List of fictional plants

List of fictional plants

Fictional plants are plants that have been invented, and do not exist in real life. Fictional plants appear in films, literature, television, or other media.

Plants from fiction

* Adele: a giant carnivorous plant from the comedy film "Adele Hasn't Had Her Dinner Yet" (1977) by Oldřich Lipský
* "Aechmea asenionii": a giant bromeliad discovered in the jungles of Brazil, from the SF short story "The Asenion Solution" by Robert Silverberg. It has dark green leaves, an immense central black flower and emanates a strong odor of rotting flesh. (Note: "Aechmea" is a real genus of bromeliads).
* Akarso: a plant characterized by almost oblong leaves. Its green and white stripes indicate the constant multiple condition of parallel active and dormant chlorophyll regions, from the Dune universe.
* Arctus Mandibus: a herbal curing plant from "Dinotopia" TV series
* Audrey Jr.: carnivorous plant from the 1960 black comedy film "The Little Shop of Horrors". Renamed Audrey II for the 1982 musical and a 1986 musical film, "Little Shop of Horrors".
* Aum plant: a plant commonly used for its healing abilities on open wounds from the Sword of Truth fantasy series by Terry Goodkind
* Axis: a gigantic coiling tree which stretches high above the clouds in the computer generated movie ""
* Bat Thorn: a plant, similar to wolfsbane, offering protection against vampires in some vampire movies
* Biollante: a monster plant of titanic proportions in the movie "Godzilla vs Biollante"
* Black Mercy: a telepathic and parasitic flower that reads a victim's thoughts, and feeds their mind a convincing simulation of their greatest desire. Cut off from outside sensation, the victim dies, with the Black Mercy presumably feeding on the victim's body during this process. As seen in theJustice League Unlimited episode "The Man Who Has Everything".
* Blister plants: oxygen supplying plants in the 'cave of death' on planet Lumen in "Space Patrol" TV series
* Blood Orchid: a rare flower found only in the jungles of Borneo that only blooms every seven years in the movie "". The plant supposedly grants longer life by allowing cells to reproduce far longer.
* Bloodflower: a venom spitting flower from the video game "Metroid Prime"
* Cactacae: sentient races of cactus people from China Miéville's Bas-Lag series
* Candypop Bud: a flower found in the video games "Pikmin" and "Pikmin 2"
* Chamalla: plant from "Battlestar Galactica (2004)" TV series. The extract of chamalla is used as alternative medicine for a range of treatments, including cancer. It is viewed with much disdain from the medical community, and appears to be an inneffective treatment for cancer. A side effect from using chamalla appears to be that the user suffers from hallucinations or prescient visions.
* Chuck the Plant: a plant found in several of LucasArts' games
* Cleopatra: the carnivorous plant kept as a pet in "The Addams Family" series
* Cow plant ("Laganaphyllis simnovorii"): the plant in "" that natural scientists can plant; the cow plant eats Sims and produces a "milk" that increases the drinker's lifespan.
* Deathbottle: a carnivorous plant which grows natural pitfall traps lined with spikes in the documentary film "The Future Is Wild"
* Dyson tree: a hypothetical genetically-engineered plant, (perhaps resembling a tree) capable of growing on a comet, suggested by the physicist Freeman Dyson
* Elowan: a race of plant-like creatures in "Starflight" computer game, [ Official Description]
* Eon Rose: a flower in the Warcraft Universe. Each of its five petals represent a colour of a dragon: Gold, Black, Sapphire, Emerald, Ruby.
* Flaahgra: a boss character from "Metroid Prime" video game series which has an accelerated growth rate and wields massive scythes. Flaghraa can cause plant growth and spit acid.
* Flossberry: a berry that looks like a small tangle of twirly green floss, and has a leaf. If the fruit is ripe, it turns teeth emerald green when used as floss. From the animated television series "Chowder"" on Cartoon Network.
* Flower of Life: a flower featured in some anime series: "The Super Dimension Cavalry Southern Cross", "Robotech" or "Nurse Angel Ririka SOS"
* Genesis Trees: trees located in the world of Legaia from the video game "Legend of Legaia". They have the power to keep a large area free of the Mist.
* Gingold: a rare tropical fruit from Yucatán in "DC Comics". The gingold extract makes the user of it stretchier, and a Gingold soda pop was popular among Indian rubber men at circus sideshows. Ralph Dibny drank a concentrated elixir made from it to become the superhero called the Elongated Man.
* "'Principal Malaysian Palmgrass in "My Gym Partner's A Monkey"
* Giraluna: a plant with paramimetic qualities, evident in its metallic seeds, or spherostills, on its corona, in "Parallel Botany" by Leo Lionni
* G'Quan Eth: plant indigenous to the Narn homeworld, used as incense in religious ceremonies from "Babylon 5" TV series. It's ritually burned as incense, and its seeds are a narcotic for Centauri when dropped in alcohol. The G'Quan Eth plant is "difficult to grow, expensive to transport, very expensive to own" [] . Whether it affects other species in this way when in alcohol is not clear, but we know that Narn don't seem to use it as a recreational drug (Londo chides G'Kar for Narns "It's a shame you Narns waste them, burning them as incense" [] ) and that it is illegal to possess on B5 except in religious contexts. The plant is presumably named after Narn spiritual leader G'Quan.
* Grass Pokémon: any of the various plant like Pokémon such as Bulbasaur from the Pokémon video game series
* Grippers: carnivorous plants from the Deltora Quest book series by Emily Rodda. They resemble toothed mouths growing in the ground, and are covered with cabbage like leaves which open up to let prey fall in when stepped on.
* Happy plant: a weed which causes euphoric effects when ingested, from the "Dinosaurs" TV series
* Hybernia tree: a tree grown on Paradise Island from "Wonder Woman" TV series. The tree is the source of a drug that induced forgetfulness.
* Inkvine: a creeping plant frequently used to whip in the slave cribs in the Dune universe
* Integral Trees: enormous trees from the science-fiction novel "The Integral Trees" by Larry Niven. They are 100 kilometers long and have a leafy "tuft" at each end oriented in opposite directions forming an , the integral symbol.
* Jurai Royal Trees: intelligent trees that can form and be used as the central computers for Spaceships used by the Jurai in the anime "Tenchi Muyo!"
* Katterpod: a plant grown on the planet Bajor for its edible root ("" series)
* Killerwillows, trappersnappers, wiltmilts, berrywishes, pluggyrugs, snaptrap trees an others: from the novel "Hothouse" by Brian Aldiss
* Kite-Eating Tree: a tree featured in the comic strip "Peanuts"
* Krynoid: extraterrestrial carnivorous plant in episode "The Seeds of Doom" from "Doctor Who" TV series
* Kyrt: a plant harvested only on the planet Florina in Isaac Asimov's "The Currents of Space". It is grown for its fibers finer than the most delicate synthetics and stronger than any steel alloy.
* Lashers: a giant variety of carnivorous plants, able to move around, and often aggressive from the MMORPG "World of Warcraft"
* Lufwood: ash-grey and very tall tree, with a straight trunk devoid of many branches up until the canopy, from The Edge Chronicles series of books by Paul Stewart and Chris Riddell :see "List of plants of the Edge Chronicles" for other species of plants
* "Mariphasa lupina lumina" (Wolf Flower): an extremely rare phosphorescent plant found only in the mountains of Tibet from the movie "Werewolf of London"
*Metarax: a race of humanoid plants from the Japanese anime "Sonic X"
* Moon Disc: an ovoid, translucent plant which has partial telepathy, and can move on its own from "Blake's 7" TV series. It grows only on the planet Zondar and is the source of "Shadow", a highly addictive drug whose inevitable result is death.
* "Mors ontologica": a little blue flower which is the source of the drug "Substance D" in Philip K. Dick's novel "A Scanner Darkly"
* Night-blooming Mock Orchid: a 'homely' plant bearing a single flower that opens only once every forty years, under the light of the moon, blooms for a few seconds, then wilts. Grown by Mr. Wilson in the 1993 movie "Dennis the Menace".
* Papadalupapadipu: a plant whose pod cures the common cold immediately-for men, in the sitcom "Perfect Strangers". However, when women eat the plant, they grow a mustache and in two weeks suffer a relapse. The plant is said to grow on Mount Mypos on the Mediterranean Isle of Mypos, the fictional country of Balki Bartokomous.
* Peahat, Deku Scrubs, Deku Baba: races of plant-like creatures from "The Legend of Zelda" series of video games
* Peya: a bush with edible roots from the novel "Rocannon's World" by Ursula K. Le Guin
* Pikmin: small humanoid plant creatures that appear abundantly in Nintendos Pikmin series
* Piranha Plants: plants with mouths from the "Mario" series of video games, often depicted as sentient
* Priphea Flowers: a beautiful flower from the "Lufia" series.
* "Protoanthus": a plant similar to the first flowering plants which evolved in the Early Cretaceous period. It is a small shrub, similar in appearance to magnolia, with tiny white flowers. The name was made up for the "Walking with Dinosaurs" documentary series.
* Re-annual plants: plants which, due to a rare 4-dimensional twist in their genetic structure, flower and grow before their seed germinates (from Terry Pratchett's "Discworld")
* Red weed: a red plant from Mars brought to Earth possibly accidentally by the invading Martians in the novel "The War of the Worlds" by H. G. Wells
* Rroamal: dangerous creeping parasite vine, from the novel "Decision at Doona", by Anne McCaffrey
* Rytt: vinelike carnivorous plant from the novel "War Against the Rull" by A. E. van Vogt
* SapSac: an explosive parasitic plant that ignites when attacked as a means of defense from "Metroid Prime" video game series
* Shimmerweed: a light reflecting dandelion like weed from the Advanced Dungeons and Dragons Dragonlance campaign setting
* Snake vine: an odd-looking vine with dusky, variegated leaves hunkered around a stem that winds a stranglehold around nearby trees, eventually killing them from the Sword of Truth fantasy series by Terry Goodkind. It will bite at nearby creatures, leaving deadly toothlike thorns that burrow into their skin and eventually kill them.
* "Solar Complexus Americanus": heat-generating plants imported from Venezuela. The Scandinavian botanist responsible for discovering these hot-air producers was none other than Professor Olaf Lipro (an anagram of April Fool). It was an April Fool's Day joke launched by Glasgow "Herald" in 1995.
* Spaghetti tree: a tree from which spaghetti is harvested. It was an April Fool's Day joke launched by the BBC TV programme "Panorama" in 1957.
* Spitfire Tree: a tree from the tropical rainforests of Antarctica 100 million year from now in the documentary film "The Future Is Wild". It has a stout trunk, frond-like leaves sprouting from single stalks and separate male and female flowers which cover the surface of the trunk.
* Sser: a bush with red poisonous berries which smelled deceptively sweet, from the novel "Decision at Doona", by Anne McCaffrey
* Stage trees: trees from Larry Niven's Known Space setting, originally engineered by the Tnuctipun. Stage trees have a core of solid rocket fuel in their trunks that they ignite when mature to disperse their seeds. Particularly large stage trees are able to reach escape velocity and as a result have spread throughout the Milky Way galaxy in a form of panspermia.
* Stinky: a plant from the children's TV series "Sesame Street"
* Supox utricularia: a race of kind, sentient plant creatures from "Star Control" computer game series
* Tangle grass: writhing tendril like grass with minuscule barbs that capture small prey and impede larger animals. There is also a poisonous variety. From "Metroid Prime" video game series.
* Tanna leaves: a mystical herb which has the property of attracting and controlling mummies in some mummy movies
* Tava beans: edible beans which the Genii grow and trade with in "Stargate Atlantis" TV series (episode "Underground")
* Tesla trees: large electrified trees from the planet Hyperion in Hyperion Cantos novels by Dan Simmons. They appear to store up electricity inside their body during certain seasons, releasing all of it in huge arcs of lightning from their crown, burning away all that was growing or walking near them and thus getting fertilizer.
* Tirils: fictional plants from "Parallel Botany" by Leo Lionni. One species, "Tirillus silvador", has the extraordinary ability to produce shrill, whistling sounds audible to two or three hundred meters.
* Trama root: a thick claw-like root, an ingredient for making a levitation potion from "" video game
* Traversers: giant vegetal spider analogues which spin their webs between Earth and Moon in the novel "Hothouse" by Brian Aldiss
* Treant: race of humanoid trees from "Dungeons & Dragons" and other similar games
* Tree-of-Life: the ancestor of yams, with similar appearance and taste, from Larry Niven's Known Space novels
* Treeships: living trees that are propelled through space by ergs - "force field creatures" in Hyperion Cantos novels by Dan Simmons. The containment fields generated by the ergs around the tree keep its atmosphere intact.
* Triffids: carnivorous plants which are able to move and possess a whip-like poisonous sting, from the novel "The Day of the Triffids" (1951) by John Wyndham. They subsequently appeared in a radio series (BBC, 1960), a motion picture (1962), a TV series (BBC, 1981) and a sequel novel, "The Night of the Triffids" (2001) by Simon Clark.
* Truffula tree: from the children's story "The Lorax" by Dr. Seuss
* Tumtum tree: appears in the nonsense poem "Jabberwocky" found in "Through the Looking-Glass" by Lewis Carroll
* Vul nut vine: a re-annual plant which can begin to flower as much as eight years before being sown in Terry Pratchett's "Discworld". The wine obtain from vul nut vine can give the drinker an insight into the future.
* Wakeflower: a plant from Tamora Pierce's "The Immortals" quartet whose bog-growing flowers attract flies and are used as smelling salts
* Whistling leaves: a plant easy to find as the large leaves have big holes that make a whistling noise (hence the plant's name) when the wind blows through them. The leaves contain a powerful diuretic. From the comic book "Elfquest".
* White Claudia: a plant that grows in lake or river banks from "Silent Hill" video game series. It has long, circular leaves and white flowers. The seeds are used to obtain a highly-addictive hallucinogenic drug.
* Wildvine: a plant alien from "Ben 10" animated TV series
* Wroshyr trees: kilometers-tall trees native to the planet Kashyyyk from Star Wars universe
* Yangala-Cola: a mushroom native to Amazonian Jungle from "Syberia" video game. When ground up and ingested it enhances eyesight acuteness.

Plants from J. R. R. Tolkien's Middle-earth

* Athelas: a healing plant with long leaves (also known as "Kingsfoil" or "Asëa Aranion")
* Elanor: a small star-shaped yellow flower from Tol Eressëa and Lothlórien
* Ents: a race of sapient humanoid creatures that resembled trees in appearance
* Mallorn: a huge tree with leaves that remained golden till spring and upon which the Elves of Lothlórien housed
* Niphredil: a small white flower from Doriath and Lothlórien
* Oiolairë: an evergreen fragrant tree highly esteemed by the Númenóreans
* Pipe-weed: a plant with sweet-scented flowers used for pipe smoking (also known as "Halflings' Leaf")
* Simbelmynë: a white flower that grew in Gondolin and Rohan (also known as Evermind)
* Two Trees of Valinor: magic trees that illumined the Blessed Realm

Plants from J. K. Rowling's Harry Potter series

* Abyssinian shrivelfig: When peeled, shrivelfigs are used as an ingredient in Shrinking Solution.†
* Alihotsy: ingestion of its leaves causes hysteria.†
* Bouncing bulb: an animated bulb plant; appears in "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire".
* Bubotuber: thick, black, slug-like plants that grow vertically out of the soil. It is normal for them to squirm and they are covered in pus-filled swellings.
* Devil's Snare: a vine plant that strangles people and wilts in the sunlight. Harry, Ron, and Hermione find themselves caught in it in "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone", and it strangles a man in St. Mungo's hospital in "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix". (A different kind of Devil's snare is a real plant.)
* Dittany: a plant which has the ability to cure wounds.
* Fanged Geranium: a geranium that bites humans.†
* Flitterbloom: a plant that superficially resembles a Devil's Snare but is non-violent.†
* Flutterby bush: a bush that quivers and shakes.†
* Gillyweed: when eaten this plant causes the user to grow gills and thus become able to breathe underwater.
* Gurdyroot: resembles a green onion.†
* Honking daffodyl
* Leaping toadstool
* Mandrakes: tubers that look like babies when young. Their screams can kill when fully grown. A potion made from mature mandrakes can restore victims that have been Petrified. (A different kind of Mandrake is a real plant.)
* "Mimbulus mimbletonia": a cactus with boils instead of spines; sprays foul-smelling goo in a large radius when poked.
* Puffapod: a large pink pod filled with seeds; bursts into flower when dropped.†
* Screechsnap: a semi-sentient plant that wriggles and squeaks uncomfortably when given too much dragon dung manure.†
* Snargaluff: a dangerous man-eating carnivorous plant, deceptively taking shape of a dead tree stump when in passive condition; shoots out thorny vines to catch the prey. From "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince".
* Venomous Tentacula: a species of magical plant that possess a series of dark red spiny tentacles; appears in PC video games as a venus flytrap with a tentaculated base - later rendered like a flower with teeth inside the petals. A wizard comedian is known to have survived eating this plant on a bet, though he is still purple.
* Whomping Willow: a large, violent tree that thrashes its branches at those who approach it. Though it first appears in "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets", it features significantly in "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban".

cite web
url =
title = The Harry Potter Lexicon: Magical and Mundane Plants
accessdate = 2006-09-02

Plants from Ursula K. Le Guin's Earthsea series

* Arhada: a tall, long-lived, tree resembling an oak or chestnut, with brown trunks and oval leaves with a hint of gold
* Corly: corly-root smoke is used as a treatment for fever
* Fourfoil: a herb (not a four-leaf clover, since Ged cannot identify it...)
* Hazia: the root of this plant is used as an addictive drug to give visions. It blackens the mouth and causes nervous disorders and eventually death.
* Hemmen: large tree
* Hurbah tree: low-growing tree that silkworms feed on
* Kingsfoil: a herb
* Lacefoam: white-flowered weed
* Nilgu: giant brown seaweed with fronds 80 to 100 feet long, and whose fibres are used for cloth, rope and nets
* Paramal: a herb
* Pendick-tree: red-flowering tree
* Perriot: a plant whose leaves are used to staunch bleeding
* Rushwash: herb used to make rushwash tea
* Sparkweed: yellow meadow flower
* White hallows: white-flowering herb growing in river meadows and marshes, with healing properties

Plants from Dungeons & Dragons

* Assassin Vine: a plant that will attempt to strangle anyone who ventures under it.
* Death's Head Tree: a tree that grows in human blood on a battle field and whose fruit resembles heads (those of the bodies the tree has eaten) that can spit seeds like bullets
* LashWeed: a monster plant that grabs animals nearby and eats them

Plants from "Monty Python's Flying Circus"

* Angolan sauntering tree ("Amazellus robin ray")
* Gambian sidling bush
* Puking Tree of Mozambique
* The Turkish little rude plant: a remarkably smutty piece of flora used by the Turks
* Walking tree of Dahomey ("Quercus nicholas parsonus"): the legendary walking tree that can achieve speeds of up to 50 miles an hour, especially when it's in a hurry

Plants from mythology

* Austras Koks: a tree which grows from the start of the Sun's daily journey across the sky in Latvian mythology
* Barnacle tree: mythical tree believed in the Middle Ages to have barnacles that opened to reveal geese. The story may have started from goose barnacles growing on driftwood.
* Lotus tree: a plant in Greek mythology bearing a fruit that caused a pleasant drowsiness. It may have been real (a type of Jujube (perhaps "Ziziphus lotus") or the Date Palm).
* Moly: a magic herb in Greek mythology with a black root and white blossoms
* Raskovnik: a magic plant in Serbian mythology which can open any lock
* Vegetable Lamb of Tartary: a mythical plant supposed by medieval thinkers to explain the existence of cotton
* Yggdrasil: the World tree of Norse mythology


* Man-eating tree or Madagascar tree: a fictitious tree in the forests of Madagascar. There are stories of similar trees in the jungles of Mindanao Island in the Philippines. The tree is said to have a gray trunk and animated vine-like stems used to capture and kill humans and other large animals. Comparable plants are mentioned in tall tales and fiction.

See also

* Talking trees
* Tree (mythology)
* World tree
* Tree of life (disambiguation)

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