- Scsh
Infobox Software
name = SCSH (SCheme SHell)
caption =
collapsible =
author =
developer = Olin Shivers
Brian Carlstrom
Martin Gasbichler
Mike Sperber
released =
latest release version = 0.6.7
latest release date = 16 May 2006
latest preview version =
latest preview date =
programming language = Scheme
operating system =Unix-like
platform =32-bit
size = 4.2 MB
language = English
status = Unmaintained
genre =Unix shell
license =BSD License
website = [http://www.scsh.net scsh.net]Scsh is a
POSIX API layered on top of the Scheme programming language in a manner to make the most of Scheme's capability for scripting. It is limited to32-bit platforms.The reference manual for Scsh includes a humorous acknowledgements page written by Olin Shivers in 1994:
Who should I thank? My so-called "colleagues," who laugh at me behind my back, all the while becoming famous on my work? My worthless graduate students, whose computer skills appear to be limited to downloading bitmaps off of netnews? My parents, who are still waiting for me to quit "fooling around with computers," go to med school, and become a radiologist? My department chairman, a manager who gives one new insight into and sympathy for disgruntled postal workers?
Scsh includes these notable features:
* Library support for list, character, and string manipulations;
*Regular expression s manipulation support using "scheme regular expressions", alittle languages approach to the capabilities;
* Strong networking support;
* High-level support forawk like scripts, integrated into the language as macros;
* Abstractions supportingpseudo terminal s;
* A shell language, modeled usingquasi-quotation .Example
* Print a list of all the executables available in the current PATH to the
standard output :
#!/usr/local/bin/scsh -s!#(define (executables dir) (with-cwd dir (filter file-executable? (directory-files dir #t))))(define (writeln x) (display x) (newline))
(for-each writeln (append-map executables ((infix-splitter ":") (getenv "PATH"))))
ee also
esh (Unix)
*Comparison of command shells External links
* [http://www.scsh.net/ Home page]
* [http://sourceforge.net/projects/scsh/ Sourceforge project page]
* [http://www.scsh.net/download/download.html Downloads]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.