List of fictional governments

List of fictional governments

=Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri=

see "Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri#Factions" and "Alien Crossfire#Factions"


*Systems Commonwealth
*Vedran Empire
*Than Hegemony
*Nietzschean Alliance
*Free Trade Alliance

Babylon 5

*Centauri Republic
*Earth Alliance
*Interstellar Alliance
*League of Non-Aligned Worlds
*Minbari Federation
*Narn Regime
*Vorlon Empire
*Brakiri Alliance
*Gaim Intelligence
*Drazi Freehold
*Ventukie Conglomerate (Vree)


*Capellan Confederation
*Draconis Combine
*Federated Commonwealth
*Federated Suns
*Free Worlds League
*Lyran Alliance
*Rasalhague Dominion
*Star League
*St. Ives Compact
*Terran Hegemony

Crest of the Stars

*Humankind Empire Abh
*Four Nations Alliance
**Federation of Hania
**People's Sovereign Union of Planets
**Republic of Greater Alcont
**United Mankind

DC Comics Universe

*The Science Council of Krypton - Superman
*United Planets — "Legion of Super-Heroes"

Doctor Who

*Dalek Empire
*Draconian Empire
*Earth Empire
*Fourth Great and Bountiful Human Empire
*Galactic Federation
*Second Roman Empire
*Time Lord Empire
*Time Lord High Council

Draka series by S.M. Stirling

*The Domination
*The Alliance for Democracy


*Imperium of the Galaxy
**The Padishah Emperor
**Spacing Guild*
**Bene Gesserit*
**Bene Tleilax*
**Ixian Confederacy*
*League of Nobles - Succeeded by the Imperium
*The Synchronized Empire
**Empire of Muad'dib (later inhierited by the God Emperor)
**Face Dancer Myriad
**The Honored Matres

* "These societies existed under the Imperium but were separate from it and survived its fall".

Eve Online (computer game)

*Amarr Empire
*Minmatar Republic
*Gallente Federation
*Caldari State
*Jove Empire


*The Alliance


*Kingdom of Bretonia - modeled after today's United Kingdom
*Kusari Empire - modeled after today's Japan
*Liberty Republic - modeled after today's USA
*Rheinland Republic - modeled after today's Germany
*Corsairs & Outcasts - two pirate societies that "devolved" from today's Hispanic nations

Future History of Jerry Pournelle

*CoDominium - Superpower Alliance of the USA and USSR in the "Falkenberg's Legion" series by Jerry Pournelle
*Confederacy of Franklin
*Dual Monarchy of Sparta
*Empire of Man - "The Mote in God's Eye" by Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle
**Second Empire of Man - Successor of the Empire of Man
*Free States of Washington (New Washington)
*Haven - Kingdom on Prince Samuals World

For Want of a Nail by Robert Sobel

*The Confederation of North America
*The United States of Mexico

The Foundation Series

* Association of Independent Traders
*Galactic Empire (Asimov)
* The Foundation
* The Four Kingdoms
** Kingdom of Anacreon
* Republic of Korell
* Union of Worlds


* The United States of Earth

Galactic Civilizations

*Arcean Empire
*Altarian Republic (later becomes Altarian Resistance)
*Dominion of Korx
*Drath Legion
*Drengin Empire
*Iconian Empire
*Korath Clan
*Krynn Consulate
*Terran Alliance
*Thalan Empire
*Torian Confederation
*The United Planets
*Yor Collective

Gears of War

*The Coalition of Ordered Governments (COG)


(Universal Century)
*Earth Federation
**Earth Federation General Assembly (EFGA)
*Principality of Zeon/Duchy of Zeon/Zeon Dukedom/Republic of Zeon (Side 3)
*Reah Republic (Side 6)
*Zanscare Empire
*Cosmo Babylonia
*CONSENT (Congress of Settlement Nations)

(After Colony)
*United Earth Sphere Alliance (through AC 195)
*Sanc Kingdom
*World Nation (Short lived worldwide government in AC 195)
*Earth Sphere Unified Nation/Earth Sphere United Nation (AC 196 on)

(After War)
*Old Earth Federation
*New Earth Federation
*Space Revolutionary Army
*Kingdom of Estardo

(Cosmic Era)
*African Community
*Earth Alliance (actually an alliance of four superstates)
**Alantic Federation
**Eurasian Federation
**Republic of East Asia
**South African Union
*Equatorial Confederation/Equatorial Union
*Kingdom of Scandinavia
*Oceania Union
*PLANTs Supereme Council - Government of the PLANTS
*United Emirates of Orb/Orb Union

(Anno Domini)
* Advanced European Union
* Human Reform League
* Union of Solar Energy and Free Nations
** Republic of Taribia
* Azadistan
* Kurdish Republic


*Combine Empire


*The Covenant
*United Nations Space Command (UNSC)

Honor Harrington Series

*Andermani Empire
*Manticoran Alliance
**Caliphate of Zanzibar
**Erewhon Republic
**Principality of Alizon
**Star Kingdom of Manticore
*Republic of Haven/People's Republic of Haven
*Solarian League
*Silesian Confederacy

King's Quest series

* Kingdom of Daventry
* Llewdor
* Tamir

Known Space

*Belt Political Section
*Human Space Trade Alliance
*Interworld Space Commission
*Kzinti Patriarchy
*Thrint Empire
*Those-who-lead - Puppeteer governing body
*United Nations - Reformed into a World Government

Last Exile

*The Guild

seaQuest DSV

Major Powers
*United Earth Oceans Organization (UEO)
*Macronesian Alliance
*North Pacific Confederation (NORPAC)

Minor Powers
*Amazonian Confederacy
*African Confederation
*Chaodai Nation
*Confederation Of South American Nations
*Eastern European Alliance
*East Asian Confederation
*Montagnard Confederation
*New Ausland Confederation
*North Seas Confederation
*Pacific Island Confederation
*Serbo Croatian Alliance
*Tartarus Federation
*The Mediterranean Confederation


*Terran Confederacy
*Terran Dominion
*United Earth Directorate
*United Powers League
*Protoss Conclave
**Judicator Assembly

Stargate universe

*Aschen Confederaion
*Asgard High Council
*Caledonian Federation
*High Council of System Lords
*The Curia (Tollan ruling body)
*International Oversight Advisory
*Jaffa High Council
*Langara Nation States
**Andari Federation
**Kelowna Hierarchy
**Terranian Confederacy
*Rand Protectorate
*Tok'ra High Council

Star Trek

*Andorian Empire
*Borg Collective
*Breen Confederacy
*Cardassian Union
*First Federation
*Ferengi Alliance
*The Hierarchy (Delta Quadrant)
*Kazon Collective (Delta Quadrant)
*Imperial Klingon Empire
*Krenim Imperium (Delta Quadrant)
*New United Nations (defunct after Third World War)
*Romulan Star Empire
**Romulan Senate
*Tholian Assembly
*United Earth
**European Hegemony
**United States of Africa/African Confederation
*United Federation of Planets
**Coalition of Planets (precursor to the Federation)
*Vulcan Colonial Protectorates
**Vulcan High Command
*Xindi Alliance

Mirror Universe

*Terran Empire
*Klingon-Cardassian Alliance

Star Wars

*The Centrality
*Chiss Ascendency
*Corporate Sector Authority
*Confederacy of Independent Systems
*Duskhan League
*Galactic Empire
*Galactic Federation of Free Alliances
*Hapes Consortium
*Imperial Remnant
*The Mandalorians
*New Republic
*Old Republic
*Rebel Alliance
*Sith Empire
*Ssi-ruuvi Imperium

Warhammer 40,000

*Eldar Empire (now divided)
**The Craftworlds
**The Exodite Worlds
**The Harlequins
*The Forces of Chaos
*Imperium of Man (comprised of several sub-governments)
**Adeptus Mechanicus
**Adeptus Terra
**Space Marine Chapters
*Ork Waaaghs!
*Tau Empire

=Wing Commander=

*Free Republic of the Landreich
*Kilrathi Empire
*Terran Confederation
*Union of Border Worlds

1984 (novel) by George Orwell

**The Ministry of Love
**The Ministry of Peace
**The Ministry of Plenty
**The Ministry of Truth

Orson Scott Card

*Starways Congress ("Ender's Game series")
*Hegemony of Earth ("Shadow series")
*Free People of Earth ("Shadow series")


*Akan Corporation State - "Ekumen"
*Aldeans - "Star Trek"
*The Alliance - "Firefly"
*Alliance for Democracy - "Drakon"
*The Allied States of America - "Jericho"
*Allied Worlds - "Saga of the Skolian Empire"
*Amestris - "Full Metal Alchemist"
*Anarres - "Ekumen"
*Andalites - "Animorphs"
*Angosia (Star Trek): H
*Antarran Hegemony - "Master of Orion"
*Antheans - "The Man Who Fell to Earth"
*Arm Rebellion - "Total Annihilation"
*Army of God - "Circuit of Heaven"
*Arquillian Empire - "Men in Black (movie)"
*Atlantic National Alliance - ""
*Athos - "Vorkosgian"
*Azreal - "Manshape"
*Avatar the Last Airbender - Four Nations based on the Elements in Classical Mythology.
*Barrayar Imperium - "Vorkosigan"
*Beta Colony - "Vorkosigan"
*Beta III - "Star Trek"
*Binding Multiples - "Heads"
*The Bridge - "Manshape"
*Buyur - "Uplift"
*Chief Judge and Council of Five of Mega-City One - "Judge Dredd" (comic strip)
*The Church - "The Golden Compass"
*Commonwealth of New England - "Coyote" by Allen Steele (novel)
*Commonwealth of Urth - "Book of the New Sun" by Gene Wolfe
*The ConSentiency universe - (Whipping Star, The Dosadi Experiment)
*Core Empire - "Total Annihilation"
*The Council of Six - "Baldur's Gate II" computer game
*The Covenanted Piracy of Klepsis - R. A. Lafferty "Annals of Klepsis"
*Earth Commonwealth - "Independence War" (a.k.a. "I-War")
*Earth Federation -"RahXephon"
*The Earth Government - "Armored Core"
*The Ekumen and earlier the 'League of Worlds' in Ursula K. Le Guin's Hainish Cycle
*Empire of Man - Series by David Weber and John Ringo
*Earldom of Gormenghast
*Federation - "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles"
*Galactic Alliance - "Buzz Lightyear of Star Command"
*Galactic Empire (Flight to Forever):
*Galactic Federation (Sector General)
*Galactic Federation - "Metroid"
**also the name of a different government in "Lilo and Stitch"
*The Galaxy Federation - "Xenosaga"
*Galactic Patrol (Rod Allbright)
*Galt's Gulch (Atlas Shrugged)
*General Terius's Government (Shadow Children Sequence)
*Genesis (Allies Revenge 2)
*Germanic Empire (In The Presence of Mine Enemies)
*Global Community, evolved (or mutated) from real-life United Nations - "Left Behind" series
*Golden Rule (The Cat Who Walked Through Walls)
*G. U. E. Great Underground Empire - "Zork" computer game series
*Hacker Ministry - the administration of Jim Hacker, in "Yes, Prime Minister"
*Humanx Commonwealth - Alan Dean Foster
*The Galactic Empire (or "Imperial Galactic Government") in The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams
*Instrumentality of Mankind - Works of Cordwainer Smith
*Imperium of Man - Warhammer 40,000
*Irken Empire
*Lancre Parliament - "Discworld"
*Latveria - Marvel Entertainment Group
*The LCC - "Armored Core"
*Machine Empire - "Power Rangers"
*Martin Empire
*Ministry of Magic - "Harry Potter"
*National Outerspace and Terrestrial Territories (N.O.T.T.) - "Rocket Robin Hood"
*NationStates - website based on the novels by Max Barry
*New California Republic - "Fallout 2"
*New Earth Government or the "NEG"- "CthulhuTech" RPG
*Norts - "Rogue Trooper"
*Norsefire - "V for Vendetta" graphic novel and the V for Vendetta film.
*Patrician of Ankh-Morpork and semi-official City Council - "Discworld"
*Pacifica - "Coyote" by Allen Steele (novel)
*Pan-Galactic Alliance - "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Fast Forward"
*Southers - "Rogue Trooper"
*Supreme Judge and Diktatorat of East Meg One - "Judge Dredd" (comic strip)
*Taelon Synod - ""
*Terran Concordiat - Bolo, Retief series by Keith Laumer
*Terran Empire -
*Terran Empire - Bolo
*Terran Empire - Hero Games
*Terran Federation - "Starship Troopers"
*Terran Federation - "Blake's 7"
*Tetragrammaton Council - "Equilibrium"
*Triceraton Empire - "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles"
*The 12 Colonies of Kobol (AKA United Colonies of Kobol) - "Battlestar Galactica"
*UESC Unified Earth Space Council - "Marathon (computer game)"
*United Federations - "The Fifth Element"
*United Citizen Federation - "Starship Troopers (1997 Film Adaptation)"
*United Earth Defense Council - (Robotech)
*United Earth Government - "Marathon (computer game)"
*UN Protectorate - Altered Carbon
*United Cornerian States - "Star Fox"
*United Republic of America - "Coyote" by Allen Steele (novel)
*Western Hemisphere Union - "Coyote" and "Coyote Rising" by Allen Steele (novels)
*Word of Blake - (Mech Assault)
*World Congress - Bicentennial Man
*Wolf Dragoon - (Mech Assault)
*World Government (One Piece)
*Witch's Council - Sabrina, the Teenage Witch
*Yeerk Empire


*United Confederation
*Jovian Federation
*United Earth

ee also

*List of fictional British monarchs
*List of fictional British Prime Ministers
*List of fictional military organizations
*List of fictional political parties
*List of fictional politicians
*List of fictional U.S. Presidents
**List of fictional U.S. Vice Presidents
**List of fictional U.S. Presidential candidates

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