In forma pauperis

In forma pauperis

"In forma pauperis" (IFP) is a legal term derived from the Latin phrase "in the character or manner of a pauper".Black's Law Dictionary, p. 701 (5th ed. 1979).] In the United States, the IFP designation is given by both state and federal courts to someone who is without the funds to pursue the normal costs of a lawsuit or a criminal defense. The status is usually granted by a judge without a hearing, and entitles the person to a waiver of normal costs, and sometimes in criminal cases the appointment of counsel. While court imposed costs such as filing fees are waived, the litigant is still responsible for others' costs incurred in bringing the action such as deposition and witness fees.

Approximately two-thirds of writ of certiorari petitions to the Supreme Court are filed "in forma pauperis".Lawrence S. Wrightsman, "The Psychology of the Supreme Court", ISBN 019530604X (Oxford University Press US, 2006), at [ 60] ] [Otis H. Stephens and John M. Scheb, "American Constitutional Law", ISBN 053454570X (Thomson Wadsworth, 2002)] Most of those petitioners are prisoners.

IFP status is usually granted in connection to pro se petitioners, but the two concepts are separate and distinct.


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  • forma pauperis — /forma poparas/ See appeal in forma pauperis in forma pauperis …   Black's law dictionary

  • forma pauperis — /forma poparas/ See appeal in forma pauperis in forma pauperis …   Black's law dictionary

  • forma pauperis — See in forma pauperis …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • in forma pauperis — in for·ma pau·pe·ris /ˌin fȯr mə pȯ pə rəs, fȯr mä pau̇ pe rēs/ adj or adv [Medieval Latin, in the form of a pauper]: as a poor person: relieved of the fees and costs of a legal action because of inability to pay allowed to file an appeal in… …   Law dictionary

  • in forma pauperis — |fȯrməˈpȯpərə̇s, ˈpau̇p adjective (or adverb) Etymology: Latin, in the form of a pauper : as a poor man : relieved of fees and costs in a legal action because of inability to pay permission was granted to file an appeal in forma pauperis * * *… …   Useful english dictionary

  • in forma pauperis — /in fawr meuh paw peuh ris/, Law. without liability for court costs and court fees: permission to sue in forma pauperis. [1585 95; < L: as a pauper] * * * …   Universalium

  • in forma pauperis — [in fôr′mə pô′pə ris] [L, in the manner of a pauper] as a poor person; i.e. without paying court costs …   English World dictionary

  • appeal in forma pauperis — See in forma pauperis …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • in forma pauperis — /in forma poparas/ In the character or manner of a pauper. Describes permission given to a poor person (i.e. indigent) to proceed without liability for court fees or costs. An indigent will not be deprived of his rights to litigate and appeal; if …   Black's law dictionary

  • in forma pauperis — /in forma poparas/ In the character or manner of a pauper. Describes permission given to a poor person (i.e. indigent) to proceed without liability for court fees or costs. An indigent will not be deprived of his rights to litigate and appeal; if …   Black's law dictionary

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