Kaiketsu Zorori

Kaiketsu Zorori
Kaiketsu Zorori
Kaiketsu Zorori vol01.jpg
Zorori fighting a dragon to rescue Princess Elzie. Arthur is on the bottom left.
Genre Comedy, Adventure
Written by Yutaka Hara
Published by Poplar Publishing
Demographic Children's
Original run November 1987ongoing
Volumes 48
TV anime
Directed by Hiroshi Nishikiori
Studio Anbā Film Works, Ajia-do Animation Works, Sunrise
Network Mētele, Animax
English network Philippines Hero TV, GMA 7, Cartoon Network (Philippines)
Original run February 1, 2004February 6, 2005
Episodes 52
TV anime
Majime ni Fumajime: Kaiketsu Zorori
Directed by Tsutomu Shibayama
Studio Ajia-do Animation Works, Sunrise
Network Mētele, Animax
English network Philippines Hero TV, GMA 7, Cartoon Network (Philippines)
Original run February 13, 2005January 28, 2007
Episodes 97
Anime and Manga Portal

Kaiketsu Zorori (かいけつゾロリ?, "Incredible Zorori") is a popular Japanese children's book series created by Yutaka Hara and published by Poplar Publishing. The original books were also made into an OVA, animated feature-length film, anime, and comic. They all have "Zorori" in the title.



Set in a parallel world inhabited by anthropomorphic animals (in their Earth's version of Japan), the story follows the protagonist, a fox named Zorori and his boar twin followers Ishishi and Noshishi as they travel from place to place. The series debuted in 1987 with its first issue: Kaiketsu Zorori no Doragon Taiji (かいけつゾロリのドラゴンたいじ?, "The Incredible Zorori, Dragon Slayer") and has published about two issues per year, totaling 48 issues as of December 2010. It was adapted into an anime series from February 1, 2004 to January 28, 2007. A Hong Kong produced English dubbed version by Red Angel Media aired on Cartoon Network Philippines on January 4, 2010. The dub featured the voices of Russell Wait as the title character, Candice Moore, Muriel Hofmann, Michael Pizzuto, and Jack Murphy.

Zorori was originally a villain for the series Hōrensō Man (ほうれんそうマン?, "Spinach Man") written by Shiho Mitsushima, and when Hōrensō Man ended, Shiho Mitsushima understood the need to give it an independent spin-off. What both series shared in common was that the end of Hōrensō Man no Yūreijō (ほうれんそうマンのゆうれいじょう?, "Spinach Man and the Haunted Castle") (depicts Zorori leaving on a journey to get a castle) ties in with the beginning of Kaiketsu Zorori no Doragon Taiji and Zorori's aspiration, "Zorori Castle Part 2" is established (It appears Part 1 came from the Zorori Castle in Hōrensō Man no Yūreijō). Another part is the reoccurring characters (Zorori Mama and Yōkai Gakkō no Sensei, and to some degree the debut of Sumire and Bokushi Robo) that were not given anything past trivial appearances. However, knowing the background story of the Hōrensō Man series is not needed to be able to enjoy the Zorori series.

Using clear patterns and lines, the characters would speak using speech bubbles more similar to comics than to picture books. The text and words would not use any difficult kanji or any furigana, instead using lower grade level words so that it can be read alone without needing any help. It also features excessive puns and it is because of this that puns saw a boom in use in elementary school students. In spite of it being called a well read elementary school "children's book", it has an array of farting, belching, and vulgar words that sometimes parents and guardians in the PTA demanded apologies for it. (Remember, this is a comedy series) Whenever Zorori is in a desperate situation and it appears he'll reach his demise, a fake notice is posted advising to skip the next page due to gruesome violence (Of course this is all a joke. The next page just has him finding a way out of his predicament).

At the time of publication, The Zorori League (ゾロリーグ Zororiigu?) and Stupid Monster (ボケーットモンスター Bokeetto Monsutaa?) (A play on Pokemon) were very popular comedies, especially among Japanese comedians for its use of Japanese jokes.

Furthermore, the Spanish word for fox is "zorro", and the author intended for Kaiketsu Zorori to resemble Zorro.


Main characters

Zorori (ゾロリ?) / Voiced by: Kōichi Yamadera ('93 Short Film: Akira Kamiya), Russell Wait, David Lee McKinney (English)

The fox protagonist of the story and a wanted criminal (after Arrested!! (つかまる!! Tsukamaru!!?). He keeps traveling with the goal of becoming the King of Pranks (悪戯の王者 Itazura no Ōja?), finding a beautiful bride, and getting his own castle. He refers to himself as Ore-sama and Ore. He can build mecha out of rubbish and trash, and even amusement parks, by himself since he is a genius. A self-proclaimed Prankster Genius (悪戯の天才, Itazura no Tensai?), he is by no means a villain, as he has a tender heart and as the protagonist of a picture book, he is more of a dark hero or an anti-hero. He would do anything to achieve his goals, but from time to time he would help others, especially if he sees an oppotunity to benefit from a situation himself. He normally wears a sandogasa and a striped cape reminiscent of an Edo period gambler, but at crucial moments he changes into a Zorro-esque costume with the letters ZZ on the chest. He is very dextrous and can build almost any machine to suit his needs. He is also the owner of the Bukkura Koita, a book that tells oyaji gags so bad they freeze all who hear it. His favorite food is anpan.

Zorori's Followers

The older of the boar twins. Along with his younger brother Noshishi, he follows Zorori around on his journey. He is distinguishable from his brother by his slightly larger right nostril and deeper voice. His favorite food is melonpan.
The younger of the boar twins, he follows Zorori and Ishishi around on the journey. He is distinguishable from his brother by his slightly larger left nostril, the mole on his right cheek, and a higher voice. His favorite food is onigiri.
Ishishi and Noshishi do share some common traits, they both refer to themselves in the first person as Ora (おら?) and end a lot of their sentences with ~da (?), and they both have problems farting at will. Also, they both respect Zorori and refer to him as Zorori-sensei (ゾロリ先生?) or just Sensei, the latter more often than the former.
Incidentally, their names are rearrangements of "Inoshishi" (イノシシ?), the Japanese word for boar.

Zorori's Family

Real Name: Zororeene (ゾロリーヌ Zororīnu?), she is the ghost of Zororis mother. Her cause of death is unknown, but she is almost always seen watching her son from above.

Nelly (ネリー Nerī?)

Milly (ミリー Mirī?)

Roger (ロジャー Rojā?)

Najō (ナジョー?)

Puppe (プッペ?) / Voiced by: Miyako Itō

A ghost guide in finding the 'Minus Eel'. He can escape from his body and move around as a spirit.

Secondary Characters

Demon School Teacher (妖怪学校の先生 Yōkai Gakkō no Sensei?) / Voiced by: Junpei Takiguchi, Jack Murphy, Scott Evans (English)

Yōkai-sensei for short. He teaches different monsters and demons how to scare people.


  • Dracula (ドラキュラ Dorakyura?)
  • Werewolf (オオカミ男 Ookamiotoko?)
  • Giant Monster (大入道 Oonyūdō?)
  • Gorgon (ゴーゴン Gōgon?)

Arthur (アーサー Āsā?) / Voiced by: Sōichirō Hoshi, Muriel Hofmann (English)

The brave, noble, and honest black panther. He is often the target of Zorori's schemes and suffers much physical abuse.

Princess Elzie (エルゼ姫 Eruze-hime?) / Voiced by: Fumiko Orikasa, Candice Moore (English)

A cat princess that Zorori had kidnapped in order to save her, marry her, and get her castle. She was rescued by Arthur and then married him.

The Wizard (魔法使い Mahōtsukai?)

  • Kōmorigasa (コーモリガサ?, Umbrella Bat)
A bat (kōmori (コーモリ?)) the wizard combined with an umbrella (kōmorigasa (こうもり傘?)).
  • Kabankaba (カバンカバ?, Bag Hippo)
A hippo (kaba (カバ?)) the wizard combined with a bag (kaban (?)). In the 1933 movie, the hippo was male, but female in the anime series.
  • Risurippa (リスリッパ?, Squirrel Slipper)
A squirrel (risu (リス?)) the wizard combined with a slipper (surippa (スリッパ?)).
  • Nezumimizu (ネズミミズ?, Mouse Earthworm)
A mouse (nezumi (?)) the wizard combined with an earthworm (mimizu (蚯蚓?)).
  • Pantsunda (パンツンダ?, Underwear Panda)
A panda (パンダ?) the wizard combined with underwear (pantsu (パンツ?)).

Paru (パル?) / Voiced by: Kōhei Kiyasu ('93 short film: Keiko Han)

The son of a pirate captain. When he was first introduced he was a lion cub, but for the rest of the series he is a teenager. He has his own toy car store.

Ship Captain (船長 Senchō?)

Paru's father.

Tiger (タイガー Taigā?) / Voiced by: Fumihiko Tachiki ('93 short film: Kōsei Tomita)

Paru's former first mate. He committed mutiny and became the pirate captain. His left hand is mechanical.
  • Pirate Henchmen
The Ship Captain's henchmen, but after the captain got killed off, they become Tiger's henchmen.

Duke Bururu (ブルル公爵 Bururu-kōshaku?) / Voiced by: Daisuke Gōri

A candy mogul. He always holds contests with fabulous prizes to increase candy sales. He also finds loopholes to prevent Zorori from getting his prize.

Koburu (コブル?) / Voiced by: Mizushima

Duke Bururu's assistant. He often rubs his hands together and says "yes, yes" (はいはい haihai?).

Shirodaruman (シロダルマン?)

Dinosaur Mama (恐竜のママ Kyōrū no Mama?)

Dinosaur Kid (恐竜のぼうや Kyōrū no Bōya?)

Mojara (モジャラ?)

Monster (怪獣 Kaijū?)

Alien Princess (宇宙人のお姫様 Uchūjin no Ohime-sama?)

  • Alien Monsters

Suzuki Santa and Yamada Santa

The two Santas in "The Terrifying Presents"

Santa Police (サンタポリス Santa Porisu?)

Chipoli (チポリ?)

Topol (トポル Toporu?)

Chief Gomez (ゴメス署長 Gomesu Shochō?)

Tail (テイル Teiru?)

Madi (マディ?)

Yutaka Hara (原ゆたか Hara Yutaka?)

The creator of Kaiketsu Zorori, Yutaka Hara appears in every episode, often in the background.

Anime Only Characters

Tanuki Mother (母さんダヌキ Kaasan Tanuki?)

Professor Gaon (ガオン博士 Gaon-hakase?) / Voiced by: Masashi Ebara

A lone traveling wolf scientist in search of things he wants to build. He is intelligent, strong and resourceful. He and Zorori are equally matched and are friendly rivals. He has his own Bukkura Koita he made himself, but it is no match for Zorori's original.

Mayor Porks (ポークス市長 Pōkusu Shichō?)


The first Zorori book was released in November 1987 and has seen two releases per year ever since. The first 39 volumes have been used as source material for the anime, while volumes 40 and beyond are book only, due to being printed after the anime's cancellation.

No. Title Release date ISBN
01 "Kaiketsu Zorori in the Dragon Slayer" (かいけつゾロリのドラゴンたいじ "Kaiketsu Zorori no Doragon Taiji"?) November 1987[1] ISBN 978-4-591-02654-0
02 "Kaiketsu Zorori in the Terrifying Mansion" (かいけつゾロリのきょうふのやかた "Kaiketsu Zorori no Kyōfu no Yakata"?) May 1988[2] ISBN 978-4-591-03001-1
03 "Kaiketsu Zorori in the Wizard's Apprentice" (かいけつゾロリのまほうつかいのでし "Kaiketsu Zorori no Mahōtsukai no Deshi"?) November 1988[3] ISBN 978-4-591-03005-9
04 "Kaiketsu Zorori in the Great Pirates" (かいけつゾロリの大かいぞく "Kaiketsu Zorori no Daikaizoku"?) May 1989[4] ISBN 978-4-591-03015-8
05 "Kaiketsu Zorori in the Ghost Ship" (かいけつゾロリのゆうれいせん "Kaiketsu Zorori no Yūreisen"?) October 1989[5] ISBN 978-4-591-03024-0
06 "Kaiketsu Zorori in the Chocolate Castle" (かいけつゾロリのチョコレートじょう "Kaiketsu Zorori no Chokorētojō"?) February 1990[6] ISBN 978-4-591-03028-8
07 "Kaiketsu Zorori in the Giant Dinosaur" (かいけつゾロリの大きょうりゅう "Kaiketsu Zorori no Daikyōryū"?) August 1990[7] ISBN 978-4-591-03035-6
08 "Kaiketsu Zorori in the Terrifying Amusement Park" (かいけつゾロリのきょうふのゆうえんち "Kaiketsu Zorori no Kyōfu no Yūenchi"?) February 1991[8] ISBN 978-4-591-03043-1
09 "Kaiketsu Zorori in I Love Mama" (かいけつゾロリのママだーいすき "Kaiketsu Zorori no Mama Dāisuki"?) August 1991[9] ISBN 978-4-591-03052-3
10 "Kaiketsu Zorori in the Giant Monster" (かいけつゾロリの大かいじゅう "Kaiketsu Zorori no Daikaijū"?) January 1992[10] ISBN 978-4-591-03058-5
11 "Kaiketsu Zorori in the Mysterious Aliens" (かいけつゾロリのなぞのうちゅうじん "Kaiketsu Zorori no Nazo no Uchūjin"?) July 1992[11] ISBN 978-4-591-03066-0
12 "Kaiketsu Zorori in the Terrifying Presents" (かいけつゾロリのきょうふのプレゼント "Kaiketsu Zorori no Kyōfu no Purezento"?) December 1992[12] ISBN 978-4-591-03075-2
13 "Kaiketsu Zorori in the Great Riddle Plan" (かいけつゾロリのなぞなぞ大さくせん "Kaiketsu Zorori no Nazo Nazo Daisakusen"?) June 1993[13] ISBN 978-4-591-03086-8
14 "Kaiketsu Zorori in Terrifying Soccer" (かいけつゾロリのきょうふのサッカー "Kaiketsu Zorori no Kyōfu no Sakkā"?) December 1993[14] ISBN 978-4-591-03095-0
15 "Kaiketsu Zorori Arrested!!" (かいけつゾロリつかまる!! "Kaiketsu Zorori Tsukamaru!!"?) July 1994[15] ISBN 978-4-591-04400-1
16 "Kaiketsu Zorori and the Mysterious Airplane" (かいけつゾロリとなぞのひこうき "Kaiketsu Zorori to Nazo no Hikōki"?) November 1994[16] ISBN 978-4-591-04623-4
17 "Kaiketsu Zorori in the Great Ghost Plan" (かいけつゾロリのおばけ大さくせん "Kaiketsu Zorori no Obake Daisakusen"?) June 1995[17] ISBN 978-4-591-04801-6
18 "Kaiketsu Zorori in the Great Ninja Plan" (かいけつゾロリのにんじゃ大さくせん "Kaiketsu Zorori no Ninja Daisakusen"?) December 1995[18] ISBN 978-4-591-04898-6
19 "Kaiketsu Zorori Marries!?" (かいけつゾロリけっこんする!? "Kaiketsu Zorori Kekkon Suru!?"?) July 1996[19] ISBN 978-4-591-05132-0
20 "Kaiketsu Zorori's Great Duel! Zorori Castle" (かいけつゾロリ大けっとうゾロリじょう "Kaiketsu Zorori Daikettō! Zororijō"?) December 1996[20] ISBN 978-4-591-05232-7
21 "Kaiketsu Zorori in the Terrifying Car Race" (かいけつゾロリのきょうふのカーレース "Kaiketsu Zorori no Kyōfu no Kārēsu"?) July 1997[21] ISBN 978-4-591-05433-8
22 "Kaiketsu Zorori in the Great Terrifying Jump" (かいけつゾロリのきょうふの大ジャンプ "Kaiketsu Zorori no "Kyōfu no Dai Janpu"?) December 1997[22] ISBN 978-4-591-05521-2
23 "Kaiketsu Zorori in a Rich Man" (かいけつゾロリの大金もち "Kaiketsu Zorori no Oganemochi"?) July 1998[23] ISBN 978-4-591-05743-8
24 "Kaiketsu Zorori in the Close Call Video Game" (かいけつゾロリのテレビゲームききいっぱつ "Kaiketsu Zorori no Terebi Gēmu Kikiippatsu"?) December 1998[24] ISBN 978-4-591-05881-7
25 "Kaiketsu Zorori in the Terrifying Treasure Hunt" (かいけつゾロリのきょうふの宝さがし "Kaiketsu Zorori no Kyōfu no Takara Sagashi"?) July 1999[25] ISBN 978-4-591-06133-6
26 "Kaiketsu Zorori, the Earth's Final Day" (かいけつゾロリ ちきゅうさいごの日 "Kaiketsu Zorori Chikyū Saigo no Hi"?) December 1999[26] ISBN 978-4-591-06235-7
27 "Kaiketsu Zorori in the Detective Has Appeared" (かいけつゾロリのめいたんていとうじょう "Kaiketsu Zorori no Meitantei Tōjō"?) July 2000[27] ISBN 978-4-591-06503-7
28 "Kaiketsu Zorori, Certain Death" (かいけつゾロリぜったいぜつめい "Kaiketsu Zorori Zettai Zetsumei"?) December 2000[28] ISBN 978-4-591-06641-6
29 "Kaiketsu Zorori in the Terrifying Carnival" (かいけつゾロリのきょうふのカーニバル "Kaiketsu Zorori no Kyōfu no Kānibaru"?) July 2001[29] ISBN 978-4-591-06891-5
30 "Kaiketsu Zorori, It's Hot! A Ramen Showdown" (かいけつゾロリあついぜラーメンたいけつ "Kaiketsu Zorori Atsui ze! Rāmen Taiketsu"?) December 2001[30] ISBN 978-4-591-07045-1
31 "Kaiketsu Zorori in Heaven and Hell" (かいけつゾロリのてんごくとじごく "Kaiketsu Zorori no Tengoku to Jigoku"?) July 2002[31] ISBN 978-4-591-07308-7
32 "Kaiketsu Zorori in a Trip to Hell" (かいけつゾロリのじごくりょこう "Kaiketsu Zorori no Jigoku Ryokō"?) December 2002[32] ISBN 978-4-591-07446-6
33 "Kaiketsu Zorori in the Monster Major Leagues" (かいけつゾロリのようかい大リーグ "Kaiketsu Zorori no Yōkai Dai Rīgu"?) July 2003[33] ISBN 978-4-591-07774-0
34 "Kaiketsu Zorori and the Mysterious Magical Girl" (かいけつゾロリとなぞのまほう少女 "Kaiketsu Zorori to Nazo no Mahōshōjo"?) November 2003[34] ISBN 978-4-591-07928-7
35 "Kaiketsu Zorori and the Magic Room" (かいけつゾロリとまほうのへや "Kaiketsu Zorori to Mahō no Heya"?) July 2004[35] ISBN 978-4-591-08191-4
36 "Kaiketsu Zorori Can Be Eaten!!" (かいけつゾロリたべられる!! "Kaiketsu Zorori Taberareru!!"?) December 2004[36] ISBN 978-4-591-08365-9
37 "Kaiketsu Zorori in the Great Thief" (かいけつゾロリの大どろぼう "Kaiketsu Zorori no Ōdorobō"?) July 2005[37] ISBN 978-4-591-08734-3
38 "Kaiketsu Zorori in the Great Mysterious Treasure Plan First Part" (かいけつゾロリのなぞのおたから大さくせん 前編 "Kaiketsu Zorori no Nazo no Otakara Daisakusen Zenpen"?) December 2005[38] ISBN 978-4-591-08975-0
39 "Kaiketsu Zorori in the Great Mysterious Treasure Plan Later Part" (かいけつゾロリのなぞのおたから大さくせん 後編 "Kaiketsu Zorori no Nazo no Otakara Daisakusen Kōhen"?) March 2006[39] ISBN 978-4-591-09184-5
40 "Kaiketsu Zorori Will Protect It! The Dinosaur Egg" (かいけつゾロリまもるぜきょうりゅうのたまご "Kaiketsu Zorori Mamoru ze! Kyōryū no Tamago"?) December 2006[40] ISBN 978-4-591-09512-6
41 "Kaiketsu Zorori, Eat! Glutton Champion" (かいけつゾロリ たべるぜ大ぐいせんしゅけん "Kaiketsu Zorori Taberu ze! Ōgui Senshuken"?) July 2007[41] ISBN 978-4-591-09836-3
42 "Kaiketsu Zorori, Lose Weight! The Great Diet Plan" (かいけつゾロリ やせるぜダイエット大さくせん "Kaiketsu Zorori Yaseru ze! Daietto Daisakusen"?) December 2007[42] ISBN 978-4-591-10014-1
43 "Kaiketsu Zorori, Curry VS ESP" (かいけつゾロリ カレーVS.ちょうのうりょく "Kaiketsu Zorori Karē VS. Chōnōryoku"?) June 2008[43] ISBN 978-4-591-10396-8
44 "Kaiketsu Zorori, Ishishi and Noshishi Are In a Big Pinch!!" (かいけつゾロリ イシシ・ノシシ大ピンチ!! "Kaiketsu Zorori Ishishi, Noshishi Dai Pinchi!!"?) December 2008[44] ISBN 978-4-591-10687-7
45 "Kaiketsu Zorori, the Terrifying Super Express" (かいけつゾロリ きょうふのちょうとっきゅう "Kaiketsu Zorori Kyōfu no Chōtokkyū"?) July 2009[45] ISBN 978-4-591-11059-1
46 "Kaiketsu Zorori, the Terrifying Monster Field Trip" (かいけつゾロリ きょうふのようかいえんそく "Kaiketsu Zorori Kyōfu no Youkai Ensoku"?) December 2009[46] ISBN 978-4-591-11273-1
47 "Kaiketsu Zorori in G-g-g-great Adventure! First Part" (かいけつゾロリのだ・だ・だ・だいぼうけん前編 "Kaiketsu Zorori no Da-da-da-daibōken! Zenpen"?) July 2010[47] ISBN 978-4-591-11951-8
48 "Kaiketsu Zorori in G-g-g-great Adventure! Later Part" (かいけつゾロリのだ・だ・だ・だいぼうけん後編 "Kaiketsu Zorori no Da-da-da-daibōken! Kōhen"?) December 2010[48] ISBN 978-4-591-12200-6


Series 1

The first series, titled Kaiketsu Zorori, is primarily based on the children books by Yutaka Hara.

# Title Original air date[49]
01 "Dragging Away the Dragon"
"Doragon Taiji" (ドラゴンたいじ) 
February 1, 2004
Zorori meets Ishishi and Noshishi and they plan a way for Zorori to marry Princess Elzie by stealing her away from Arthur using a dragon robot. Zorori tries to play the hero and save her, but the boars ruin it. Zorori decides to keep searching for a princess and Ishishi and Noshishi follow him as his new apprentices. Based on book 1. 
02 "Big Duel, Zorori Castle"
"Daikettō Zororijō" (大けっとうゾロリじょう) 
February 8, 2004
Zorori must battle against five rouges to free a princess and win her castle. He gets magical shrinking and growing medicine to help him, and in the end the castle is destroyed when Ishishi and Noshishi grow to enormous proportions. The rescued princess has been cursed to sleep as a frog. Zorori kisses her but storms away when nothing happens. A minute later the princess returns to normal and awakens. Based on book 20. 
03 "I Love Mama"
"Mama Dāisuki" (ママだーいすき) 
February 15, 2004
Zorori is depressed on his deceased mother's birthday. When a mother looses her baby, Zorori promises to get him back. Ishishi ends up taken away by an eagle and Zorori and Noshishi end up with the baby at the bottom of a ravine. They discover a huge treasure, but must leave it behind when Ishishi and the eagle come back to rescue them. The eagle crashes into the mother's home, but they arrive safely. Zorori gives the baby a giant daimond, the only piece of the treasure he brought along, to pay for a new home. Based on book 9. 
04 "The Mansion of Terror"
"Kyōfu no Yakata" (きょうふのやか) 
February 22, 2004
Zorori and the boars meet a group of monsters trying to be scary. They go to a nearby town to scare people, but are welcomed as entertainers. Zorori tries to show the monsters how to be scary by harnessing their abilities, but it all backfires. He builds a giant robot to scare the town with, but it goes haywire. They succeed in being thrown out of town and inciting fear. Based on book 2. 
05 "The Sacred Book"
"Seinaru Hon" (せいなる本) 
February 29, 2004
Zorori races against a millionaire to the top of a mountain to claim the Bukkura Koita, a book said to tell deeply moving stories. Zorori gets ownership over the book, only to find out it tells nothing but oyaji gags
06 "The Wizard's Apprentice"
"Mahōtsukai no Deshi" (まほうつかいのでし) 
March 7, 2004
An evil wizard has turned a local town's residents into household objects. Zorori decides to become the wizard's apprentice to use magic in his pranks. The wizard works them hard for a week and then Zorori discovers the wizard's power comes from his magic rod and he was never going to teach him magic. Outraged, Zorori steals the rod and starts using magic. The wizard takes back the rod and shrinks down Zorori to squish him. The boars take the rod and undo all the wizard's spells, revealing the wizard was actually a tanuki child all along. Based on book 3. 
07 "The Great Pirates"
"Daikaizoku" (大かいぞく) 
March 14, 2004
A drowning ship captain gives Zorori a golden parrot to give to his son Paru. The golden parrot has a treasure map. Zorori join's Paru's crew hoping to get buried treasure, but one of the pirates, Tiger, will do anything to get Zorori out of the way. He succeeds in shooting Zorori out of a cannon into the sea and reveals that he drowned the captain. Zorori comes back on a ship he transformed from a whale using the magic rod. Tiger steals the rod and wishes up a huge cannon that sinks his own ship. Zorori takes Paru to where the treasure is and they find a room filled with toy cars. Based on book 4. 
08 "Ghost Ship"
"Yūreisen" (ゆうれいせん) 
March 21, 2004
Arthur and Elzie are on their honeymoon and Zorori tricks them onto his ship so he can get Arthur to sign away his castle. Arthur refuses no matter how hard Zorori tries to force him to sign. Just as Arthur agrees to sign, Noshishi accidentally unplugs the ship, turning it back into a whale. Based on book 5. 
09 "The Chocolate Castle"
"Chokorētojō" (チョコレートじょう) 
March 28, 2004
Duke Bururu is holding a contest with a chocolate castle as the prize. Every chocolate bar is a winner, but the winning message is printed on the white chocolate that's in-between the dark and milk chocolate layers. To win someone would have to lick away both sides of the chocolate to reach the center. Zorori does just that and goes to claim his prize, only to be told he still has to complete an obstacle course to reach and win his castle. Zorori manages to win the castle and set it adrift, only to have it melt in a warmer southern climate. Based on book 6. 
10 "The Giant Dinosaur"
"Daikyōryū" (大きょうりゅう) 
April 4, 2004
A billboard advertises a real live dinosaur so Zorori and the boars go to see it. The dinosaur turns out to be a child and Zorori decides to capture his own dinosaur. They find one on a southern island and discover the dinosaur is a mother and figure out the dinosaur they saw was her kidnapped son. They all go back to where he is being held captive and free him. Based on book 7. 
11 "The Terrifying Car Race"
"Kyōfu no Kārēsu" (きょうふのカーレース) 
April 11, 2004
Duke Bururu is having another contest, this time for a new car and a year's supply of ice cream. Zorori once again wins by sucking on a ice pop stick for two hours to reveal the winning message. But like last time, there's a catch. Zorori must win a miniature car race before he can get his prize. With the help of Paru who now owns a toy car parts shop, they modify their toy car to run on fart power. Zorori, Ishishi, Duke Bururu, and Koburu shrink down and race the cars, with Zorori as the winner. Bururu congratulates them and gives them their prize: Three cups of ice cream and a tricycle attacked to a wagon with the image of the new car on a cardboard cut-out over it. Based on book 21. 
12 "The Terrifying Amusement Park"
"Kyōfu no Yūenchi" (きょうふのゆうえんち) 
April 18, 2004
Zorori builts an amusement park to try and steal Elzie and Arthur's castle. The free day pass they received and signed states that at the end of the day, Zorori would get their castle. Arthur wants to rip it up, but Elzie wants to spend the day at the park. Zorori's attempts to steal the pass from them fail and when he does get it, he's hurled into the air on a firework that destroys the pass when it goes off. Based on book 8. 
13 "The Delicious School"
"Oishii Gakkō" (おいしいがっこう) 
April 25, 2004
Zorori and the boars are starving when Dracula comes by and tells them the Monster School Teacher is sick and Zorori is wanted as a substitute. Seeing this as his chance to get food, he agrees to sub. Despite making all the classes food oriented, he still doesn't get any food. Out of desperation he eats an entire room filled with garlic, leaving him with a terrible smell. The students give Zorori tons of food as a parting gift, but Zorori is too full from the garlic to eat it
14 "The Mysterious Airplane"
"Nazo no Hikōki" (なぞのひこう) 
May 2, 2004
As Zorori plays with a toy plane, he remembers his father who left him and his mother years ago to pursue his dreams of flying the skies in a plane he built himself. An officer comes by and tells him the toy plane was stolen and the boars said they took it by mistake. They run from the police and end up on Money's plane, but partway through the flight the plane has engine trouble and crashes into a snowy mountain. Zorori builds a new plane from the remains and they fly off. They are low on gas when a red plane comes out of nowhere and points them to a nearby city. The red plane quickly vanishes and they get Money back home safely. Zorori is left wondering if the pilot was his father. Based on book 16. 
15 "The Giant Monster"
"Daikaijū" (大かいじゅう) 
May 9, 2004
Noshishi wins a lifetime supply of sweets and Zorori uses it to build a castle out of candy in the shape of a monster. Once the castle is done, a news report says a giant monster has appeared in the city, one who loves sweets. It heads toward Zorori's castle, and Zorori tries to stop him. All his plans fail and the monster destroys the castle. The monster starts to cry and Zorori realizes the monster is just a child who mistook the castle for his mother. Zorori wants to help him but Noshishi objects to the idea of taking care of a dinosaur, giving Zorori an idea. He takes the monster to the dinosaur mother and asks her to take care of him. Based on book 10. 
16 "A Decisive Battle! Cards VS Crayons"
"Kessen! Kādo Tai Kureyon" (けっせんカードたいクレヨン) 
May 16, 2004
17 "Hanako's Ghost"
"Obake no Hanako-san" (おばけの花子さん) 
May 23, 2004
Based on book 14. 
18 "Terrifying Soccer"
"Kyōfu no Sakkā" (きょうふのサッカー) 
May 30, 2004
Based on book 14. 
19 "Arrested!!"
"Tsukamaru!!" (つかまる!!) 
June 6, 2004
Based on book 15. 
20 "The Great Escape"
"Daidassō" (大だっそう) 
June 13, 2004
Based on book 15. 
21 "Ishishi & Noshishi's First Errand"
"Ishishi Noshihi no Hajimete no Otsukai" (イシシノシシのはじめてのおつかい) 
June 20, 2004
22 "The Great Rocket Plan"
"Roketto Daisakusen" (ロケット大さくせん) 
June 27, 2004
Based on book 11. 
23 "The Mysterious Aliens"
"Nazo no Uchūjin" (なぞのうちゅうじん) 
July 4, 2004
Based on book 11. 
24 "Zorori's Dream Castle"
"Yume no Zororijō" (ゆめのゾロリじょう) 
July 11, 2004
25 "A Fiance Appears!?"
"Fianse Arawaru!?" (フィアンセあらわる!?) 
July 18, 2004
Based on book 13. 
26 "The Great Riddle Plan"
"Nazo Nazo Daisakusen" (なぞなぞ大さくせん) 
July 25, 2004
Based on book 13. 
27 "The Great Ghost Plan"
"Obake Daisakusen" (おばけ大さくせん) 
August 1, 2004
Based on book 17. 
28 "The Great Giant Monster Plan"
"Oonyūdō Daisakuse" (大にゅうどう大さくせん) 
August 8, 2004
Based on book 17. 
29 "The Great Oyaji Gag Plan"
"Oyaji Gyagu Daisakusen" (おやじギャグ大さくせん) 
August 15, 2004
30 "The Monster Major Leagues"
"Yōkai Dai Rīgu" (ようかい大リーグ) 
August 22, 2004
Based on book 33. 
31 "The Terrifying Magic Ball"
"Kyōfu no Makyū" (きょうふのまきゅう) 
August 29, 2004
Based on book 33. 
32 "A Home Run Vow"
"Chikai no Hōmu Ran" (ちかいのホームラン) 
September 5, 2004
Based on book 33. 
33 "The Bottom of the Sea Zorori Castle"
"Kaitei Zororijō" (かいていゾロリじょう) 
September 12, 2004
34 "The Great Treasure Card Plan"
"Otakara Kādo Daisakusen" (おたからカード大さくせん) 
September 26, 2004
Based on book 18. 
35 "The Great Ninja Plan"
"Ninja Daisakusen" (にんじゃ大さくせん) 
October 3, 2004
Based on book 18. 
36 "Clash! The Great Mecha Ishishi & Noshishi Plan"
"Gekitotsu! Meka Ishishi Noshihi Daisakusen" (げきとつ! メカイシシノシシ大さくせん) 
October 10, 2004
37 "A Shocking Marriage Proposal"
"Dokkiri Puropōsu" (どっきりプロポーズ) 
October 17, 2004
Based on book 19. 
38 "Marry!?"
"Kekkon Suru!?" (けっこんする!?) 
October 24, 2004
Based on book 19. 
39 "The Great Part Time Job Plan"
"Arubaito Daisakusen" (アルバイト大さくせん) 
October 31, 2004
Based on book 23. 
40 "A Rich Man"
"Oganemochi" (大金もち) 
November 7, 2004
Based on book 23. 
41 "The Close Call Princess"
"Ōjosama Kikiippatsu" (王女さま ききいっぱつ) 
November 14, 2004
Based on book 24. 
42 "The Close Call Video Game"
"Terebi Gēmu Kikiippatsu" (テレビゲームききいっぱつ) 
November 21, 2004
Based on book 24. 
43 "The Great Monster Squid Elimination Plan"
"Obake Ika Taiji Daisakusen" (おばけイカたいじ大さくせん) 
November 28, 2004
44 "The Great Terrifying Jump"
"Kyōfu no Dai Janpu" (きょうふの大ジャンプ) 
December 5, 2004
Based on book 22. 
45 "The Great Gold Medal Plan"
"Kinmedaru Daisakusen" (金メダル大さくせん) 
December 12, 2004
Based on book 22. 
46 "The Terrifying Presents"
"Kyōfu no Purezento" (きょうふのプレゼント) 
December 19, 2004
Based on book 12. 
47 "Play-off! The Dream Prince"
"Kessen! Yume no Ōjisama" (けっせんゆめの王子さま) 
December 26, 2004
48 "The Terrifying Devil"
"Kyōfu no Akuma" (きょうふのあくま) 
January 9, 2005
Based on book 31. 
49 "Heaven and Hell"
"Tengoku to Jigoku" (てんごくとじごく) 
January 16, 2005
Based on book 31. 
50 "A Trip to Hell"
"Jigoku Ryokō" (じごくりょこう) 
January 23, 2005
Based on book 32. 
51 "Zorori's Final Day!?"
"Zorori Saigo no Hi!?" (ゾロリさいごの日!?) 
January 30, 2005
Based on book 32. 
52 "The Sky Flying Zorori Castle"
"Sora Tobu Zororijō" (そらとぶゾロリじょう) 
February 6, 2005

Series 2 Season 1

The second series, titled Majime ni Fumajime Kaiketsu Zorori (まじめにふまじめ かいけつゾロリ?), differs from the first series in a few ways. It adopts fewer of Hara's books and instead focuses on a season long story arc, something the first series did not have. Season 1 focuses on the wizard Nelly and the mysterious Najō as Zorori, Ishishi, and Noshishi help them restore the magic forest in a magical country.

# Title
01 "The Great Cheer Up Plan"
"Genki Morimori Daisakusen" (げんきもりもり大さくせん) 
02 "The Mystery of the Giant Cave"
"Kyōdai Dokutsu no Nazo" (きょだいどうくつのなぞ) 
Based on book 25. 
03 "The Terrifying Treasure Hunt"
"Kyōfu no Takara Sagashi" (きょうふのたからさがし) 
Based on book 25. 
04 "The Mysterious Magical Girl"
"Nazo no Mahōshōjo" (なぞのまほう少女) 
Based on book 34. 
05 "The 3 Heroes"
"Sannin no Yūsha" (3人のゆうしゃ) 
Based on book 34. 
06 "The Wizard's Traps"
"Mahōtsukai no Wana" (まほうつかいのわな) 
Based on book 35. 
07 "The Magic Room"
"Mahō no Heya" (まほうのへや) 
Based on book 35. 
08 "The Power of Magic"
"Mahō no Chikara" (まほうのちから) 
Based on book 35. 
09 "Let's Go to the Hot Springs"
"Onsen he Ikō" (おんせんへ行こう) 
Based on book 27. 
10 "The Detective Has Appeared"
"Meitantei Tōjō" (めいたんていとうじょう) 
Based on book 27. 
11 "Nelly's Mistake"
"Nerī-chan no Shippai" (ネリーちゃんのしっぱい) 
12 "A Bunch of Riddles"
"Nazonazo ga Ippai" (なぞなぞがいっぱい) 
13 "The Ramen King Appears"
"Rāmen Ō Tōjō" (ラーメン王とうじょう) 
Based on book 30. 
14 "It's hot! A Ramen Showdown"
"Atsui ze! Rāmen Taiketsu" (あついぜラーメンたいけつ) 
Based on book 30. 
15 "The Terrifying Popular Designer"
"Kyofu no Motemote Dezainā" (きょうふのモテモテデザイナー) 
16 "The Flap to the World Designer"
"Sekai he Habatake Dezainā" (世界へはばたけデザイナー) 
17 "The Great Carnival Plan"
"Kānibaru Daisakusen" (カーニバルだいさくせん) 
Based on book 29. 
18 "Keep Watch! Carnival Victory"
"Mesase! Yūshō Kānibaru" (めざせゆうしょうカーニバル) 
Based on book 29. 
19 "The Terrifying Carnival"
"Kyōfu no Kānibaru" (きょうふのカーニバル) 
Based on book 29. 
20 "The Magic Forest"
"Mahō no Mori" (まほうのもり) 
21 "The Tail Walking Fishes"
"Oppo de Aruku Sakanatachi" (おっぽであるくさかなたち) 
22 "The Great Prankster Kids Plan"
"Itazura Kozō Daisakusen" (いたずらこぞう大さくせん) 
23 "Climb! Terrifying Mt. Tongari"
"Nobore! Kyofu no Tongari Yama" (のぼれきょうふのトンガリ山) 
24 "The Cursed Valley"
"Noroi no Tani" (のろいの谷) 
25 "The Curse of the Haunted House"
"Obakeyashiki no Noroi" (おばけやしきののろい) 
26 "The Monsters Have Come"
"Yōkaitachi ga Yattekita" (ようかいたちがやってきた) 
27 "Zorori Can Be Eaten"
"Zorori Taberareru" (ゾロリたべられる) 
Based on book 36. 
28 "The Great Escape from Tonma"
"Tonma kara no Dai Dasshutsu" (とんまからの大だっしゅつ) 
Based on book 36. 
29 "The Dragon Farm Duel"
"Doragon Bokujō no Kettō" (ドラゴンぼくじょうのけっとう) 
30 "Zorori VS Gaon"
"Zorori VS Gaon" (ゾロリVSガオン) 
31 "Ishishi & Noshishi's 100 Close Calls"
"Ishishi Noshishi Kikihyakupatsu" (イシシ・ノシシきき100ぱつ) 
32 "The Great Curry Panic"
"Karē Dai Panikku" (カレー大パニック) 
33 "The Mysterious Giant Good Luck Cat"
"Nazo no Oomaneki Neko" (なぞの大まねきねこ) 
34 "The Terrifying Farting Squirrel Adventure"
"Kyōfu no Hetorisu Adobenchā" (きょうふのへとリス・アドベンチャー) 
35 "The Fated 8 Hours"
"Unmei no Hachijikan" (うんめいの8じかん) 
Based on book 28. 
36 "Certain Death"
"Zettai Zetsumei" (ぜったいぜつめい) 
Based on book 28. 
37 "The Terrifying Flower Monster"
"Kyōfu no Furawā Monsutā" (きょうふのフラワーモンスター) 
38 "Bridegroom Training"
"Hanamuko Shugyō" (はなむこしゅぎょう) 
39 "Who's the Culprit!?"
"Hannin wa Dare da!?" (はんにんはだれだ!?) 
40 "The Secret of Dapon's Pharmacy"
"Dapon Yakkyoku no Himitsu" (ダボンやっきょくのひみつ) 
41 "Rescue Nelly!"
"Nerī-chan wo Sukue" (ネリーちゃんをすくえ!) 
42 "The Great Thief"
"Ōdorobō" (大どろぼう) 
Based on book 37. 
43 "Pursue Guramo!"
"Guramo wo Oe!" (グラモをおえ!) 
Based on book 37. 
44 "Dapon's Great Revenge Plan"
"Dapon no Fukushū Daisakusen" (ダボンのふくしゅう大さくせん) 
45 "Dapon's Meditation Hot Spring"
"Dapon no Hansei Onsen" (ダボンのはんせいおんせん) 
46 "Giant Monster Dapon"
"Daikaijū Dapon" (大かいじゅうダボン) 
47 "The Great Dapon Rescue Plan"
"Dapon Kyūshutsu Daisakusen" (ダボンきゅうしゅつ大さくせん) 
48 "The Terrifying Great Meteorite"
"Kyōfu no Ooinseki" (きょうふの大いんせき) 
Based on book 26. 
49 "Search for the Fart Masters"
"Onara meijin wo sagase" (おならめいじんをさがせ) 
Based on book 26. 
50 "The Earth's Final Day"
"Chikyū Saigo no Hi" (ちきゅうさいごの日) 
Based on book 26. 

Series 2 Season 2

Season 2 focuses on Puppe's search for the Minus Eel. It does not adapt any of Yutaka Hara's books.

# Title
01 "The Ghost Forest's Electric Eel"
"Obake no Mori no Denki Unagi" (おばけの森のデンキウナギ) 
02 "Blow Down the Piglet's House!"
"Kobuta no uchi wo Buttobase!" (子ブタの家をぶっとばせ!) 
03 "Zorori Has Become a Child!?"
"Zorori Kodomo ni Naru!?" (ゾロリ子どもになる!?) 
04 "No Smiling Allowed in Nikoniko Town"
"Waraccha Damedame Nikoniko Taun" (笑っちゃだめだめニコニコタウン) 
05 "Zorori and Cinderella"
"Zorori to Shindarera" (ゾロリとシンデレラ) 
06 "The Prince of Fate"
"Unmei no Ōjisama" (うんめいの王子さま) 
07 "Pursuing the Super Baby"
"Sūpaa Akachan Daitsuiseki" (スーパー赤ちゃん大ついせき) 
08 "The Great Get a Princess Plan"
"Ohimesama Getto Daisakusen" (おひめさまゲット大さくせん) 
09 "Zorori, the Devil King, and the Prince"
"Zorori to Maou to Ōjisama" (ゾロリとまおうと王子さま) 
10 "Rescue Princess Myan!"
"Myan Ōjo wo Sukue!" (ミャン王女をすくえ!) 
11 "Aryaps' Puppe"
"Aryapusu no Puppe" (アリャプスのプッペ) 
12 "Showdown at Mt. Kachimake"
"Kachimake Yama no Taiketsu" (カチマケ山のたいけつ) 
13 "The Great Storm Escape"
"Arashi kara no Daidasshutsu" (あらしからの大だっしゅつ) 
14 "Let's Get the Diamond!"
"Daiya wo Te ni Irero!" (ダイヤを手にいれろ!) 
15 "Zorori Lost His Memory!?"
"Zorori Kiokusōshitsu!?" (ゾロリきおくそうしつ!?) 
16 "Showdown! Little Red Ridding Hood"
"Taiketsu! Akazukin-chan" (たいけつ赤ずきんちゃん) 
17 "Mecha Gaon Appears!"
"Meka Gaon Arawaru!" (メカガオンあらわる!) 
18 "Startlingly Surprised?! The Golf Tournament"
"Dokkiri Bikkuri?! Gorufu Taikai" (どっきりびっくり?!ゴルフたいかい) 
19 "The Great Zorori Circus"
"Zorori Dai Saakasu" (ゾロリ大サーカス) 
20 "The Terrifying Capsule Machine"
"Kyōfu no Gachagacha" (きょうふのガチャガチャ) 
21 "Destroying the Weather Machine"
"Otenki Mashin wo Buttsubuse" (お天気マシンをぶっつぶせ) 
22 "Puppe's Secret"
"Puppe no Himitsu" (プッペのひみつ) 
23 "Showdown! The Legendary Prank King"
"Taiketsu! Densetsu no Itazura Ō" (たいけつ!でんせつのイタズラ王) 
24 "Goodbye! Puppe"
"Sayonara! Puppe" (さよなら!プッペ) 
25 "Tracking the Prank King"
"Itazura Ō Daitsuiseki" (イタズラ王大ついせき) 
26 "Thank you Mr. Sankyū"
"Sankyū-san Arigatō" (サンキューさんありがとう) 
27 "The Great Rescue Zorori Plan"
"Zorori Kyūshutsu Daisakusen" (ゾロリきゅうしゅつ大さくせん) 
28 "The Close Call Runaway Locomotive"
"Bōsō Kikansha Kikiippatsu" (ぼうそうきかんしゃききいっぱつ) 
29 "Showdown! Kids VS Adults"
"Taiketsu! Kodomo VS Otona" (たいけつ!こどもVSおとな) 
30 "Zorori and Gaon's Terrifying 97 Matches"
"Zorori to Gaon Kyōfu no 97 Narabe" (ゾロリとガオンきょうふの97ならべ) 
31 "The Certain Kill Pranksters"
"Hissatsu Itazurajin" (ひっさつイタズラ人) 
32 "The Terrifying Marathon Rally"
"Kyōfu no Marason Taikai" (きょうふのマラソンたいかい) 
33 "Ishishi and Noshishi's Candy Hell"
"Ishishi Noshishi no Okashi Jigoku" (イシシ・ノシシのおかしじごく) 
34 "Save Princess Elzie's Castle!"
"Eruze Hime no Oshiro wo Sukue!" (エルゼひめのおしろをすくえ!) 
35 "The Mysterious Magic Words are Honchara Konchara"
"Nazo no Jumon wa Honchara Kanchara" (なぞのじゅもんはホンチャラカンチャラ) 
36 "Puppe is God?"
"Puppe ga Kamisama?" (プッペがかみさま?) 
37 "The Big Prize is a Terrifying Premonition!?"
"Kyōfu no Uranai Ōatari?" (きょうふのうらない大あたり!?) 
38 "Greetings! Mysterious Alien!"
"Saitōjō! Nazo no Uchūjin!" (さいとうじょう!なぞのうちゅうじん!) 
39 "Eh! Zorori's Little Sister?"
"Eh! Zorori no Imōto?" (えっゾロリのいもうと?) 
40 "Surprise! The Great Kick the Can Plan"
"Bikkuri! Kankeri Daisakusen!" (びっくり!カンけり大さくせん!) 
41 "Look! A Super Hero"
"Mezase! Sūpaahīrō" (めざせ!スーパーヒーロー) 
42 "The Princess' Ghost"
"Yūrei no Ohimesama" (ゆうれいのおひめさま) 
43 "An Alien is Santa Claus"
"Uchūjin wa Santa Kurōsu" (うちゅうじんはサンタクロース) 
44 "The Great Gift of the New Year's First Smile Plan"
"Hatsuwarai Otoshidama Daisakusen" (はつわらい おとしだま大さくせん) 
45 "The Out of Control Robot Maid"
"Meido Robotto Daibōsō" (メイドロボット大ぼうそう) 
46 "The Prank King and the Mysterious Castle"
"Itazura Ō to Nazo no Shiro" (イタズラ王となぞのしろ) 
47 "The Final Decisive Battle! The Legendary Prank King"
"Iyoiyo Kessen! Densetsu no Itazura Ō" (いよいよけっせん!でんせつのイタズラ王) 


Kaiketsu Zorori has had two theatrical movie releases, one in 1993 simply titled "Kaiketsu Zorori", and another in 2006 titled "The Great Mysterious Treasure Plan." Both of these movies were shown alongside another movie.

1993 version

This movie adapts books 3 and 4. It was shown alongside Soreike! Anpanman: Nosshi the Dinosaur's Big Adventure (それいけ!アンパンマン 恐竜ノッシーの大冒険 Soreike Anpanman Kyouryuu Nosshii no Daibouken?)

Quest for the Mysterious Treasure

This movie adapts books 38 and 39. It was shown alongside Keroro Gunsō the Super Movie on March 1, 2006. Zorori, Ishishi, and Noshishi help out Tail find a treasure her father Gale died trying to figure out. Along the way, they are helped out by Youkai-sensei and several monsters, but Tiger and his crew stand in their way.

Theme Songs

Kaiketsu Zorori

Opening Theme
Ending Themes
  • Sora wa Ao (空は青, The Sky is Blue?) by Satō-san and Suzuki-kun (Little by little) (ep. 1~13)
  • Owari no Uta (おわりのうた, Ending Song?) by Yukie 6 & Nobita Robert (ep. 14~31)
  • Akaneiro (あかねいろ, Crimson?) by Satō-san and Suzuki-kun (Little by little) (ep. 32~46)
  • Gayōshi (画用紙, Drawing Paper?) by Sayuri Anzu (ep. 47~52)

Majime ni Fumajime Kaiketsu Zorori

Opening Themes
  • A Ja Paa (あじゃぱー?) by Kōichi Yamadera, Rikako Aikawa, and Motoko Kumai (ep. 1~50)
  • Zekkōchō! (ゼッコーチョー! In perfect form!?) by Kōichi Yamadera (ep. 51~97)
Ending Themes
  • Mama no Komoriuta (ママの子守唄 Mamas Lullaby?) by Sakiko Tamagawa (ep. 1~27)
  • Atcha Kotcha GO! (あっちゃこっちゃゴー! Atcha Kotcha !?) by Junko Iwao (ep. 28~50)
  • Ishi Noshi Kazoe Uta desu ka!! (イシノシかぞえうたでスカ!! Ishishi & Noshishi's counting song!!?) by Rikako Aikawa and Motoko Kumai (ep. 51~74)
  • Buwāt to ikō za (ブワーッといこうぜ?) by Kōichi Yamadera (ep. 75~97)


  1. ^ "かいけつゾロリシリーズ1" (in Japanese). Poplar. http://www.poplar.co.jp/shop/shosai.php?shosekicode=52500970. Retrieved July 2, 2011. 
  2. ^ "かいけつゾロリシリーズ2" (in Japanese). Poplar. http://www.poplar.co.jp/shop/shosai.php?shosekicode=59500010. Retrieved July 2, 2011. 
  3. ^ "かいけつゾロリシリーズ3" (in Japanese). Poplar. http://www.poplar.co.jp/shop/shosai.php?shosekicode=59500050. Retrieved July 2, 2011. 
  4. ^ "かいけつゾロリシリーズ4" (in Japanese). Poplar. http://www.poplar.co.jp/shop/shosai.php?shosekicode=59500150. Retrieved July 2, 2011. 
  5. ^ "かいけつゾロリシリーズ5" (in Japanese). Poplar. http://www.poplar.co.jp/shop/shosai.php?shosekicode=59500240. Retrieved July 2, 2011. 
  6. ^ "かいけつゾロリシリーズ6" (in Japanese). Poplar. http://www.poplar.co.jp/shop/shosai.php?shosekicode=59500280. Retrieved July 2, 2011. 
  7. ^ "かいけつゾロリシリーズ7" (in Japanese). Poplar. http://www.poplar.co.jp/shop/shosai.php?shosekicode=59500350. Retrieved July 2, 2011. 
  8. ^ "かいけつゾロリシリーズ8" (in Japanese). Poplar. http://www.poplar.co.jp/shop/shosai.php?shosekicode=59500430. Retrieved July 2, 2011. 
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  17. ^ "かいけつゾロリシリーズ17" (in Japanese). Poplar. http://www.poplar.co.jp/shop/shosai.php?shosekicode=59501160. Retrieved July 2, 2011. 
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  28. ^ "かいけつゾロリシリーズ28" (in Japanese). Poplar. http://www.poplar.co.jp/shop/shosai.php?shosekicode=59501790. Retrieved July 2, 2011. 
  29. ^ "かいけつゾロリシリーズ29" (in Japanese). Poplar. http://www.poplar.co.jp/shop/shosai.php?shosekicode=59501810. Retrieved July 2, 2011. 
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  35. ^ "かいけつゾロリシリーズ35" (in Japanese). Poplar. http://www.poplar.co.jp/shop/shosai.php?shosekicode=59502060. Retrieved July 2, 2011. 
  36. ^ "かいけつゾロリシリーズ36" (in Japanese). Poplar. http://www.poplar.co.jp/shop/shosai.php?shosekicode=59502110. Retrieved July 2, 2011. 
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  41. ^ "かいけつゾロリシリーズ41" (in Japanese). Poplar. http://www.poplar.co.jp/shop/shosai.php?shosekicode=59502300. Retrieved July 2, 2011. 
  42. ^ "かいけつゾロリシリーズ42" (in Japanese). Poplar. http://www.poplar.co.jp/shop/shosai.php?shosekicode=59502330. Retrieved July 2, 2011. 
  43. ^ "かいけつゾロリシリーズ43" (in Japanese). Poplar. http://www.poplar.co.jp/shop/shosai.php?shosekicode=59502370. Retrieved July 2, 2011. 
  44. ^ "かいけつゾロリシリーズ44" (in Japanese). Poplar. http://www.poplar.co.jp/shop/shosai.php?shosekicode=59502400. Retrieved July 2, 2011. 
  45. ^ "かいけつゾロリシリーズ45" (in Japanese). Poplar. http://www.poplar.co.jp/shop/shosai.php?shosekicode=59502440. Retrieved July 2, 2011. 
  46. ^ "かいけつゾロリシリーズ46" (in Japanese). Poplar. http://www.poplar.co.jp/shop/shosai.php?shosekicode=59502470. Retrieved July 2, 2011. 
  47. ^ "かいけつゾロリシリーズ47" (in Japanese). Poplar. http://www.poplar.co.jp/shop/shosai.php?shosekicode=59502520. Retrieved July 2, 2011. 
  48. ^ "かいけつゾロリシリーズ48" (in Japanese). Poplar. http://www.poplar.co.jp/shop/shosai.php?shosekicode=59502550. Retrieved July 2, 2011. 
  49. ^ http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1169180/episodes

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