List of legal Latin terms

List of legal Latin terms

A number of Latin terms are used in legal terminology and legal maxims. This is a partial list of these "legal Latin" terms, which are wholly or substantially drawn from Latin.

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Term/Phrase Definition
a fortiori "argument 'from [the] stronger [reason]'."
a posteriori "Posterior to" "argument derived from subsequent event"
a priori "Prior to" "argument derived from previous event"
ab extra "From outside." Concerning a case, a person may have received some funding from a 3rd party. This funding may have been considered ab extra.
ab initio "From the beginning"
actus reus "Guilty act." Part of what proves criminal liability (with mens rea)
ad coelum "To the sky" abbreviated from Cuius est solum eius est usque ad coelum et ad infernos which translates to "[for] whoever owns [the] soil, [it] is his all the way [up] to Heaven and [down] to Hell." The principle that the owner of a parcel of land also owns the air above and the ground below the parcel.
ad colligenda bona "To collect the goods."
ad hoc "For this." generally signifies a solution designed for a specific problem or task, non-generalizable, and not intended to be able to be adapted to other purposes.
ad hominem "At the person." Attacking an opponent's character rather than answering his argument.
ad idem "To the same thing." In agreement.
ad infinitum "To infinity." To continue forever.
ad litem "For the case." Describes a party designated to represent another party who is deemed incapable of representing him/herself (e.g. a child or incapacitated adult).
ad quod damnum "According to the harm." Used in tort law. Implies that the reward or penalty ought to correspond to the damage suffered or inflicted.
ad valorem "according to value."
adjournment sine die "adjournment without a day." When an assembly adjourns without setting a date for its next meeting.
affidavit "He has sworn." A formal statement of fact.
alter ego "Another I." A second identity living within a person.
a mensa et thoro "from bed and table." Divorce a mensa et thoro indicates legal separation without legal divorce.
amicus curiae "friend of the court." A person who offers information to a court regarding a case before it.
animus nocendi "mind of harming." The subjective state of mind of the author of a crime, with reference to the exact knowledge of illegal content of his behaviour, and of its possible consequences.
ante "before."
arguendo "For the sake of argument."
Audi alteram partem "Hear the other side." Refers to the idea that one cannot be fairly judged unless the cases for and against them have been heard.


Term/Phrase Definition
bona fide "In good faith." Implies sincere good intention regardless of outcome.
bona vacantia "Ownerless Goods"


cadit quaestiocapitalcasus bellicaveatcaveat emptorcertiorariceteris paribuscogitationis poenam nemo patiturcompos mentisconditio sine qua nonconsensus facit legemconsuetudo pro lege servaturcontracontra bonos morescontra legemContradictio in adjectocontra proferentemcoram non judicecorpuscorpus delicticorpus juriscorpus juris civiliscorpus juris gentiumcorpus juris secundumcrimen falsicui bonocuius est solum eius est usque ad coelum et ad inferoscrimen injuriacuius regio, eius religiocuria advisari vultcustos morum


de bonis asportatisdebellatiode bonis non administratisde die in diemde factode futurode integrode jurede lege ferendade lege latadelegatus non potest delegarede minimisde minimis non curat lexde mortuis nil nisi bonumde novodefalcationdictadictumdoli incapaxdolus specialisdubia in meliorem partem interpretari debentduces tecum


ei incumbit probatio qui dicitejusdem generiseo nomineerga omnesergoerratumesseet ceteraet seqet uxoret virex aequo et bonoex anteex cathedraex concessisex delictoex facieex gratiaex injuria jus non oriturex officioex parteex postex post factoex post facto lawexpressio unius est exclusio alteriusex proprio motuex relex turpi causa non oritur actioexempli gratia – ex tunc ex nunc extant


facio ut faciasfavor contractusfelo de seferae naturaefiatFiat justitia et pereat mundusfiat justitia ruat caelumfieri faciasflagrante delictoforum conveniensforum non conveniensfumus boni iuris - functus officio


generalia specialibus non derogant - gravamenguardian ad litem


habeas corpushostis humani generis

I estidemignorantia juris non excusatimprimaturin absentiain camerain curiain essein extensoin extremisin flagrante delictoin forma pauperisin futuroin haec verbain liminein loco parentisin mitiusin omnibusin pari delictoin pari materiain personamin plenoin prope personain propria personain rein remin situin solidumin terroremin terrorem clausein totowikt:indicia|infrainnuendointer aliainter arma enim silent legesinter rusticosinter seinter vivosintraintra fauces terraintra legemintra viresipse dixitipsissima verbaipso facto - iudex non calculat


jura novit curiajuratjuris et de jurejusjus ad bellumjus civilejus cogensjus communejus gentiumjus in bellojus inter gentesjus naturalejus primae noctisjus sanguinesjus sanguinisjus solijus tertii


lacunaeleges humanae nascuntur, vivunt, moriunturlegitimelex communislex latalex loci - lex posterior derogat priorilex retro non agitlex scriptalex specialis derogat legi generaliliberum vetolingua francalis alibi pendenslis pendenslocuslocus delictilocus in quolocus poenitentiae


magna cartamale fidemalum in semalum prohibitummandamusmare clausummare liberummens reaMeins sana incorpore sanomodus operandimos pro legemotion in liminemutatis mutandis


ne exeatne bis in idemnemo auditur propriam turpitudinem allegans - nemo dat quod non habetnemo debet esse iudex in proprianemo judex in sua causanemo plus iuris ad alium transferre potest quam ipse habetnemo sibi titulum adscribitnexusnihilnihil dicitnilnisinisi priusnolle prosequinolo contenderenon adimpleti contractusnon bis in idemnon compos mentisnon constatnon est factumnon faciat malum, ut inde veniat bonumnon liquetnon obstante verdictonon sequiturnoscitur a sociisnota benenudum pactum - nulla bonanulla poena sine legenullum crimen, nulla poena sine praevia lege poenalinunc pro tunc


obiter dicta is plural; see the singular obiter dictumonus probandiopinio juris sive necessitatis


pacta sunt servandapar delictumparens patriaepater familiaspendente liteperper capitaper contraper curiamper diemper incuriamper minasper proper quodper sepericulum in mora - per stirpespersona non grataposse comitatuspost mortempost mortem auctorispraetor peregrinusprima facieprimogenitureprius quam exaudias ne iudicesprobatio vincit praesumptionempro bonopro bono publicopro formapro hac vicepro perpro ratapro sepro tantopro tempro temporepropria personaprout patet per recordum


quaeiturquaerequantumquantum meruitquasi – "qui facit per alium facit per se" – qui tam actionquid pro quoquid pro quo sexual harassmentquo antequo warrantoquoad hoc - quod est necessarium est licitum


ratio decidendiratio scriptarebus sic stantibusreddendo singula singulisresres gestaeres ipsa loquiturres judicatares nulliusres publicares publica christianarespondeat superiorrestitutio in integrum


salus populi est suprema lexscandalum magnatumscandalum magnumscienterscintillascire faciasscire fecise defendendoseriatimsine diesine qua nonsitusstare decisissua spontesub judicesub modosub nominesub silentiosubpoenasubpoena ad testificandumsubpoena duces tecumsuggestio falsisui generissui iurissui jurissuo motosupersedeassuppressio verisupra


terra nulliustrial de novotrinoda necessitastabula rasa


uberrima fidesultra posse nemo obligaturultra viresuno flatuuti possidetisuxor


vel nonvetovice versavidevidelicetvinculum jurisvis majorviz.volenti non fit injuriavigilantibus non dormientibus aequitas subvenit

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