List of first appearances in Marvel Comics publications

List of first appearances in Marvel Comics publications

This is a list of first appearances of artifacts, characters, dimensions, locations, species, and teams in publications by Marvel Comics.

*List of first appearances: compactTOC
*Related articles
*External links

List of first appearances


*The Aakon in "Captain Marvel" #8, July 1969
*The A'Askvarii in "Black Goliath" #5, November 1976
*Abomination in "Tales to Astonish" #90, April 1967
*Absorbing Man in "Journey into Mystery" #114, March 1965
*The Acanti in "Uncanny X-Men" #156, April 1982
*The Achernonians in "Thor" "Annual" #6, 1977
*The A-Chiltarians in "Tales to Astonish" #46, August 1963
*Adamantium in "Avengers" #66, July 1969
*Adam Warlock as "Him" in "Fantastic Four" #66, September 1967, as Adam Warlock in Marvel Premiere # 1, April 1972
*AIM (Advanced Idea Mechanics) in "Strange Tales" #146, July 1966
*Agamotto (in reference only) in "Strange Tales" #115, December 1963
*Aginar in "Eternals" (Vol. 1) #11, May 1977
*Agon in "Thor" #148, January 1968
*Aguila in "Power Man and Iron Fist" #58, August 1979
*Ahqlau in "Eternals" (Vol. 2) #2, November 1985
*Aireo in "Fantastic Four" #47, February 1966
*Air-Walker in "Fantastic Four (Marvel Comics)" #120, March 1972
*Ajak in Eternals v1 # 2, August 1976
*Alfheim in "Thor" #277, November 1978
*Allatou in Marvel Spotlight # 18, October 1974
*The Alpha Centaurians in "Sub-Mariner" # 17, September 1969
*Alpha Flight in Uncanny X-Men # 121, April 1979
*Alpha Primitives in Fantastic Four # 47, February 1966
*American Eagle in "Marvel Two-in-One Annual" #6, October 1981
*Amphibian in Avengers # 145, March 1976
*Amphibius in "X-Men" (Vol. 1) #62
*Anaconda in Marvel Two-in-One # 64, June 1980
*Ancient One in "Strange Tales" #110, July 1963
*Andromeda in Defenders # 143, May 1985
*Angar the Screamer in Daredevil # 100, June 1973
*Angel in "X-Men" (Vol. 1) #1, September 1963
*The Ani-Men in Daredevil # 10, October 1965
*Annalee in Power Pack # 12, July 1985
*Annihilus in "Fantastic Four Annual" #6, November 1968
*Ant-Man (Scott Lang) in Marvel Premiere # 47, April 1979
*Ape in Power Pack # 12, July 1985
*Ape-Man in Daredevil # 10, October 1965
*Ape-X in Squadron Supreme # 5, January 1986
* Apocalypse in "X-Factor" #6, June 1986
*Aquarian (Wundarr) in Adventure into Fear # 17, October 1973
**Wundarr as Aquarian: "Marvel Two-in-One" #58
*Aquarius in Avengers # 72, January 1970
*Arabian Knight in "Incredible Hulk" #257, March 1981
*Aragorn in Avengers # 48, January 1968
*Arcade in "Marvel Team-Up" #65, January 1978
*Arcanna in Defenders # 112, October 1982
* Archangel in "X-Factor" #24
* Arclight in "Uncanny X-Men" #210, October 1986
*The Arcturans in "Adventure into Fear" # 23, August 1974
*Ares (modern) in "Thor" #129, June 1966
*Aries (comics) in Avengers # 72, January 1970
*Arishem the Judge in Eternals v1 # 2, August 1976
*Arkon in Avengers # 75, April 1970
*Arkus in Sub-Mariner # 63, July 1973
*Arlok in What If # 27, July 1981
*Armadillo in Captain America # 308, August 1985
*Arnim Zola in Captain America # 208, April 1977
*Asgard in "Journey into Mystery" #85, October 1962
*Asmodeus I in Fantastic Four # 117, December 1971
*Asmodeus in Ghost Rider v2 # 53, February 1981
*Asp in Captain America # 309, September 1985
*Asteroid M in "X-Men" (Vol. 1) #5, June 1964
*Astra in Uncanny X-Men # 107, October 1977
*Astra II in Rom # 25, December 1981
*The Astrans in "Incredible Hulk" # 6, March 1963
*Astron in What If # 27, July 1981
*Atlantis in Fantastic Four Annual # 1, 1963
*Atra in Marvel Team-Up Annual # 5, 1982
*Attilan in "Fantastic Four" #47, February 1966
*Attuma in "Fantastic Four" #33, December 1964
*Aurora in Uncanny X-Men # 120, April 1979
*The Autocrons in "Machine Man" # 3, June 1978
*Avalanche in Uncanny X-Men # 141, January 1981
*The Avengers in "Avengers" #1, September 1963
*Avius in Fantastic Four # 129, December 1972
*Awesome Android in Fantastic Four # 15, June 1963
*The Axi-Tun in "Invaders" # 1, August 1975


*Balder in "Journey into Mystery" #85
*Banshee in "X-Men" (Vol. 1) #28
*Baron Mordo in "Strange Tales" #111
*Basilisk in "Marvel Team-Up" #16
*Baxter Building in "Fantastic Four" #3 (First named in #6)
*Beast in "X-Men" (Vol. 1) #1
**Beast (in furry form) in "Amazing Adventures" (1970 Series) #11
**Dark Beast in ""
*Ben Urich in "Daredevil" #153
*Beta Ray Bill in "Thor" #337
*Beyonder in "Secret Wars" #1
* Bishop in "Uncanny X-Men" #282
*Black Bolt in "Fantastic Four" #45
*Black Cat in "Amazing Spider-Man" #194 July, 1979
*Blackheart in "Daredevil" (vol. 1) #270
*Black Knight
**I: in "Black Knight Comics" #1
**II: in "Tales to Astonish" #52
*Black Mamba in "Marvel Two-in-One" #64
*Black Panther in "Fantastic Four" #52
*Black Talon (original) in "Strange Tales" #173
*Black Widow
**I: "Mystic Comics" #4
**II: "Tales of Suspense" #52
**III: "Inhumans" (1998 Series) #5
*Blade in "Tomb of Dracula" #10
*Blastaar in "Fantastic Four" #62
*Blink in ""
**I: (as Clarice Ferguson) in "Uncanny X-Men" #317
**I: (as Jack Frost) in "Tales of Suspense" #45
**II: in "Iron Man" #223
*Blob in "X-Men" (Vol. 1) #3
*Blood Brothers in "Iron Man" #55
*Ulysses Bloodstone in "Marvel Presents" #1
*Elsa Bloodstone in "Bloodstone" #1
*Boomerang in "Tales to Astonish" #81
*Brother Voodoo in "Strange Tales" #169
*Bullseye in "Daredevil" #131


* Cable in "New Mutants" #87
*Callisto in "Uncanny X-Men" # 169
*Cannonball in "Marvel Graphic Novel" # 4
*Captain America in "Captain America Comics" #1
*Captain Britain (in America) in "Marvel Team-Up" #65
*Captain Marvel in "Marvel Super-Heroes" #12
*Captain Universe in "Micronauts" #8
* Carnage in "Amazing Spider-Man" #361
*Cecilia Reyes in " X-Men" (Vol. 2) #65
*The Celestials in "Eternals" (Vol. 1) #1
*Cerebro in "X-Men" (Vol. 1) #7
*Chamber in "Generation X" #1
*Chameleon in Amazing Spider-Man # 1
*Champion of the Universe in "Marvel Two-in-One Annual" #7
*The Circus Of Crime in "Incredible Hulk" #3
*Clea in "Strange Tales" #126 (name is only revealed in "Strange Tales" #146)
*Cletus Kasady in "Amazing Spider-Man" #345
*Cloak in "Spectacular Spider-Man" #64
*Cobra in "Journey into Mystery" #98
*Colleen Wing in "Marvel Premiere" #19
*Colossus in "Giant-Size X-Men" #1
*Constrictor in "Incredible Hulk" #212
*Contessa Valentina Allegra de la Fontaine in "Strange Tales" #
*Count Nefaria in "Avengers" (Vol. 1) #13
*Crossfire in "Marvel Two-in-One" #52
*Crusader in "Thor" #330
*Crystal in "Fantastic Four" #45
*Cyclops in "X-Men" (Vol. 1) #1


*Dagger in "Spectacular Spider-Man" #64
*Damage Control in "Marvel Comics Presents" #19
*Daredevil in "Daredevil" #1
*Darkhawk in "Darkhawk" #1
*Dazzler in "Uncanny X-Men" # 130, February 1980
*Deadpool in "New Mutants" #98
**Destiny (Paul Destine) (behind the scenes) "Tales to Astonish" #101; (actual) "Iron Man and Sub-Mariner" #1 (April 1968)
**Destiny (Marvel Comics personification) in "Marvel Two-in-One" #6 (November 1974)
**Destiny (Irene Adler) in "Uncanny X-Men" #141 (Jan 1981)
*Destroyer (Thor character) in "Journey into Mystery" #118
*Destroyer (Golden Age hero) in "Mystic Comics" #6, October 1941
*Deviants in "Eternals" (1976 series) #1
*Diablo in "Fantastic Four" #30
*Doc Samson in "Incredible Hulk" #141
*Doctor Doom in "Fantastic Four" #5
*Doctor Octopus"' in Amazing Spider-Man #3
*Doctor Strange in "Strange Tales" #110
*Domino in "New Mutants" #98
*Dormammu in "Strange Tales" #126
*Dragon Man in "Fantastic Four" #35
*Drax the Destroyer in "Iron Man" #55
*Dreadnought in "Strange Tales" #154
*D'Spayre in "Marvel Team-Up" #68


*Earth Force in "Thor" #395
* Echo in " Daredevil" (Vol. 2) #9
*Eddie Brock (Venom) in "Amazing Spider-Man" #298
*Edwin Jarvis in "Tales of Suspense" #59
**I: in "Strange Tales" #112
**II: in "Power Man and Iron Fist" #92
*Ego in "Thor" #132
*Electro in "Amazing Spider-Man" #9
*Elektra in "Daredevil" #168
*Enchantress in "Journey into Mystery" #103
*The Eternals in "Eternals" (1976 Series) #1
*Eternity in "Strange Tales" (Vol. 1) #138


*Falcon in "Captain America" #117
*Fandral in "Journey into Mystery" #119
*Fantasti-Car in "Fantastic Four" #3
*Fantastic Four in "Fantastic Four" #1
*Fin Fang Foom in "Strange Tales" #89
*Firebird in "Incredible Hulk" #265
*Firelord in "Thor" #225
*Forgotten One in "Eternals" (Vol. 1) #13
*Franklin Richards in "Fantastic Four" "Annual" #6


*Gaea in "Doctor Strange" #6
*Galactus in "Fantastic Four" #48
*Gambit in "Uncanny X-Men" #266
*Gardener in "Marvel Team-Up" #55
*Gargantus in "Tales of Suspense" #40
*Geirrodur in "Journey into Mystery" #101
*Ghaur in "Eternals" (1985 series) #2
*Ghost Rider
** I: (as John "Johnny" Blaze) in "Marvel Spotlight" (Vol. 1) #5
** II: (as Danny Ketch) in "Ghost Rider" (Vol. 2) #1
*Glob in "Incredible Hulk" #121
*Glorian in "Incredible Hulk" #191
*Gorgon in "Fantastic Four" #44
*Gravity in "Gravity" #1
*Green Goblin
** I: (as Norman Osborn II) in "The Amazing Spider-Man" #14
** II: (as Harold (Harry) Osborn) in "The Amazing Spider-Man" #136
*Gremlin in "Incredible Hulk" #187
*Grey Gargoyle in "Journey into Mystery" #107
*Gwen Stacy in "Amazing Spider-Man" #31


*Hades (see Pluto)
*Hawkeye in "Tales of Suspense" #57
*Heimdall in "Journey into Mystery" #85
*Hel in "Thor" #176
*Hela in "Journey into Mystery" #102
*Heliopolis in "Thor" #240
*Hellstorm (as Daimon Hellstrom) in "Ghost Rider" (1971 series) #2
*Henry Pym in "Tales to Astonish" #27 (January 1962)
**(as Ant-Man) in "Tales to Astonish" #35 (September 1962)
**(as Giant-Man) in "Tales to Astonish" #49 (November 1963)
*Her in "Marvel Two-in-One" #61
*Hercules in "Journey into Mystery Annual" #1
*High Evolutionary in "Thor" #134
*Hobgoblin in "Amazing Spider-Man" #238
*Hoggoth (see Vishanti) in "Strange Tales" #116
*Hogun in "Journey into Mystery" #119
*Howard the Duck in "Adventure into Fear" #19
*Hulk in "Incredible Hulk" (Vol. 1) #1
*Human Cannonball in "Incredible Hulk" # 3
*Human Torch
** I: Jim Hammond in "Marvel Comics" #1 (October 1939)
*** Silver Age reappearance in "Fantastic Four Annual" #4 (1966)
** II: Johnny Storm in "Fantastic Four" #1 (November 1961)
*HYDRA in "Strange Tales" #135
*Hydro-Man in "Amazing Spider-Man" #212


*Iceman in "X-Men" (Vol. 1) #1
*Ikaris in "Eternals" (1976 series) #1
*Impossible Man in "Fantastic Four" #11
*Impossible Woman in "Marvel Two-in-One" #60
*Impulse in New Warriors (Vol. 1) #4
*In-Betweener in "Warlock" #10
*Inhumans in "Fantastic Four" #45
*Interloper in "Defenders" #147
*Invisible Woman in "Fantastic Four" #1
*Iron Fist in "Marvel Premiere" #15
*Iron Man in "Tales of Suspense" #39
*Isis in Thor #240
*It the Living Colossus in "Tales of Suspense" #14


*Jigsaw in "Amazing Spider-Man" #161
*Joseph in "Uncanny X-Men" #327
*Jotunheim in "Journey into Mystery" #114
* Jubilee in "Uncanny X-Men" #244
*Juggernaut in "X-Men" (Vol. 1) #12


*Karma in "Marvel Team-Up" #100
*Karnak in "Fantastic Four" #45
*Karnilla in "Journey into Mystery" #107
*Ka-Zar in "X-Men" (Vol. 1) #10
*Killer Shrike in "Rampaging Hulk" #1
*Kingpin in "Amazing Spider-Man" #50
*Kitty Pryde in "Uncanny X-Men" #129
*Klaw in "Fantastic Four" #53
*Kraven the Hunter in "Amazing Spider-Man" #15
*Kro in "Eternals" (1976 Series) #1
*Kurse in "Thor" #347


*Lady Deathstrike in "Alpha Flight" #33
*The Lava Men in "Journey into Mystery" #97
*Leader in "Tales to Astonish" #62
*Leap-Frog in "Daredevil" #25
*Living Tribunal in "Strange Tales" #157
*Lockjaw in "Fantastic Four" #45
*Loki in "Journey into Mystery" #85
*Longshot in "Longshot" #1
*Lord Chaos in "Marvel Two-in-One" #2
*Lorelei in "Thor" #337
*Lucifer in "X-Men" (Vol. 1) #9
*Luna in "Fantastic Four" #240


*M in "Uncanny X-Men" #316
*Maa-Gor in "X-Men" (Vol. 1) #10
*MACH IV (as Beetle) in "Strange Tales" #123
*Mad-Dog (as Robert "Buzz" Baxter) in "Amazing Adventures" (1970 series) #13
*Madame Masque
**(as Big M) in "Tales of Suspense" #97
**(as Whitney Frost) in "Tales of Suspense" #98
*Mad Thinker in "Fantastic Four" #15
*Maggott in "Uncanny X-Men" #345
*Magik in "Giant-Size X-Men" #1
*Magma in New Mutants #8
*Magneto in "X-Men" (Vol. 1) #1
*Makkari in "Eternals" (1976 series) #5
*Malevolence "Mephisto's Daughter" Guardians of the Galaxy #7
*Man-Wolf in Amazing Spider-Man #124
*Mandarin in "Tales of Suspense" #50
*Marlene Alraune in "Incredible Hulk" #11
*Marvel Boy (Noh-Varr) in "Marvel Boy" #1
*Marvel Girl (Jean Grey) in "X-Men" (Vol. 1) #1
*Marvel Man (Quasar) in "Captain America" #217
*Mary Jane Watson in "Amazing Spider-Man" #25
*Mastermind in "X-Men" (Vol. 1) #4
*Master Mold in "X-Men" (Vol. 1) #15
*Master Order in "Marvel Two-in-One" #2
*Maximus in "Fantastic Four" #47
*Medusa in "Fantastic Four" #36
*Meltdown in "Secret Wars II" #5
*Mentallo in "Strange Tales" #141
**I: A'lars in "Iron Man" #55
**II: android in "X-Men" #107
**I: "Black Knight Comics" #1, (modern) "Strange Tales" #134
**II: "Journey into Mystery" #96
**III: "Captain Britain" #1, (American) "Marvel Team-Up" #65
*The Mindless Ones in "Strange Tales" #127
*Mimic in "X-Men" (Vol. 1) #19
*Mister Hyde in "Journey into Mystery" #99
*Mister Sinister in "Uncanny X-Men" #221
*Misty Knight in "Marvel Team-Up" #1, named in "Marvel Premiere" #20
*Mole Man in "Fantastic Four" #1
*Molten Man in Amazing Spider-Man #28
*Moon Knight in Werewolf by Night #32
**I: -- () 23:37, 4 October 2008 (UTC)? in Capt. America #192
**II: (as Moonstone) in "Incredible Hulk" #228
**II: (as Meteorite) in "Incredible Hulk" #449
*Morbius in Amazing Spiderman #101
*Ms. Marvel in "Marvel Super-Heroes" #13
*Mutant 2099 in "Mutant 2099" One-shot
*Mysterio in "Amazing Spider-Man" #13
**I: (as Raven Darkholme) in "Ms Marvel" #16
**II: (as Mystique) in "Ms Marvel" #18


*Namor the Sub-Mariner
**(original creation, for unpublished comic) "Motion Picture Funnies Weekly" (1939)
**(Golden Age of comic books|Golden Age) "Marvel Comics" #1 (Oct. 1939)
**(modern) in "Fantastic Four" #4
*Negative Zone in "Fantastic Four" #?
*Nightcrawler in "Giant-Size X-Men" #1
*Nightmare in "Strange Tales" #110
*Nitro in Captain Marvel #34
**I:Richard Rider-in Nova #1


*Odin in Journey into Mystery #86
*Olympus in "Journey into Mystery Annual" #1
*Omega Red in "X-Men" (Vol. 2) #4
*Orion in New Gods #1
*Oshtur (reference only) in "Strange Tales" #120
*Overmind in "Fantastic Four" #113
*Owl in "Daredevil" #3


*Penance in "Generation X" #1
*Phaeder in "Marvel Two-in-One" #71
*Phantom Rider
**I: Carter Slade in "Ghost Rider" (1967 series) #1
**II: Jamie Jacobs in "Western Gunfighters" #7
**III: Marshall Lincoln Slade in "Western Gunfighters" #7
**IV: Reno Jones in ?
**V: Hamilton Slade in "Ghost Rider" #56 (May 1981)
** I: (as Jean Grey) in "X-Men" (Vol. 1) #101
** II: (as Rachel Summers) in "Uncanny X-Men" #141 (Phoenix II)
*Pip the Troll in "Strange Tales" #179
*Plantman in "Strange Tales" #113
*Pluto in "Thor" #127
*Polaris in "X-Men" (Vol. 1) #49
*Porcupine in "Tales to Astonish" #48
*Professor Power in "Marvel Team-Up" #117
*Professor Warren in "Amazing Spider-Man" #31
*Professor X in "X-Men" (Vol. 1) #1
*Prowler in "Amazing Spider-Man" #78
*Psycho Man in "Fantastic Four" "King-Sized Special" #6
*Psylocke in "Captain Britain vol. 1 #8"
*Puma in "Amazing Spider-Man" #256
*Punisher in "Amazing Spider-Man" #129
*Puppet Master in "Fantastic Four" #8


*Quasar in "Incredible Hulk" #234
*Quasimodo in "Fantastic Four" Annual #4
*Quicksilver in "X-Men" (Vol. 1) #4


*Radioactive Man in "Journey into Mystery" #93
*Ransak the Reject in "Eternals" (1976 series) #8
* Random in " X-Factor" #88
*Red Ghost in "Fantastic Four" #13
*Red Guardian in "Avengers" #44
*Red Skull in " Captain America" #7
*Rhino in "Amazing Spider-Man" #41
*The Rigellians in "Thor" #129
*Rogue in "Avengers" "Annual" #10
* Ronin in "New Avengers" #11 (Identity Revealed: Ronin is Echo in "New Avengers" #13)
*Rose in "Amazing Spider-Man" #83

*Sabretooth in "Iron Fist" #14
*Sandman in "Amazing Spider-Man" #4
*Satana in "Vampire Tales" #2
**Scarecrow (Ebenezer Laughton) in "Tales of Suspense" #51 (March 1964)
**Scarecrow (Straw Man) in "Dead of Night" #11 (August 1975)
*Scarlet Witch in "X-Men" (Vol. 1) #4
*Scorpion in "Amazing Spider-Man" #20
*Sebastian Shaw in "Uncanny X-Men" #129
*The Sentinels in "X-Men" (Vol. 1) #14
*Sentry in "The Sentry" (Vol. 1) #1
*Serpent Crown (as Helmet of Power) in "Tales to Astonish" #101
*Sersi in "Eternals" (1976 Series) #3
*Seth in "Thor" #240
*She-Hulk in "Savage She-Hulk" #1
* Shiva in " Wolverine" (Vol. 2) #50
*Shuma-Gorath in "Marvel Premiere" #5
*Sif in "Journey into Mystery" #102
*Silver Sable in "Amazing Spider-Man" #265
*Silver Surfer in "Fantastic Four" #48
*Sin in "Captain America" #290
*The Skrulls in "Fantastic Four" #2
*Sleepwalker in "Sleepwalker" #1
**(as Screaming Mimi) in "Marvel Two-in-One" #54
**(as Songbird) in "Incredible Hulk" #449
*Spider-Girl in "|What If...?" #105
*Spider-Man in "Amazing Fantasy" #15
**I: Jessica Drew in "Marvel Spotlight" (1971 series) #32
**II: Julia Carpenter in "Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars" #6
**III: Mattie Franklin in "Spectacular Spider-Man" #263
**I: in "Iron Man" #35
**II: in "Iron Man" #254
*Starfox (Eros) in "Iron Man" #55
*Stark Industries in "Tales of Suspense" #40
*Stilt-Man in "Daredevil" #8
*Storm in "Giant-Size X-Men" #1
*Stranger in "X-Men" (Vol. 1) #11
*Sunfire in "X-Men" (Vol. 1) #64
*Super-Adaptoid in "Tales of Suspense" #82
*Super-Skrull in "Fantastic Four" #18
*Surtur in "Journey into Mystery" #97


*Major/Colonel Glenn Talbot in "Tales to Astonish" #61
*Tarantula in Amazing Spider-Man #134
*Taskmaster in "Avengers" #195
*Techno (as Fixer) in "Strange Tales" #141
*Thanos in "Iron Man" #55
*Thena in "Eternals" (1976 series) #5
*Thor in "Journey into Mystery" #83
*Thor Girl in "Thor" vol. 2 #22, (as Thor Girl) in "Thor" vol. 2 #33
*Thunderbird in "Giant-Size X-Men" #1
*Thunderbolts in "Incredible Hulk" #449
**I: ? in "Marvel Two-in-One" #54
**II: ? in ?
*Toad in "X-Men" (Vol. 1) #4
*Transformers in "The Transformers" #1
*Triton in "Fantastic Four" #45
*Typhoid Mary in Daredevil #254
*Tyr in "Journey into Mystery" #85


*Umar in "Strange Tales" #150
*Unus the Untouchable in "X-Men" (Vol. 1) #8
*Uni-Mind in "Eternals" (1976 series) #12
*Unicorn in "Tales of Suspense" #56
*Union Jack
** I:Union Jack I-Invaders #7
** II:Union Jack II-Invaders #20
** III:Union Jack III-Captain America #254
*Ursa Major in "Incredible Hulk" #258
*U.S. Agent in Captain America #354


*Vanisher in "X-Men" (Vol. 1) #2
* Venom in "Amazing Spider-Man" #300
*Vindicator in "Uncanny X-Men" #120
*The Vishanti in "Strange Tales" #115
*Vision in "Avengers" #57
*Volstagg in "Journey into Mystery" #119
*Vulture in "Amazing Spider-Man" #2


*Wasp in "Tales to Astonish" #44
*Wakanda in "Fantastic Four" #52
*War Machine in "Iron Man" #282
*The Watchers in "Fantastic Four" #13
*Werewolf by Night in "Marvel Spotlight" (1971 series) #2
*Whirlwind (as Human Top) in "Tales to Astonish" #50
*White Queen (Emma Frost) in "Uncanny X-Men" #129
*Willie Lumpkin in "Fantastic Four" #11
*Wolverine in "Incredible Hulk" #181
*Wong in "Strange Tales" #110, named in "Strange Tales" #127
**I: in "Marvel Team-Up" #48
**II: in "Wolverine" (Vol. 2) #48
*Wrecker in "Thor" #148
**I: in "Thor" #134
**II: in "Tales to Astonish" #94


*X-51, Machine Man in "" #8 (July 1977)
*X-23 in Nyx #3, 2004
*X-Man (Nate Grey) in ""
*The X-Men in "X-Men" (Vol. 1) #1
*Xemnu the Titan in Journey into Mystery #62


*The Yancy Street Gang in "Fantastic Four" #11
*Yellow Claw
**(in Marvel predecessor Atlas Comics) "Yellow Claw" #1
**(as telepathic "voice") in "Strange Tales" #160
**(as robot) in "Strange Tales" #161
*Yukio in "Wolverine" (Vol. 1) #2


*Zabu in "X-Men" (Vol. 1) #10
*Zarrko, the Tomorrow Man, in "Journey into Mystery" #86
*Zeus in "Journey into Mystery Annual" #1
*Zombie in "Tales of the Zombie" #1
*Zuras in "Eternals" (1976 series) #5
*Zzzax in "Incredible Hulk" #166

Ultimate imprint

*Spider-Man in Ultimate Spider-Man #1
*Hulk in Ultimate Marvel Team-Up #2
*Cyclops in Ultimate X-Men #1
*Professor X in Ultimate X-Men #1
*Jean Grey in Ultimate X-Men #1
*Beast in Ultimate X-Men #1
*Iceman in Ultimate X-Men #1
*Storm in Ultimate X-Men #1
*Colossis in Ultimate X-Men #1
*Iron Man in Ultimate Marvel-Team-Up #4
*Punisher in Ultimate Marvel-Team-Up #6
*Daredevil in Ultimate Marvel-Team-Up #7
*Man-Thing in Ultimate Marvel-Team-Up #8
*Blade in Ultimate Spider-Man Super Special
*Captain America in The Ultimates #1
*Falcon in Ultimate Nightmare #1
*Captain Marvel in Ultimate Secret #1

ee also

*List of Marvel Comics publications
*List of origins in Marvel Comics publications
*List of final appearances in Marvel Comics publications
*Marvel Comics
*Marvel Universe

External links

* [ Appendix to the Handbook of the Marvel Universe] features only obscure characters
* [ Marvel Chronology Project]
* [ Marvel Comics official site]
* [ Marvel Directory]
* [ Marvel Guide: An Unofficial Handbook of the Marvel Universe]
* [ First Appearance Database]

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  • List of Marvel Comics publications — Marvel Comics is an American comic book company. These are some of the publications it has released in its history, while this is a complete list of published titles. See also Timely Comics and Atlas Comics, Marvel s 1940s and 1950s precursors,… …   Wikipedia

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