksh93t+) pdksh zsh ash Windows
cmd.exe[2]TCC (formerly 4NT) Windows PowerShell COMMAND.COM 4DOS OS/2
cmd.exerc BeanShell Python shell Ruby shell VMS DCL[18] Interactive features
Bourne shell POSIX shell bash (v4.0) csh tcsh Scsh ksh (ksh93t+) pdksh zsh ash Windows
cmd.exeTCC (formerly 4NT) Windows PowerShell COMMAND.COM 4DOS OS/2
cmd.exerc BeanShell Python shell Ruby shell VMS DCL Completion No No Yes (extendable) Yes (via the ESC key) Yes (extendable) No Yes (extendable) Yes Yes (extendable) No Yes (partial) Yes (partial) Yes (extendable) No Yes Yes Yes[19] Yes Yes (provided by the rlcompleter module or IPython) Yes No Directory stack (pushd/popd) No No Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes (all location types)[20] No Yes ? ? ? Yes (provided by IPython) Yes (pass a block to Dir.chdir() method) No Directory History Window (popup) No No No No No No No No No No No Yes Yes No Yes No No No No No No Implicit Directory Change - If command is dir name changes to it No No Yes
(optional)No No No Yes
(optional)No No Yes No No Yes No No No No No No Command history No Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes (F7) Yes Yes No[21][22] Yes Yes Yes[19] Yes Yes Yes Yes History completion No No Yes Yes Yes No Yes ? Yes Yes Yes (F8) Yes Yes (F8) No[21][22] Yes ? Yes[19] ? Yes (provided by IPython) Yes (with UtilityBelt gem) No Spell checking No No No No experimental No No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No Default user prompt[23] $ $ bash-<version number>$ % > > $ $ <hostname>% $ <path>> [<path>] PS <path>> <path or drive name>> <path>> [<path>] term%, ; bsh % >>> irb(main):001:0> $ Custom command prompt Yes (variable: $PS1) Yes (variable: $PS1) Yes (variable: $PS1) Yes (variable: $prompt Yes (variable: $prompt No Yes (variable: $PS1, and more) Yes (variable: $PS1) Yes (variable: $PS1, and more) Yes (variable: $PS1) Yes (environment variable: %PROMPT%) Yes (environment variable: %PROMPT) Yes (function: prompt) Yes (environment variable: %PROMPT%) Yes (environment variable: %PROMPT) Yes (environment variable: %PROMPT%) Yes (function: prompt, or variable: $prompt) Yes (variable: bsh.prompt, or method: getBshPrompt()) Yes (variable: sys.ps1) Yes Yes (SET PROMPT command) Aliases No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes (macro and procedure definitions) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ("macros", via doskey) Yes Yes Yes (using SET or registry) Yes No Yes (functions) ? Yes (functions) Yes Yes Binary prefix notation No No No No No Yes No No No No No ? Yes No ? No No ? ? ? Yes Job control No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes No No No Handled by rio ? Yes Yes Yes Startup scripts Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes (4start) Yes No[24] Yes (4start) No Yes Yes (.bshrc) Yes ($PYTHONSTARTUP or ipythonrc) Yes (.irbrc) Yes (login.com) Programming features
Bourne shell POSIX shell bash (v4.0) csh tcsh Scsh ksh (ksh93t+) pdksh zsh ash Windows
cmd.exeTCC (formerly 4NT) Windows PowerShell COMMAND.COM 4DOS OS/2
cmd.exerc BeanShell Python shell Ruby shell VMS DCL Functions No Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes (via "call :label") Yes Yes No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Exception handling Yes (via trap) Yes (via trap) Yes (via trap) No No ? Yes (via trap) Yes (via trap) Yes Yes (via trap) No No Yes No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Search and replace on variables No No Yes (via ${//} syntax) No Yes (via ${:s//} syntax Yes (via string functions and regular expressions) Yes (via ${//} syntax and builtin commands) No Yes (via ${:s//} and ${//} syntax) No Yes (via set %varname:expression syntax) Yes (via %@replace[ ] function) Yes (-replace operator) No Yes (via %@replace[ ] function) No No ? Yes (via string methods and regular expressions) Yes (via string functions and regular expressions) No Parallel assignment No No No No No No ? ? ? No No No Yes No No No ? ? Yes Yes No Variadic functions No Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes No ? No Yes No Yes Yes No Default arguments No No Yes No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes No No No Yes No Yes Yes No Named parameters No No No No No No Yes (for user-defined "types") No No No No No Yes No ? No ? No Yes Yes No Lambda functions No No No No No Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No No Yes Yes No eval function Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes No Pseudorandom number generation No No Yes ($RANDOM) No No Yes (random-integer, random-real) Yes ($RANDOM) Yes ($RANDOM) Yes ($RANDOM) No Yes (%random%) Yes (%@random[ ] function) Yes No Yes (%@random[ ] function) No No Yes Yes Yes No Bytecode No No No No No Yes (compiler is Scheme48 virtual machine, "scshvm") Yes (compiler is called "shcomp") No Yes (built-in command "zcompile") No No No Yes, automatic No No No No Yes Yes (standard CPython, IronPython or Jython) Yes (NetRuby, JRuby, version 1.9/YARV) No Syntax
Bourne shell POSIX shell bash (v4.0) csh tcsh Scsh ksh (ksh93t+) pdksh zsh ash Windows
cmd.exeTCC (formerly 4NT) Windows PowerShell COMMAND.COM 4DOS OS/2
cmd.exerc BeanShell Python shell Ruby shell VMS DCL Quoting Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes (Backtick: `) Yes No Yes (Backtick: `) ? Yes ? Yes Yes Yes Escaping Yes (Backslash: \) Yes (Backslash: \) Yes (Backslash: \) Yes (Backslash: \) Yes (Backslash: \) Yes (Backslash: \) Yes (Backslash: \) Yes (Backslash: \) Yes (Backslash: \) Yes (Backslash: \) Yes (Caret: ^) Yes Yes (Backtick: `) No Yes Yes Yes Yes (Backslash: \) Yes (Backslash: \) Yes (Backslash: \) Yes (quotes or string assignment) Comments No Yes (#) Yes (#) Yes (#) Yes (#) Yes (; and #| ... |# for multi-line comments) Yes (#) Yes (#) Yes (#) Yes (#) Yes (rem and unofficially the invalid label ::) Yes (rem and unofficially the invalid label ::) Yes (#); and <# ... #> for multi-line comments Yes (rem and unofficially the invalid label ::) Yes (rem and unofficially the invalid label ::) Yes (rem and unofficially the invalid label ::) Yes (#) Yes (//) Yes (#) Yes (#) Yes (!) Scientific notation No No No No No Yes Yes (including C99-style base16 notation %a/%A and typeset -X) No Yes No No Yes[25] Yes No No No No Yes Yes Yes No Here documents Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes No No No Yes No Equivalent feature ( """string"""
syntax)Yes Yes
Lines without $ in COM fileData types
Bourne shell POSIX shell bash (v4.0) csh tcsh Scsh ksh (ksh93t+) pdksh zsh ash Windows
cmd.exeTCC (formerly 4NT) Windows PowerShell COMMAND.COM 4DOS OS/2
cmd.exerc BeanShell Python shell Ruby shell VMS DCL Integer arithmetic No Yes (via $(( )) ) Yes (via $(( )), (( )) and let syntax) Yes (via @ syntax) Yes (via @ syntax) Yes Yes (via $(( )), (( )), let syntax and expr builtin) Yes (via $(( )) syntax) Yes (via $(( )), (( )) and let syntax) Yes[26] Yes (via "set /a") Yes (via %@eval[ ] function) Yes No Yes (via %@eval[ ] function) No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Typing discipline only one type dynamic
weakdynamic or static
weak? dynamic
weakFloating point arithmetic No No No No No Yes Yes (including C99-style extensions) No Yes No No Yes (via %@eval[ ] function) Yes No Yes (via %@eval[ ] function) No No Yes Yes Yes No Date & time arithmetic No No No No No ? No No No No No Yes Yes No Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Hash tables No No Yes (via associative arrays) No No Yes (via module) Yes (via associative arrays) No Yes No No No Yes No No No No Yes Yes Yes No Compound Variables No No No No No Yes (via records or lists) Yes No ? No No No Yes No No ? ? ? Yes (via tuples) Yes No One-dimensional array variables No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes No Multi-dimensional array variables No No No No No Yes Yes (both indexed and associative arrays) No Yes (via associative arrays) No No No Yes No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes No Array slicing No No Yes (${var:offset:length} syntax) No No No Yes (${var:offset:length} and [${from}..${to}] syntax) No Yes (${var[from,to]} syntax) No No No Yes No No No Yes ($var(i j k)) No Yes Yes No (De-)Serialization of composite datatypes No No No No ? No Yes (print -C var, read -C var) No ? No No No Yes No No No ? Yes Yes Yes No String and filename matching
Bourne shell POSIX shell bash (v4.0) csh tcsh Scsh ksh (ksh93t+) pdksh zsh ash Windows
cmd.exeTCC (formerly 4NT) Windows PowerShell COMMAND.COM 4DOS OS/2
cmd.exerc BeanShell Python shell Ruby shell VMS DCL Pattern Matching (regular expressions built-in) No No Yes No Yes Yes Yes No Yes No Yes (via the findstr /r command) Limited support Yes (full regex support)[27] No No No No Yes Yes Yes No Pattern Matching (globbing) Yes (*, ?, [...]) Yes (*, ?, [...]) Yes (*, ?, [...], {...}) Yes Yes Yes Yes (*, ?, [...]) Yes Yes (*, ?, [...],
ext'd globbing[28])Yes Yes (*, ?) Yes (*, ?, [...]) Yes (*, ?, [...]) Yes (*, ?) Yes (*, ?, [...]) Yes (*, ?) Yes ? Yes Yes (via Dir.glob() method) Yes Globbing qualifiers (filename generation based on file attributes) No No No No No No No No Yes No ? ? ? ? ? ? No ? Yes (via glob module) ? No Recursive globbing (generating files from any level of subdirectories) No No Yes (**/...) No No No Yes (with set -G, no following of symlinks) No Yes (**/... or ***/... to follow symlinks) No No Yes (via FOR /R) ? No Yes (via FOR /R) ? No ? Yes (via glob module) Yes (via Dir.glob() method) Yes (via [SUBDIR...] ) Inter-process communication
Bourne shell POSIX shell bash (v4.0) csh tcsh Scsh ksh (ksh93t+) pdksh zsh ash Windows
cmd.exeTCC (formerly 4NT) Windows PowerShell COMMAND.COM 4DOS OS/2
cmd.exerc BeanShell Python shell Ruby shell VMS DCL Pipes bytes
concurrenttext bytes
(may contain serialized objects if print -C is used)
concurrenttext objects
temporary filestext
temporary filestext
concurrentnot supported objects (when using IPython+IPipe) not supported text
(via PIPE command)Command substitution Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ? Yes ($(...) and ${<space>...;}) Yes Yes Yes Yes (via FOR /F command) Yes (via FOR /F command) Yes No Yes (via FOR /F command) No Yes ? Yes Yes No Process substitution No No Yes (if system supports /dev/fd/<n> or named pipes No No ? Yes (if system supports /dev/fd/<n> No Yes No No ? ? No ? No Yes (via: <{cmd} if system supports /dev/fd/<n>) ? Yes (via subprocess module) Yes No Subshells Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes (Backtick: ` in for /f usebackq) Limited, via %@execstr[ ] and %@exec[ ] Yes No Limited, via %@execstr[ ] and %@exec[ ] ? Yes ? Yes Yes (Backtick: `) Yes (spawn) TCP/UDP connections as streams No No Yes (client only) No No Yes Yes (and SCTP support, client only) No Yes (client and server but only TCP) No No No Yes No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes (server TCP only) References
- ^ IEEE (6 December 2001). 1003.1™ Standard for Information Technology — Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX®): Shell and Utilities, Issue 6.
- ^ a b Command extensions enabled, or "cmd /x".
- ^ "HP OpenVMS DCL Dictionary". http://h71000.www7.hp.com/doc/732final/9996/9996pro_contents.html. Retrieved 2009-03-23.
- ^ As part of IEEE Std.1003.2-1992 (POSIX.2); integrated into IEEE Std.1003.1 with the 2001 revision.
- ^ Brian Fox (forwarded by Leonard H. Tower Jr.) (Jun 7 1989). "Bash is in beta release!". gnu.announce. (Web link). Retrieved Oct 28 2010.
- ^ Ken Greer (Oct 3 1983). "C shell with command and filename recognition/completion". net.sources. (Web link). Retrieved Dec 29 2010.
- ^ Ron Gomes (Jun 9 1983). "Toronto USENIX Conference Schedule (tentative)". net.usenix. (Web link). Retrieved Dec 29 2010.
- ^ Guy Harris (Oct 10 1983). "csh question". net.flame. (Web link). Retrieved Dec 29 2010.
- ^ PASH, a third-party remake, is in development and almost half-finished. Activity seems to have stagnated early 2009.
- ^ Third-party re-implementations, such as DosBox, Wine, and FreeDOS are available.
- ^ a b Default shell in OpenBSD is ksh (pdksh).
- ^ Windows PowerShell is installed with Windows 7, however, it is an optional download for users of Windows Vista or Windows XP.
- ^ Now available under a BSD-style license through the Unix Heritage Society and others.
- ^ a b Windows component — covered by a valid license for Microsoft Windows
- ^ MS-DOS and Windows component — covered by a valid license for MS-DOS or Microsoft Windows
- ^ OS/2 component — covered by a valid license for OS/2
- ^ IEEE (6 December 2001). 1003.1™ Standard for Information Technology — Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX®): Shell and Utilities, Issue 6.
- ^ "HP OpenVMS DCL Dictionary". http://h71000.www7.hp.com/doc/732final/9996/9996pro_contents.html. Retrieved 2009-03-23.
- ^ a b c Handled by rio, GNU readline, editline or vrl
- ^ PowerShell exposes more than just the file system as a navigable system: Windows Registry, functions, aliases, variables, certificate store, credential store etc. The location types are extensible through a provider architecture. Common commands will work with any compliant provider
- ^ a b Added by TSR programs such as DOSKey
- ^ a b Available in DR-DOS via the "history" command in config.sys; see this link
- ^ Many shells in *nix environments change the root user's prompt to '#'.
- ^ Limited support via AUTOEXEC.BAT.
- ^ Scientific notation is supported for input only; numeric results are always displayed in common format.
- ^ Available in modern versions of ash such as NetBSD's sh or Debian ash
- ^ PowerShell leverages the full .NET regular expression engine which features named captures, zero-width lookahead/-behind, greedy/non-greedy, character classes, level counting etc.
- ^ Zsh offers an almost overwhelming variety of globbing options.
External links
Categories:- Command shells
- Software comparisons
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