- In mitius
Retroactivity "in mitius" is an exception to the non-retroactivity of laws, permitting the more lenient criminal law to be made retroactive. The phrase "in mitius" is Latin for "to make mild".
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
Retroactivity "in mitius" is an exception to the non-retroactivity of laws, permitting the more lenient criminal law to be made retroactive. The phrase "in mitius" is Latin for "to make mild".
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
mitius imperanti melius paretur — /mishiyas imparaentay miyl(i)yas pariytar/ The more mildly one commands, the better is he obeyed … Black's law dictionary
mitius imperanti melius paretur — /mishiyas imparaentay miyl(i)yas pariytar/ The more mildly one commands, the better is he obeyed … Black's law dictionary
Mitius imperanti melius paretur — The more gently a person commands, the better he is obeyed … Ballentine's law dictionary
In dubio mitius — Der Grundsatz im Strafrecht „in dubio mitius“ (lat. für „Im Zweifel das Mildere / das Günstigere“) ist eine Konkretisierung der Unschuldsvermutung und ist verwandt mit dem Grundsatz in dubio pro reo: Umstände, die nicht feststellbar sind, sollen… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Rétroactivité in mitius — Droit pénal: application d une loi pénale plus douce à des faits commis avant sa promulgation et non définitivement jugés … Lexique de Termes Juridiques
cum confitente sponte mitius est agendum — /kam konfatentiy spontiy mish(iy)as est ajendam/ One confessing willingly should be dealt with more leniently … Black's law dictionary
cum confitente sponte mitius est agendum — /kam konfatentiy spontiy mish(iy)as est ajendam/ One confessing willingly should be dealt with more leniently … Black's law dictionary
Cum confitente sponte mitius est agendum — When a person makes a voluntary confession, he should be treated the more gently … Ballentine's law dictionary
Delinquens per iram provocatus puniri debet mitius — A wrongdoer who has been provoked to anger ought to be punished less severely … Ballentine's law dictionary
Légalité des délits et des peines — Principe de légalité en droit pénal Ne doit pas être confondu avec Principe de légalité en droit administratif … Wikipédia en Français