List of fictional spaceships

List of fictional spaceships

This is a list of fictional spacecraft, starships, and exo-atmospheric vessels that have been identified by name in published works of fiction (novels, films, television series, etc). This list does not include most ships from Star Wars or Star Trek due to space constraints; please check the links included at the bottom of the page for ships from those properties.

mall craft

* "Albatross" - A UNSC heavy dropship class - "Halo"
** 03
* "Arwing" - "Star Fox series"
* Beagle-3 survey vehicle - David Weber's Mutineer's Moon
* "Bottle Suit" - one-person maintenance/repair craft, Von Braun/Disney, "Man in Space", 1955
* Bumblebee - a lifeboat used by the UNSC - "Halo"
** Lima Foxtrot Alpha 43
** Kilo Tango Victor 17
* "Delta Pod" - one-pilot spacecraft - Tim Burton's "Planet of the Apes"
* "F-302" - hyperdrive/space/atmosphere strike craft - "Stargate SG-1"
* "Gay Deceiver" - "Zebadiah Carter"s spacecraft from "The Number of the Beast.
*"Javelin" - manned spacecraft used by the Justice League on Justice League Unlimited.
* The puddle jumpers and Time Jumper from "Stargate SG-1" and "Stargate Atlantis"
* "Jupiter II Pod" - excursion module/lander - "Lost in Space" series
* Longsword - The primary space-fighter of the UNSC - "Halo"
** 7-89
** Knife 26
* Seraph - The primary space-fighter of the Covenant - "Halo"
* "Lunar Recon Ship RM-1" - Wernher von Braun design, Disney's "Man and the Moon", 1955
* "The Pod" - one-passenger, alien-design for galactic travel - "Contact" novel by "Carl Sagan"
* Grumman DC-5 "EVA Pods" - maintenance craft "Anna, Betty & Clara" - ""
* Pelican - "Primary dropships of the UNSC" - "Halo"
** Bravo 1
** Bravo 22
** Charlie 217
** Echo 51
** Echo 136
** Echo 206
** Echo 419 ("Foehammer")
** Kilo 23
** Oscar 6
** Oscar 8
** Victor 933
* "TREV I" - "Magical Trevor 2"
* "Hinagiku" - "Nadesico's shuttle craft"
* "MarsShip Lander" - manned, winged tail-lander descends from the Stuhlinger-designed "MarsShip" - Disney's "Mars and Beyond", 1957
* Lockheed Martin "MoonBus LTTV-2" - above surface transport - ""
* "Narcissus" - escape/shuttle "Alien"
* "Sirius Streak" from comic strip ""
* "Starbug" and "Blue Midget" - Red Dwarf TV series
* "Starfury" – a one or two person starfighter in the science fiction television series Babylon 5
* "ThunderFighter" - starfighter on "Buck Rogers" ' 70s TV series
* "Trimaxion Drone Ship" - alien spacecraft in Flight of the Navigator
* "Viper Mark II" - Starfighter used on Battlestar starships in latest Battlestar Galactica.
* "Viper Mark VII" - Starfighter used on Battlestar starships in latest Battlestar Galactica.
* "Wolfen" - "Star Fox series"
* "TARDIS" - The Doctor's space-and-time machine in Doctor Who.
* "Phantom" - Heavy dropship of the Covenant - "Halo"
** "Glorious Advance"
* "Spirit" - A Covenant dropship Class - "Halo"
** "Brilliant Gift"


* "Reichenberg"- German WWII manned V-1 rocket - "Operation Crossbow (film)", 1965
* "Ajax"- Imperial War Rocket- "Flash Gordon (film)", 1980
*Convair "Space Shuttle" - "Revell" kit 1958
*"Gekko-Go", aka "Moonlight" - "Eureka Seven"
* "Hammerhead Mk 1" - 2063 USMC space/atmosphere fighter - "" series, 1995
*Trans Space Lines "Passenger Rocket" - suborbital - "Monogram" kit 1959
*"Tsien Spaceplane" - China-derived from V-2, ten passengers - 1949 & 1978
* "VentureStar" - cancelled spaceplane resurrected in "John Varley" 's "Red Thunder (novel)"


* "Babylon 1","Babylon 2","Babylon 3","Babylon 4" – 'destroyed' diplomatic space stations – "Babylon 5"
*"Babylon 5" – diplomatic space station – "Babylon 5"
* "CR-1" - multi-stage satellite launcher, von Braun/Disney "Man in Space"
* "Daedalus" - space shuttle in the film "Space Cowboys"
* "Deep Space Nine" - orbital ore smelting station - ""
* "Silver Tower" - military space defence station - "Silver Tower", by Dale Brown
* Lockheed "Orion III" - orbital "Pan Am Clipper" spaceplane - ""
*"Sanger Space Transporter" - German launch vehicle & manned orbiter - "Revell" kit 1991
* "XR-2 Cargo Ferry" - von Braun orbital design - Disney's "Man in Space", 1955


* "Astronef" - "A Visit to the Moon"
* "BIS Moonlander" - British Interplanetary Society design 1939
* Boeing "Aries Ib" - Lunar Commercial Transport Vehicle - "", 1968
* "Calculus Rocket" - "Adventures of Tintin" series by Belgian cartoonist Hergé
* "Cavorite Sphere" - "First Men in the Moon" (novel) by HG Wells
* "Columbiad" - "From the Earth to the Moon" & "Around the Moon", by Jules Verne
* "Convair Lunar Recon Vehicle" - "Glencoe" kit 1958
* "Friede" - moon rocket in German film "Frau im Mond" aka "Woman in the Moon", 1929
* "Luna" - "Destination Moon", 1950
* "La Lune Capsule" - Georges Melies' B&W silent fantasy, "A Trip to the Moon", 1902
* "Lunar Eagle" - "12 to the Moon", 1960
* "Mayflower One" - "", 1982 film
* "TWA Moonliner" - "Disneyland" full-size winged tail-sitter, exhibit, 1950s
* "Moon Space Shuttle" - ' 50s "Lindberg" kit
* "XSL-01 Moonship" - four boosters w/ moon shuttle - "Revell" ' 50s kit


* "33" - "The Amory Wars"
* "Ace of Space" - patrol craft of the "Planeteers" ' "Tommy Tomorrow" - DC Comics
* "Alexei Leonov" - Russian exploration/rescue ship with spinning gravity ""
* "Anastasia" - "Dan Dare" comics series
* "Angel Links" - "Angel Links"
* "Archangel" - "Gundam SEED"
* "Ares" - "Red Mars"
* "Bebop" from "Cowboy Bebop"
* "Beta" - "Rod Brown of the Rocket Rangers" ' 50's TV series
* "Brutus" - "Firefly"
* "Capella" - "Voyage to a Prehistoric Planet" - see "Planet of Storms"
* "Churchill" - NERVA-enhanced ESA shuttle in "Lifeforce", 1985
* "Comet" - "Captain Future", ' 50s pulp series
* "CosmoStrator" - "First Spaceship on Venus", 1962
* TNS "Defender" - from David Weber's "Apocalypse Troll" (novel)
* "USSC Discovery 1 (XD-1)" - ""
* IAV "Dortmunder" - "Firefly"
* "Dreamy Boom Boom" - "Doctor Snuggles"
* "Eagle" - "Dan Dare" British comics series
* "Freedom" - upgraded rescue shuttle "Armageddon" (movie)
* "Galaxy" - interplanetary, interstellar ship operated by Captain Video (TV series)
* "Galaxy II" - a later version of Captain Video's interstellar spaceship
* "Galasphere 347" - "Space Patrol" (TV puppet series)
* "Godphoenix" - "Science Ninja Team Gatchaman"
* "Gort Patrol Craft" - space/time-travel saucer brings Klaatu on "The Day the Earth Stood Still" 1951 (movie)
* "Guinevere One" - "Doctor Who" (TV series)
* "Hammerhead" from "Cowboy Bebop"
* "Heavenly Harmony" - Chinese manned craft to attempt the first landing on Mars - "John Varley" 's "Red Thunder (novel)"
* "Icarus I" & "II" - from the 2007 film "Sunshine".
* "Ikaria XB1" - Czech film dubbed as "Voyage to the End of the Universe"
* "Independence" - upgraded rescue shuttle "Armageddon" (movie)
* "Ironman One" - space capsule "Marooned" (movie)
* "Iroquois" - UNSC Destroyer - "Halo" (video game)
* "The Kite" - "The Last Hero: A Discworld Fable" (novel)
* "Lewis and Clark" - "Rescue vessel which responded to the automated becon of the Event Horizon
* "Leviathan" - Marathon Class Cruiser - "Halo"** *
* IAV "Magellan" - "Firefly"
* "MarsLiner" - repainted Disney Moonliner - "Glencoe" kit
* "Mars-1" - A 2057 crew checking terraforming aspects encounters major changes "Red Planet", 2000
* "Mars Gravity Probe-1" - in "Robinson Crusoe on Mars", 1964
* "Mars 2 Recovery" - rescue ship with gravity wheel "Mission to Mars", 2000
* "Mars One" - nuclear three wing craft - "Flight to Mars", 1951
* "Messiah" - "Deep Impact" (movie)
* "Michael" - "Footfall" (novel) by Larry Niven & Jerry Pournelle
* "Negral" - Dahak parasite cruiser - David Weber's "Mutineer's Moon"
* "Orbit Jet" - United Worlds XV-2, "Rocky Jones, Space Ranger", 1954 TV series
* "Pegasus" - "", 2004
* "Polaris" - nuclear-powered rocket cruiser of Tom Corbett, Space Cadet TV series (also comics, radio, books)
* "Potent Voyager" - "The Colour of Magic", "Discworld" series
* "R-XM" - "Rocketship X-M", 1950
* "Redtail" - "Cowboy Bebop"
* "Red Thunder" - from "Red Thunder (novel)" by John Varley
* "Relay Girl" - Venus Equilateral series
* "Saturn VB Ares" - 1986 Mars Mission - "Voyage", by Stephen Baxter
* "Serenity" - "Firefly" and "Serenity"
* "Sirius" - cosmonauts & robot land on Venus - "Planet of Storms" aka "Planeta Burg" (Russian) 1962
* "Space Ark" - rail-launched winged spaceship "When Worlds Collide", 1951
* "Space Gun Cylinder" - "Things to Come" by HG Wells, 1936
* "Sputnik Too" - Ludmilla Leonovna's 3 person interceptor
* "Swordfish II" from "Cowboy Bebop"
* "Terra IV & Terra V" - "Space Patrol", 1950s TV series
* Thunderbird 3 - Supermarionation series "Thunderbirds" (TV series)
* "The Trimaxion Drone Ship" - "Flight of the Navigator"
* "Troll One" - "Captain Kremmen"
* "Umbrella MarsShip" - nuclear-ion drive, Ernest Stuhlinger design, Disney's "Mars and Beyond", 1957
* "Valley Forge" and "Sequoia" and "Berkshire" - Three space-faring forest biopsheres "Silent Running", 1972
* "The Velourium Camper" - "The Amory Wars"
* "White Base" - "Mobile Suit Gundam"
* "X-9" - interplanetary, interstellar space ship - Captain Video - originally describe as a "rocket plane"
* "Zero-X" - Supermarionation film "Thunderbirds Are Go"


Military & exploration

See also: List of Starfleet starships ordered by class
* "Absolution" - "Halo"
* UNSC "Aegis Fate" - "Halo"
* UNSC "Alliance" - "Halo"
* UNSC "Allegiance" - "Halo"
* UNSC "Apocalypso" - "Halo"
* Apollo - "Stargate Atlantis"
* UNSC "Applebee" - "Halo"
* UNSC "Arabia" - "Halo"
* "Arcada" - "Space Quest"
* "Ark" - Transformers"
* "Ascendant Justice" - "Halo"
* "Andromeda Ascendant" - "Gene Roddenberry's Andromeda"
* "DSS Aleksander" - ""
* UNSC "All Under Heaven" - c
* "Balance of Judgment" - "Gene Roddenberry's Andromeda"
* "T F T C Athena" Starship Troopers Troop Transport
* "Atlas" - "Halo"
* "Battle Frontier" - "Battle" Class Battle Carrier - (also known as Battle 25) - "Macross Frontier Japanese Anime (TV Series)"
* "Battle Galaxy" - modified "Battle" Class Battle Carrier - (also known as Battle 21) - "Macross Frontier Japanese Anime (TV Series)"
* "Battlestar Galactica" - "Battlestar Galactica (1978)" & "Battlestar Galactica (2003)"
* "Battlestar Pegasus" - "Battlestar Galactica (1978)" & "Battlestar Galactica (2003)"
* "Battleship Missouri" - "Freelancer"
* "Battleship Osiris" - "Freelancer"
* "Battle 7" - "Battle" Class Transformable Battle Carrier - based old SDF-1 Macross - "Macross 7" Japanese Anime TV Series
* UNSC "Beatrice" - "Halo"
* "Bloodied Spirit" - "Halo"
* "Boise" - E. E. Smith's "Lensman" series
* "Britannia" - E. E. Smith's "Lensman" series
* UNSC "Bum Rush" - "Halo"
* HMS "Camden Lock" - promoting 22nd century British interests - "Hyperdrive (TV series)", "BBC" series
* "C-57D" - United Planets Cruiser, a saucer-design in 2371, "Forbidden Planet", 1956
* "Chicago" - E. E. Smith's "Lensman" series
* UNSC "Circumference" - "Halo"
* UNSC "Commonwealth" - "Halo"
* TCS "Concordia" - "Wing Commander"
*"The Continuation of Politics" - fought in the Battle of Witchhead, "Gene Roddenberry's Andromeda"
* "Contrition" - "Halo"
* UNSC "Coral Sea" - "Halo"
* USS "Cygnus" - "The Black Hole"
* "Crimson Sunrise" - "Gene Roddenberry's Andromeda"
* "ND-002 Cosmos" - "Martian Successor Nadesico"
* "Daedalus" - "Stargate SG-1", "Stargate Atlantis"
* "Dämmerung" - "Xenosaga II
* "Danimoth" - ""
* UNSC "Dawn Under Heaven" - "Halo"
* "SCS DeepShip 86" - "Space Quest"
* Imperial Fleet Vessel "Dahak"; Hull Number 172291 - Utu-class ship, David Weber's "Armagageddon Inheritance" (novel)
* "Dauntless (Lensman)|Dauntless" - E. E. Smith's "Lensman" series
* "Dentless" - Randall Garrett's "Backstage Lensman" parody
* "Draconian Marauder" - "Buck Rogers" ' 70s series
* CNV 301 "Dreadnaught" - "Independence War" (aka "I-War")
* "Drunkard's Walk" - from "Crashlander" (novel)
* "Durandal" - "Xenosaga"
* UNSC "Dusk" - "Halo"
* Spaceship "E-89" - the Forbidden Planet saucer in 1997 - "Twilight Zone" episode "Death Ship"
* "Eisenstein" - "Warhammer 40,000", the ship that escaped the Isstvan Massacre
* "Elecktron" - Russian experimental military space plane, "Silver Tower" by Dale Brown
* USS "Enterprise", various incarnations from "Star Trek" - please see starfleet ships for more information, as per the description of this page.
* "Esteem" - "Halo"
* UNSC "Euphrates" - "Halo"
* USS Excalibur "Star Trek New Frontier"
* "ISA Excalibur" - Earth Alliance-Minbari Victory class destroyer based on Vorlon technology from the "Babylon 5" universe.
* USS Exeter "Star Trek New Frontier"
* "Event Horizon" - Exploration craft missing for 7 years, the movie Event Horizon
* UNSC "Fair Weather" - "Halo"
* "Far Sight Lost" - "Halo"
* "Far Star" - from "Foundation's Edge" (novel) and "Foundation and Earth" (novel), by Isaac Asimov
* HMS "Fearless" - "Honorverse" (novel)
* "Fireball XL5"
* "The Fires of Orion" - fought in the Battle of Witchhead, "Gene Roddenberry's Andromeda"
* UNSC "Forward Unto Dawn" - "Halo"
* "Gantrithor" - "StarCraft"
* UNSC "Gettysburg" - "Halo"
* UNSC "Glasgow Kiss" - "Halo"
* SDF "Global" - Macross Class Super Dimensional Fortress (can be considered "Battleship/Carrier") - Flagship of 117th Long Distance Research Fleet - "Macross Frontier Japanese Anime (TV Series)"
* "SCS Goliath" - "Space Quest"
* UNSC "Gorgon" - "Halo"
* "Gothlauth" - "Crest of the Stars"
* "Great Fox" - Star Fox Series
* "Heart of Gold" - "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" series
* UNSC "Heracles" - "Halo"
* UNSC "Herodotus" - "Halo"
* "Hobo Kelly" - from "Crashlander" (novel)
* "Hydrax" - a ruined spaceship turned citadel, "Doctor Who" television series
* "Hyperion" - "StarCraft"
* UNSC "In Amber Clad" - "Halo"
* "Incorruptible" - "Halo"
* "Ingata " - Minbari Sharlin Class Warcruiser from the "Babylon 5" universe.
* "Invincible" - "The Invincible", 1964 novel by Stanisław Lem
* UNSC "Iroquois" - "Halo"
* UNSC "Iwo Jima" - "Halo"
* "Jupiter 2" - "Lost in Space", film & series
* "ND-003 Kakitsubata" - from "Martian Successor Nadesico"
* "Korolev" - "Stargate SG-1"
* "Kith Transport and Johnny Cash Travelling Museum" - from the freakish mind of Scott James
* UNSC "Lancelot" - "Halo"
* UNSC "Lark" - "Halo"
* "Lawgiver" - "Halo"
* "Leonora Christine" - from "Tau Zero" (novel) by Poul Anderson
* UNSC "Leviathan" - "Halo"
* "LEXX" - a living spaceship, from "Lexx"
* "Liberator" - "Blake's 7"
* "Long Shot" - from "Crashlander" (novel) also "Ringworld" (novel)
* "Lord Solar Macharius" - an Imperial Navy Vessel from "Warhammer 40,000"
* "Lysithea" - "Hoshi no Koe"
* INSS "MacArthur" - "The Mote in God's Eye" (novel) by Larry Niven & Jerry Pournelle
* SDF-1 "Macross" - Transformable Warship "Battleship" - "The Super Dimension Fortress Macross" Japanese Anime (TV series) and "Robotech" (TV series)
* SMS "Macross Quarter" - Transformable Warship employed by private security firm of Strategic Military Services - "Macross Frontier Japanese Anime (TV Series)"
* UNSC "Magellan" - "Halo"
* UESC "Marathon" - "Marathon"
* "The Massive" - "Invader Zim" (TV series)
* "Marco Polo" Mother Class Spaceship - "Perry Rhodan"
* "Marco Polo" - "Blindpassasjer", Norwegian sci-fi miniseries written by Bing & Bringsværd
* "USS Marco Polo" p- "Star Trek S C E"
* UNSC "Meriwether Lewis" - "Halo"
* "Metaluna Saucer" - "This Island Earth", 1955
* UNSC "Midsummer Night" - "Halo"
* "Million Voices" - "Gene Roddenberry's Andromeda"
* UNSC "Minotaur" - "Halo"
* UNSC "Musashi" - "Halo"
* "ND-001 Nadesico" - from "Martian Successor Nadesico"
* "Nell" - "Battle Beyond the Stars"
* "Nemesis - Transformers
* "New Frontiers" - "Methuselah's Children"
* HMS "Nike" - Reliant Class Battlecruiser - "Honorverse" (novel)
* "Nimbus" - "Futurama"
* "Norad II" - "StarCraft"
* "Norad III" - ""
* SSV "Normandy" - "Mass Effect"
* ECS5 "Norway" - from "Downbelow Station" (novel) by C. J. Cherryh
* "Odyssey" - "Stargate SG-1"
* "The Odyssey" - "Ulysses 31"
* "Orbit Jet" - winged-tail rocket ship "Rocky Jones, Space Ranger"
* "Outlaw Star" - XGP15A-II, "Outlaw Star"
* USS "Palomino" - "The Black Hole"
* BSM "Pandora" - "The Voyage of the BSM Pandora", a space board game included in Ares #6
* UNSC "Paris" - "Halo"
* "Pax Magellanic" - "Gene Roddenberry's Andromeda"
* "Penance" - "Halo"
* "Phoenix" - "Battle of the Planets" (the original "Godphoenix" in "Science Ninja Team Gatchaman" was not capable of interstellar travel)
* "Phoenix Five" - "The most sophisticated craft in the Earth Space Control Fleet." Fact|date=January 2008
* UNSC "Pillar of Autumn" - ""
* "Pious Inquisitor" - "Halo"
* "Planet Killer" - "Warhammer 40,000", capital ship of Abaddon the Despoiler
* "Pleroma" - "Xenosaga"
* UNSC "Point of No Return" - "Halo"
* UNSC "Pony Express" - "Halo"
* "Prometheus" - "Stargate SG-1"
* "NSEA Protector" - "Galaxy Quest"
* "Purity of Spirit" - "Halo"
* UNSC "Razor's Edge" - "Halo"
* UNSC "Redoubtable" - "Halo"
* "Resolute" and "Resolute II", exocarriers - "Exosquad" (TV series)
* "Reverant" - "Halo"
* "Reverence" - "Halo"
* "TFCT Rodger Young"- troop transport, "Starship Troopers" (novel)
* "R.U. Sirius" from comic strip ""
* "Sacred Promise" - "Halo"
* "The Salient Debate" - fought in the Battle of Witchhead, "Gene Roddenberry's Andromeda"
* "USS Saratoga (SCVN-2812)|USS Saratoga" - "" (TV series)
* "Scorpio" - "Blake's 7"
* "Second Chance" - "Pandora's Star", by Peter F. Hamilton
* "Seeker of Truth" - "Halo"
* "Shadow of Intent" - "Halo"
* "Ship of the Law" - "Anvil of Stars", by Greg Bear
* "ND-004 Shakuyaku" - from "Martian Successor Nadesico"
* "Skidbladnir" - "Halo"
* "Skydiver" - from "Crashlander" (novel)
* "Skyflash" - "Flash Gordon" ' 50s series
* "Skylark", "Skylark Two", "Skylark Three", "Skylark of Valeron", "DQ" - E. E. Smith's "Skylark" series
* "Slower Than Infinity" - from "Crashlander" (novel)
* "Sol Bianca" - "Sol Bianca" anime movies
* "Solar King" - DC Comics "Space Ranger"
* "Spaceball One" - "Spaceballs"
* "Spaceship Zero" - "Spaceship Zero"
* "Space Beagle" - "The Voyage of the Space Beagle", by A. E. van Vogt
* "Spartacus" - "Independence War Deluxe Edition"
* UNSC "Spirit of Fire" - "Halo"
* "Spirit of London" - "Johnny Mackintosh and the Spirit of London", by Keith Mansfield
* UNSC "Stalingrad" - "Halo"
* "Starplex" - "Starplex", by Robert J. Sawyer
* "Streaker" - crewed by dolphins, from David Brin's Uplift Universe novels
* "Sublime Transcendence" - "Halo"
* "Sulaco" - "Aliens"
* "Sword Breaker" - "Lost Universe"
* "Talyn" - "Farscape"
* UNSC "Tannenberg" - "Halo"
* "Tenebrous" - "Halo"
* "Terminus Est" - "Warhammer 40,000", flagship of Typhus, Herald of Nurgle
* UNSC "Tharsis" - "Halo"
* "Trigati" - Minbari Sharlin Class Warcruiser from the "Babylon 5" universe
* "Triumphant Declaration" - "Halo"
* "USS Titan" - "Star Trek Titan"
* "USS Trident" - "Star Trek New Frontier"
* UNSC "Trafalgar" - "Halo"
* "Truth and Reconciliation" - ""
* "TCS Tiger's Claw" - "Wing Commander"
* "Twilight Compunction" - "Halo"
* UNSC "Two For Flinching" - "Halo"
* "Under New Ownership" - "Independence War" (aka "I-War")
* Valen class cruiser - Earth Alliance-Minbari intersteller cruiser based on Vorlon technology from the "Babylon 5" universe.
* "The Vanguard" - fought in the Battle of Witchhead, "Gene Roddenberry's Andromeda"
* "Voot Cruiser" - Invader Zim
* UNSC "Vostok" - "Halo"
* USS "Voyager" (NCC-74656) - Intrepid Class Starship - "Star Trek"
* "Woglinde" - "Xenosaga"
* "Wolfen" - "Star Fox series"
* Space Battleship "Yamato" - anime series "Space Battleship Yamato" (renamed the "Argo" in the dub "Star Blazers".
* "Z9M9Z" - E. E. Smith's "Lensman" series

Transportation, freight, or colonization

* "Apparent Dischord", Chirpsithra liner ("Chrysalis" by Larry Niven)
* "Ark" - "The Starlost"
* "Asgard" - novel "Starman Jones" by Robert A. Heinlein
* "Auriga" - ""
* "Bellerophon" - colonist ship mentioned in "Forbidden Planet"
* "Bretonia, Hispania, Liberty, Kusari, Rhineland" - The five Alliance colony ships in Freelancer
* "The Betty" - ""
* "Big Dog" - generation ship, "Starship" by Brian W. Aldiss)
*"Blue Midget" - "Red Dwarf"
* "Centauri Princess" - interstellar ark in the sci-fi series "First Ark to Alpha Centauri"
* "Chimes in Harmony", Chirpsithra liner ("The Convergence of the Old Mind" by Larry Niven)
* "Clickety-ponk" (alien pun meaning: Weary Light or Weary from Mating), 14th Chirpsithra liner in 2041 ("The Heights" by Larry Niven)
* "Dark Star"
* "Dora" - Lazarus Long's yacht, named in honor of his former wife Dora Brandon, in "Time Enough for Love" by Robert A. Heinlein
* "Eldritch Child", later renamed "Zodiacal Light" - "Redemption Ark" (novel) by Alastair Reynolds
* "Elsa" - "Xenosaga"
* "SCS Eureka" - "Space Quest"
* "Eureka Maru" - "Gene Roddenberry's Andromeda"
* "Far-Stretching Sense Cluster", perhaps a "Qarasht" ship in earth orbit sometime between 1939-1945, ("War Movie" by Larry Niven)
* "Fhlosten Paradise" cruiseShip - "The Fifth Element" (movie), 1997
* "Fly By Wire", Bazin's ship ("The Death Addict" by Larry Niven)
* "Guild Heighliners" - folded-space travel ships, "Dune" series by Frank Herbert
* "Hunter Gratzner" - "Pitch Black" (movie)
* "Icarus" - "Planet of the Apes" (movie)
* "Infinite Succor" - "Halo"
* "Island 1" - "New Macross" Class Super Dimensional Colony Ship - (Also known as "Macross Frontier") - "Macross Frontier Japanese Anime (TV Series)"
* "London" - "Blake's 7"
* "Long View", a typical Chirpsithra liner but small, massively too small ("Playhouse" by Larry Niven)
* "Magellan" - "The Songs of Distant Earth" (novel) by Arthur C. Clarke
* "Macross 7" - "New Macross" Class Super Dimensional Colony Ship "Also known as "City-7" - "Macross 7" TV Series
* SS "Madame de Pompadour", energy trawler that cannibalized its crew - "Doctor Who", "The Girl in the Fireplace"
* ""Macross Main Island" - "Macross Galaxy" Class Colony Ship - "Macross Frontier Japanese Anime (TV Series)"
* "SDF-2 Megaroad" - The successor ship to the "Macross" in the "Super Dimension Fortress Macross" universe, repurposed as a colonization ship
* "Millennium Falcon" - "Star Wars" - please see Star Wars ships for more information, as per the description of this page.
* "Moya" - a living spaceship, "Farscape"
* "Nostalgia for Infinity" - "Revelation Space" (novel) by Alastair Reynolds
* "Nostromo" - deep space ore carrier "Alien" (movie)
* "Phoenix" - the "Foreigner" universe of C. J. Cherryh (novel)
* "Planet Express Ship" - "Futurama" (TV series)
* "Pollux Victory" - Captain Kurkowski commanded this stellar transport in Harry Harrison's novel "Deathworld" when he discovered Pyrrus
* "Quark Mapping", Chirpsithra liner ("Lost" by Larry Niven)
* "Rama (31/439)" - The "Rama" universe of Arthur C. Clarke
* "Red Dwarf" Ore Freighter - "Red Dwarf"
* "Safe Orbits", Chirpsithra liner ("Losing Mars" by Larry Niven)
* "Satellite of Love" - orbital space station/sometimes starship - "MST3K"
* "Scrilbree Zesh", Chirpsithra liner ("The Missing Mass" by Larry Niven)
* "Shock Layer", a Chirpsithra liner ("Breeding Maze" by Larry Niven)
* "Snowball 9" - "Silicon Dreams trilogy"
* "Solar Queen" - "Solar Queen" series of novels by Andre Norton
* "Sovereign of the Planets" - Royal Caribbean passenger liner, from "Red Lightning (novel)" by John Varley
* "Spin Constant", Chirpsithra liner ("Storm Front" by Larry Niven)
* "Starbug" - "Red Dwarf"
* "Tantra" - spaceship of the cosmic expedition No. 37, "Andromeda" by Ivan Yefremov
* "Technodrome", in the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Adventures (originally not a spacecraft, Krang rebuilds it into one named "Skullbuzzer")
* Titanic - "Futurama" (in season 2 episode 1)
* "Starship Titanic" - "Starship Titanic" and "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" series
* The "Titan" and the "Valkyrie" - "Titan A.E."
* "Transstar Code", Chirpsithra liner ("Playground Earth" by Larry Niven)
* UNS "Unity" - Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri
* "Kelvin Multi-Generation Ship" - from the Andromeda Galaxy in the "" episode ' By Any Other Name '
* The "Vanguard" - generation ship, "Orphans of the Sky" by Robert A. Heinlein
* "Wandering Signal", Chirpsithra liner ("The Ones Who Stay Home" by Larry Niven)
* "Whorl of the Long Sun" - generation ship, "The Book of the Long Sun" by Gene Wolfe

Personal spacecraft

* "Aluminum Mallard" - Roger Wilcos ship in Space Quest III.
* "Starship Bistromath" - "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" series
* "The Captain's Yacht" "Calypso" - Cpt Jean-Luc Picard's diplomatic space/atmosphere vessel aboard USS Enterprise
* "Starship Damocles" - an ancient spaceship from the computer game, ""
* "Eagle 5" - "Spaceballs"
* "Death Egg" - a round spaceship with Dr. Robotnik's face, "Sonic the Hedgehog" video game series
* "E-Ship" - "Bonus Stage"
* "Gomtuu" - Betazoid Tam Elbrun boards starship creature aka ' Tin Man ', "" episode "Tin Man"
* "Halbred" - Meta Knight's personal winged battleship in the "Kirby" series.
* "Hooded Swan" - experimental ship fusing human and alien science, "Star Pilot Grainger" series.
* "Kal-El's ship" - a small ship capable of holding an infant, "Superman" comics and "Smallville"
* "Mercedes S.E.L. 2001" - Princess Vespa's personal craft seen in "Spaceballs"
* "Ryo-ohki" - a cabbit/spaceship, "Tenchi Muyo!"
* "Second Amendment" personal yacht, probably interstellar; large bubble power-plant + lots of food storage - from "Red Lightning (novel)" by John Varley
* "TARDIS" (Time and Relative Dimension In Space) – the Doctor's time machine in "Doctor Who", with the external appearance of a 1950s police box.

pace Stations

*Asgard Station "Battlestar Galactica"
*Babylon 1 "Babylon 5"
*Babylon 2 "Babylon 5"
*Babylon 3 "Babylon 5"
*Babylon 4 "Babylon 5"
*Babylon 5 "Babylon 5"
*Deep Space 9 ""
*Empok Nor ""
*Farpoint Station ""
*"High Charity" - The mobile capital of the Covenant - "Halo"
*Jupiter Station ""
*Regula 1 "Star Trek"
*Spacedock "Star Trek"
*Starbase 375 ""
*Starbase Bravo "Star Trek New Frontier"
*Starbase K 7 ""
*Star One "Blake's 7"
*Thunderbird 5 "Thunderbirds
*"Unyeilding Heirophant" - "Halo"
* XK-72 "Blake's 7"

ee also

*List of ships (The Culture)
*List of Starfleet ship classes (Star Trek)
*List of Starfleet starships ordered by class (Star Trek)
*List of Star Wars capital ships
*Space battleship
*Starship class

External links

* [ Starship Dimensions] - A graphic comparison of fictional spaceship sizes.

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