List of fictional political parties

List of fictional political parties

This is a list of fictional political parties of various countries.

Confederate States of America

* Confederate Party - "The Guns of the South"
* Freedom Party - "American Empire", "Settling Accounts"
* Patriot Party - "The Guns of the South"
* Radical Liberal Party - "Great War", "American Empire"
*Redemption League - "American Empire"
* Whig Party - "Great War", "American Empire"


* UN Party - "Killer7"


* Lijst "de snor" (list "moustache") - "Kopspijkers"
* Tegenpartij - "Van Kooten and De Bie"

United Kingdom

* Adder Party - "Blackadder the Third"
*Albion First! - "Command & Conquer"
* Bald Brummies Against The Big-Footed Conspiracy Party - "Knowing Me, Knowing You... with Alan Partridge"
*Black Shorts - "Jeeves" series by P. G. Wodehouse
*Brotherhood of British Freemen ("Greenshirts") - "Point Counter Point" by Aldous Huxley
* Conservation Party - "The Beiderbecke Affair"
* Darkie Power Party - "Election Night Special" episode of "Monty Python's Flying Circus"
* English Socialist Party - "Nineteen Eighty-Four"
* Industrial Radical Party - "The Difference Engine" by William Gibson and Bruce Sterling.
* Keep Royalty White, Rat Catching And Safe Sewage Residents' Party - "Blackadder the Third"
* Monarchists - "TekWar"
* National Bocialist Party (led by Mr. Hilter) - from "Monty Python's Flying Circus"
* Norsefire - "V for Vendetta"
* Purple Alliance - "The Amazing Mrs Pritchard"
* Reform Party - "In the Red" and sequels by Mark Tavener
* Roundheads - "TekWar"
* Sensible Party - "Election Night Special" episode of "Monty Python's Flying Circus"
* Silly Party - "Election Night Special" episode of "Monty Python's Flying Circus"
*Silver Shirts - - "American Empire", "Settling Accounts"
* Slightly Silly Party - "Election Night Special" episode of "Monty Python's Flying Circus"
* Standing at the Back Dressed Stupidly and Looking Stupid Party (an 18th century prototype of the Monster Raving Loony Party whose policies include asparagus for breakfast, lunch and dinner and the abolition of slavery) - "from Blackadder the Third"
* Stone Dead Party - "Election Night Special" episode of "Monty Python's Flying Circus"
* Very Silly Party - "Election Night Special" episode of "Monty Python's Flying Circus"
* Wood Party - from "Monty Python's Flying Circus" Series 1, Episode 12 "The Naked Ant"

United States of America

* All-Night Party - Marvel Universe, but also a real-life frivolous political party
* America Now Party - "The Dead Zone"
* American Survivalist Labor Committee - "American Flagg"
* Anal Compulsive Party - "Dave Barry Slept Here: A Sort of History of the United States"
* Bipartisan Party - "Death Race 2000"
* Blacks' party - "O Presidente Negro"
* The Clean US Party (CUSP) - "Infinite Jest"
* The Church of Scientology - "Dave Barry Slept Here: A Sort of History of the United States"
* Common Ground Party (a parallel universe's Democratic Party) - "Mathematicians in Love"
*Corpo Party - "It Can't Happen Here" by Sinclair Lewis
* The Del-Vikings - "Dave Barry Slept Here: A Sort of History of the United States"
* The Eternal Man Party - "The World's Greatest Sinner"
* Gallatinist Party - "The Probability Broach" by L. Neil Smith
* Gay Republican Party - "The Simpsons", technically the Log Cabin Republicans
* Grange Party - "The Iron Heel" by Jack London (fictional party loosely based on the real Grange movement)
* Haiku Party - "Dave Barry Hits Below the Beltway"
* Heritagist Party (a parallel universe's Republican Party) - "Mathematicians in Love"
* The Home Boys - "Dave Barry Slept Here: A Sort of History of the United States"
* The Illinois National Socialist White Persons Party - "The Blues Brothers"
*Independence Party - "The Two Georges" by Harry Turtledove and Richard Dreyfuss
* Jeffersonian Party - "It Can't Happen Here" by Sinclair Lewis and "Warrior Class" by Dale Brown
* Libertarian Immortalist - "Schrödinger's Cat trilogy"
* Liberty Party (a far more extreme version of the Republicans) - "Coyote" by Allen Steele
* Meadow Party - "Bloom County"
* Men's Party - "O Presidente Negro"
* Party of Girls - Barbie
* People's Ecology Party - "Schrödinger's Cat trilogy"
* Prehistoric Zucchini Party - "Dave Barry Hits Below the Beltway"
* Propertarian Party - "The Probability Broach" by L. Neil Smith
* Ralph Nader Party - "Dave Barry Hits Below the Beltway"
* The Replacement Party - "Nashville (1975 film)"
* The Republicrats - "Guide To Trojakistan"
* The Sharks - "Dave Barry Slept Here: A Sort of History of the United States"
* Survivalist Party - "Ecotopia" by Ernest Callenbach
*Taschist Party - Ruling party of Borduria in the "Tintin" comics
* Tomorrow Party - DC Comics (composed at least partially by Democrats)
* United States First Party - "Tom Clancy's Op-Center" by Jeff Rovin
* Wing Nut Party - "Dave Barry Hits Below the Beltway"
* Women's Party - "O Presidente Negro"

Other/unknown countries

*Animalism - in George Orwell's "Animal Farm"
* Death-Worship - in Eastasia, George Orwell's "Nineteen Eighty-Four"
*Fist of Allah Party - in Jordan, from "Command & Conquer"
* Government Democratic Party - "First President of Japan"
* "Monty Python's Life of Brian"
** The Judean People's Front
** The People's Front of Judea
** The Popular Front
* Ingsoc - in Oceania, George Orwell's "Nineteen Eighty-Four"
*Nazty Party - Ruling party of Moronica in "You Nazty Spy!" and "I'll Never Heil Again"
* Neo-Bolshevism - in Eurasia, George Orwell's "Nineteen Eighty-Four"
* "South Park
** Allied Atheist Alliance
** United Allied Atheists
** Unified Atheist League

Foundation series

*Actionist Party - Made by opponents of Salvor Hardin
*Democratic Underground Party - Resistance movement against first the Indbur dynasty, and then the Mule


List of political parties of the Earthican Government:
* Antisocialists
* Brainslug Party
* Bull Space Moose Party
* Fingerlicans (pun on Republicans)
* Green Party (members are literally green)
* National Raygun Association (pun on the National Rifle Association, though not actually a political party)
* One Cell, One Vote
* Rainbow Whigs Party
* Reform Party (actually a real party)
* Tastycrats (pun on Democrats)
* Voter Apathy Party
* Dudes For The Legalation Of Hemp


*Aprilists - People's Republic of Haven
*Centrist Party - Star Kingdom of Manticore
*Citizen Rights Party - People's Republic of Haven
*Citizen Rights Union - People's Republic of Haven
*Conservative Association - Star Kingdom of Manticore
*Crown Loyalists - Star Kingdom of Manticore
*Legislaturists - Republic of Haven
*Liberal Party - Star Kingdom of Manticore
*New Men Party - Star Kingdom of Manticore
*Progressive Party - Star Kingdom of Manticore

Star Wars Expanded Universe

*Centerpoint Party - Corellia
*Human League - Corellia
*Loyalists - Galactic Republic
*Rationalist Party - New Republic
*Rights of Sentience Party - New Republic
*Separatists - Galactic Republic

ee also

* List of fictional politicians
* List of fictional U.S. Presidents
* List of fictional U.S. Vice Presidents
* List of fictional U.S. Presidential candidates
* List of fictional British monarchs
* List of fictional British Prime Ministers
* List of frivolous political parties

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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