List of University of Oxford people

List of University of Oxford people

This page serves as a central navigational point for lists of more than 2,350 members of the University of Oxford, divided into relevant groupings for ease of use. The vast majority were students at the university, although they did not necessarily take a degree; others have held fellowships at one of the universitys colleges; many fall into both categories. This page does not include people whose only connection with the university consists in the award of an honorary degree or an honorary fellowship.

The list has been divided into categories indicating the field of activity in which people have become well known. Many of the universitys alumni/ae, or old members, as they are more traditionally known, have attained a level of distinction in more than one field. These appear only in the category with which it is felt they are most often associated, or in which they have been more recently involved. Hence Jeffrey Archer (Brasenose), a novelist, is listed as a life peer; Imran Khan (Keble), a former captain of the Pakistani cricket team, is listed as a Pakistani politician. Some academic disciplines are more difficult to define than others. In particular, many theologians, lawyers, and sociologists work in areas that might be thought to be encompassed by philosophy.

Oxonians (a term for members of the university derived from its Latin name, "Academia Oxoniensis") have included two British kings and at least twelve monarchs of ten other sovereign states, twenty-five British prime ministers, and thirty-five presidents and prime ministers of nineteen other countries. There are currently eighteen Oxonians in Her Majesty's Government, including eight in the Cabinet. Thirteen members of the Shadow Cabinet, as well as Boris Johnson, the Conservative Mayor of London, were educated at Oxford.

The university lays claim to twelve saints, ten blesseds, an antipope, eighteen cardinals, and eighty-seven archbishops (including thirty-two of Canterbury and twenty-two of York).

This list also includes twenty-five princes and princesses (among them the heirs apparent of Belgium, Brunei, and Japan), thirty-four dukes, nineteen marquesses, eighty-two earls and countesses, forty-six viscounts and viscountesses, and 188 barons and baronesses; 167 bishops (Anglican and Catholic); 291 Members of Parliament (excluding MPs who were subsequently peers), eleven Members of the European Parliament (excluding MEPs also serving at Westminster), twelve Lord Chancellors, nine Lord Chief Justices and twenty-two law lords; ten US Senators, ten US Representatives (including a Speaker of the House), three state governors, and four associate justices of the US Supreme Court; as well as six puisne justices of the Supreme Court of Canada and a chief justice of the now defunct Federal Court of Canada.

The University of Oxford claims forty-seven Nobel Laureates and three Fields Medallists.





Royal persons



Heads of State and Heads of Government

British Prime Ministers

Other countries

Her Majesty's Government

hadow Cabinet

House of Lords and House of Commons

Members of the European Parliament

British local politicians

British civil servants

British diplomats

Members of the British Royal Household

British military, security, and police personnel

Foreign politicians, civil servants, diplomats, and military personnel

Non-government people in British public life

Non-government people in public life overseas

The Law

Lord Chancellors and Lord Chief Justices

Lords of Appeal in Ordinary (Law Lords)

Other judges and lawyers: United Kingdom

Judges and lawyers: other countries

Legal academics







Archbishops of Canterbury

Archbishops of York

Other Archbishops, Presiding Bishops, and Metropolitans

Other Bishops

Clergy and other ministers






tudy of Religions



Poets Laureate

*Samuel Daniel (Magdalen Hall) Poet Laureate 1599-1619
*William Davenant (Lincoln) Poet Laureate 1637-1668
*Thomas Warton (Trinity) Poet Laureate 1785-90
*Henry James Pye (Magdalen Hall) Poet Laureate 1790-1813
*Robert Southey (Balliol) Poet Laureate 1813-43
*Robert Bridges (Corpus Christi) Poet Laureate 1913-30
*Cecil Day Lewis (Wadham) Poet Laureate 1967-72
*John Betjeman (Magdalen) Poet Laureate 1972-84
*Andrew Motion (University) Poet Laureate 1999-
*William Morris (Exeter) declined Laureateship 1896
*Philip Larkin (St John's and All Souls) declined Laureateship 1984

*John Abbot (Balliol)
*Drummond Allison (The Queen's)
*Edwin Arnold (University)
*Matthew Arnold (Balliol)
*W. H. Auden (Christ Church and Exeter)
*Owen Barfield (Wadham)
*Thomas Lovell Beddoes (Pembroke)
*Henry Charles Beeching (Balliol)
*Hilaire Belloc (Balliol)
*Laurence Binyon (Trinity)
*John Francis Bloxam (Exeter)
*Edmund Blunden (The Queen's)
*Edwin Emmanuel Bradford (Exeter)
*Thomas Edward Brown (Christ Church and Oriel)
*Alan Brownjohn (Merton)
*Charles Stuart Calverley (Balliol)
*Vahni Capildeo (Christ Church)
*Thomas Carew (Merton)
*Sydney Carter (Balliol)
*Arthur Hugh Clough (Balliol)
*Robert P. T. Coffin
*Wendy Cope (St Hilda's)
*Samuel Elsworth Cottam (Exeter)
*Kevin Crossley-Holland
*John Davies (The Queen's)
*Vinícius de Moraes (Marcus Vinicius da Cruz de Mello Moraes)
*John Donne (Hertford) Member of Parliament 1601 and 1614, Dean of St Paul's 1621-31
*Lord Alfred Douglas (Magdalen)
*Ernest Dowson (The Queen's)
*Edward Dyer (Balliol or Broadgates Hall)
*T. S. Eliot (Merton)
*U. A. Fanthorpe (St Anne's)
*John Fuller (New College and Magdalen)
*Sydney Goodsir Smith (Oriel)
*Richard Graves (Pembroke)
*Robert Graves (St John's)
*Julian Grenfell (Balliol)
*Jane Griffiths
*Stephen Hawes
*Robert Stephen Hawker (Pembroke)
*Seamus Heaney (Magdalen)
*John Heath-Stubbs (The Queen's)
*Geoffrey Hill (Keble)
*Gerard Manley Hopkins (Balliol)
*A. E. Housman (St John's)
*Elizabeth Jennings (St Anne's)
*Jenny Joseph (St Hilda's)
*Sidney Keyes
*Nicole Krauss
*Walter Savage Landor (Trinity)
*Eugene Lee-Hamilton (Oriel)
*Richard Lovelace (Gloucester Hall)
*George MacBeth (New College)
*Louis MacNeice (Merton)
*John Marston (Brasenose)
*Glyn Maxwell (Worcester)
*Dom Moraes (Jesus)
*Arthur Nortje
*Tom Paulin (Hertford and Lincoln)
*F. T. Prince (Balliol)
*Craig Raine (Exeter and New College)
*John Crowe Ransom (Christ Church)
*Alan Ross (St John's)
*F. R. Scott
*E. J. Scovell (Somerville)
*Patrick Shaw-Stewart (Balliol)
*Percy Bysshe Shelley (University)
*Philip Sidney (Christ Church)
*Charles Sorley (University)
*Bernard Spencer (Corpus Christi)
*Stephen Spender (University)
*Pauline Stainer (St Anne's)
*Jon Stallworthy (Magdalen and Wolfson)
*Eric Stenbock (Balliol)
*Charles Algernon Swinburne (Balliol)
*Michael Symmons Roberts (Regent's Park)
*John Addington Symonds (Balliol and Magdalen)
*Edward Thomas (Lincoln)
*Michael Thwaites
*Thomas Traherne (Brasenose)
*Julian Turner (New College)
*John Wain (St John's)
*Robert Penn Warren (New College)
*Samuel Wesley (Exeter)
*Henry Willobie (St John's and/or Exeter)
*John Wilmot, 2nd Earl of Rochester (Wadham)
*Fabian Strachan Woodley (University)
*David Wright (Oriel)
*Kit Wright
*Thomas Yalden (Magdalen)
*Edward Young (New College, Corpus Christi, and All Souls)

Novelists and story writers

*Diran Adebayo
*Naomi Alderman (Lincoln)
*Monica Ali (Wadham)
*Kingsley Amis (St John's)
*Martin Amis (Exeter)
*Louise Bagshawe (St Anne's)
*Daniel Blythe (St John's)
*William Boyd (Jesus)
*John Buchan, 1st Baron Tweedsmuir (Balliol) MP 1927-35, Governor General of Canada 19351940
*Mike Carey
*Amit Chaudhuri (Balliol)
*Susanna Clarke (St Hilda's)
*Edmund Crispin (Bruce Montgomery) (St John's) also a noteworthy composer
*Guy Davenport (Merton)
*Robertson Davies (Balliol)
*Lindsey Davis (Lady Margaret Hall)
*Helen DeWitt (Lady Margaret Hall and Brasenose)
*Siobhan Dowd (Lady Margaret Hall)
*John Meade Falkner (Hertford)
*Helen Fielding (St Anne's)
*Penelope Fitzgerald (Somerville)
*Richard Flanagan
*Margaret Forster (Somerville)
*John Galsworthy (New College)
*Amitav Ghosh (Balliol)
*William Golding (Brasenose)
*Graham Greene (Balliol)
*Mark Haddon (Merton)
*Catherine Heath (St Hilda's)
*Joseph Heller (St Catherine's)
*Zoë Heller (St Anne's)
*Robert Henriques (New College)
*Peter Hobbs (New College)
*Alan Hollinghurst (Magdalen)
*Winifred Holtby (Somerville)
*Thomas Hughes (Oriel)
*Aldous Huxley (Balliol)
*Hari Kunzru
*Perceval Landon (Hertford)
*John le Carré (Lincoln)
*Harper Lee
*Peter Levi (Campion Hall)
*Matthew Gregory Lewis (Christ Church)
*Toby Litt (Worcester)
*Rose Macaulay (Somerville)
*Val McDermid (St Hilda's)
*Charlotte Mendelson
*Naomi Mitchison (St Anne's)
*Iris Murdoch (Somerville and St Anne's)
*Gregory Norminton (Regent's Park)
*V. S. Naipaul (University)
*Iain Pears (Wadham)
*Philip Pullman (Exeter)
*Barbara Pym (St Hilda's)
*Mary Renault (St Hugh's)
*Abu Rushd Matinuddin
*Edward St Aubyn (Keble)
*Dorothy L. Sayers (Somerville)
*Will Self (Exeter)
*Vikram Seth (Corpus Christi)
*Michael Innes (Oriel and Christ Church)
*Anna Stothard (Lincoln)
*Plum Sykes (Worcester)
*Rachel Trickett (St Hugh's and Lady Margaret Hall)
*Joanna Trollope (St Hugh's)
*Philip Turner (Worcester)
*Jill Paton Walsh (St Anne's)
*Rex Warner (Wadham)
*Auberon Waugh (Christ Church)
*Evelyn Waugh (Hertford)
*Angus Wilson (Merton)
*Jeanette Winterson (St Catherine's)


*Achmed Abdullah (Alexandr Nicholaievich Romanov)
*Francis Beaumont (Broadgates Hall)
*Alan Bennett (Exeter)
*Thomas Chaundler
*Caryl Churchill (Lady Margaret Hall)
*Richard Curtis (Christ Church)
*Russell T. Davies (Worcester)
*William Douglas-Home (New College)
*Samuel Foote (Worcester)
*John Ford (Exeter)
*Christopher Hampton (New College)
*Richard Hughes (Oriel)
*Girish Karnad (Lincoln and Magdalen)
*Thomas Lodge (Trinity)
*Patrick Marber (Wadham)
*Herman Charles Merivale (Balliol)
*Thomas Middleton (The Queen's)
*John Mortimer (Brasenose)
*Thomas Nabbes (Exeter)
*Thomas Otway (Christ Church)
*George Peele (Broadgates Hall and Christ Church)
*Dennis Potter (New College)
*Terence Rattigan (Trinity)
*James Roose-Evans
*William Scoular (Lincoln)
*Charles Sedley (Wadham)
*R. C. Sherriff (New College)
*James Shirley (St John's)
*James Townley (St John's)
*Nicholas Udall (Corpus Christi)
*Oscar Wilde (Magdalen)
*Peter Wildeblood (Trinity)
*Emlyn Williams (Christ Church)
*William Wycherley (The Queen's)

Children's writers

*Richard Adams (Worcester) author of Watership Down
*Giles Andreae creator of Purple Ronnie and Edward Monkton
*W. V. Awdrey (St Peter's and Wycliffe Hall) creator of Thomas the Tank Engine
*T. A. Barron
*Nina Bawden (Somerville)
*Lesley M. M. Blume
*Lewis Carroll (Christ Church)
*Thomas Day (Corpus Christi)
*Ruby Ferguson (St Hilda's)
*Theodor Seuss Geisel (Dr Seuss) (Lincoln)
*Roger Lancelyn Green (Merton) also a biographer and librarian
*Penelope Lively (St Anne's)
*Lady Flora McDonnell (Exeter)
*Michelle Paver (Lady Margaret Hall)
*Michael Rosen (Wadham)
*Francesca Simon creator of Horrid Henry
*Frederick Weatherly (Brasenose) also King's Counsel, poet, sci-fi and fantasy writer
*Diana Wynne Jones (St Anne's)

cholars, critics, diarists, publishers, librarians

*Joseph Addison (The Queen's and Magdalen)
*Jean Aitchison (Worcester)
*Peter Bayley (University)
*John Bayley (St Catherine's)
*Max Beerbohm (Merton)
*Homi K. Bhabha
*James H. Billington (Balliol)
*Andrew Cecil Bradley (Balliol)
*Melvyn Bragg (Wadham)
*Jacky Bratton (St Anne's)
*Katharine Mary Briggs (Lady Margaret Hall)
*Vera Brittain (Somerville)
*Cleanth Brooks (Exeter)
*Robert Burchfield (Magdalen and Christ Church)
*Sir Raymond Carr (Christ Church, New College, All Souls and St Antony's)
*Alasdair Clayre (All Souls)
*Peter Conrad (Christ Church and All Souls)
*Janet E. Courtney (Lady Margaret Hall)
*Jonathan Culler
*Thomas de Quincey (Brasenose)
*Susie Dent
*Terry Eagleton (Wadham, Linacre, and St Catherine's)
*Richard Ellmann (New College)
*Paul Engle
*Geoffrey Faber (Christ Church)
*James Fenton (Magdalen)
*Henry Watson Fowler (Balliol)
*Adam Fox (Magdalen)
*Leela Gandhi
*William Gifford (Exeter)
*Victor Gollancz (New College)
*George Stuart Gordon (Oriel and Magdalen)
*John Haffenden (St John's and Magdalen)
*Ian Hamilton (Keble)
*Richard Hakluyt (Christ Church)
*George Birkbeck Norman Hill (Pembroke)
*Hugh Haughton
*Thomas James (New College)
*Samuel Johnson (Pembroke)
*Andrew Lang (Balliol)
*Gerard Langbaine (University)
*Monica Jones (St Hugh's)
*John Lahr (Worcester)
*Andrew George Lehmann
*C. S. Lewis (University and Magdalen) also of Narnia fame
*Alain LeRoy Locke (Hertford)
*Edward Lucie-Smith (Merton)
*Fiona MacCarthy
*Peter McDonald (University and Christ Church)
*Robert Macfarlane (Magdalen)
*Norris McWhirter (Trinity) co-founder Guinness Book of Records (1955)
*Ross McWhirter (Trinity) co-founder Guinness Book of Records (1955)
*Chris Maslanka (St Catherine's)
*Ved Mehta (Balliol)
*Kate Millett (St Hilda's) author, Sexual Politics (1970), founder Women's Art Colony Farm (1971)
*Peter Milward (Campion Hall) Emeritus Professor of English Literature Sophia University
*Toril Moi (Lady Margaret Hall and Pembroke)
*Jan Morris (St Edmund Hall and Christ Church)
*Brian Morris, Baron Morris of Castle Morris (Worcester)
*Raymond Mortimer (Balliol)
*Beverley Nichols (Balliol)
*Harold Nicolson (Balliol)
*David Norbrook (Balliol, Magdalen, and Merton)
*Francis Turner Palgrave (Balliol and Exeter)
*Walter Pater (The Queen's)
*William Paton Ker (Balliol and All Souls)
*Reynolds Price (Merton)
*Arthur Quiller-Couch (Trinity)
*Walter Alexander Raleigh (Merton) Professor of English Literature 1904-22
*Christopher Ricks (Balliol and Worcester)
*Neil Leon Rudenstine (New College) President of Harvard University 19912001
*John Campbell Shairp (Balliol)
*Susan Sontag (St Anne's)
*Richard Steele (Merton)
*Percy Stephensen (The Queen's)
*J. I. M. Stewart (Oriel and Christ Church)
*Jonathan Swift (Hertford)
*Ann Thwaite (St Hilda's)
*J. R. R. Tolkien (Exeter and Pembroke) also of Lord of the Rings fame
*Jenny Uglow (St Anne's)
*Guðbrandur Vigfússon
*Fredric Warburg (Christ Church)
*Marina Warner (Lady Margaret Hall)
*Joseph Warton (Oriel)
*Raymond Williams
*Simon Winchester (St Catherine's)
*George Woodcock

Travel and non-fiction writers


"Many journalists work in both print and broadcast media. The following are listed under the medium for which they are best known. Those who are known solely as sports commentators will be found at List of University of Oxford people in sport, exploration, and adventuring ."



*Paul Anderson (Balliol) Tribune 1991-93, Deputy New Statesman 1993-96
*Perry Anderson (Worcester) New Left Review 1962-82 & 2000-03
*Lionel Barber The Financial Times 2005-
*Paul Barker (Brasenose) New Society 1968-86
*Peter Beinart (University) The New Republic 1999-2006, Editor-at-large 2006-
*Tina Brown (St Anne's) Tatler 1979-83, Vanity Fair 1984-92, The New Yorker 1992-98
*George Earle Buckle (New College and All Souls) The Times 1884-1912
*Alastair Burnet (Worcester) The Economist 1965-74, The Daily Express 1974-6
*William Percival Crozier (Trinity) The Manchester Guardian 1932-44
*Matthew d'Ancona (Magdalen and All Souls) The Spectator 2006-
*Geoffrey Dawson (Magdalen and All Souls) The Times 1912-19 & 1923-41
*John Thadeus Delane (Magdalen Hall) The Times 184177
*Bill Emmott (Magdalen) The Economist 1993-2006
*James Fallows (The Queen's) US News & World Report 1996-98
*Kim Fletcher (Hertford) The Independent on Sunday 98-99, Ed Dir Telegraph New Media 00-03, Ed Dir Telegraph Group 03-05
*Paul Foot (University) Socialist Worker 1972-78
*John Lawrence Hammond (St John's) The Speaker 1899-1906
*Max Hastings The Daily Telegraph 198695, The Evening Standard 1996-2001
*Alastair Hetherington (Corpus Christi) The Guardian 1956-75
*Ian Hislop (Magdalen) Private Eye 1986-
*Anthony Howard (Christ Church) New Statesman 1972-78, Deputy The Observer 1981-88
*Brian Inglis (Magdalen) The Spectator 1959-62
*Richard Ingrams (University) co-founder Private Eye 1961, Editor 1963-86, founder The Oldie 1992
*Simon Jenkins (St John's) Evening Standard 1976-78, The Times 1990-92
*Paul Johnson (Magdalen) New Statesman 1965-70
*Michael Kinsley (Magdalen) The New Republic 1979-81 & 1985-89, Slate 1996-2002, sometime of Harper's Magazine
*Andrew Knight (Balliol) The Economist 1974-86
*Richard Lambert (Balliol) Financial Times 1991-2001, Director General Confederation of British Industry 2006-
*Dominic Lawson (Christ Church) The Spectator 1990-95, The Sunday Telegraph 1995-2005
*John Micklethwait (Magdalen) The Economist 2006-
*Ferdinand Mount (Christ Church) Times Literary Supplement 1991-2003
*Rowan Pelling (St Hugh's) Erotic Review 1997-
*Peter Preston (St John's) The Guardian 1975-95
*William Rees-Mogg (Balliol) The Times 196781, Chairman Arts Council 198289
*C. P. Scott (Corpus Christi) The Manchester Guardian 1872-1929
*Edward Taylor Scott The Manchester Guardian 1929-32
*Paul Spike (St Catherine's) Punch 1997
*Richard Stengel (Christ Church) Managing Editor Time 2006-
*Peter Stothard (Trinity) The Times 1992-2002, Times Literary Supplement 2002-
*Andrew Sullivan (Magdalen) The New Republic 1991-96
*Hilary Wainwright Red Pepper
*John Walter (Trinity) The Times 180309
*Norman Webster (St John's) sometime Editor-in-chief The Globe and Mail, Montreal Gazette
*Jacob Weisberg (New College) sometime of Slate
*Andreas Whittam Smith (Keble) The Independent 86-93, Pres Brit Bd of Film Classification 97-02, First Church Estates Commr 02-
*Peregrine Worsthorne (Magdalen) The Sunday Telegraph 1986-89

*David Aaronovitch (Balliol)
*Tariq Ali (Exeter)
*Yasmin Alibhai-Brown (Linacre)
*Lynn Barber
*Catherine Bennett (Hertford)
*Adrian Berry, 4th Viscount Camrose (Christ Church)
*Anna Blundy
*Emma Brockes (St Edmund Hall)
*James Buchan (Magdalen)
*David Caute (Wadham, St Antony's, and All Souls) Literary Editor New Statesman 1979-80
*Hugh Chisholm (Christ Church) Editor of Encyclopædia Britannica (11th & 12th edns)
*Alexander Cockburn (Keble)
*Andrew Cockburn (Worcester)
*Claud Cockburn
*Patrick Cockburn (Trinity)
*Peter Conradi (Brasenose)
*George Dangerfield (Hertford) Literary Editor Vanity Fair 1933-35
*Nick Denton (University)
*E. J. Dionne
*Jonathan Freedland (Wadham)
*Thomas Friedman - American journalist, author and a three-time winner of the Pulitzer Prize
*Barton Gellman
*Alan Gibson (Queen's)
*Richard Gott
*John Harris (The Queen's)
*Julia Hartley-Brewer (Magdalen)
*Christopher Hitchens (Balliol)
*Anthony Holden
*Austen Ivereigh (St Antony's) Director of Public Affairs Archbishop of Westminster 2004-06
*Rachel Johnson (New College)
*Tobias Jones (Jesus)
*Oliver Kamm
*John Keay (Magdalen)
*Robert Kee (Magdalen)
*Lucy Kellaway (Lady Margaret Hall)
*Ludovic Kennedy (Christ Church)
*Martin Kettle (Baillol)
*Miles Kington (Trinity)
*Charles Krauthammer
*Nicholas D. Kristof (Magdalen)
*Christina Lamb (University)
*Osbert Lancaster (Lincoln)
*Nathaniel Lande Creative Director of Time, Director of Time World News Service & Time-Life
*Peter Millar (Magdalen)
*Sheridan Morley (Merton)
*Harry Mount
*Eustace Clare Grenville Murray (Hertford) diplomat 1851-68, founder Queen's Messenger 1869, co-founder World 1874
*James Owen (University)
*Melanie Phillips (St Anne's)
*Adam Raphael (Oriel)
*W. Andrew Robinson(University) Literary Editor Times Higher Education Supplement
*Miranda Sawyer (Pembroke)
*George Steer (Christ Church)
*William Shawcross (University)
*Jonny Steinberg
*Frances Stonor Saunders (St Anne's)
*David Stubbs
*Chris Taylor (Merton)
*Polly Toynbee (St Anne's)
*Tom Wintringham (Balliol) founder Daily Worker (1930) and Left Review (1934)
*John Woodcock (Trinity)
*Adrian Wooldridge (Balliol and All Souls)
*Hugo Young (Balliol)
*Toby Young (Brasenose)


*Brett Allen (Mansfield)
*Samira Ahmed (St Edmund Hall)
*Jackie Ashley (St Anne's)
*Zeinab Badawi (St Hilda's)
*Paul Barry
*Ben Brown (Keble)
*Fiona Bruce (Hertford)
*Michael Brunson
*Brenda Buttner (Balliol)
*Reeta Chakrabarti (Exeter)
*Charles Collingwood
*Alan Connor (Wadham)
*Giles Coren (Keble)
*Victoria Coren
*Adam Curtis
*Evan Davis (St John's)
*Robin Day (St Edmund Hall)
*David Dimbleby (Christ Church)
*Stephanie Flanders (Balliol)
*Matt Frei (St Peter's)
*Delia Gallagher (Blackfriars)
*Paul Gambaccini (University)
*Krishnan Guru-Murthy (Hertford)
*Guto Harri (The Queen's)
*Russell Harty (Exeter)
*Gordon Honeycombe (University)
*Simon Jack
*Sally Jones (St Hugh's)
*Natasha Kaplinsky (Hertford)
*Martha Kearney (St Anne's)
*Bridget Kendall (Lady Margaret Hall and St Antony's)
*Kenneth Kendall
*Victoria Lautman (Merton)
*Alvar Lidell (Exeter)
*Rachel Maddow (Lincoln)
*Howard Marshall (Oriel)
*Rex Murphy
*Rageh Omaar (Exeter)
*Robert Orchard
*Robert Peston (Balliol)
*Libby Purves (St Anne's)
*Esther Rantzen (Somerville)
*James Robbins (Christ Church)
*Nick Robinson (University)
*Robert Robinson (Exeter)
*Tim Sebastian
*John Sergeant (Magdalen)
*Peter Sissons (University)
*Howard K. Smith (Merton)
*Francine Stock (Jesus)
*Manisha Tank
*Louis Theroux (Magdalen)
*Alex Thomson (University)
*Vir Sanghvi (Brasenose)
*Rajdeep Sardesai (University)


Directors-General of the BBC
*Frederick Ogilvie 1938-42 (Jesus)
*Hugh Greene 1960-69 (Merton)
*Alasdair Milne 1982-87 (New College)
*Michael Checkland 1987-92 (Wadham)
*John Birt, Baron Birt 1992-2000 (St Catherine's)
*Mark Thompson 2004- (Merton)

*Jana Bennett Head of Science BBC 1994-2002, Director of Television 2002-06, Director of Vision 2006-
*Seymour Berry, 2nd Viscount Camrose (Christ Church) MP 1941-45, Dep Chmn Telegraph 39-87, Vice Chmn Amalgamated Press 42-59
*Michael Berry, Baron Hartwell (disclaimed 3rd Viscount Camrose) (Christ Church) Chmn & Ed-in-Chief Daily & Sunday Telegraph until 1986
*Calvin Cheng (Hertford) founder Looque International (2004)
*Arthur fforde (Trinity) Headmaster of Rugby 1948-57, Chairman of the BBC 1957-64
*Maurice Gorham (Balliol) Controller BBC Television Service 1946-47, Director Radio Éireann 1953-59
*George Howard, Baron Howard of Henderskelfe (Balliol) Chairman of the BBC 1980-83
*Walter Isaacson (Pembroke) Chairman & CEO of CNN 2001-3, President & CEO of Aspen Institute 2003-
*Roly Keating (Balliol) Controller of BBC Four 2002-04, Controller of BBC Two 2004-
*Rupert Murdoch (Worcester) founder, Chairman, and CEO News Corporation since 1980
*Cathy Rogers Creative Director RDF Media (Los Angeles) 2001-
*Howard Stringer (Merton) Chairman and CEO Sony Corporation 2005-

The Arts

tage and television

*Maria Aitken (St Anne's)
*Ewan Bailey (Keble)
*Kenneth Barnes (Christ Church)
*Kate Beckinsale (New College)
*Eve Best (Lincoln)
*Bunny Breckinridge
*Richard Burton (Exeter)
*Hugh Dancy (St. Peter's)
*Oliver Ford Davies (Merton)
*Michael Denison (Magdalen)
*George Devine
*Michael Flanders (Christ Church) Flanders and Swann
*Emilia Fox
*Val Gielgud
*Emily Hamilton
*Charles Hawtrey (Pembroke)
*George Procter Hawtrey (Pembroke)
*Francesca Hunt
*Felicity Jones (Wadham)
*Harry Lloyd (Christ Church)
*Jodhi May (Wadham)
*Emily Mortimer (Lincoln)
*Katherine Parkinson
*Rosamund Pike (Wadham)
*Hugh Quarshie (Christ Church)
*Diana Quick (Lady Margaret Hall)
*Wallace Shawn
*Waen Shepherd
*Donald Swann (Christ Church) Flanders and Swann
*Kenneth Tynan (Magdalen)
*Honeysuckle Weeks (Pembroke)
*Samuel West (Lady Margaret Hall)
*Simon Woods (Magdalen)
*Emily Woof
*Michael York (University)


*Rowan Atkinson (The Queen's)
*Angus Deayton (New College)
*Richard Herring
*Armando Iannucci (University)
*Emma Kennedy
*Terry Jones (St Edmund Hall)
*Stewart Lee
*Josie Long (Lady Margaret Hall)
*Dudley Moore (Magdalen)
*Michael Palin (Brasenose)
*Sally Phillips (New College)
*Mel Smith (New College)
*Laura Solon (Worcester)


*Lindsay Anderson
*Frank Cottrell Boyce (Keble)
*Donald Crisp Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor 1941
*Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck (New College) Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film 2007
*David Giles (Oriel)
*Hugh Grant (New College)
*Skylor Haagensen (Magdalen)
*Ken Loach (St Peter's)
*Terrence Malick (Magdalen)
*Laura Mulvey
*Dilys Powell (Somerville)
*John Schlesinger (Balliol) Academy Award for Best Director 1969
*Michael Winterbottom


*Richard Addinsell (Hertford)
*Thomas Ashwell (Cardinal College)
*Richard Baker (Exeter)
*Edward Bairstow (Balliol)
*Lennox Berkeley (Merton)
*George Butterworth (Trinity)
*Barney Childs (Oriel)
*Reginald de Koven (St John's)
*Paul Drayton (New College)
*John Farmer (Balliol)
*John Gardner (Exeter)
*Jane Glover (St Hugh's)
*William Henry Harris (New College and Christ Church)
*Basil Harwood (Trinity and Christ Church)
*Joseph Horovitz (New College)
*Michael John Hurd (Pembroke)
*Peter Lawlor (Brasenose)
*Kenneth Leighton (The Queen's and Worcester)
*Andrew Lloyd Webber (Magdalen)
*Herbert Murrill (Worcester) Prof of Composition Royal Academy of Music 1933-52, Hd of Music BBC 1950-52
*Tarik O'Regan (Pembroke & New College)
*Stephen Oliver (Worcester)
*Ian Parrott (New College)
*Charles Hubert Hastings Parry (Exeter)
*Rachel Portman (Worcester)
*Thomas Preston (Magdalen)
*Daniel Purcell (Magdalen)
*Bernard Rose (The Queen's and Magdalen)
*Erik Routley (Mansfield)
*Robert Saxton (Worcester)
*Tim Souster (New College)
*John Stainer (Magdalen)
*Robert Steadman (Keble)
*Robert Still (Trinity)
*John Taverner (Christ Church)
*William Walton (Christ Church)
*Peter Warlock (Christ Church)
*Thomas Weelkes (New College)
*Philip Wilby (Keble)
*Sandy Wilson (Oriel)

*Myfanwy Piper (St Hugh's)

*Thomas Beecham (Wadham)
*Harry Bicket (Christ Church)
*Adrian Boult (Christ Church)
*Harry Christophers (Magdalen)
*Nicholas Cleobury (Worcester)
*Laurence Cummings (Christ Church)
*Howard Goodall (Christ Church)
*Vernon Handley (Balliol)
*David Lloyd-Jones (Magdalen)
*Simon Rattle (St Anne's)
*Leopold Stokowski (The Queen's) Academy Honorary Award 1941
*John Whitfield (Keble)

*Thomas Armstrong (Keble and Christ Church) Principal Royal Academy of Music 1955-68
*Timothy Byram-Wigfield (Christ Church)
*John Clarke Whitfield
*E. T. Cook (The Queen's)
*Clive Driskill-Smith (Christ Church)
*George Job Elvey (New College)
*Jeremy Filsell (Keble)
*Philip Hayes (Magdalen)
*Christopher Herrick (Exeter)
*Max Kenworthy (Brasenose)
*John Keys (New College)
*Christopher Monckton (Magdalen)
*Sydney Nicholson (New College)
*Walter Parratt (Magdalen and Wadham)
*Simon Preston (Christ Church and Magdalen)


*Paul Crossley (Mansfield)
*Ian Pace (The Queen's)
*Jean Redcliffe-Maud (Somerville)
*Peter Seivewright
*Llŷr Williams (The Queen's)

*John Mark Ainsley (Magdalen)
*Robin Blaze (Magdalen)
*Ian Bostridge (Corpus Christi)
*James Bowman (New College)
*Susan Gritton
*Emma Kirkby (Somerville)
*Robert Lloyd (Keble)
*Peter Pears (Hertford)

*Barry Cooper (University)
*Edmund Fellowes (Oriel)
*Paul Hillier (Magdalen)
*Nicola LeFanu (St Hilda's)
*Robert Sherlaw Johnson (Worcester)
*Alan Tyson (All Souls)

*Tony Hall (Keble) Chief Executive Royal Opera House 2001-
*Nicholas Kenyon (Balliol) Contr Radio 3 1992-, Dir Proms 1996-2000, Contr Proms, Live Events & TV Classical Music 2000-
*Anthony Russell-Roberts (New College) Administrative Director of the Royal Ballet 1983-

*Graham Wiggins

*Bill Ashton
*Pat Fish (Patrick Huntrods) (Merton)
*Soweto Kinch (Hertford)

*Kris Kristofferson (Merton)

*June Tabor (St Hugh's)

Rock and pop
*Mira Aroyo
*Edwin Congreave
*Myles MacInnes (Brasenose)
*Yannis Philippakis
*Mike Ratledge (University)

Museum and Gallery Directors

*Robert Anderson (St John's) Director British Museum 19922002
*Thomas P. Campbell Director Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York 2009-
*Kenneth Clark, Baron Clark of Saltwood (Trinity) Director National Gallery 193346, Surveyor King's Pictures 193444, Chairman Arts Council 195360
*Henry Ellis (St John's) Principal Librarian British Museum 182756
*T. D. Kendrick (Oriel) Director and Principal Librarian British Museum 1950-59
*Frederic G. Kenyon (Magdalen) Director and Principal Librarian British Museum 1909-31
*Michael Levey (Exeter) Director National Gallery 197386
*Neil MacGregor (New College) Director National Gallery 19872002, Director British Museum 2002–, Chairman World Collections 2008-
*Edward Maunde Thompson (University) Principal Librarian British Museum 1888-98, Director and Principal Librarian 1898-1909
*Nicholas Penny (Balliol) Director National Gallery 2008-
*John Pope-Hennessy (Balliol) Director Victoria and Albert Museum 196773, Director and Principal Librarian British Museum 197476, Director 1976-79
*John Wolfenden, Baron Wolfenden (Magdalen) V-C Reading Univ 1950-63, Chmn Wolfenden Cttee 1954-57, Chmn Univ Grants Cttee 1963-68, Dir & Prin Lib Brit Mus 1969-74

Art and History of Art

*Peter Bales (Gloucester Hall)
*Wendy Beckett (St Anne's)
*Edward Burne-Jones (Exeter)
*W. G. Collingwood (University)
*Vincent Cronin (Trinity)
*Andrew Graham-Dixon
*Robert Hewison (Brasenose)
*Bevis Hillier (Magdalen)
*Kurt Jackson (St Peter's)
*Martin Kemp (Trinity)
*Tom Phillips (St Catherine's)
*George Rickey (Balliol)
*John Ruskin (Christ Church)
*Desmond Shawe-Taylor (University)


*Edward James (Christ Church)
*John Martin Robinson
*Sacheverell Sitwell (Balliol)
*Christopher Wren (Wadham and All Souls)

Academic disciplines

This includes:

* Law
* Theology and the Study of Religions
* Historians
* Classicists, Byzantinists, Archaeologists
* Modern Languages
* Philosophers
* Economists
* Geography
* Anthropology and ethnography
* Sociology
* Politics, political philosophy, and international relations
* Asian studies
* Mathematicians and statisticians
* Scientists
** Naturalists, botanists, and zoologists
** Medicine
** Psychologists, psychiatrists, and physiologists of the brain
** Chemists
** Physicists and astronomers
*** Astronomers Royal
*** Other physicists and astronomers
** Computers, electronics, and robotics
** Engineering and agriculture
** Geology
** Meteorology


ports people, explorers and adventurers

Business people

Chefs and wine experts

*Oz Clarke (Pembroke)
*Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall (St Peter's)
*Nigella Lawson (Lady Margaret Hall)
*Jancis Robinson (St Anne's)
*Rick Stein (New College)

Fictional Oxonians

ee also

*A select list of former Rhodes Scholars
*List of Vice-Chancellors of the University of Oxford
*List of Current Heads of Oxford University Colleges, Societies, and Halls

External links

* [ British Society for the History of Mathematics: Oxford individuals]
* [ Famous Oxford Alumni]
* [ Short Alumni List Published by Oxford]


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