Pro tempore

Pro tempore

Pro tempore (play /ˌpr ˈtɛmpəri/, /ˌpr ˈtɛmpərɛ/[1] or /ˌpr ˈtɛmpər/),[2][3] abbreviated pro tem or p.t., is a Latin phrase which best translates to "for the time being" in English. This phrase is often used to describe a person who acts as a locum tenens (placeholder) in the absence of a superior, such as the President pro tempore of the United States Senate.

Legislative bodies can have one or more pro tempore for the presiding officer. These positions ostensibly go to legislators experienced in floor debate who are familiar with the content and application of relevant rules and precedents and who have a reputation for fairness among their colleagues.

==Mayor pro tem== KC WAKA A common use of pro tempore in the United States is in municipalities such as cities and towns with regard to the position of the mayor. Some cities do not have a position of vice mayor, but rather appoint a person from the city council to act as mayor pro tem in the absence of the actual mayor.


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  • pro tempore — pro tem·po·re /prō tem pə rē, pō ˌrā/ adv or adj [Latin]: for the time being: chosen or appointed to occupy a position either temporarily or in the absence of a regularly elected official an administrator pro tempore Merriam Webster’s Dictionary… …   Law dictionary

  • Pro tempore — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Pro tempore es una frase proveniente del Latín pro que significa por y tempore que significa tiempo. Su traducción al español sería por un tiempo y se utiliza cuando se otorga un cargo temporal a una persona. En… …   Wikipedia Español

  • pro tempore — pro tèm·po·re loc.avv., lat. CO spec. nel linguaggio burocratico, per un certo periodo di tempo, temporaneamente: affidare pro tempore un incarico; anche loc.agg.inv.: presidente pro tempore {{line}} {{/line}} DATA: av. 1598. ETIMO: lat. pro… …   Dizionario italiano

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  • pro tempore — [prō tem′pə rē΄] adj., adv. [L] for the time (being); temporary or temporarily: shortened to pro tem …   English World dictionary

  • pro tempore — mid 15c., Latin, lit. for the time (being). Abbreviated form pro tem is attested by 1828 …   Etymology dictionary

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  • pro tempore — лат. (про тэмпорэ) временно. Толковый словарь иностранных слов Л. П. Крысина. М: Русский язык, 1998 …   Словарь иностранных слов русского языка

  • Pro tempŏre — (lat.), zur jetzigen Zeit …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

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