List of Starfleet starships ordered by class

List of Starfleet starships ordered by class

This is a list of the fictional Star Trek universe's Starfleet ships organized by ship class. These vessels appear or are mentioned in the original series Star Trek (TOS), Star Trek: The Next Generation (TNG), Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (DS9), Star Trek: Voyager (VOY), Star Trek: Enterprise (ENT), or the Star Trek films. Many of the ship names, classes or registry numbers are not identified on screen and instead are derived from The Star Trek Encyclopedia.[1]



Akira class

Name Registry Depiction
USS Gryphon Commanded by Captain De Mallo
USS Rabin NCC-63574 Participates in the Battle of Sector 001.[2]
USS Thunderchild NCC-63549 Participates in the Battle of Sector 001.[2]
USS Geronimo NCC-69302 Commanded by Captain Gregory McCray; Major supporting ship in Star Trek: Bridge Commander.
USS Leyte Gulf NCC-71427 Commanded by Captain Aaron Juraj; First Starfleet Vessel to be infected by Nanites in Star Trek: Away Team.
USS Dakota NCC-63892 Participates in the Battle of Sector 001.[2] Lost patrolling the border of the Cardassian Demilitarized Zone.[3]
USS Devore NCC-64088 Commanded by Captain Joshua Martin; Supporting ship in Star Trek: Bridge Commander.
USS Summit unknown Attempts to rescue the edit] Ambassador class
Name Registry Depiction
USS Adelphi NCC-26849 Crew made first contact with the Ghorusda.[4]
USS Enterprise NCC-1701-C Commanded by Captain Rachel Garrett KIA when the ship was destroyed defending the Klingon outpost at Narendra III from Romulan attack.[5]
USS Excalibur NCC-26517 Part of the tachyon blockade during the Klingon Civil War.[6] and the Battle of Sector 001.[7]; later in Star Trek: New Frontier
USS Exeter NCC-26531 Tom Paris' assignment before being dismissed from Starfleet.[8] Participated in the Dominion War.[9] Later commanded by Captain Elizabeh Shelby followed by Captain Alexandra Garbeck Star Trek: New Frontier
USS Gandhi NCC-26632 Ship to which Thomas Riker is assigned.[10]
USS Horatio NCC-10532 Commanded by Captain Walker Keel.[11] Destroyed as part of alien conspiracy to take over Starfleet.[11]
USS Valdemar NCC-26198 Sent to the border of the Cardassian Demilitarized Zone.[3]
USS Zhukov NCC-26136 Made cultural observation of Alpha Laputa IV.[12]

Andromeda class

Name Registry Depiction
USS Drake NCC-70956 Ambushed by a Klingon battle group.[13]
USS Prokofiev NCC-68814 Dispatched to the border of the Federation-Cardassian Demilitarized Zone.[3]

Antares class

Name Registry Depiction
USS Antares aka SS Antares NCC-501 Rescues, and is later destroyed by, Charlie Evans.[14]
USS Hermes NCC-10376 Part of the tachyon blockade during the Klingon Civil War.[6]

Apollo class

Name Registry Depiction
USS Agamemnon NCC-11638 Part of the tachyon blockade during the Klingon Civil War.[6]
USS Ajax NCC-11574 Cortin Zweller's first assignment.[15] Received experimental warp drive technology.[16] Part of the tachyon blockade during the Klingon Civil War.[6]
USS Clement NCC-12537 Scheduled to rendezvous with the Enterprise-D.[17]
USS Gage NCC-11672 Destroyed at the Battle of Wolf 359.[18]

Bradbury class

Name Registry Depiction
USS Bradbury NX-72307 Scheduled to transport Wesley Crusher to Starfleet Academy.[19] Undergoes warp drive performance tests.[20]

Challenger class

Name Registry Depiction
USS Armstrong NCC-57537 Ambushed by a Klingon battle group.[13]
USS Buran NCC-57580 Destroyed at the Battle of Wolf 359.[18]
USS Kearsarge NCC-57566 Rendezvous with the Enterprise-D.[21]

Cheyenne class

Name Registry Depiction
USS Ahwahnee NCC-71620/NCC-73620 Destroyed at the Battle of Wolf 359.[18]. Part of the tachyon blockade during the Klingon Civil War.[6]

Chimera class

Named for the mythical chimaera.

Name Registry Depiction
USS Portland NCC-57418 Searches the Algira sector for Odo and Elim Garak when their runabout goes missing.[22]

Constellation class

Name Registry Depiction
USS Constellation NCC-1974 Participated in the Dominion War.[23]
USS Gettysburg NCC-3890 Under Captain Mark Jameson, rescued hostages from Mordan IV.[24] Served in the Dominion War.[25]
USS Hathaway NCC-2593 Decommissioned and participated in exercises against the USS Enterprise-D. Its destruction was faked in a ruse to fool Ferengi attackers.[26]
USS Magellan NCC-3069
USS Stargazer NCC-2893 Jean-Luc Picard's first command.[27] Abandoned following the Battle of Maxia, later returned to Starfleet.[27]
USS Victory NCC-9754 Ship on which Geordi La Forge once served.[28] Participated in the Dominion War.[29]

Constitution class

Name Registry Depiction
USS Constellation NCC-1017 Commanded by Commodore Matthew Decker. Severely damaged by and scuttled to destroy a planet-eating machine.[30]
USS Constitution NCC-1700 "Class Leader" - First Ship in class upon which all Constitution-class vessels are based.
USS Defiant NCC-1764 Taken to Mirror Universe by Tholians, in "The Tholian Web".[31] Captured by crew of ISS Enterprise (NX-01) and used in service of the Terran Empire, in "In a Mirror, Darkly".[32]
ISS Enterprise NCC-1701 Mirror Universe version of the USS Enterprise, in "Mirror, Mirror".[33]
USS Enterprise NCC-1701 Originally commanded by Robert April (22452250) Christopher Pike (22502265) James T. Kirk (22652285) Spock (ship's stint as academy training vessel 2282-2285) Vessels self destructed carried out whilst in orbit of Genesis to prevent ship from falling into Klingon hands.[34]
USS Enterprise (Alternate timeline created by Nero) NCC-1701 Originally commanded by Christopher Pike,(launched 2258) then James T Kirk[35]
USS Excalibur NCC-1664[1] Severely damaged, and crew killed, during Richard Daystrom's M5 computer test.[36]
USS Exeter NCC-1672[1] All crew save Captain Ronald Tracey killed by alien disease.[37]
USS Farragut NCC-1647[1] Ship on which James Kirk served as a phaser station operator.[38] Attacked by the Dikironium Cloud Creature, killing half the crew.[38] USS Farragut was mentioned in the Star Trek movie (2009) where Nyota Uhura was originally assigned to the USS Farragut but she argued with Spock to be transferred to the USS Enterprise instead. The ship never appeared on screen and was never given a class or registry number, both come from the Star Trek Encyclopedia.[1]
USS Hood NCC-1703[1] Participates in Richard Daystrom's M5 computer test.[36]
USS Intrepid NCC-1631[1] All-Vulcan crew killed by a giant, spacegoing amoeba.[39]
USS Lexington NCC-1709[1] Participates in Richard Daystrom's M5 computer test.[36]
USS Potemkin NCC-1657[1] Participates in Richard Daystrom's M5 computer test.[36]
USS Yorktown NCC-1717. Disabled by alien probe.[40]
USS Pegasus NCC-1702. Patrolled the Klingon neutral zone[41]

Constitution Refit class

Name Registry Depiction
USS Enterprise NCC-1701 Constitution class Enterprise NCC-1701 was retrofit following extensive service.[40] Upgraded weapons, shield, sensors, and warp core. Command given to James T. Kirk after Admiral Kirk met with Starfleet command. [40] Spock handed control over to Kirk. [40] And finally stolen, and destroyed. [40] Served as primary vessel for first three motion pictures.
USS Enterprise NCC-1701-A Command given to James T. Kirk following demotion to Captain.[40] Primary setting for fifth and sixth Star Trek films. Ordered decommissioned[41]

Daedalus class

Name Registry Depiction
USS Archon NCC-189[1] Destroyed by alien computer in 2167 near Beta III.[42]
USS Carolina NCC-160[1] Freighter.[43]
USS Essex NCC-173 Damaged and crashed on Mab-Bu VI.[44]
USS Horizon NCC-176[1] Inadvertently produced cultural contamination of Sigma Iotia II in 2168. Missing in action.[45]

Danube class

Name Registry Depiction
USS Danube NX-72003 First ship of the class. Mentioned in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Technical Manual.
USS Gander NCC-73624 Taken by Ezri Dax to search for Worf.[46] Destroyed by the Jem'Hadar.[46]
USS Ganges NCC-72454 Captured Tahna Los.[47] Rescued Vash from the Gamma Quadrant.[48] Destroyed by a T'Lani Munitions Cruiser.[49]
USS Mekong NCC-72617 Helps rescue Benjamin Sisko from the Jem'Hadar.[50] Destroyed by the Jem'Hadar during the Obsidian Order/Tal Shiar attack on the Founder's homeworld in the Omarian Nebula.[22]
USS Orinoco NCC-72905 Helps rescue Benjamin Sisko from the Jem'Hadar.[50] Destroyed by the Cardassian terrorist group The True Way.[51]
USS Rio Grande NCC-72452 Vessel aboard which Jadzia Dax and Benjamin Sisko discover the Bajoran wormhole.[52] Later located the missing Sword of Kahless. Helps rescue Sisko from the Jem'Hadar.[50] Longest surviving DS9 runabout.
USS Rubicon NCC-72936 Shrunk to 6.5 centimeters.[53]
USS Shenandoah NCC-73024 Taken by Dax and Worf to rescue a Cardassian informant from the Dominion.[54] Severely damaged by the Jem'Hadar en route to deliver diplomatic message to Grand Nagus Zek.[55]
USS Volga NCC-73196 Participates in botanical survey of Torad IV.[56]
USS Yangtzee Kiang NCC-72453 Hijacked by Bajoran terrorist Tahna Los.[47] Became the first DS9 runabout to be destroyed when it crashed on a moon in the Gamma Quadrant.[57]
USS Yukon NCC-74602 Stolen by Founder in failed attempt to destroy the Bajoran sun. Destroyed by USS Defiant.[58]
USSThomas Calhoun NCC-72450 Transports Enterprise-D staffers to and from conference. Destroyed blocking power transfer between Enterprise and a Romulan warbird.[59]
USS Tuscany NCC-11967 Destroyed in orbit of Torga IV with the loss of all hands.[60]
USS Robinea NCC-1706-D Destroyed on Ajilon Prime during the Klingon bombardment of the Federation colony.[61]
USS Tardis NCC-1963-X Destroyed by a Cardassian soldier at Empok Nor.[62]
USS Scarab NCC-73918 Used by the Cardassian underground en route to stealing a Breen weapon.[63]

Defiant class

Name Registry Depiction
USS Defiant NX-74205 Pathfinder. Assigned to space station Deep Space Nine.[64] Participates in the Battle of Sector 001.[2] Destroyed at the Second Battle of Chin'toka.[65]
USS Defiant NCC-75633 Formerly the USS São Paulo.[66] Assigned to space station Deep Space Nine.[66] Participates in the Battle of Cardassia.[67]
USS Valiant NCC-74210 Red Squad training ship. Primarily crewed by cadets after high casualties among original crew. Destroyed by the Jem'Hadar.[55]
USS Rotherham NCC-75322 Participates in recovery of USS Prometheus.[68]
USS Maltby NCC-74211 Participates in recovery of USS Prometheus.[68]
USS Spitfire NCC-1940-G Defiant class ship among the task force that the IKS Rotarraan and the USS Defiant join following Starfleet's withdrawal from DS9. (DS9 "Call to Arms")
USS Sheffield NCC-1982-F Defiant class ship among the task force that the IKS Rotarraan and the USS Defiant join following Starfleet's withdrawal from DS9. (DS9 "Call to Arms")
USS Yorkshire NCC-77777 Defiant class ship among the task force that the IKS Rotarraan and the USS Defiant join following Starfleet's withdrawal from DS9. (DS9 "Call to Arms")
USS Monitor unknown Mentioned in both the books The Return and Preserver, lost under command of Captain John Scott Lewinski attempting to set new warp speed record with recovered borg transwarp drive.

Deneva class

Name Registry Depiction
USS Arcos NCC-6237 Destroyed by a warp core breach near Turkana IV in 2367. Crew evacuates to the planet's surface and is rescued by the Enterprise-D.[69]
USS LaSalle NCC-6203 Reports unusual radiation anomalies in the Gamma Arigulon system.[70]

Excelsior class

Name Registry Depiction
USS Al-Batani NCC-42995 Although it never appeared on screen, the Al-Batani is mentioned in dialogue as the first ship aboard which Kathryn Janeway served, which at the time was captained by Tom Paris' father Owen Paris.[71][72] Never defined on screen, the class and registry number come from the non-canon Star Trek Encyclopedia.[1]
USS Berlin NCC-14232 Patrolled the Romulan Neutral Zone.[73]
USS Cairo NCC-42136 Transfers Captain Edward Jellico to the Enterprise-D.[74] Disappeared while patrolling the Romulan Neutral Zone.[29]
USS Charleston NCC-42285 Transported three previously cryogenically frozen people to Earth.[75] Part of the tachyon blockade during the Klingon Civil War[6]
USS Crazy Horse NCC-50446 Part of a fleet sent to face an anticipated Borg invasion.[76] Set to rendezvous with the Enterprise-D to pick up Rear Admiral Erik Pressman.[77]
USS Crockett NCC-38955 Transported Admiral Mitsuya to Deep Space Nine.[78]
USS Enterprise NCC-1701-B Ship aboard which James T. Kirk is lost and presumed dead. Commanded by Captain John Harriman and later by Captain Demora Sulu [79]
USS Excelsior NCC-2000, previously NX-2000 Pathfinder and transwarp drive testbed.[34] Fails in attempt to rescue Captain James T. Kirk and Dr. Leonard McCoy from Qo'noS.[80] Helps defeat General Chang over Khitomer.[41] Ship aboard which Tuvok serves as science officer.[80]
USS Farragut unknown Transported several genetically enhanced humans to Deep Space Nine.[81]
USS Fearless NCC-14598 Assigned to planetary mapping in the Beta Mahoga system.[20]
USS Fredrickson NCC-42111 Briefly at Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards.[82] Serves in the Dominion War.[83]
USS Gorkon NCC-40512 Sent to face a possible Borg invasion.[76]
USS Grissom NCC-42857 Assists the Enterprise-D during a contamination problem on Beta Agni II.[84] Destroyed at the Battle of Ricktor Prime.[85]
USS Hood NCC-42296, originally NCC-2541 William Riker's assignment before his transfer to the USS Enterprise-D.[86] Part of the tachyon blockade during the Klingon Civil War.[6] Participates in the Battle of Bajor[87] and First Battle of Chin'toka.[88] Part of Battle Group Omega sent to intercept Reman warship Scimitar.[89]
USS Intrepid NCC-38907 Responded to a Klingon distress call from the Khitomer outpost following a Romulan attack[90]
USS Lakota NCC-42768 Attempts to stop USS Defiant from reaching Earth.[91]
USS Malinche NCC-38997 Patrolled the Cardassian Border before the Dominion War. Severely damaged by the Maquis led by Michael Eddington.[92]
USS Melbourne NCC-62043 Offered to William Riker to command.[18] Starfleet flagship at the Battle of Wolf 359, where it is destroyed.[18]
USS Repulse NCC-2544 Katherine Pulaski's assignment prior to the USS Enterprise-D.[93] Served in the Dominion War.[29]
USS Roosevelt NCC-2573 Destroyed at the Battle of Wolf 359.[18]

Freedom class

Name Registry Depiction
USS Concorde or Concord NCC-68711 Assigned near the Romulan Neutral Zone in an alternate timeline.[94]
USS Firebrand NCC-68723 Destroyed at the Battle of Wolf 359.[18]

Galaxy class

Name Registry Depiction
USS Challenger NCC-71099 Commanded by Captain Geordi La Forge in an alternate timeline.[95]
USS Enterprise NCC-1701-D Primary setting for Star Trek: The Next Generation. Destroyed by warp core breach at Veridian III.[79]
USS Excalibur NCC-26517-A Commanded by Captain Mackenzie Calhoun, primary setting for the latter part of Star Trek: New Frontier as successor to the Ambassador class ship of the same name.
USS Galaxy NCC-70637 (NX-70637) Pathfinder. Participates in the Battle of Bajor,[87] First Battle of Chin'toka,[88] and Battle of Cardassia.[67] Part of Battle Group Omega sent to intercept Reman warship Scimitar.[89]
USS Odyssey NCC-71832 Sent to rescue Benjamin Sisko from the Jem'Hadar. Destroyed in the rescue attempt.[50]
USS Trident NCC-31347 Commanded by Captain Elizabeth Shelby and later Captain Kat Mueller in Star Trek: New Frontier.
USS London NCC-2012-C Participates in the Battle of Bajor.[87]
USS Venture NCC-71854 Part of a Starfleet task force at Deep Space Nine during the Klingon invasion of the Cardassian Union.[96] Participates in the Battle of Bajor[87] and the First Battle of Chin'toka.[88]
USS Yamato NCC-71807 Crew discovered Iconian artifacts but is infected by a computer virus that causes antimatter containment loss.[97]
USS Dauntless NCC-71879 First ship under players command in Star Trek: Bridge Commander. Destroyed while escorting a Transport by Cardassian ships.
USS San Francisco NCC-69480 Minor supporting vessel in Star Trek: Bridge Commander. Fate uncertain.

Hokulea class

Name Registry Depiction
USS Tripoli NCC-19386 Discovered Data.[98] Later assigned to Qualor II.[99]

Hope class

This class is sometimes erroneously named "Olympic class".

Name Registry Depiction
USS Nobel NCC-55012 Visited Deep Space Three to search for the missing USS Hera.[100] Served in the Dominion War.[29]
USS Pasteur NCC-58925 Ship commanded by Captain Beverly Picard in an alternate timeline.[94] Destroyed by warp core breach in the Devron system.[94]

Intrepid class

Name Registry Depiction
USS Bellerophon NCC-74705 Transports Federation personnel to a summit on Romulus.[101]
USS Intrepid NX-74600 Pathfinder vessel. Part of Battle Group Omega sent to intercept Reman warship Scimitar.[89]
USS Pathfinder Unknown Captain Christine McDonald's new command in the book Star Trek: Preserver destroyed in battle with USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-E) and Ferengi Marauder-class starship Leveraged Buyout around planet Halkan
USS Voyager NCC-74656 Primary setting of Star Trek: Voyager.

Istanbul class

Name Registry Depiction
USS Constantinople NCC-34852 Suffered a hull breach transporting colonists to Gravesworld.[102]
USS Havana NCC-34043 Scheduled to rendezvous with the Enterprise-D in 2369.[103]
USS Sarajevo NCC-38529 Lost in the Gamma Quadrant in 2371.[104] Later recovered and served in the Dominion War.[29]

Korolev class

Named for spacecraft designer Sergey Korolyov.

Name Registry Depiction
USS Goddard NCC-59621 Delayed rendezvous with the Enterprise-D after the Acamarian Truce's signing.[105] Part of the tachyon blockade during the Klingon Civil War.[6]

Luna class

Name Registry Depiction Source(s)
Star Trek: Titan book series
USS Titan NCC-80102 The USS Titan's Captain is William Thomas Riker, former first officer of the USS Enterprise, first command.

A Luna class starship, designed primarily for scientific discovery. Described as 450 metres long, the Titan was built with state-of-the-art science facilities as opposed to being a more tactically pronounced starship. With a complement of approximately 350 persons, the USS Titan comprises the most racially diverse crew in Starfleet, with less than 15% of the population being human, as well as a number of non-humanoid beings.

A full set of schematics of the USS Titan is available in the novel "Sword of Damocles" of the Star Trek: Titan novel series. [89]

Class identified in Star Trek: Titan book series
Star Trek: Titan book series
Star Trek: Titan book series
Star Trek: Titan book series
Star Trek: Titan book series
Star Trek: Titan book series
Star Trek: Titan book series
Star Trek: Titan book series
Star Trek: Titan book series
Star Trek: Titan book series
Star Trek: Titan book series

Mediterranean class

Name Registry Depiction
USS Lalo NCC-43837 Reports a "hiccup" in time that resulted from Dr. Paul Manheim's experiments.[106] Destroyed by the Borg.[107]
USS Wyoming NCC-43730 Ship on which Tuvok served.[80]

Merced class

Name Registry Depiction
USS Trieste NCC-37124 Fell through a wormhole during Data's tour of duty.[108] Stationed near Starbase 74 when the Enterprise-D is hijacked by the Bynars.[109]

Miranda class

Name Registry Depiction
USS Brattain NCC-21166 Crew went insane due to loss of REM sleep.[110]
USS Brigand unknown Destroyed by the USS Excelsior.
USS Helin NCC-1692 Patrolled the Romulan neutral zone[41]
USS Lantree NCC-1837 Crew died after exposure to genetically engineered humans. Scuttled by the USS Enterprise-D.[93]
USS Majestic NCC-31060 Destroyed at the Battle of Bajor.[87]
USS Nautilus NCC-1833 Destroyed in the First Battle of Chin'toka.[88]
USS Reliant NCC-1864 Ship on which Pavel Chekov serves as first officer.[111] Assigned to Project Genesis and later hijacked by Khan Noonien Singh.[111] Destroyed by Genesis Device detonation.[111]
USS Saratoga NCC-1867 Disabled by the Whale Probe[40]
USS Saratoga NCC-31911 Ship aboard which Benjamin Sisko serves as first officer.[52] Destroyed at the Battle of Wolf 359.[52]
USS Saratoga NCC-31911-A Replaced above Saratoga, Little else known
USS ShirKahr NCC-31905 Participates in the First Battle of Chin'toka.[88]
USS Sitak NCC-1924 Destroyed at the Battle of Bajor.[87]
USS Tian An Men NCC-21832 Part of the tachyon blockade during the Klingon Civil War.[6] Went MIA while patrolling the Cardassian border during the Dominion War.[112] Participates at the First Battle of Chin'toka.[88]
USS Trial NCC-1948 Part of a Starfleet task force at Deep Space Nine during the Klingon invasion of the Cardassian Union.[96] Participates in the Battle of Bajor.[87]

Nebula class

Name Registry Depiction
USS Bellerephon NCC-62048 Destroyed at the Battle of Wolf 359.[52]
USS Bonchune NCC-70915 Sent to recover the USS Prometheus.[68]
USS Endeavour NCC-71805 Part of the tachyon blockade during the Klingon Civil War.[6] Participates at the Battle of Sector 001.[2]
USS Farragut NCC-60597 Helps recover Enterprise-D crew at Veridian III. Destroyed in the Lembatta Cluster by Klingons.[61]
USS Hera NCC-62006 Disappeared while under the command of Captain Silva La Forge with a mostly Vulcan crew of 300.[100]
USS Honshū NCC-60205 Destroyed while transporting Gul Dukat to stand trial.[113]
USS Leeds NCC-70252 Participates in the Battle of Bajor.[87]
USS Lexington NCC-61832 Participates in the Battle of Sector 001.[2]
USS Merrimack NCC-61827 Transported Sarek from Legara IV to Vulcan.[114]
USS Monitor NCC-61826 Sent to the Romulan Neutral Zone in anticipation of a possible Romulan attack.[115]
USS Phoenix NCC-65420 Carries out unauthorized attacks on Cardassian ships while under the command of Captain Benjamin Maxwell.[116]
USS Prometheus NCC-71201 Used by Dr. Gideon Seyetik in his project to reignite a dead star.[117]
USS Proxima NCC-61952 Missing in the Gamma Quadrant.[104]
USS Sutherland NCC-72015 Briefly commanded by Lieutenant Commander Data while part of the tachyon blockade during the Klingon Civil War.[6] It's acting 1st officer Cmdr Hobbs requested a transfer from the vessel upon discovering Data was to captain the vessel as he was uneasy with an android taking charge of a Starfleet vessel however Data flatly refused this request much to Cmdr Hobbs dismay.
USS T'Kumbra unknown All-Vulcan crew challenges the Deep Space Nine crew to a game of baseball. Participated in the Dominion War.[118]
USS Ulysses NCC-66808 Studied protoplanetary masses in the Helaspont Nebula.[119]
USS Nightingale Minor starship in Star Trek: Bridge Commander. Used as a search-and-rescue vessel. Fate uncertain.
USS Khitomer Minor starship in Star Trek: Bridge Commander. Leads a failed assault on Alioth 6. Fate uncertain.
USS Berkeley Minor starship in Star Trek: Bridge Commander. Originally sent to study the Vesuvi Dust Cloud but fails due to the intense radiation of the dust cloud. Attacked by a Kessok probe but survives. Fate uncertain.

New Orleans class

Name Registry Depiction
USS Kyushu NCC-65491 Destroyed at the Battle of Wolf 359.[18]
USS Renegade[1] NCC-63102 Rendezvous with the Enterprise-D over Dytallix B, where Captain Tryla Scott meets with the Jean-Luc Picard to discuss an alien a conspiracy to take over Starfleet.[11]
USS Rutledge[1] NCC-57295 Ship aboard which Miles O'Brien and Benjamin Maxwell served during the Cardassian War.[116] Participated in the counterattack against the Klingons in the Archanis sector.[61]
USS Thomas Paine[1] NCC-65530 Rendezvous with the Enterprise-D over Dytallix B, where Captain Rixx meets with the Jean-Luc Picard to discuss an alien conspiracy to take over Starfleet.[11] Part of the tachyon blockade during the Klingon Civil War.[6]
USS New Orleans NCC-61008 Pathfinder ship.

Niagara class

Name Registry Depiction
USS Princeton NCC-59804 Destroyed at the Battle of Wolf 359.[18]
USS Wellington NCC-28473 Ship aboard which Ro Laren served, and where she was posted prior to being court-martialed.[120] Underwent a computer system upgrade by Bynar technicians at Starbase 74.[109]

Norway class

Name Registry Depiction
USS Budapest NCC-64923 Participates in the Battle of Sector 001.[2]

Nova class

Name Registry Depiction
USS Equinox NCC-72381 Stranded in the Delta Quadrant.[121] Destroyed by USS Voyager.[121]
USS Rhode Island NCC-72701 Commanded by Captain Harry Kim in the future.[122]

NX class

Name Registry Depiction
Enterprise NX-01 Lead ship. Captained by Jonathan Archer. Primary setting for Star Trek: Enterprise. Decommissioned.
Columbia NX-02 Commanded by Captain Erika Hernandez.[123] Participated in Klingon-Augment crisis.[123]
ISS Enterprise NX-01 The Mirror Universe version of the NX-01, appeared in the fourth season two-parter, "In a Mirror, Darkly".
ISS Avenger NX-09 In the Mirror Universe, one of the Terran Empire starships. Destroyed by mirror-Archer aboard USS Defiant (NCC-1764) in "In a Mirror, Darkly".

Oberth class

Name Registry Depiction
USS Biko NCC-50331 Rendezvouses with the USS Enterprise-D at Deinonychus VII[124]
USS Bonestell NCC-31600 Destroyed in the Battle of Wolf 359.[52] Was the first command held by Captain Kathryn Janeway.
USS Cochraine NCC-59318 Ferries Admiral Norah Satie to the Enterprise-D.[125] and Julian Bashir and Lieutenant Jadzia Dax to Deep Space Nine.[52]
USS Copernicus NCC-623 Berthed at spacedock.[40]
USS Grissom NCC-638 Transports David Marcus and Lieutenant Saavik to the Genesis planet.[34] Destroyed by Klingons.[34]
USS Oberth NCC-602 First ship of the class. Assigned to deep space exploration in 2293, when Operation Retrieve was proposed.[41]
USS Pegasus NCC-53847 Equipped with an illegal prototype cloaking device that malfunctions, causing the ship to become embedded inside an asteroid.[77]
USS Raman NCC-59983 Lost while investigating Marijne VII.[100]
USS Tsiolkovsky NCC-53911 Crew infected by the Psi 2000 virus. Destroyed in asteroid collision.[126]
USS Valiant NCC-20000 Helps recover Enterprise-D crew at Veridian III.[79]
USS Yosemite NCC-19002 Studied the plasma arc between binary stars.[127]

Prometheus class

Name Registry Depiction
USS Prometheus NX-59650 later


First class starship; still under development; captured by Romulans and recovered by Starfleet personnel and the EMH from USS Voyager.[68]

Renaissance class

Name Registry Depiction
USS Aries NCC-45167 Ship offered to William Riker to command.[128] Part of the tachyon blockade during the Klingon Civil War.[6]
USS Hornet NCC-45231 Part of the tachyon blockade during the Klingon Civil War.[6]. Named for the World War Two aircraft carrier[129]
USS Maryland NCC-45109 Missing in the Gamma Quadrant.[104]

Rigel class

Name Registry Depiction
USS Akagi NCC-62158 Part of the tachyon blockade during the Klingon Civil War.[6] Served in the Dominion War.[29]. Named for HIJMS Akagi[130]
USS Tolstoy NCC-62095 Destroyed in the Battle of Wolf 359.[18]

Saber class

Name Registry Depiction
USS da Vinci NCC-81623 Lead ship in Starfleet Corps of Engineers novel series
USS Endurance Unknown Mentioned as replacement ship for Captain Christine McDonald in the book Star Trek: Preserver
USS Yeager NCC-61947 Participates in the Battle of Sector 001.[2]
USS Keaton Unknown Destroyed at battle for DS9

Sequoia class

Name Registry Depiction
USS Yellowstone NCC-70073 Transports Ensign Melora Pazlar to Deep Space Nine in 2370.[131]

Sovereign class

Name Registry Depiction
USS Enterprise NCC-1701-E Primary setting for Star Trek: First Contact, Star Trek: Insurrection, and Star Trek Nemesis.
USS Sovereign NX-73811 Appears in Star Trek Bridge Commander and is the pathfinder ship
USS Sentinel NCC-17331 Appears in Star Trek Bridge Commander and Star Trek: Invasion

Soyuz class

Name Registry Depiction
USS Bozeman NCC-1941 Spends several decades caught in a temporal loop.[132]

Springfield class

Name Registry Depiction
USS Chekov NCC-57302 Destroyed in the Battle of Wolf 359.[18]

Steamrunner class

Name Registry Depiction
USS Appalachia NCC-52136 Participates in the Battle of Sector 001.[2]

Surak class

Named for Vulcan philosopher Surak.

Name Registry Depiction
USS Zapata NCC-33184 Scheduled to rendezvous with the Enterprise-D.[19] Fought in the Dominion War.[29]

Sydney class

Name Registry Depiction
USS Jenolen NCC-2010 Crashed on the surface of a Dyson sphere while transporting Captain Montgomery Scott to a retirement colony.[133]
USS Nash NCC-2010-5 Transports personnel to and from Deep Space Nine.[134]

Vesta class

Name Registry Depiction
USS Aventine NCC-82602 First command of Captain Ezri Dax - Star Trek: Destiny
Has prototype slipstream warp drive
USS Esquline
USS Quirinal

Wambundu class

Name Registry Depiction
USS Drake NCC-20381 Command offered to William Riker.[135] Ordered to investigate the Lorenze Cluster where it is destroyed by a Minosian Echo Papa 607 weapons platform.[135]
USS Fleming NCC-20316 Disabled and later destroyed at the Hekaras Corridor.[136]

Wells class

Name Registry Depiction
USS Relativity NCV-474439-G Time travels from the 29th century to prevent the destruction of the USS Voyager.[82]

Yorkshire class

Name Registry Depiction
USS Denver NCC-54927 Destroyed while transporting 517 colonists to the Beloti Sector.[137]

Zodiac class

Name Registry Depiction
USS Yorktown NCC-61137 Ordered to make long-range sensor sweeps of the Devron system in an alternate reality.[94]

Class unknown

Name Registry Depiction
USS Centaur NCC-42043 Centaur class: kitbash of Excelsior and Miranda models.[83]
USS Cortéz NCC-78012 Galaxy II class: Participates at the Battle of Bajor.[87] Later listed as missing. Commanded by Captain Quentin Swofford.[138]
USS Enterprise NCC-1701-F Odyssey Class 25 Century ship Commanded by Captain Gregory scot Star Trek Online
USS Enterprise NCC-1701-J Universe class. Participates in a battle against the Sphere Builders in the 26th century.[139]
USS Intrepid NCC-74600 Intrepid class: Commanded by Captain Rameriz.[140]
USS Magellan NCC-72382 Galaxy II class: Participates in the Battle of Bajor.[87]
USS Republic NCC-1371 Constitution class: Commanded by Captain Jennings.[123]
USS Sarek NCC-72075 Galaxy class; Participates in the Battle of Bajor.[141]

Non-starships and support vessels

Peregrine class

Name Registry Depiction
Flurnoy unknown Used by the Maquis.[142] Participated in the Dominion War and used as Starfleet's main fighter class.[87]

Yellowstone class

Name Registry Depiction
USS Yellowstone NX-74751 Prototype for an advanced runabout designed in large part by Ensign Harry Kim and Lieutenant Laska in an alternate timeline.[8] Destroyed by antimatter containment loss.[8]

Aux. Ships

Name Mothership Depiction
AeroShuttle unknown Upgraded shuttle attached to Intrepid-class starships.[143]
Calypso USS Enterprise-D Captain's yacht.[144]
Cousteau USS Enterprise-E Captain's yacht.[145]
Delta Flyer USS Voyager Scoutship. First one destroyed.[146] Second built.[147]
WaveRider USS Equinox Upgraded atmospheric shuttle.[121]


See also


  1. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p Okuda, Michael & Denise (1994,1997,1999). The Star Trek Encyclopedia. New York: Pocket Books. ISBN 0-671-03475-8. 
  2. ^ a b c d e f g h i Star Trek: First Contact. 1996-11-22.
  3. ^ a b c "Tribunal". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.
  4. ^ "Tin Man". Star Trek: The Next Generation.
  5. ^ "Yesterday's Enterprise". Star Trek: The Next Generation.
  6. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o "Redemption, *Part II". Star Trek: The Next Generation.
  7. ^ Star Trek: Voyager episode "Survival Instinct"
  8. ^ a b c "Non Sequitur". Star Trek: Voyager. UPN.
  9. ^ "You Are Cordially Invited...". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.
  10. ^ "Second Chances". Star Trek: The Next Generation.
  11. ^ a b c d "Conspiracy". Star Trek: The Next Generation.
  12. ^ "Data's Day". Star Trek: The Next Generation.
  13. ^ a b "Apocalypse Rising". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.
  14. ^ "Charlie X". Star Trek.
  15. ^ "Tapestry". Star Trek: The Next Generation.
  16. ^ "Where No One Has Gone Before". Star Trek: The Next Generation.
  17. ^ "Lower Decks". Star Trek: The Next Generation.
  18. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k "The Best of Both Worlds, Part II". Star Trek: The Next Generation.
  19. ^ a b "Ménage à Troi". Star Trek: The Next Generation.
  20. ^ a b "Brothers". Star Trek: The Next Generation.
  21. ^ "Firstborn". Star Trek: The Next Generation.
  22. ^ a b "The Die is Cast". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.
  23. ^ "The Abandoned". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.
  24. ^ "Too Short a Season". Star Trek: The Next Generation.
  25. ^ "Treachery, Faith, and the Great River". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.
  26. ^ "Peak Performance". Star Trek: The Next Generation.
  27. ^ a b "The Battle". Star Trek: The Next Generation.
  28. ^ "Elementary, Dear Data". Star Trek: The Next Generation.
  29. ^ a b c d e f g "In the Pale Moonlight". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.
  30. ^ "The Doomsday Machine". Star Trek.
  31. ^ "The Tholian Web". Star Trek.
  32. ^ "In a Mirror, Darkly, Part I". Star Trek: Enterprise. UPN.
  33. ^ "Mirror, Mirror". Star Trek.
  34. ^ a b c d Star Trek III: The Search for Spock.
  35. ^ Star Trek (film).
  36. ^ a b c d "The Ultimate Computer". Star Trek.
  37. ^ "The Omega Glory". Star Trek.
  38. ^ a b "Obsession". Star Trek.
  39. ^ "The Immunity Syndrome". Star Trek.
  40. ^ a b c d e f g h Star Trek: The Motion Picture.
  41. ^ a b c d e Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country.
  42. ^ "The Return of the Archons". Star Trek.
  43. ^ "Friday's Child". Star Trek.
  44. ^ "Power Play". Star Trek: The Next Generation.
  45. ^ "A Piece of the Action". Star Trek.
  46. ^ a b "Penumbra". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.
  47. ^ a b ."Past Prologue". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.
  48. ^ "Q-Less". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.
  49. ^ "Armageddon Game". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.
  50. ^ a b c d "The Jem'Hadar". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.
  51. ^ "Our Man Bashir". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.
  52. ^ a b c d e f "Emissary". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.
  53. ^ "One Little Ship". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.
  54. ^ "Change of Heart". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.
  55. ^ a b "Valiant". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.
  56. ^ "Body Parts". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.
  57. ^ "Battle Lines". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.
  58. ^ "By Inferno's Light". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.
  59. ^ "Timescape". Star Trek: The Next Generation.
  60. ^ "The Ship". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.
  61. ^ a b c "...Nor the Battle to the Strong". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.
  62. ^ "Empok Nor". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.
  63. ^ "Tacking Into the Wind". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.
  64. ^ "The Search". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.
  65. ^ "The Changing Face of Evil". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.
  66. ^ a b "The Dogs of War". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.
  67. ^ a b "What You Leave Behind". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.
  68. ^ a b c d "Message in a Bottle". Star Trek: Voyager. UPN. 1998-01-14.
  69. ^ "Legacy". Star Trek: The Next Generation.
  70. ^ "Reunion". Star Trek: The Next Generation.
  71. ^ "Caretaker". Star Trek: Voyager. UPN.
  72. ^ "Shattered". Star Trek: Voyager. UPN.
  73. ^ "Angel One". Star Trek: The Next Generation.
  74. ^ "Chain of Command, Part I". Star Trek: The Next Generation.
  75. ^ "The Neutral Zone". Star Trek: The Next Generation.
  76. ^ a b "Descent, Part I". Star Trek: The Next Generation.
  77. ^ a b "The Pegasus". Star Trek: The Next Generation.
  78. ^ "Paradise". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.
  79. ^ a b c Star Trek Generations.
  80. ^ a b c "Flashback". Star Trek: Voyager. UPN.
  81. ^ "Statistical Probabilities". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.
  82. ^ a b "Relativity". Star Trek: Voyager. UPN.
  83. ^ a b "A Time to Stand". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.
  84. ^ "The Most Toys". Star Trek: The Next Generation.
  85. ^ "Field of Fire". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.
  86. ^ "Encounter at Farpoint, Part I". Star Trek: The Next Generation.
  87. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k "Sacrifice of Angels". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.
  88. ^ a b c d e f "Tears of the Prophets". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.
  89. ^ a b c d Star Trek Nemesis.
  90. ^ "Sins of the Father". Star Trek: The Next Generation.
  91. ^ "Paradise Lost". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.
  92. ^ "For the Uniform". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.
  93. ^ a b "Unnatural Selection". Star Trek: The Next Generation.
  94. ^ a b c d "All Good Things...". Star Trek: The Next Generation.
  95. ^ "Timeless". Star Trek: Voyager. UPN.
  96. ^ a b "The Way of the Warrior, Part II". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.
  97. ^ "Contagion". Star Trek: The Next Generation.
  98. ^ "Datalore". Star Trek: The Next Generation.
  99. ^ "Unification, Part I". Star Trek: The Next Generation.
  100. ^ a b c "Interface". Star Trek: The Next Generation.
  101. ^ "Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.
  102. ^ "The Schizoid Man". Star Trek: The Next Generation.
  103. ^ "Lessons". Star Trek: The Next Generation.
  104. ^ a b c "In Purgatory's Shadow". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.
  105. ^ "The Vengeance Factor". Star Trek: The Next Generation. .
  106. ^ "We'll Always Have Paris". Star Trek: The Next Generation. .
  107. ^ "The Best of Both Worlds, Part I". Star Trek: The Next Generation.
  108. ^ "Clues". Star Trek: The Next Generation.
  109. ^ a b "11001001". Star Trek: The Next Generation.
  110. ^ "Night Terrors". Star Trek: The Next Generation.
  111. ^ a b c Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan.
  112. ^ "In the Cards". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.
  113. ^ "Waltz". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.
  114. ^ "Sarek". Star Trek: The Next Generation.
  115. ^ "The Defector". Star Trek: The Next Generation.
  116. ^ a b "The Wounded". Star Trek: The Next Generation.
  117. ^ "Second Sight". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.
  118. ^ "Take Me Out to the Holosuite". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.
  119. ^ "The Adversary". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.
  120. ^ "Ensign Ro". Star Trek: The Next Generation.
  121. ^ a b c "Equinox". Star Trek: Voyager. UPN.
  122. ^ "Endgame". Star Trek: Voyager. UPN.
  123. ^ a b c "Affliction". Star Trek: Enterprise. UPN.
  124. ^ "A Fistful of Datas". Star Trek: The Next Generation.
  125. ^ "The Drumhead". Star Trek: The Next Generation.
  126. ^ "The Naked Now". Star Trek: The Next Generation.
  127. ^ "Realm of Fear". Star Trek: The Next Generation.
  128. ^ "The Icarus Factor". Star Trek: The Next Generation. .
  129. ^ The Star Trek Encylopedia: A Reference Guide to the Future Updated and Expanded Edition by Michael Okuda and Denise Okuda, p.196
  130. ^ The Star Trek Encylopedia: A Reference Guide to the Future Updated and Expanded Edition by Michael Okuda and Denise Okuda, p.4
  131. ^ "Melora". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.
  132. ^ "Cause and Effect". Star Trek: The Next Generation.
  133. ^ "Relics". Star Trek: The Next Generation.
  134. ^ "Playing God". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.
  135. ^ a b "The Arsenal of Freedom". Star Trek: The Next Generation.
  136. ^ "Force of Nature". Star Trek: The Next Generation.
  137. ^ "Ethics". Star Trek: The Next Generation.
  138. ^ "Far Beyond the Stars". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.
  139. ^ "Azati Prime". Star Trek: Enterprise. UPN.
  140. ^ "The Expanse". Star Trek: Enterprise. UPN.
  141. ^ "Favor the Bold". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.
  142. ^ "The Maquis, Part II". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.
  143. ^ "Future Tense". Star Trek: Enterprise. UPN.
  144. ^ Okuda, Michael & Rick Sternbach (1991). Star Trek: The Next Generation Technical Manual. New York: Pocket Books. ISBN 0-671-70427-3). 
  145. ^ Star Trek: Insurrection.
  146. ^ "Unimatrix Zero". Star Trek: Voyager. UPN.
  147. ^ "Drive". Star Trek: Voyager. UPN.

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