List of fictional British Prime Ministers

List of fictional British Prime Ministers

Fictional stories featuring the political scene in Westminster or Whitehall in the United Kingdom, often feature fictional British Prime Ministers - invented characters with the position of Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. Such characters may be complete inventions, or they may be based on a particular Prime Minister or politician, or on a broad stereotype of party politicians.

Prime Ministers are listed alphabetically by surname. Also provided is information (where relevant and provided) about party affiliations, actors who portrayed the character and character notes.

Named fictional characters


; Lord Alloway
* Prime Minister in the Hercule Poirot short story "The Submarine Plans" by Agatha Christie
* Party: unspecified
* Notes: previously Sir Ralph Curtis; succeeds David MacAdam (below)


; Baldrick
* Played by: Tony Robinson
* Prime Minister in ""
* Party: unspecified
* Notes: could be classed as a (puppet) dictator; Lord Bellinger
* Played by: Harry Andrews (Granada adaptation)
* Prime Minister in "The Adventure of the Second Stain" (a Sherlock Holmes story)
* Party: unspecified; Blocket
* Played by: George A. Cooper
* Prime Minister in: "The Rise and Rise of Michael Rimmer"
* Party: Labour; Leonard Braithwaite FRSJ
* Prime Minister (briefly) in "When the Kissing Had to Stop" by Constantine Fitzgibbon
*Party: Labour and Anti-Nuclear Bomb
* Notes: he dies in office; Lord Brock
* Prime Minister in "Framley Parsonage", "The Small House at Allington" and "Can You Forgive Her?" by Anthony Trollope
* Party: Whig
* Notes: sits in the Commons, not the Lords; Terry Brooks
* Prime Minister in "" by Justin Richards
* Party: unspecified; Sir George Brown, Baronet
* Prime Minister in "Vile Bodies" by Evelyn Waugh
* Party: Conservative
* Notes: in office for less than a fortnight; Alan B'Stard
* Played by: Rik Mayall
* Prime Minister (briefly) in "The New Statesman"
* Party: None (previously Conservative" (later styles himself Lord Protector)) In 2006 alleged in a trailer to have defected to New Labour


*Sir John Cabal
*Prime Minister in: "Scarlet Traces" by Ian Edginton
*Notes: Is Prime Minister in 1904, when he oversees the start of the British invasion of Mars.; Sir Mortimer Chris
* Played by: Peter Cook
* Prime Minister in: "Whoops Apocalypse" (film, 1986)
* Party: Conservative; Edward Clare
* Prime Minister in "Number Ten" by Sue Townsend
* Party: Labour
* Notes: parody of Tony Blair; Henry Collingridge
* Prime Minister at the start of "House of Cards" trilogy
* Party: Conservative; Lord Coodle
* Prime Minister in "Bleak House" by Charles Dickens
* Party: unspecified; Phillip Cotton
* Prime Minister in "" by Justin Richards
* Party: unspecified; Peter Creedy
* Prime Minister in "V for Vendetta (film)"
* Party: Norsefire


; Alfred Danderson
* Prime Minister in "First Lady" by Michael Dobbs 2007-2010
* Party: Labour
* Notes: Succeeds Tony Blair, married to Lauren Danderson, loses general election to Conservative Leader Dom Edge.; "'Mark D'Arby
* Prime Minister in "The Edge of Madness" by Michael Dobbs
* Party: Unknown
* Notes: Succeeds John Eaton after the hostage crisis in the House of Lords. Is PM when the Chinese plan to cripple the US, UK and Russia with cyber war
* Holds a summit at Castle Lorne in Scotland with US President Blythe Harrison Edwards and Russian President Sergei Shunin
* Revealed in the epilogue, he ordered the USS Reuben James, a US vessel to be navigated into Iran's coast and the tampering of President Edwards' mother's hospital reports resulting in her death in order to bring President Edwards on board to attack the Chinese with himself and Shunin.; Mr Daubeny or Daubney
* Prime Minister in "Phineas Finn", "Phineas Redux" and "The Prime Minister" by Anthony Trollope
* Party: Conservative
* Notes: generally supposed to represent Benjamin Disraeli; Lord de Terrier
* Prime Minister in "Framley Parsonage" and "Phineas Finn" by Anthony Trollope
* Party: Conservative
* Notes: generally supposed to represent Lord Derby; Rupert Devereaux
* Prime Minister in "The Bartimaeus Trilogy" by Jonathan Stroud
* Party: unspecified; Sir Thomas Doodle
* Prime Minister in "Bleak House" by Charles Dickens
* Party: unspecified
* Notes: later Lord Doodle; Lord Drummond
* Prime Minister in "The Duke's Children" by Anthony Trollope
* Party: Conservative; Morag Duff
* Prime Minister in the works of Kim Newman
* Party: Labour Party
* Notes: Became Prime Minister (in at least one universe) after John Major's defeat in the 1992 General Election.


; John Eaton
* Prime Minister in "The Lord's Day"
* Party: unknown
* Is PM when terrorists take over the House of Lords during the State Opening of Parliament. Whilst Eaton, the Queen, the Cabinet, dignitaries and the Royal Family are held hostage in the House of Lords, Home Secretary Tricia Willcocks is left in charge.
* Eaton resigns after the crisis, mostly after the execution of Education Secretary Marjie Antrobus live on national TV by the terrorists.
* Is succeeded by Mark D'Arby.; Dominic "Dom" Edge
* Prime Minister in "First Lady"
* Party: Conservative
* Notes: Married to Ginny Edge, had an affair with one of his aides, won heated leadership contest, former Conservative Party Chairman.


; Sir Edward Ferrier
* Prime Minister in: the Hercule Poirot short story "The Augean Stables" by Agatha Christie
* Party: People's Party (fictional)
* Notes: succeeded his father-in-law John Hammett (below) as Prime Minister


; Maureen Graty
* Played by: Pamela Salem
* Prime Minister in "The West Wing" (television series)
* Party: unspecified, presumably either Labour or Conservative; Joseph Green (MP for Hartley Dale, Chair of the Parliamentary Commission on the Monitoring of Sugar Standards in Exported Confectionery)
* Played by: David Verrey
* Acting Prime Minister in: "Doctor Who": "World War Three"
* Real name: Jocrassa Fel Fotch Pasameer-Day Slitheen
* Party: Unspecified (possibly Labour due to the timeline).; Mr Gresham
* Prime Minister in "Phineas Finn", "The Eustace Diamonds", "Phineas Redux" and "The Prime Minister" by Anthony Trollope
* Party: Liberal
* Notes: generally supposed to represent William Ewart Gladstone


; Jim Hacker
* Played by: Paul Eddington
* Prime Minister in: "Yes, Prime Minister" (television)
* Party: unspecified; Jeffrey Hale
* Prime Minister in "King Ralph
* Played by: James Villiers; James Halstead
* Prime Minister in "A Planet for the President" by Alistair Beaton; John Hammett
* Prime Minister in: the Hercule Poirot short story "The Augean Stables" by Agatha Christie
* Party: the People's Party (fictional)
* Notes: afterwards raised to the House of Lords as Lord Cornworthy; Tom Hutchinson
* Played by: Ronald Fraser
* Prime Minister in: "The Rise and Rise of Michael Rimmer"
* Party: Conservative


; Sir James Jaspers
* Prime Minister in: the Marvel Universe comic-book continuity
* Party: Conservative
* Notes: swept to power on an anti-superhero platform, Jaspers himself had the ability to alter reality - at the cost of his own sanity; Harriet Jones (MP for Flydale North)
* Played by Penelope Wilton
* Prime Minister in "Doctor Who": "The Christmas Invasion"
* Party: Unspecified (possibly Labour due to the timeline).
* Notes: Was also mentioned as President of Great Britain in the parallel earth of "Doomsday".


; Yorrick Kaine
* Prime Minister in "Something Rotten" by Jasper Fforde
* Party: Whig
* Notes: Attempts to establish self as dictator; escapee from a bad romance novel; Raymond Gould
* Prime Minister in: "First Among Equals" by Jeffrey Archer, in the British edition of the book and the Granada Television adaptation.
* Party: Labour; Simon Kerslake
* Prime Minister in: "First Among Equals" by Jeffrey Archer, in the American edition of the book.
* Party: Conservative


; Adam Lang
* Prime Minister in: "The Ghost" by Robert Harris
* Party: Labour
* Notes: Loosely based on Tony Blair; Charles Lenton
* Prime Minister in: "Corridors of Power" by C. P. Snow
* Party: Conservative; Arthur Lytton
* Played by: Ronald Adam
* Prime Minister in: "Seven Days to Noon" (film, 1950)
* Party: Unknown


; David MacAdam
* Played by Henry Moxton (Granada adaptation)
* Prime Minister in the Hercule Poirot short stories "The Kidnapped Prime Minister" and "The Submarine Plans" by Agatha Christie
* Party: probably a coalition government
* Notes: in office during the First World War and after; succeeded by Lord Alloway (above); William Mildmay
* Prime Minister in "Phineas Finn" by Anthony Trollope
* Party: Whig; Joshua Monk
* Played by Bryan Pringle ("The Pallisers," BBC Television)
* Prime Minister in "The Duke's Children" by Anthony Trollope
* Party: Liberal
*Gloria Munday
* Prime Minister in Dan Dare (1990) by Grant Morrison
* Party: Conservative Party (resemblance to white-haired Margaret Thatcher.)


; The Duke of Omnium (Plantagenet Palliser)
* Played by Philip Latham ("The Pallisers," BBC Television)
* Prime Minister in: "The Prime Minister" by Anthony Trollope and "The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Volumes One" and "Two" by Alan Moore
* Party: Liberal, Coalition; Gerald O'Brien
* Prime Minister in: "" by Alan Moore
*Character originally from "1984" by George Orwell
* Party: Ingsoc
* Notes: Came into power in 1952 following the death of Prime Minister General Sir Harold Wharton, aka "Big Brother", and remained in power until 1958 (presumably his death) when democracy was restored to Britain.; Walter Outrage, OM
* Prime Minister in: "Vile Bodies" by Evelyn Waugh
* Party: unspecified
* Notes: also mentioned in passing in "Black Mischief"


; Harry Perkins (Harold Clement Perkins)
* Played by: Ray McAnally
* Prime Minister in: "A Very British Coup" (television)
* Party: Labour; Michael Phillips
* Played by: Robert Bathurst
* Prime Minister in: "My Dad's the Prime Minister" (television)
* Party: unspecified; Kevin Pork (a.k.a. Superman)
* Played by: Peter Jones
* Prime Minister in: "Whoops Apocalypse" (television, 1982)
* Party: The fictional Social Democratic Alliance (SODEMALL) party.; Rosamund 'Ros' Jane Pritchard
* Played by: Jane Horrocks
* Prime Minister in "The Amazing Mrs Pritchard"
* Party: The fictional Purple Alliance


; Michael Rimmer
* Played by: Peter Cook
* Prime Minister in: "The Rise and Rise of Michael Rimmer"
* Party: Conservative
* Notes: Later declared President of Great Britain; Lord Ruthven
* Prime Minister in: "Anno Dracula" and sequels by Kim Newman
* Party: Conservative

; Harold "Harry" Saxon (aka The Master)
* Played by: John Simm
* Prime Minister in "Doctor Who": "The Sound of Drums" and "Last of the Time Lords"
* Party: unspecified, though formed of defectors from other parties. Saxon had previously been a Minister with the Ministry of Defence.; Edward Shaw
* played by John Shrapnel
* Prime Minister in: " The Palace"
* Party: Labour
*Note: He is MP for Bromsgrove.; Dr. Davenport Spry
*Prime Minister in: "" by Ian Edginton
*Notes: Is Prime Minister in the 1940s, when he oversees the end of the British invasion of Mars. Was the former spymaster of Sir John Cabal's government.; Peter St. John
* Prime Minister in: "Zenith" comic strip in "2000 AD"
* Party: Conservative (succeeded Margaret Thatcher)
* Note: he assassinated former prime minister Edward Heath at Thatcher's request; Michael Stevens
* Played by: Anthony Stewart Head
* Prime Minister in: "Little Britain" (television)
* Party: unspecified, presumably Labour as he and his cabinet bear red rosettes on Election Night. Based loosely on Tony Blair.; Adam Susan
* Played by: John Hurt
* Prime Minister in: "V for Vendetta" by Alan Moore
* Party: Norsefire
* Notes: Later is given the new position of High Chancellor. In the original graphic novel he holds the position of "Leader" and is named Adam J. Susan. It has been confirmed by the screenwriters that they made the name Sutler by combining Susan and Hitler, as a reference to Adolf Hitler.


; Sir Derrick Trant
* Prime Minister in: "The Gap in the Curtain" by John Buchan
* Party: Labour


; Francis Urquhart
* Played by: Ian Richardson
* Prime Minister in: "House of Cards" trilogy
* Party: Conservative


; Mr Waldemar
* Prime Minister in: "The Gap in the Curtain" by John Buchan
* Party: Liberal
* Notes: at the head of a National Government; Thomas Waring
* Prime Minister in: "Avalon" by Stephen R. Lawhead
* Party: British Republic Party; General Sir Harold Wharton
* Prime Minister in: "" by Alan Moore
*Character originally from the Billy Bunter stories of Charles Hamilton
* Party: Labour, then Ingsoc
* Notes: An MI5 agent entered into the Labour Party, he was elected Prime Minister in the postwar elections after World War II and soon established the totalitarian Airstrip One government, gaining the popular nickname "Big Brother". He dies in 1952 and is replaced by Gerald O'Brien.; Sidney Wilton
* Prime Minister in: "Endymion" by the Earl of Beaconsfield
* Party: Liberal


; Michael Year
* Prime Minister in: UNIT audio dramas "The Longest Night" and "Snakehead".
* Party:Conservative

Real people

Sometimes, a fictional story will indicate a near future or alternate universe setting by portraying a real person as an alternate Prime Minister.; Tony Benn
* Prime Minister in "Red Son" by Mark Millar
* Party: unspecified, either leftist Labour Party or Communist; Rab Butler
* Prime Minister in "Random Quest" by John Wyndham
* Party: Conservative
* Notes: PM at 1954, in an Alternate History where WWII did not happen.; Lord Byron
* Prime Minister in "The Difference Engine" by William Gibson and Bruce Sterling
* Party: Industrial Radical Party, or the "Rads", developed from the Radicals.; Sebastian Coe
* Prime Minister in "Drop the Dead Donkey 2000" by Andy Hamilton
* Party: "A rainbow coalition of the Conservatives, the Pensioners' Power Party, the British National Party and the Keep Sunday Special Party."; Sebastian Coe
* Prime Minister in "The Brittas Empire" episode set in 2019
* Party: Conservatives; Denis Healey
* Prime Minister in 1987 graphic novel "Watchmen"
* Party: Presumably Labour; Oswald Mosley
* Prime Minister in various "Nazis win World War II" stories, e.g., the "Doctor Who" Virgin New Adventures novel ""
* Party: British Union of Fascists; John Pardoe
* Played by: himself
* Prime Minister in "Black Cinderella Two Goes East" (a BBC Radio 4 pantomime by Douglas Adams)
* Party: Liberal; Shirley Williams
* Prime Minister in "Doctor Who" Virgin New Adventures novel "No Future" by Paul Cornell
* Party: unspecified, presumably Labour or Social Democrat
* Presumably intended to be the female Prime Minister from "Terror of the Zygons" (see unnamed below); John Prescott
* Prime Minister in "My Hero" episode scene set 10 years in future (2015)
* Party: presumably Labour


Due to the absence of names, this list is ordered by available information.

; First name "David"
* Played by: Hugh Grant
* Prime Minister in:"Love Actually" (film, 2003)
* Party: unspecified, references suggest may be Conservative
* Notes: referred to by first name David or Sir David, yet in the credits is simply, "The Prime Minister"

; First name "Jeremy"
* Prime Minister in "Doctor Who" : "The Green Death"
* Party: unspecified, probably intended as a reference to the Liberal Jeremy Thorpe implying that story was set in near future (later stories contradict this)

; First name "Ricky"
* Prime Minister in "The West Wing" (television series)
* Later replaced by Maureen Graty
* Party: unspecified, presumably either Labour or Conservative
* Notes: Mentioned in Season 1.

; White Female
* Played by: Faith Brook
* Prime Minister in:"North Sea Hijack" (film, 1979)
* Party: unspecified but bears a strong resemblance to Margaret Thatcher

; Female
* Prime Minister in "Doctor Who" : "Terror of the Zygons"
* Party: unspecified, although the serial's director Douglas Camfield intended it as a reference to the then-prominent Labour MP Shirley Williams, implying that story was set in the near future (later stories contradict this). The scenes in question were record shortly after Margaret Thatcher became the first woman to lead a major UK political party.

; Black male
* Prime Minister in "Strontium Dog" stories in "2000 AD comic".
* Party: unspecified

; Black male
* Played by: Don Warrington
* President of Great Britain in "Doctor Who" : "Rise of the Cybermen"
* Party: unspecified
* Notes: The title, 'President of Great Britain' was the parallel earth's version of the British Prime Minister.

; White Male
* Played by: Ronald Adam
* Prime Minister in: "Zeppelin" (film, 1971)
* Party: unspecified

; White Male
* Played by: Michael Gambon
* Prime Minister in: "Ali G Indahouse" (film, 2002)
* Party: unspecified

; White Male
* Played by: Robbie Coltrane
* Prime Minister in Stormbreaker
* Party: unspecified

; White Male
* Played by: Kevin McNally
* Prime Minister in:"Johnny English" (film, 2003)
* Party: unspecified

; Male (unnamed but possibly John Major considering the Chronology of the Harry Potter stories)
* Prime Minister appearing in the first chapter of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince by J.K. Rowling
* Party: unspecified (if John Major, Conservative Party)

; Two unnamed Earls, one succeeding the other
* Prime Ministers in: "Barchester Towers" by Anthony Trollope
* Party: Whig and Conservative, respectively

; Unspecified gender
* In Ian McEwan's "The Child in Time".
* Party: Unspecified (presumably Conservative, Thatcher era.)

ee also

* Fictional characters
* List of fictional governments
* List of fictional political parties
* List of fictional U.S. Presidents
** List of fictional U.S. Vice Presidents
** List of fictional U.S. Presidential candidates
* List of fictional British monarchs
* List of fictional Australian politicians

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